Plugin Howto


ParaView comes with plethora of functionality bundled in: several readers, multitude of filters, different types of views, etc. However, it is not uncommon for developers to want to add new functionality to ParaView to, for example, add support to their new file format or incorporate a new filter into ParaView. ParaView makes it possible to add new functionality by using an extensive plugin mechanism.

Plugins can be used to extend ParaView in several ways:

Examples for different types of plugins are provided with the ParaView source under Examples/Plugins/.

This document has major sections:

Using Plugins

Types of plugins

Plugins are distributed as shared libraries (*.so on Unix and macOS, and *.dll on Windows). For a plugin to be loadable in ParaView, it must be built with the same version of ParaView as it is expected to be deployed on. Plugins can be classified into two broad categories:

Oftentimes a plugin has both server-side as well as client-side components to it. For example, a plugin that adds a new filter and a property panel that goes with that filter. Such plugins need to be loaded both on the server as well as the client.

Generally, users don't have to worry whether a plugin is a server-side or client-side plugin. Simply load the plugin on the server as well as the client. ParaView will include relevant components from plugin on each of the processes.

Loading plugins

There are four ways for loading plugins:

Plugin Manager when not connected to a remote server, showing loaded plugins on the local site.
Plugin Manager when connected to a server showing loaded plugins on the local as well as remote sites.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Plugin name="MyPlugin" filename="/absolute/path/to/"/>
<Plugin name="MyPluginRel" filename="relative/path/to/"/>
  Plugins listed this way will always be loaded, irrespective of the status
  of the `Auto Load` checkbox in the `Plugin Manager`.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Plugin name="Moments" auto_load="0"/>
<Plugin name="PrismPlugin" auto_load="0"/>
<Plugin name="PointSprite_Plugin" auto_load="0"/>
<Plugin name="pvblot" auto_load="0"/>
<Plugin name="H5PartReader" auto_load="1"/>

Debugging Plugins

If plugin loading fails, the PV_PLUGIN_DEBUG environment variable may be set for either the client or server processes. ParaView will then print verbose information about each step and causes for failure, as show below.

Attempting to load /home/utkarsh/Kitware/ParaView3/ParaView3Bin/bin/
Loaded shared library successfully. Now trying to validate that it's a ParaView plugin.
Updating Shared Library Paths: /home/utkarsh/Kitware/ParaView3/ParaView3Bin/bin
Plugin instance located successfully. Now loading components from the plugin instance based on the interfaces it implements.
Plugin Information:
Name : SurfaceLIC
Version : 1.0
ReqOnServer : 1
ReqOnClient : 1
ReqPlugins :
ServerManager Plugin : Yes
Python Plugin : No

Writing plugins

This section covers writing and compiling different types of Plugins. To create a plugin, one must have their own build of ParaView. Binaries downloaded from do not include necessary header files or import libraries (where applicable) for compiling plugins.

The CMakeLists.txt file used in all following examples start off with the following code:

# ParaView requires CMake 3.8 in order to be used.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
project(myplugin C CXX)
find_package(ParaView REQUIRED)

Where CMake will ask for the ParaView_DIR which you point to the ParaView build or install tree you would to build your with.

Note that the C and CXX languages are required in general because ParaView may need to find other packages which are written with only C in mind (MPI is the usual culprit here) and need to know about the C compiler that is available.

Exposing an Existing Filter

Sometimes, the filter that one wants to add to ParaView is already available in VTK, it's just not exposed through the ParaView GUI. This is the easiest type of plugin to create. There are two options:

  1. setup the plugin using only an XML file; and
  2. actually compile the plugin into a shared library.

The first option is the easiest, but the second option will prepare you for creating a custom filter in the future as the process is nearly identical.

Adding a New Filter

It is also possible to add new filters to ParaView. The filter has to be a VTK-based algorithm, written as following the standard procedures for writing VTK algorithms. Generally for such cases where we are adding a new VTK class to ParaView (be it a filter, reader or a writer), we need to do the following tasks:


XML Plugins

If you have not built ParaView from source, using an XML plugin is your only option.

