Source code for paraview.algorithms.openpmd

# Authors: Berk Geveci, Axel Huebl, Utkarsh Ayachit

from vtkmodules.util.vtkAlgorithm import VTKPythonAlgorithmBase

from .. import print_error

    import numpy as np
    import openpmd_api as io

    _has_openpmd = True
except ImportError as ie:
        "Missing required Python modules/packages. Algorithms in this module may "
        "not work as expected! \n {0}".format(ie)
    _has_openpmd = False

[docs]def createModifiedCallback(anobject): import weakref weakref_obj = weakref.ref(anobject) anobject = None def _markmodified(*args, **kwars): o = weakref_obj() if o is not None: o.Modified() return _markmodified
[docs]class openPMDReader(VTKPythonAlgorithmBase): """A reader that reads openPMD format. openPMD is a meta-data format implemented in ADIOS1/2, HDF5, JSON and other hierarchical data formats. References: - - This class implements ... TODO ... VTKPythonAlgorithmBase In detail, we implement openPMD reading via the openPMD-api Python bindings. References: - - """ def __init__(self): """In the constructor, we initialize internal variables""" VTKPythonAlgorithmBase.__init__( self, nInputPorts=0, nOutputPorts=2, outputType="vtkPartitionedDataSet" ) # path to ".pmd" one-line text file that holds the file name pattern for _series open # opening pattern. Reference on syntax in the file: # - # - # - self._filename = None self._series = None # openPMD-api's data series holder self._timemap = {} # maps time steps (int) in _series to physical time (float) self._timevalues = None # the float values in _timemap (TODO: deduplicate, get on the fly from _timemap) # instructs ParaView what data sources to expect # this registers observers and callbacks # in the UI: users can (un)select some groups in the data: # fields, particle species or individual particle properties from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import vtkDataArraySelection # 1D, 2D or 3D arrays in openPMD "meshes" aka "fields" # openPMD fields are regular grids self._arrayselection = vtkDataArraySelection() self._arrayselection.AddObserver("ModifiedEvent", createModifiedCallback(self)) # openPMD species are groups of particle arrays self._speciesselection = vtkDataArraySelection() self._speciesselection.AddObserver( "ModifiedEvent", createModifiedCallback(self) ) # each openPMD particle species is a struct (list) of arrays - like a dataframe (or table) # the array index (row of a table) corresponds to the same particle. # different particle species might have different array columns in that table self._particlearrayselection = vtkDataArraySelection() self._particlearrayselection.AddObserver( "ModifiedEvent", createModifiedCallback(self) ) def _get_update_time(self, outInfo): """Finds the closest available time (float) to the requested time (float). TODO: - synchronize with the logic in openPMD-viewer - or move out of the reader into VTK itself, so all readers behave the same Parameters ---------- outInfo: vktInformation Exchanges information between pipeline objects, e.g., between two filters. Contains the info that the consumer requests from the producer. Also, is updated with information by the producer once it is done. UPDATE_... are requests. Here, we request a new step for a time, e.g., to animate. Returns ------- The time (float) of the first time step available that is less than the requested time. """ from vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel import vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline executive = ( vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline # UPDATE_TIME_STEP request is defined here ) timevalues = self._timevalues # find closest time step (as a float time) that is less than requested time if timevalues is None or len(timevalues) == 0: return None elif outInfo.Has(executive.UPDATE_TIME_STEP()) and len(timevalues) > 0: utime = outInfo.Get(executive.UPDATE_TIME_STEP()) dtime = timevalues[0] for atime in timevalues: if atime > utime: return dtime else: dtime = atime return dtime else: assert len(timevalues) > 0 return timevalues[0] def _get_array_selection(self): """Which selected mesh arrays can be loaded. See vtkDataArraySelection for API. TODO: remove this, duplicate of GetDataArraySelection """ return self._arrayselection def _get_particle_array_selection(self): """Which selected particle arrays can be loaded. See vtkDataArraySelection for API. TODO: remove this, duplicate of GetParticleArraySelection """ return self._particlearrayselection def _get_species_selection(self): """Which selected particle species can be loaded. TODO: remove this, duplicate of GetSpeciesSelection """ return self._speciesselection
