Source code for paraview.detail.exportnow

r"""This module is used to export catalyst defined data products directly
within the ParaView GUI."""

from paraview.simple import *

haveCinemaC = True
    import paraview.tpl.cinema_python.adaptors.paraview.pv_introspect as pvi
    haveCinemaC = False
import os

[docs]class CinemaDHelper(object): """ A helper that we funnel file save commands through so that we can build up a CinemaD table for them. """ def __init__(self, mcd, rd): self.__EnableCinemaDTable = mcd self.__RootDirectory = rd if rd and not rd.endswith("/"): self.__RootDirectory = rd + "/" self.Keys = set() self.Contents = [] self.KeysWritten = None def __StripRootDir(self, filename): if self.__RootDirectory: return filename[filename.startswith(self.__RootDirectory) and len(self.__RootDirectory):] return filename def __MakeCinDFileNamesUnderRootDir(self, filename=""): """ filename wrangling for root directory placement """ indexfilename = 'data.csv' datafilename = filename if self.__RootDirectory: indexfilename = self.__RootDirectory + "data.csv" # strip leading root directory from filename if present datafilename = self.__StripRootDir(filename) return indexfilename, datafilename
[docs] def AppendToCinemaDTable(self, time, producer, filename): """ keep a record of every standard file written out so that we can list it later """ if not self.__EnableCinemaDTable: return indexfilename, datafilename = self.__MakeCinDFileNamesUnderRootDir(filename) self.Keys.add("timestep") self.Keys.add("producer") self.Keys.add("FILE") self.Contents.append({'timestep': time, 'producer': producer, 'FILE': datafilename})
[docs] def AppendCViewToCinemaDTable(self, time, producer, filelist): """ keep a record of every new file that cinema image writes along with the keys that produced them so that we can list them all later """ if not self.__EnableCinemaDTable or not haveCinemaC: return self.Keys.add("timestep") self.Keys.add("producer") self.Keys.add("FILE") # unroll the contents into key lists and filenames for viewname in filelist: for entry in filelist[viewname]: keylist = entry[0] # avoid redundancy from name change if 'time' in keylist: time = keylist['time'] del keylist['time'] for k in keylist: self.Keys.add(k) keylist['timestep'] = time keylist['producer'] = producer keylist['FILE'] = self.__StripRootDir(entry[1]) self.Contents.append(keylist)
[docs] def Finalize(self): """ Finish off the table and write it to a file """ # this is necessary because we don't really know keys (from cinema image) until the end. if not self.__EnableCinemaDTable: return indexfilename, datafilename = self.__MakeCinDFileNamesUnderRootDir() if self.__RootDirectory and not os.path.exists(self.__RootDirectory): os.makedirs(self.__RootDirectory) f = open(indexfilename, "w") # write the header line f.write("timestep,") f.write("producer,") for k in self.Keys: if k != 'timestep' and k != 'producer' and k != 'FILE': f.write("%s," % k) f.write("FILE\n") # write all of the contents for l in self.Contents: f.write("%s," % l['timestep']) f.write("%s," % l['producer']) for k in self.Keys: if k != 'timestep' and k != 'producer' and k != 'FILE': v = '' if k in l: v = l[k] f.write("%s," % v) f.write("%s\n" % self.__StripRootDir(l['FILE'])) f.close()
[docs] def WriteNow(self): """ For Catalyst, we don't generally have a Final state, so we call this every CoProcess call and fixup the table if we have to. """ if not self.__EnableCinemaDTable: return indexfilename, datafilename = self.__MakeCinDFileNamesUnderRootDir() if self.KeysWritten == self.Keys: # phew nothing new, we can just append a record f = open(indexfilename, "a+") for l in self.Contents: f.write("%s," % l['timestep']) f.write("%s," % l['producer']) for k in self.Keys: if k != 'timestep' and k != 'producer' and k != 'FILE': v = '' if k in l: v = l[k] f.write("%s," % v) f.write("%s\n" % self.__StripRootDir(l['FILE'])) f.close() self.Contents = [] return # dang, whatever we wrote recently had a new variable # we may have to extend and rewrite the old output file readKeys = None readContents = [] if os.path.exists(indexfilename): # yep we have to do it # parse the old file f = open(indexfilename, "r") for line in f: read = line[0:-1].split(",") # -1 to skip trailing\n if readKeys is None: readKeys = read else: entry = {} for idx in range(0, len(read)): entry.update({readKeys[idx]: read[idx]}) readContents.append(entry) # combine contents if readKeys is not None: self.Keys = self.Keys.union(readKeys) readContents.extend(self.Contents) self.Contents = readContents # finally, write self.Finalize() self.KeysWritten = self.Keys.copy() self.Contents = []
class __CinemaACHelper(object): """ Another helper that connects up to cinema_python's export function. """ def __init__(self, rd, vsel, tsel, asel): self.__RootDirectory = rd self.__ViewSelection = vsel self.__TrackSelection = tsel self.__ArraySelection = asel self.NewFiles = None if haveCinemaC: def ExportNow(self, time): r = pvi.export_scene(baseDirName=self.__RootDirectory, viewSelection=dict(self.__ViewSelection), trackSelection=dict(self.__TrackSelection), arraySelection=dict(self.__ArraySelection), forcetime=time) self.NewFiles = r else: def ExportNow(self, time): pass def _fixup_and_makedir_if_needed(rootdir): if rootdir and not rootdir.endswith("/"): rootdir = rootdir + "/" if rootdir and not os.path.exists(rootdir): os.makedirs(rootdir) return rootdir