First, a server manager XML for the filter is required. The GUI XML to add the filter to any specific category is optional.

For example, let's say we simply want to expose the vtkCellDerivatives filter in VTK. Then first, we'll write the server manager configuration XML (call it CellDerivatives.xml), similar to what we would have done for adding a new filter.

<ProxyGroup name="filters">
<SourceProxy name="MyCellDerivatives" class="vtkCellDerivatives" label="My Cell Derivatives">
long_help="Create point attribute array by projecting points onto an elevation vector."
short_help="Create a point array representing elevation.">
<ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
<Group name="sources"/>
<Group name="filters"/>
<DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
<DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>

At this point, we can stop and use the plugin in ParaView by loading the XML file directly into the plugin manager.

Please note that if you are writing the XML for a filter that takes just one input, you must set the name attribute for the InputProperty XML element to Input. If you do not, then the filter will not be displayed properly in ParaView's pipeline browser.

Compiling into a Shared Library

If you have built ParaView from source, it is possible to compile the plugin into into a shared library. To do this, we can use the following top-level: CMakeLists.txt:

# Standard CMake boilerplate. ParaView's `find_package` requires at least 3.8.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
# These five lines are required in order to set up installation directories
# (which also control build directory locations) and enable shared builds
# (CMake's default is for a static build).
# Find ParaView. This will bring in ParaView's CMake API and imported targets.
find_package(ParaView REQUIRED)
# Scan the plugin file in order to set up internal data structures for building
# plugins.
# The `paraview.plugin` file describing the plugin.
# A result variable for the (enabled) plugins found during the scan.
# Enable plugins during this scan by default.
# Build the plugins discovered during the scan.
PLUGINS ${plugins})

The mentioned paraview.plugin file describes the plugin to the build system:

Expose the vtkCellDerivatives class to ParaView.
# This module provides the `vtkCellDerivatives` filter.

In the Plugin directory (beside the paraview.plugin file), the plugin is given the information it needs to build:

SERVER_MANAGER_XML CellDerivatives.xml)

Then using CMake, one can build a plugin for this new filter. We can now load the plugin through the plugin manager by selecting the created .so or .dll file.

Qt resource plugins

Similarly compiled Qt resources (*.bqrc) can be loaded at runtime. A .bqrc file is a binary file containing resources which can include icons, the GUI configuration XML for adding categories, etc. A .bqrc can be made from a .qrc by running the rcc utility provided by Qt:

rcc -binary -o myfile.bqrc myfile.qrc

Adding a New Filter

For this example, refer to Examples/Plugins/ElevationFilter in the ParaView source. Let's say we have written a new vtkMyElevationFilter (vtkMyElevationFilter.{h,cxx}), which extends the functionality of the vtkElevationFilter and we want to package that as a plugin for ParaView. For starters, we simply want to use this filter in ParaView (e.g., not doing anything fancy with Filters menu categories). As described, we need to write the server manager configuration XML (MyElevationFilter.xml). Once that's done, we write a CMakeLists.txt file to package this into a plugin.

This CMakeLists.txt needs to include the following lines:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
find_package(ParaView REQUIRED)
PLUGINS ${plugins})

The referenced paraview.plugin file contains:

An example paraview plugin containing server manager XML and the server
manager classes to build. This plugin can be loaded on the server side.

And the CMakeLists.txt file beside it contains:

MODULES ElevationFilters
MODULE_FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ElevationFilters/vtk.module")

Because we are building our own custom filter, it needs to be a VTK module in order to support having its information available to the XML code. First, the module is declared in a vtk.module file:


And then the module is built with its associated server manager XML file attached to the module. Note that the module name cannot be the same as the plugin name due to the way the library targets are managed internally.

