Source code for paraview.web.helper

r"""web_helper is a module that provides access to functions that helps to build
new protocols and process ParaView data structure into web friendly ones.

import sys
import os
import traceback

# import paraview modules.
import paraview

from paraview import simple, servermanager
from paraview.servermanager import ProxyProperty
from paraview.modules.vtkRemotingViews import vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy

# =============================================================================
# Pipeline management
# =============================================================================

[docs]class Pipeline: """ Define a data structure that represent a pipeline as a tree. This provide also methods to get the data structure for the web environment """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, name): self.root_node = {"name": name, "icon": "server", "children": []} self.parent_ids = {"0": "0"} self.children_ids = {"0": []} # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the pipeline tree. """ self.root_node["children"] = [] self.parent_ids = {"0": "0"} self.children_ids = {"0": []}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def addNode(self, parent_id, node_id): """ Add node into the pipeline tree. """ pid = str(parent_id) nid = str(node_id) # Add child if pid in self.children_ids: self.children_ids[pid].append(nid) else: self.children_ids[pid] = [nid] # Add parent self.parent_ids[nid] = pid
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def removeNode(self, id): """ Remove a node from the pipeline tree. """ nid = str(id) pid = self.parent_ids[nid] if pid: del self.parent_ids[nid] self.children_ids[pid].remove(nid)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def isEmpty(self): return len(self.parent_ids) == 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getRootNode(self, view=None): """ Create a tree structure of the pipeline with the current proxy state. """ self.root_node["children"] = [] self.__fill_children(self.root_node, self.children_ids["0"], view) return self.root_node
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __fill_children(self, nodeToFill, childrenIds, view=None): for id in childrenIds: node = getProxyAsPipelineNode(id, view) nid = str(node["proxy_id"]) if "children" in nodeToFill: nodeToFill["children"].append(node) else: nodeToFill["children"] = [node] if nid in self.children_ids: self.__fill_children(node, self.children_ids[nid])
# ============================================================================= # Proxy management # =============================================================================
[docs]def idToProxy(id): """ Return the proxy that match the given proxy ID. """ remoteObject = simple.servermanager.ActiveConnection.Session.GetRemoteObject( int(id) ) if remoteObject: return simple.servermanager._getPyProxy(remoteObject) return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getParentProxyId(proxy): """ Return '0' if the given proxy has no Input otherwise will return the parent proxy id as a String. """ if proxy and proxy.GetProperty("Input"): parentProxy = proxy.GetProperty("Input").GetProxy(0) if parentProxy: return parentProxy.GetGlobalIDAsString() return "0"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getProxyAsPipelineNode(id, view=None): """ Create a representation for that proxy so it can be used within a pipeline browser. """ pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager() proxy = idToProxy(id) rep = simple.GetDisplayProperties(proxy) nbActiveComp = 1 pointData = [] searchArray = ("POINTS" == rep.ColorArrayName[0]) and ( len(rep.ColorArrayName[1]) > 0 ) if servermanager.ActiveConnection.GetNumberOfDataPartitions() > 1: info = { "lutId": "vtkProcessId_1", "name": "vtkProcessId", "size": 1, "range": [ 0, servermanager.ActiveConnection.GetNumberOfDataPartitions() - 1, ], } pointData.append(info) # FIXME seb # dataInfo = rep.GetRepresentedDataInformation() # pointData = dataInfo.GetPointDataInformation() # cellData = dataInfo.GetCellDataInformation() # for idx in pointData.GetNumberOfArrays(): # info = pointData.GetArrayInformation(idx) # nbComponents = info.GetNumberOfComponents() # if searchArray and array.Name == rep.ColorArrayName: # nbActiveComp = nbComponents # rangeOn = (nbComponents == 3 if -1 else 0) # info = { \ # 'lutId': info.GetName() + '_' + str(nbComponents), \ # 'name': info.GetName, \ # 'size': nbComponents, \ # 'range': info.GetRange(rangeOn) } # pointData.append(info) for array in proxy.GetPointDataInformation(): nbComponents = array.GetNumberOfComponents() if searchArray and array.Name == rep.ColorArrayName[1]: nbActiveComp = nbComponents rangeOn = nbComponents == 1 if 0 else -1 info = { "lutId": array.Name + "_" + str(nbComponents), "name": array.Name, "size": nbComponents, "range": array.GetRange(rangeOn), } pointData.append(info) cellData = [] searchArray = ("CELLS" == rep.ColorArrayName[0]) and ( len(rep.ColorArrayName[1]) > 0 ) for array in proxy.GetCellDataInformation(): nbComponents = array.GetNumberOfComponents() if