[docs] def SetFileName(self, name): """Specify filename for the file to read. Path to ".pmd" one-line text file that holds the file name pattern for _series open opening pattern. Reference on syntax in the file: - - - """ if self._filename != name: self._filename = name self._timevalues = None if self._series: self._series = None # updates the modified data source time to indicate a changed state in VTK # this triggers (partial/needed) pipeline updates when executed self.Modified()
[docs] def GetTimestepValues(self): """Which physical time step values (as float) are available? Required by the UI: populates available time steps. """ return self._timevalues()
[docs] def GetDataArraySelection(self): """Which selected mesh arrays can be loaded. See vtkDataArraySelection for API. """ return self._get_array_selection()
[docs] def GetSpeciesSelection(self): """Which selected particle species can be loaded.""" return self._get_species_selection()
[docs] def GetParticleArraySelection(self): """Which selected particle arrays can be loaded. See vtkDataArraySelection for API. """ return self._get_particle_array_selection()
[docs] def FillOutputPortInformation(self, port, info): """Tells the pipeline which kind of data this source produces Declares two DATA_TYPE_NAME outputs: - vtkPartitionedDataSet: openPMD meshes - vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection: openPMD particle species Parameters ---------- port: Int Output indices: 0 for meshes, 1 for particle species info: vtkInformation Gets updated to set two output types (DATA_TYPE_NAME). """ from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import vtkDataObject if port == 0: info.Set(vtkDataObject.DATA_TYPE_NAME(), "vtkPartitionedDataSet") else: info.Set(vtkDataObject.DATA_TYPE_NAME(), "vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection") return 1
[docs] def RequestInformation(self, request, inInfoVec, outInfoVec): """This is where we produce meta-data for the data pipeline. The meta-data we produce: - time information - mesh names - species names - particle array names per species Parameters ---------- request: Not used. inInfoVec: Not used. outInfoVec: list of vtkInformation One per output port because they can have different meta-data. We populate this object. """ global _has_openpmd if not _has_openpmd: print_error("Required Python module 'openpmd_api' missing!") return 0 from vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel import ( vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline, vtkAlgorithm, ) # clear the output # tell the pipeline it is a parallel reader executive = vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline for i in (0, 1): # loop over ports (meshes, particles) outInfo = outInfoVec.GetInformationObject(i) outInfo.Remove(executive.TIME_STEPS()) outInfo.Remove(executive.TIME_RANGE()) outInfo.Set(vtkAlgorithm.CAN_HANDLE_PIECE_REQUEST(), 1) # TODO: Why is this a string when it is None? if self._filename == "None": return 1 # open the ".pmd" file that contains the pattern for io.Series(pattern) mfile = open(self._filename, "r") pattern = mfile.readlines()[0][0:-1] del mfile import os # Open the openPMD data series. # We cache the series to only parse I/O meta data from disk once. if not self._series: self._series = io.Series( os.path.dirname(self._filename) + "/" + pattern, io.Access_Type.read_only, ) # This is how we get time values and arrays self._timemap = {} timevalues = [] arrays = set() particles = set() species = set() # an openPMD iteration is a time step that contains # meshes and particle species for idx, iteration in self._series.iterations.items(): # extract the time if callable(iteration.time): # prior to openPMD-api 0.13.0 time = iteration.time() * iteration.time_unit_SI() else: time = iteration.time * iteration.time_unit_SI timevalues.append(time) self._timemap[time] = idx # Update openPMD meshes, which are openPMD records. # An openPMD record is either an array or a list of arrays. # Reference: # - # example: ["E", "B", "rho", "rho_electrons"] arrays.update([mesh_name for mesh_name, mesh in iteration.meshes.items()]) # Update openPMD particle species. # An openPMD particle species is a list of openPMD records. species.update( # example: ["electrons", "protons", "carbons"] [species_name for species_name, _ in iteration.particles.items()] ) # these are now all particles, prefixed by the species name. # different species often have different openPMD records associated with them. # the most common openPMD record they all have is named position. particles.update( # example: ["electrons_position", "electrons_momentum", # "protons_position", "carbons_position", "carbons_ionizationLevel"] [ species_name + "_" + record_name for species_name, species in iteration.particles.items() for record_name, record in species.items() ] ) # Populate the available meshes and particle species in the openPMD series: # this is used in the UI to provide a selection of meshes and particle species. for array in arrays: self._arrayselection.AddArray(array) for particle_array in particles: self._particlearrayselection.AddArray(particle_array) for species_name in species: self._speciesselection.AddArray(species_name) # make available the time steps and their corresponding physical time (float) # known. sets the time range to their min/max. timesteps = list(self._series.iterations) self._timevalues = timevalues if len(timevalues) > 0: for i in (0, 1): outInfo = outInfoVec.GetInformationObject(i) for t in timevalues: outInfo.Append(executive.TIME_STEPS(), t) outInfo.Append(executive.TIME_RANGE(), timevalues[0]) outInfo.Append(executive.TIME_RANGE(), timevalues[-1]) return 1
def _get_array_and_component(self, itr, name): """Differentiate scalar and vector/tensor openPMD meshes. Scalars have no components, e.g., a density field "rho". Vectors/tensors have components, e.g., the electric field E ("E_x", "E_y", "E_z"). Parameters ---------- itr: openPMD.Iteration The current iteration to inspect. name: openPMD record name of the mesh, e.g., "rho" or "E_x" Returns: tuple of strings (mesh_name, None) for scalars (mesh_name, component_name) for vector/tensors """ for mesh_name, mesh in itr.meshes.items(): if mesh_name == name: return (mesh_name, None) for comp_name, _ in mesh.items(): if name == mesh_name + "_" + comp_name: return (mesh_name, comp_name) return (None, None) def _get_particle_array_and_component(self, itr, name): """ TODO: rename, this does NOT yet return the component. Stops at the species + record level. the function ... does. Returns: tuple of strings (species_name, record_name) """ for species_name, species in itr.particles.items(): for record_name, record in species.items(): if name == species_name + "_" + record_name: return (species_name, record_name) return (None, None) def _load_array(self, var, chunk_offset, chunk_extent): arrays = [] for name, scalar in var.items(): comp = scalar.load_chunk(chunk_offset, chunk_extent) self._series.flush() comp = comp * scalar.unit_SI arrays.append(comp) ncomp = len(var) if ncomp > 1: flt = np.ravel(arrays, order="F") return flt.reshape((flt.shape[0] // ncomp, ncomp)) else: return arrays[0].flatten(order="F") def _find_array(self, itr, name): var = itr.meshes[name] theta_modes = None if var.geometry == io.Geometry.thetaMode: theta_modes = 3 # hardcoded, parse from geometry_parameters return ( var, np.array(var.grid_spacing) * var.grid_unit_SI, np.array(var.grid_global_offset) * var.grid_unit_SI, theta_modes, ) def _get_num_particles(self, itr, species): sp = itr.particles[species] var = sp["position"] return var["x"].shape[0] def _load_particle_array(self, itr, species, name, start, end): sp = itr.particles[species] var = sp[name] arrays = [] for name, scalar in var.items(): comp = scalar.load_chunk([start], [end - start + 1]) self._series.flush() comp = comp * scalar.unit_SI arrays.append(comp) ncomp = len(var) if ncomp > 1: flt = np.ravel(arrays, order="F") return flt.reshape((flt.shape[0] // ncomp, ncomp)) else: return arrays[0] def _load_particles(self, itr, species, start, end): sp = itr.particles[species] var = sp["position"] ovar = sp["positionOffset"] position_arrays = [] for name, scalar in var.items(): pos = scalar.load_chunk([start], [end - start + 1]) self._series.flush() pos = pos * scalar.unit_SI off = ovar[name].load_chunk([start], [end - start + 1]) self._series.flush() off = off * ovar[name].unit_SI position_arrays.append(pos + off) flt = np.ravel(position_arrays, order="F") num_components = len(var) # 1D, 2D and 3D positions flt = flt.reshape((flt.shape[0] // num_components, num_components)) # 1D and 2D particles: pad additional components with zero while flt.shape[1] < 3: flt = np.column_stack([flt, np.zeros_like(flt[:, 