# Find external packages here using `find_package`.
CLASSES ${classes})
# Link to external packages here using `vtk_module_link(ElevationFilters)`.
XMLS MyElevationFilter.xml)

Then using CMake, one can build a plugin for this new filter. Once this plugin is loaded the filter will appear under the Alphabetical list in the Filters menu. Note that there will be two libraries in the resulting directory. Be sure to load the ElevationFilter one which is the plugin, not the ElevationFilters module library.

Filters with Multiple Input Ports

If a filter requires multiple input ports, there are two options:

  1. Create helper functions in the VTK filter such as SetYourInputName which deal with addressing the VTK pipeline in the C++ code; and
  2. Address/access the input connection by number in the XML. The port_index property specifies which input connection the particular input will be connected to. The SetInputConnection function is the command that will actually be called with this port_index to setup the pipeline.

An example XML file for a filter with multiple inputs is below. The filter takes three vtkPolyData objects as input.

<ProxyGroup name="filters">
<SourceProxy name="LandmarkTransformFilter" class="vtkLandmarkTransformFilter" label="LandmarkTransformFilter">
long_help="Align two point sets using vtkLandmarkTransform to compute the best transformation between the two point sets."
<ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
<Group name="sources"/>
<Group name="filters"/>
<DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
<DataType value="vtkPolyData"/>
Set the source data set. This data set that will move towards the target data set.
<ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
<Group name="sources"/>
<Group name="filters"/>
<DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
<DataType value="vtkPolyData"/>
Set the target data set. This data set will stay stationary.
<ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
<Group name="sources"/>
<Group name="filters"/>
<DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
<DataType value="vtkPolyData"/>
Set the source data set landmark points.

To set the inputs in ParaView, simply select one of the inputs in the Pipeline Browser and then select the filter from the Filters menu. This will open a dialog box which will allow you to specify which object to connect to each input port.

Adding Categories to the Filters Menu

Now suppose we want to add a new category to the Filters menu, called Extensions and then show this filter in that menu. In that case we need to add a hint to the XML file that tells ParaView what category to display this filter in. In this case, the Hints element of the XML file can contain:

<ShowInMenu category="Extensions" />

If the name of the category is same as an already existing category such as Data Analysis, then the filter gets added to the existing category.

Adding Icons

You can see that some filters in the Filters menu (e.g., Clip) have icons associated with them. It's possible for the plugin to add icons for filters it adds as well. For that you need to write a Qt resource file (say MyElevation.qrc) as follows:

<qresource prefix="/MyIcons" >

To use the icon for a filter in the pipeline add the following hint to the server manager XML.

<ShowInMenu icon=":/MyIcons/MyElevationIcon.png" />

Finally, the plugin's CMakeLists.txt file much change to include our MyElevation.qrc file as follows:

MODULES ElevationFilters
MODULE_FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ElevationFilters/vtk.module"
UI_RESOURCES MyElevation.qrc)

Adding GUI Parameters

Simply add these in the server manager XML to expose parameters of the filter to the ParaView user.

Integer Property

This property appears as a text box.


Boolean Property

This property appears as a check box control. A boolean property uses the IntVectorProperty with an extra line (BooleanDomain) indicating this should be a check box rather than a text field.

<BooleanDomain name="bool"/>

String Property

This property appears as a text box.


Double Property

This property appears as a text box.


Multi-Value Double Property

This property appears as a text box.

default_values="1.0 0.0 0.0">

Double Property Slider

This creates a slider that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.

<DoubleRangeDomain name="range" min="0.0" max="1.0" />

Drop Down List

This creates a drop down list with 3 choices. The values associated with the choices may be specified.

<EnumerationDomain name="enum">
<Entry value="6" text="RigidBody"/>
<Entry value="7" text="Similarity"/>
<Entry value="12" text="Affine"/>
This property indicates which transform mode will be used.