searchArray and array.Name == rep.ColorArrayName[1]: nbActiveComp = nbComponents rangeOn = nbComponents == 1 if 0 else -1 info = { "lutId": array.Name + "_" + str(nbComponents), "name": array.Name, "size": nbComponents, "range": array.GetRange(rangeOn), } cellData.append(info) state = getProxyAsState(proxy.GetGlobalID()) showScalarbar = ( 1 if view and vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy.IsScalarBarVisible(rep.SMProxy, view.SMProxy) else 0 ) repName = "Hide" if rep.Visibility == 1: repName = rep.Representation return { "proxy_id": proxy.GetGlobalID(), "name": pxm.GetProxyName("sources", proxy), "bounds": proxy.GetDataInformation().GetBounds(), "pointData": pointData, "cellData": cellData, "activeData": str(rep.ColorArrayName[0]) + ":" + str(rep.ColorArrayName[1]), "diffuseColor": str(rep.DiffuseColor), "showScalarBar": showScalarbar, "representation": repName, "state": state, "children": [], }
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getProxyAsState(id): """ Return a json representation of the given proxy state. Example of the state of the Clip filter { proxy_id: 234, ClipType: { proxy_id: 235, Normal: [0,0,1], Origin: [0,0,0], InsideOut: 0 } } """ proxy_id = int(id) proxy = idToProxy(proxy_id) state = { "proxy_id": proxy_id, "type": "proxy", "domains": getProxyDomains(proxy_id), } properties = {} allowedTypes = [int, float, list, str] if proxy: for property in proxy.ListProperties(): propertyName = proxy.GetProperty(property).Name if propertyName in ["Refresh", "Input"] or propertyName.__contains__( "Info" ): continue data = proxy.GetProperty(property).GetData() if type(data) in allowedTypes: properties[propertyName] = data continue # Not a simple property # Need more investigation prop = proxy.GetProperty(property) pythonProp = servermanager._wrap_property(proxy, prop) proxyList = [] try: proxyList = pythonProp.Available except: pass if len(proxyList) and prop.GetNumberOfProxies() == 1: listdomain = prop.FindDomain("vtkSMProxyListDomain") if listdomain: proxyPropertyValue = prop.GetProxy(0) for i in range(listdomain.GetNumberOfProxies()): if listdomain.GetProxy(i) == proxyPropertyValue: properties[propertyName] = proxyList[i] # Add selected proxy in list of prop to edit properties[propertyName + "_internal"] = getProxyAsState( listdomain.GetProxy(i).GetGlobalID() ) elif type(prop) == ProxyProperty: try: subProxyId = proxy.GetProperty(property).GetData().GetGlobalID() properties[propertyName] = getProxyAsState(subProxyId) except: print("Error on", property, propertyName) print("Skip property: ", str(type(data))) print(data) state["properties"] = properties return state
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def updateProxyProperties(proxy, properties): """ Loop over the properties object and update the mapping properties to the given proxy. """ try: allowedProperties = proxy.ListProperties() for key in properties: validKey = servermanager._make_name_valid(key) if validKey in allowedProperties: value = removeUnicode(properties[key]) property = servermanager._wrap_property( proxy, proxy.GetProperty(validKey) ) if ( property.FindDomain("vtkSMProxyListDomain") and len(value) == 1 and type(value[0]) == str ): try: idx = property.GetAvailable().index(value[0]) proxyToSet = servermanager._getPyProxy( property.FindDomain("vtkSMProxyListDomain").GetProxy(idx) ) property.SetData(proxyToSet) except: traceback.print_stack() pass elif value == "vtkProcessId": property.SetElement(0, value) else: property.SetData(value) except: traceback.print_stack()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def removeUnicode(value): return value
# ============================================================================= # XML and Proxy Definition for GUI generation # =============================================================================
[docs]def getProxyDomains(id): """ Return a json based structured based on the proxy XML. """ jsonDefinition = {} proxy = idToProxy(id) xmlElement = servermanager.ActiveConnection.Session.GetProxyDefinitionManager().GetCollapsedProxyDefinition( proxy.GetXMLGroup(), proxy.GetXMLName(), None ) nbChildren = xmlElement.GetNumberOfNestedElements() for i in range(nbChildren): xmlChild = xmlElement.GetNestedElement(i) name = xmlChild.GetName() if name.__contains__("Property"): propName = xmlChild.GetAttribute("name") jsonDefinition[propName] = extractProperty(proxy, xmlChild) jsonDefinition[propName]["order"] = i # Look for proxy properties and their domain orderIndex = nbChildren for property in proxy.ListProperties(): if property == "Input": continue if type(proxy.GetProperty(property)) == ProxyProperty: try: subProxyId = proxy.GetProperty(property).GetData().GetGlobalID() subDomain = getProxyDomains(subProxyId) for key in subDomain: jsonDefinition[key] = subDomain[key] jsonDefinition[key]["order"] = orderIndex orderIndex = orderIndex + 1 except: print("(Def) Error on", property, ", skipping it...") # print ("(Def) Skip property: ", str(type(data))) return jsonDefinition
