Source code for paraview.detail.catalyst_export

r"""Module used to generate Catalyst export scripts"""
from .. import simple, smstate, smtrace, servermanager

from paraview.modules.vtkRemotingCore import vtkPVSession

def _get_catalyst_state(options):
    # build a `source_set` comprising of the extractor proxies.
    # if not extracts have been configured, then there's nothing to generate.
    extractors = simple.GetExtractors()
    if not extractors:
        from .. import print_warning
        print_warning('No extractors defined. This script will do nothing until LiveVisualisation is on.')

    # convert catalyst options to PythonStateOptions.
    soptions = servermanager.ProxyManager().NewProxy("pythontracing", "PythonStateOptions")
    soptions = servermanager._getPyProxy(soptions)
    soptions.PropertiesToTraceOnCreate = smstate.RECORD_MODIFIED_PROPERTIES
    soptions.SkipHiddenDisplayProperties = True
    soptions.SkipRenderingComponents = False
    soptions.ExtractsOutputDirectory = options.ExtractsOutputDirectory
    return smstate.get_state(options=soptions, source_set=extractors,

def _get_catalyst_preamble(options):
    """returns the preamble text"""
    return ["# script-version: 2.0",
            "# Catalyst state generated using %s" % simple.GetParaViewSourceVersion(),
            "import paraview",
            "paraview.compatibility.major = %d" % servermanager.vtkSMProxyManager.GetVersionMajor(),
            "paraview.compatibility.minor = %d" % servermanager.vtkSMProxyManager.GetVersionMinor()]

def _get_catalyst_postamble(options):
    """returns the postamble text"""
    trace_config = smtrace.start_trace(preamble="")

    # flush out some of the header since its not applicable here.

    trace = smtrace.TraceOutput()
    trace.append_separated([ \
        "# " + "-" * 78,
        '# Catalyst options',
        "from paraview import catalyst"])
    accessor = smtrace.ProxyAccessor("options", options)
    del accessor
    del trace_config
    trace.append_separated([ \
        "# " + "-" * 78,
        "if __name__ == '__main__':",
        "    from paraview.simple import SaveExtractsUsingCatalystOptions",
        "    # Code for non in-situ environments; if executing in post-processing",
        "    # i.e. non-Catalyst mode, let's generate extracts using Catalyst options",
        "    SaveExtractsUsingCatalystOptions(options)"])
    return str(trace)

[docs]def save_catalyst_state(fname, options, location=vtkPVSession.CLIENT): options = servermanager._getPyProxy(options) state = _get_catalyst_state(options) if not state: from .. import print_error print_error('No state generated') return pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager() state += '\n' pxm.SaveString(state, fname, location)