Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Loadable modules
2 //
3 // Generated by ../../bin/vtkProcessXML-pv5.9
4 //
5 #ifndef CDIReader_server_manager_modules_data_h
6 #define CDIReader_server_manager_modules_data_h
8 #include <string.h>
9 #include <cassert>
10 #include <algorithm>
13 // From file /builds/gitlab-kitware-sciviz-ci/Plugins/CDIReader/Reader/CDIReader.xml
15 "<ServerManagerConfiguration>\n"
16 " <ProxyGroup name=\"internal_sources\">\n"
17 " <Proxy name=\"CDIReader\"\n"
18 " class=\"vtkCDIReader\"\n"
19 " label=\"CDIReader\">\n"
20 " <Documentation long_help=\"Reads CDI/ICON netCDF data.\"\n"
21 " short_help=\"Reads CDI/ICON netCDF data.\">\n"
22 " </Documentation>\n"
23 "\n"
24 " <StringVectorProperty name=\"FileName\"\n"
25 " animateable=\"0\"\n"
26 " command=\"SetFileName\"\n"
27 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
28 " panel_visibility=\"never\">\n"
29 " <FileListDomain name=\"files\" />\n"
30 " <Documentation>\n"
31 " This property specifies the netCDF file name for the CDI/ICON reader.\n"
32 " </Documentation>\n"
33 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
34 "\n"
35 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"GetAllDimensions\"\n"
36 " information_only=\"1\"\n"
37 " name=\"DimensionInfo\">\n"
38 " <StringArrayHelper />\n"
39 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
40 "\n"
41 " <StringVectorProperty animatelable=\"0\"\n"
42 " command=\"SetDimensions\"\n"
43 " name=\"Dimensions\"\n"
44 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
45 " panel_visibility=\"default\">\n"
46 " <StringListDomain name=\"array_list\">\n"
47 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
48 " <Property function=\"ArrayList\"\n"
49 " name=\"DimensionInfo\" />\n"
50 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
51 " </StringListDomain>\n"
52 " <Documentation>\n"
53 " Load the grid with the given dimensions.\n"
54 " </Documentation>\n"
55 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
56 "\n"
57 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"GetVariableDimensions\"\n"
58 " information_only=\"1\"\n"
59 " name=\"VariableDimensionInfo\">\n"
60 " <StringArrayHelper />\n"
61 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
62 "\n"
63 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"GetAllVariableArrayNames\"\n"
64 " information_only=\"1\"\n"
65 " name=\"VariableArrayInfo\">\n"
66 " <StringArrayHelper />\n"
67 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
68 "\n"
69 " <StringVectorProperty name=\"PointArrayInfo\"\n"
70 " information_only=\"1\">\n"
71 " <ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name=\"Point\"/>\n"
72 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
73 "\n"
74 " <StringVectorProperty name=\"PointArrayStatus\"\n"
75 " command=\"SetPointArrayStatus\"\n"
76 " number_of_elements=\"2\"\n"
77 " repeat_command=\"1\"\n"
78 " number_of_elements_per_command=\"2\"\n"
79 " element_types=\"2 0\"\n"
80 " information_property=\"PointArrayInfo\" >\n"
81 " <ArraySelectionDomain name=\"array_list\" >\n"
82 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
83 " <Property name=\"PointArrayInfo\" function=\"ArrayList\"/>\n"
84 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
85 " </ArraySelectionDomain>\n"
86 " <Documentation>\n"
87 " This list shows the available ICON point variables.\n"
88 " </Documentation>\n"
89 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
90 "\n"
91 " <StringVectorProperty name=\"CellArrayInfo\"\n"
92 " information_only=\"1\" >\n"
93 " <ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name=\"Cell\"/>\n"
94 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
95 "\n"
96 " <StringVectorProperty name=\"CellArrayStatus\"\n"
97 " command=\"SetCellArrayStatus\"\n"
98 " number_of_elements=\"2\"\n"
99 " repeat_command=\"1\"\n"
100 " number_of_elements_per_command=\"2\"\n"
101 " element_types=\"2 0\"\n"
102 " information_property=\"CellArrayInfo\" >\n"
103 " <ArraySelectionDomain name=\"array_list\" >\n"
104 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
105 " <Property name=\"CellArrayInfo\" function=\"ArrayList\"/>\n"
106 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
107 " </ArraySelectionDomain>\n"
108 " <Documentation>\n"
109 " This list shows the available ICON cell variables.\n"
110 " </Documentation>\n"
111 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
112 "\n"
113 " <StringVectorProperty name=\"DomainArrayInfo\"\n"
114 " information_only=\"1\" >\n"
115 " <ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name=\"Domain\"/>\n"
116 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
117 "\n"
118 " <StringVectorProperty name=\"DomainArrayStatus\"\n"
119 " command=\"SetDomainArrayStatus\"\n"
120 " number_of_elements=\"2\"\n"
121 " repeat_command=\"1\"\n"