[docs]def extractProperty(proxy, xmlPropertyElement): propInfo = {} propInfo["name"] = xmlPropertyElement.GetAttribute("name") propInfo["label"] = xmlPropertyElement.GetAttribute("label") if xmlPropertyElement.GetAttribute("number_of_elements") != None: propInfo["size"] = xmlPropertyElement.GetAttribute("number_of_elements") propInfo["type"] = xmlPropertyElement.GetName()[:-14] propInfo["panel_visibility"] = xmlPropertyElement.GetAttribute("panel_visibility") propInfo["number_of_elements"] = xmlPropertyElement.GetAttribute( "number_of_elements" ) propInfo["domains"] = [] if xmlPropertyElement.GetAttribute("default_values") != None: propInfo["default_values"] = xmlPropertyElement.GetAttribute("default_values") nbChildren = xmlPropertyElement.GetNumberOfNestedElements() for i in range(nbChildren): xmlChild = xmlPropertyElement.GetNestedElement(i) name = xmlChild.GetName() if name.__contains__("Domain"): propInfo["domains"].append(extractDomain(proxy, propInfo["name"], xmlChild)) return propInfo
[docs]def extractDomain(proxy, propertyName, xmlDomainElement): domainObj = {} name = xmlDomainElement.GetName() domainObj["type"] = name[:-6] # Handle Range if name.__contains__("RangeDomain"): if xmlDomainElement.GetAttribute("min") != None: domainObj["min"] = xmlDomainElement.GetAttribute("min") if xmlDomainElement.GetAttribute("max") != None: domainObj["max"] = xmlDomainElement.GetAttribute("max") # Handle Enum if name.__contains__("EnumerationDomain"): domainObj["enum"] = [] nbChildren = xmlDomainElement.GetNumberOfNestedElements() for i in range(nbChildren): xmlChild = xmlDomainElement.GetNestedElement(i) if xmlChild.GetName() == "Entry": domainObj["enum"].append( { "text": xmlChild.GetAttribute("text"), "value": xmlChild.GetAttribute("value"), } ) # Handle ArrayListDomain if name.__contains__("ArrayListDomain"): dataType = xmlDomainElement.GetAttribute("attribute_type") if dataType == "Scalars": domainObj["nb_components"] = 1 elif dataType == "Vectors": domainObj["nb_components"] = 3 else: domainObj["nb_components"] = -1 # Handle ProxyListDomain if name.__contains__("ProxyListDomain"): domainObj["list"] = proxy.GetProperty(propertyName).Available # Handle Bounds if name.__contains__("BoundsDomain"): for attrName in ["default_mode", "mode", "scale_factor"]: try: attrValue = xmlDomainElement.GetAttribute(attrName) if attrValue: domainObj[attrName] = attrValue except: pass return domainObj
# ============================================================================= # File Management # =============================================================================
[docs]def listFiles(pathToList): """ Create a tree structure of the given directory that will be understand by the pipelineBrowser widget. The provided path should not have a trailing '/'. return { children: [ { name: 'fileName.vtk', path: '/full_path/to_file/fileName.vtk' }, { name: 'directoryName', path: '/full_path/to_file/directoryName', children: [] } ] } """ global fileList if pathToList[-1] == "/": pathToList = pathToList[:-1] nodeTree = {} nodeTree[pathToList] = {"children": []} for path, directories, files in os.walk(pathToList): parent = nodeTree[path] for directory in directories: child = { "name": directory, "path": (path + "/" + directory), "children": [], } nodeTree[path + "/" + directory] = child parent["children"].append(child) for filename in files: child = {"name": filename, "path": (path + "/" + filename)} nodeTree[path + "/" + filename] = child parent["children"].append(child) fileList = nodeTree[pathToList]["children"] return fileList
# ============================================================================= # Apply domains # =============================================================================
[docs]def apply_domains(parentProxy, proxy_id): """ Handle bounds domain """ proxy = idToProxy(proxy_id) # Call recursively on each sub-proxy if any for property_name in proxy.ListProperties(): prop = proxy.GetProperty(property_name) if prop.IsA("vtkSMProxyProperty"): try: if len(prop.Available) and prop.GetNumberOfProxies() == 1: listdomain = prop.FindDomain("vtkSMProxyListDomain") if listdomain: for i in range(listdomain.GetNumberOfProxies()): internal_proxy = listdomain.GetProxy(i) apply_domains( parentProxy, internal_proxy.GetGlobalIDAsString() ) except: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() print("Unexpected error:", exc_type, " line: ", exc_tb.tb_lineno) # Reset all properties to leverage domain capabilities for prop_name in proxy.ListProperties(): try: prop = proxy.GetProperty(prop_name) iter = prop.NewDomainIterator() iter.Begin() while not iter.IsAtEnd(): domain = iter.GetDomain() iter.Next() try: if domain.IsA("vtkSMBoundsDomain"): domain.SetDomainValues( parentProxy.GetDataInformation().GetBounds() ) except AttributeError as attrErr: print("Caught exception setting domain values in apply_domains:") print(attrErr) prop.ResetToDefault() # Need to UnRegister to handle the ref count from the NewDomainIterator iter.UnRegister(None) except: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() print("Unexpected error:", exc_type, " line: ", exc_tb.tb_lineno) proxy.UpdateVTKObjects()