0])]) return flt def _load_species(self, itr, species, arrays, piece, npieces, ugrid): nparticles = self._get_num_particles(itr, species) nlocalparticles = nparticles // npieces start = nlocalparticles * piece end = start + nlocalparticles - 1 if piece == npieces - 1: end = nparticles - 1 pts = self._load_particles(itr, species, start, end) npts = pts.shape[0] ugrid.Points = pts for array in arrays: if array[1] == "position" or array[1] == "positionOffset": continue ugrid.PointData.append( self._load_particle_array(itr, array[0], array[1], start, end), array[1] ) from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import vtkCellArray ca = vtkCellArray() if npts < np.iinfo(np.int32).max: dtype = np.int32 else: dtype = np.int64 offsets = np.linspace(0, npts, npts + 1, dtype=dtype) cells = np.linspace(0, npts - 1, npts, dtype=dtype) from vtkmodules.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter offsets = dataset_adapter.numpyTovtkDataArray(offsets) offsets2 = offsets.NewInstance() offsets2.DeepCopy(offsets) cells = dataset_adapter.numpyTovtkDataArray(cells) cells2 = cells.NewInstance() cells2.DeepCopy(cells) ca.SetData(offsets2, cells2) from vtkmodules.util import vtkConstants ugrid.VTKObject.SetCells(vtkConstants.VTK_VERTEX, ca) def _RequestFieldData(self, executive, output, outInfo, timeInfo): from vtkmodules.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import vtkImageData from vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel import vtkExtentTranslator piece = outInfo.Get(executive.UPDATE_PIECE_NUMBER()) npieces = outInfo.Get(executive.UPDATE_NUMBER_OF_PIECES()) nghosts = outInfo.Get(executive.UPDATE_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS()) et = vtkExtentTranslator() data_time = self._get_update_time(timeInfo) idx = self._timemap[data_time] itr = self._series.iterations[idx] arrays = [] narrays = self._arrayselection.GetNumberOfArrays() for i in range(narrays): if self._arrayselection.GetArraySetting(i): name = self._arrayselection.GetArrayName(i) arrays.append((name, self._find_array(itr, name))) shp = None spacing = None theta_modes = None grid_offset = None for _, ary in arrays: var = ary[0] for name, scalar in var.items(): shape = scalar.shape break spc = list(ary[1]) if not spacing: spacing = spc elif spacing != spc: # all meshes need to have the same spacing return 0 offset = list(ary[2]) if not grid_offset: grid_offset = offset elif grid_offset != offset: # all meshes need to have the same spacing return 0 if not shp: shp = shape elif shape != shp: # all arrays needs to have the same shape return 0 if not theta_modes: theta_modes = ary[3] # fields/meshes: RZ if theta_modes and shp is not None: et.SetWholeExtent(0, shp[0] - 1, 0, shp[1] - 1, 0, shp[2] - 1) et.SetSplitModeToZSlab() # note: Y and Z are both fine et.SetPiece(piece) et.SetNumberOfPieces(npieces) # et.SetGhostLevel(nghosts) et.PieceToExtentByPoints() ext = et.GetExtent() chunk_offset = [ext[0], ext[2], ext[4]] chunk_extent = [ ext[1] - ext[0] + 1, ext[3] - ext[2] + 1, ext[5] - ext[4] + 1, ] data = [] nthetas = 100 # user parameter thetas = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, nthetas) chunk_cyl_shape = (chunk_extent[1], chunk_extent[2], nthetas) # z, r, theta for name, var in arrays: cyl_values = np.zeros(chunk_cyl_shape) values = self._load_array(var[0], chunk_offset, chunk_extent) self._series.flush() print(chunk_cyl_shape) print(values.shape) print("+++++++++++") for ntheta in range(nthetas): cyl_values[:, :, ntheta] += values[0, :, :] data.append((name, cyl_values)) # add all other modes via loop # for m in range(theta_modes): cyl_spacing = [spacing[0], spacing[1], thetas[1] - thetas[0]] z_coord = np.linspace( 0.0, cyl_spacing[0] * chunk_cyl_shape[0], chunk_cyl_shape[0] ) r_coord = np.linspace( 0.0, cyl_spacing[1] * chunk_cyl_shape[1], chunk_cyl_shape[1] ) t_coord = thetas # to cartesian print(z_coord.shape, r_coord.shape, t_coord.shape) cyl_coords = np.meshgrid(r_coord, z_coord, t_coord) rs = cyl_coords[1] zs = cyl_coords[0] thetas = cyl_coords[2] y_coord = rs * np.sin(thetas) x_coord = rs * np.cos(thetas) z_coord = zs # mesh_pts = np.zeros((chunk_cyl_shape[0], chunk_cyl_shape[1], chunk_cyl_shape[2], 3)) # mesh_pts[:, :, :, 0] = z_coord img = vtkImageData() img.SetExtent( chunk_offset[1], chunk_offset[1] + chunk_cyl_shape[0] - 1, chunk_offset[2], chunk_offset[2] + chunk_cyl_shape[1] - 1, 0, nthetas - 1, ) img.SetSpacing(cyl_spacing) imgw = dsa.WrapDataObject(img) output.SetPartition(0, img) for name, array in data: # print(array.shape) # print(array.transpose(2,1,0).flatten(order='C').shape) imgw.PointData.append(array.transpose(2, 1, 0).flatten(order="C"), name) # data = [] # for name, var in arrays: # unit_SI = var[0].unit_SI # data.append((name, unit_SI * var[0].load_chunk(chunk_offset, chunk_extent))) # self._series.flush() # fields/meshes: 1D-3D elif shp is not None: whole_extent = [] # interleave shape with zeros for s in shp: whole_extent.append(0) whole_extent.append(s - 1) # 1D and 2D data: pad with 0, 0 for extra dimensions while len(whole_extent) < 6: whole_extent.append(0) whole_extent.append(0) et.SetWholeExtent(*whole_extent) et.SetPiece(piece) et.SetNumberOfPieces(npieces) et.SetGhostLevel(nghosts) et.PieceToExtent() ext = et.GetExtent() chunk_offset = [ext[0], ext[2], ext[4]] chunk_extent = [ ext[1] - ext[0] + 1, ext[3] - ext[2] + 1, ext[5] - ext[4] + 1, ] # 1D and 2D data: remove extra dimensions for load del chunk_offset[len(shp):] del chunk_extent[len(shp):] data = [] for name, var in arrays: values = self._load_array(var[0], chunk_offset, chunk_extent) self._series.flush() data.append((name, values)) # 1D and 2D data: pad spacing with extra 1 and grid_offset with # extra 9 values until 3D i = iter(spacing) spacing = [next(i, 1) for _ in range(3)] i = iter(grid_offset) grid_offset = [next(i, 0) for _ in range(3)] img = vtkImageData() img.SetExtent(ext[0], ext[1], ext[2], ext[3], ext[4], ext[5]) img.SetSpacing(spacing) img.SetOrigin(grid_offset) et.SetGhostLevel(0) et.PieceToExtent() ext = et.GetExtent() ext = [ext[0], ext[1], ext[2], ext[3], ext[4], ext[5]] img.GenerateGhostArray(ext) imgw = dsa.WrapDataObject(img) output.SetPartition(0, img) for name, array in data: imgw.PointData.append(array, name) def _RequestParticleData(self, executive, poutput, outInfo, timeInfo): from vtkmodules.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import ( vtkUnstructuredGrid, vtkPartitionedDataSet, ) piece = outInfo.Get(executive.UPDATE_PIECE_NUMBER()) npieces = outInfo.Get(executive.UPDATE_NUMBER_OF_PIECES()) data_time = self._get_update_time(timeInfo) idx = self._timemap[data_time] itr = self._series.iterations[idx] array_by_species = {} narrays = self._particlearrayselection.GetNumberOfArrays() for i in range(narrays): if self._particlearrayselection.GetArraySetting(i): name = self._particlearrayselection.GetArrayName(i) names = self._get_particle_array_and_component(itr, name) if names[0] and self._speciesselection.ArrayIsEnabled(names[0]): if not names[0] in array_by_species: array_by_species[names[0]] = [] array_by_species[names[0]].append(names) ids = 0 for species, arrays in array_by_species.items(): pds = vtkPartitionedDataSet() ugrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid() pds.SetPartition(0, ugrid) poutput.SetPartitionedDataSet(ids, pds) ids += 1 self._load_species( itr, species, arrays, piece, npieces, dsa.WrapDataObject(ugrid) )
[docs] def RequestData(self, request, inInfoVec, outInfoVec): global _has_openpmd if not _has_openpmd: print_error("Required Python module 'openpmd_api' missing!") return 0 from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import ( vtkPartitionedDataSet, vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection, ) from vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel import vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline # Which port got an update request: fields (0) or particles (1) executive = vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline from_port = request.Get(executive.FROM_OUTPUT_PORT()) numInfo = outInfoVec.GetNumberOfInformationObjects() for i in range(numInfo): # dictionary-kind object that has all data info requests and output # this might only be on port 0 or 1 outInfo = outInfoVec.GetInformationObject(i) # Always get the update time step info from the port # that is being updated. Update time may be outdated # in the other port - this keeps field & particles in # time in sync timeInfo = outInfoVec.GetInformationObject(from_port) if i == 0: output = vtkPartitionedDataSet.GetData(outInfoVec, 0) self._RequestFieldData(executive, output, outInfo, timeInfo) elif i == 1: poutput = vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection.GetData(outInfoVec, 1) self._RequestParticleData(executive, poutput, outInfo, timeInfo) else: print_error( "numInfo number is wrong! It should be exactly 2, is=", numInfo ) return 0 return 1