122 " number_of_elements_per_command=\"2\"\n"
123 " element_types=\"2 0\"\n"
124 " information_property=\"DomainArrayInfo\" >\n"
125 " <ArraySelectionDomain name=\"array_list\" >\n"
126 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
127 " <Property name=\"DomainArrayInfo\" function=\"ArrayList\"/>\n"
128 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
129 " </ArraySelectionDomain>\n"
130 " <Documentation>\n"
131 " This list shows the available ICON domain variables (for simulation performance analysis).\n"
132 " </Documentation>\n"
133 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
134 "\n"
135 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"SetProjection\"\n"
136 " label=\"Set Projection: \"\n"
137 " command=\"SetProjection\"\n"
138 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
139 " default_values=\"1\">\n"
140 " <EnumerationDomain name=\"enum\">\n"
141 " <Entry value=\"0\" text=\"Spherical Projection\"/>\n"
142 " <Entry value=\"1\" text=\"Lon/Lat Projection\"/>\n"
143 " <Entry value=\"2\" text=\"Cassini Projection\"/>\n"
144 " <Entry value=\"3\" text=\"Mollweide Projection\"/>\n"
145 " <Entry value=\"4\" text=\"Catalyst (no scaling)\"/>\n"
146 " </EnumerationDomain>\n"
147 " <Documentation>\n"
148 " Select one out of four different projections for the data. The default is lon/lat projection.\n"
149 " </Documentation>\n"
150 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
151 "\n"
152 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"UseTopography\"\n"
153 " label=\"Use Topography (wet_c)\"\n"
154 " command=\"SetTopography\"\n"
155 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
156 " default_values=\"0\">\n"
157 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
158 " <Documentation>\n"
159 " Switch on to remove land structure contained in the variable \"wet_c\".\n"
160 " </Documentation>\n"
161 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
162 "\n"
163 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"SetInvertTopography\"\n"
164 " label=\"Use Land/Sea for Masking (Off = Sea; On = Land)\"\n"
165 " command=\"InvertTopography\"\n"
166 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
167 " default_values=\"0\">\n"
168 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
169 " <Documentation>\n"
170 " Switch to either remove land or sea structure contained within the variable \"wet_c\".\n"
171 " </Documentation>\n"
172 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
173 "\n"
174 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"InvertZ\"\n"
175 " label=\"Invert Z-Axis\"\n"
176 " command=\"SetInvertZAxis\"\n"
177 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
178 " default_values=\"0\">\n"
179 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
180 " <Documentation>\n"
181 " Switch on to invert the rendering of the z-axis.\n"
182 " </Documentation>\n"
183 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
184 "\n"
185 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"Show3DSurface\"\n"
186 " label=\"Show 3D Surface\"\n"
187 " command=\"SetShowMultilayerView\"\n"
188 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
189 " default_values=\"0\">\n"
190 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
191 " <Documentation>\n"
192 " Switch on for 3D rendering of the data. 2D arrays show the same data on all levels.\n"
193 " </Documentation>\n"
194 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
195 "\n"
196 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"Read/OutputDoublePrecision\"\n"
197 " label=\"Read/Output Double Precision\"\n"
198 " command=\"SetDoublePrecision\"\n"
199 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
200 " default_values=\"0\">\n"
201 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
202 " <Documentation>\n"
203 " Switch between single and double precision output.\n"
204 " </Documentation>\n"
205 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
206 "\n"
207 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"LayerThicknessRangeInfo\"\n"
208 " command=\"GetLayerThicknessRange\"\n"
209 " information_only=\"1\">\n"
210 " <SimpleIntInformationHelper/>\n"
211 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
212 "\n"
213 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"LayerThickness\"\n"
214 " label=\"3D Surface Thickness\"\n"
215 " command=\"SetLayerThickness\"\n"
216 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
217 " default_values=\"10\">\n"
218 " <IntRangeDomain name=\"LayerThicknessRange\">\n"
219 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
220 " <Property name=\"LayerThicknessRangeInfo\" function=\"Range\"/>\n"
221 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
222 " </IntRangeDomain>\n"
223 " <Documentation>\n"