[docs]def ExportNow(image_root_directory, data_root_directory, file_name_padding, make_cinema_table, cinema_tracks, cinema_arrays, rendering_info): """The user facing entry point. Here we get a hold of ParaView's animation controls, step through the animation, and export the things we've been asked to be the caller.""" CIND = CinemaDHelper(make_cinema_table, image_root_directory) image_root_directory = _fixup_and_makedir_if_needed(image_root_directory) data_root_directory = _fixup_and_makedir_if_needed(data_root_directory) # get a hold of the scene spm = servermanager.vtkSMProxyManager.GetProxyManager().GetActiveSessionProxyManager() ed = spm.GetExportDepot() s = GetAnimationScene() s.GoToFirst() et = s.EndTime tnow = s.AnimationTime numTimesteps = len(paraview.simple.GetAnimationScene().TimeKeeper.TimestepValues) timesteps = {} # We must perform the export loop at least once, even in the case where # the input data contains no timesteps if (numTimesteps == 0): timesteps = list(range(1)) else: timesteps = list(range(numTimesteps)) # export loop for tstep in timesteps: padded_tstep = str(tstep).rjust(file_name_padding, '0') helpers = [] # loop through the configured writers and export at the requested times ed.InitNextWriterProxy() wp = ed.GetNextWriterProxy() writercnt = 0 while wp: freq = wp.GetProperty("WriteFrequency").GetElement(0) if ((tstep % freq == 0) and (not (wp.GetXMLName() == "Cinema image options"))): # this isn't pretty. I couldn't find a way to write # directly with the writer proxy. So what I do here # is find the input and filename and make a new writer # to use. proxyname = spm.GetProxyName("export_writers", wp) inputname = proxyname[0:proxyname.find("|")] inputproxy = FindSource(inputname) if wp.GetProperty("ChooseArraysToWrite").GetElement(0) == 1: point_arrays = [] cell_arrays = [] arrays_property = wp.GetProperty("PointDataArrays") for i in range(arrays_property.GetNumberOfElements()): point_arrays.append(arrays_property.GetElement(i)) arrays_property = wp.GetProperty("CellDataArrays") for i in range(arrays_property.GetNumberOfElements()): cell_arrays.append(arrays_property.GetElement(i)) if not point_arrays: point_arrays = [' '] if not cell_arrays: cell_arrays = [' '] # create a temporary array culling filter pass_arrays = PassArrays(Input=inputproxy, \ PointDataArrays=point_arrays, CellDataArrays=cell_arrays) inputproxy = pass_arrays helpers.append(inputproxy) fname = wp.GetProperty("CatalystFilePattern").GetElement(0) if wp.GetXMLName() == "ExodusIIWriter": fnamefilled = data_root_directory + fname + padded_tstep else: fnamefilled = data_root_directory + fname.replace("%t", padded_tstep) kwargs = {} DataMode = wp.GetProperty("DataMode") if DataMode is not None: kwargs["DataMode"] = wp.GetProperty("DataMode").GetElement(0) HeaderType = wp.GetProperty("HeaderType") if HeaderType is not None: kwargs["HeaderType"] = wp.GetProperty("HeaderType").GetElement(0) EncodeAppendedData = wp.GetProperty("EncodeAppendedData") if EncodeAppendedData is not None: kwargs["EncodeAppendedData"] = wp.GetProperty("EncodeAppendedData").GetElement(0) CompressorType = wp.GetProperty("CompressorType") if CompressorType is not None: kwargs["CompressorType"] = wp.GetProperty("CompressorType").GetElement(0) CompressionLevel = wp.GetProperty("CompressionLevel") if CompressionLevel is not None: kwargs["CompressionLevel"] = wp.GetProperty("CompressionLevel").GetElement(0) # finally after all of the finageling above, save the data SaveData(fnamefilled, inputproxy, **kwargs) # don't forget to tell cinema D about it CIND.AppendToCinemaDTable(tnow, "writer_%s" % writercnt, fnamefilled) wp = ed.GetNextWriterProxy() writercnt = writercnt + 1 # loop through the configured screenshots and export at the requested times ed.InitNextScreenshotProxy() ssp = ed.GetNextScreenshotProxy() viewcnt = 0 while ssp: if not ssp.HasAnnotation("enabled") or not (ssp.GetAnnotation("enabled") == '1'): ssp = ed.GetNextScreenshotProxy() continue freq = ssp.GetProperty("WriteFrequency").GetElement(0) if tstep % freq == 0: fname = ssp.GetProperty("CatalystFilePattern").GetElement(0) if fname.endswith("cdb"): CINAC = __CinemaACHelper(image_root_directory, rendering_info, cinema_tracks, cinema_arrays) # special treatment for cinema image data bases CINAC.ExportNow(tnow) # don't forget to tell cinema D about it CIND.AppendCViewToCinemaDTable(tnow, "cview_%s" % viewcnt, CINAC.NewFiles) else: fnamefilled = image_root_directory + fname.replace("%t", padded_tstep) # save the screenshot ssp.WriteImage(fnamefilled) # don't forget to tell cinema D about it CIND.AppendToCinemaDTable(tnow, "view_%s" % viewcnt, fnamefilled) ssp = ed.GetNextScreenshotProxy() viewcnt = viewcnt + 1 tstep = tstep + 1 s.GoToNext() tnow = s.AnimationTime # destroy array culling filters for x in helpers: Delete(x) # defer actual cinema D output until the end because we only know now what the full set of cinema D columns actually are CIND.Finalize()