224 " Adjust the layer thickness for 3D rendering.\n"
225 " </Documentation>\n"
226 " <Hints>\n"
227 " <Visibility replace_input=\"1\" />\n"
228 " </Hints>\n"
229 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
230 "\n"
231 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"VerticalLevelRangeInfo\"\n"
232 " command=\"GetVerticalLevelRange\"\n"
233 " information_only=\"1\">\n"
234 " <SimpleIntInformationHelper/>\n"
235 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
236 "\n"
237 " <IntVectorProperty name=\"VerticalLevel\"\n"
238 " command=\"SetVerticalLevel\"\n"
239 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
240 " default_values=\"0\">\n"
241 " <IntRangeDomain name=\"range\" >\n"
242 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
243 " <Property name=\"VerticalLevelRangeInfo\" function=\"Range\"/>\n"
244 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
245 " </IntRangeDomain>\n"
246 " <Documentation>\n"
247 " Adjust the vertical level that is displayed. This is only available for 3D data sets.\n"
248 " </Documentation>\n"
249 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
250 "\n"
251 " <DoubleVectorProperty name=\"TimestepValues\"\n"
252 " repeatable=\"1\"\n"
253 " information_only=\"1\">\n"
254 " <TimeStepsInformationHelper/>\n"
255 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n"
256 "\n"
257 " </Proxy>\n"
258 " </ProxyGroup>\n"
259 "\n"
260 " <ProxyGroup name=\"sources\">\n"
261 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkFileSeriesReader\"\n"
262 " file_name_method=\"SetFileName\"\n"
263 " label=\"CDIReader\"\n"
264 " name=\"CDISeriesReader\"\n"
265 " si_class=\"vtkSIMetaReaderProxy\">\n"
266 " <Documentation long_help=\"Reads ICON netCDF data.\"\n"
267 " short_help=\"Read ICON netCDF data.\"></Documentation>\n"
268 "\n"
269 " <SubProxy>\n"
270 " <Proxy name=\"Reader\"\n"
271 " proxygroup=\"internal_sources\"\n"
272 " proxyname=\"CDIReader\" />\n"
273 " <ExposedProperties>\n"
274 " <Property name=\"DimensionInfo\" />\n"
275 " <Property name=\"Dimensions\" />\n"
276 " <Property name=\"VariableDimensionInfo\" />\n"
277 " <Property name=\"VariableArrayInfo\" />\n"
278 " <Property name=\"PointArrayInfo\" />\n"
279 " <Property name=\"PointArrayStatus\" />\n"
280 " <Property name=\"CellArrayInfo\" />\n"
281 " <Property name=\"CellArrayStatus\" />\n"
282 " <Property name=\"DomainArrayInfo\" />\n"
283 " <Property name=\"DomainArrayStatus\" />\n"
284 " <Property name=\"SetProjection\" />\n"
285 " <Property name=\"UseTopography\" />\n"
286 " <Property name=\"SetInvertTopography\" />\n"
287 " <Property name=\"InvertZ\" />\n"
288 " <Property name=\"Show3DSurface\" />\n"
289 " <Property name=\"Read/OutputDoublePrecision\" />\n"
290 " <Property name=\"LayerThicknessRangeInfo\" />\n"
291 " <Property name=\"LayerThickness\" />\n"
292 " <Property name=\"VerticalLevelRangeInfo\" />\n"
293 " <Property name=\"VerticalLevel\" />\n"
294 " </ExposedProperties>\n"
295 " </SubProxy>\n"
296 "\n"
297 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"GetCurrentFileName\"\n"
298 " information_only=\"1\"\n"
299 " name=\"FileNameInfo\">\n"
300 " <SimpleStringInformationHelper />\n"
301 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
302 "\n"
303 " <StringVectorProperty animateable=\"0\"\n"
304 " clean_command=\"RemoveAllFileNames\"\n"
305 " command=\"AddFileName\"\n"
306 " name=\"FileNames\"\n"
307 " number_of_elements=\"0\"\n"
308 " panel_visibility=\"never\"\n"
309 " repeat_command=\"1\">\n"
310 " <FileListDomain name=\"files\" />\n"
311 " <Documentation>\n"
312 " The list of files to be read by the reader.\n"
313 " </Documentation>\n"
314 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
315 "\n"
316 " <DoubleVectorProperty information_only=\"1\"\n"
317 " name=\"TimestepValues\"\n"
318 " repeatable=\"1\">\n"
319 " <TimeStepsInformationHelper />\n"
320 " <Documentation>\n"
321 " This magic property sends time information to the animation panel. ParaView will\n"
322 " automatically set up the animation to visit the time steps defined in the file.\n"
323 " </Documentation>\n"
324 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n"
325 "\n"
326 " <Hints>\n"
327 " <ReaderFactory extensions=\"nc\"\n"
328 " file_description=\"ICON/CDI netCDF files\" />\n"
329 " </Hints>\n"
330 "\n"
331 " </SourceProxy>\n"
332 " </ProxyGroup>\n"
333 "</ServerManagerConfiguration>\n"
334 "\n";
335 // Get single string
337 {
339  const size_t len0 = strlen(CDIReader_server_manager_modulesCDIReaderInterface0);
340  size_t len = ( 0
341  + len0 );
342  char* res = new char[ len + 1];
343  size_t offset = 0;
345  assert(offset == len);
346  res[offset] = 0;
347  return res;
348 }
352 #endif
static const char *const CDIReader_server_manager_modulesCDIReaderInterface0
char * CDIReader_server_manager_modulesCDIReaderGetInterfaces()