Drop Down List with Values from Input Arrays

This creates a list that lets you choose among the input arrays of the input of a ProgrammableFilter:

element_types="0 0 0 0 2"
<Property name="Input" function="Input" />

This will look like the following image:

Drop down list with values from input arrays

Drop Down List with Values from Input File

If you need to populate a list with values from a file and be able to select/deselect list entries (e.g., to pick which variables are loaded from the file), use a XML similar to this:

<StringVectorProperty information_only="1"
<ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name="Cell" />
element_types="2 0"
label="Cell Arrays"
<ArraySelectionDomain name="array_list">
<Property function="ArrayList"
name="CellArrayInfo" />
This property lists which cell-centered arrays to read.

You can see an example in use in ParaView's core readers XML.

You may also do it in the following manner:

element_types="2 0"
label="Cell Arrays"
<ArrayListDomain name="array_list"
<Property name="Input" function="Input" />

In which case the result will look like this:

Drop down list with values from input file

Adding a Reader

Adding a new reader through a plugin is similar to adding a filter. The only difference is that we do not need to specify what category the reader should be added to in the GUI. For the latest version of ParaView we do not need to specify anything special for the GUI as all of the details of the reader are available in the XML proxy definition of the reader. For ParaView version 4.0.1 and earlier we need the XML to define what file extensions this reader can handle. This XML (MyReaderGUI.xml) looks like this:

<Reader name="MyPNGReader" extensions="png"
file_description="My PNG Files">

An example MyPNGReader.xml is shown below. In almost all cases you must have a SetFileName function property. You are free to have other properties as well, as with a standard (non-reader) filter. Also, the Hints section is needed in order to associate the file extension with the reader on the client. The ReaderFactory hint is what the client uses to identify readers from sources.

<ProxyGroup name="sources">
<SourceProxy name="MyPNGReader" class="vtkMyPNGReader" label="PNGReader">
long_help="Read a PNG file."
short_help="Read a PNG file.">
<FileListDomain name="files"/>
This property specifies the file name for the PNG reader.
<ReaderFactory extensions="png"
file_description="PNG File Format" />

The CMake code for a reader plugin uses the same structure as the filter example. The only likely difference is that the plugin should also pass REQUIRED_ON_SERVER to paraview_add_plugin since the server side needs the reader available for its use.

If you want your reader to work correctly with a file series, please refer to [[Animating legacy VTK file series::Making custom readers work with file series|file series animation]] for details.

Once you generate the project using CMake and compile the project, in ParaView go to Tools > Manage Plugins/Extensions. Under Local Plugins, click Load New and browse for the shared library file you just created. You should now see your new file type in the Files of type list in the Open file dialog.

Adding a Writer

Similar to a reader plugin, for a writer plugin we need to tell ParaView what extensions this writer supports. For the current version of ParaView this is done in the Hints section of the server manager XML definition as follows:

<WriterFactory extensions="tif"
file_description="My Tiff Files" />

Adding Customizations for Properties Panel

[[ParaView/Properties Panel|Properties Panel]] is the primary panel in ParaView used to change the parameters for visualization modules and displays. Plugins can provide new types of pqPropertyWidget subclasses that can be used to control properties/property groups on this Properties panel.

To register a new pqPropertyWidget subclass to be associated with a particular widget type for a property (vtkSMProperty), use the following CMake code in your plugin:

KIND kind
TYPE my_property_widget_type
INTERFACES interfaces
SOURCES sources)
UI_INTERFACES ${interfaces}
SOURCES ${sources})

The KIND argument must be one of WIDGET, GROUP_WIDGET, or WIDGET_DECORATOR. For a vtkSMProperty, WIDGET is required.

The CLASS_NAME argument must refer to a pqPropertyWidget subclass with a constructor with the following signature:

ClassName(vtkSMProxy *smproxy, vtkSMProperty *smproperty, QWidget *parentObject)

The TYPE argument specifies the string that will be used in the server manager XML as the value for the panel_widget attribute to request creation of this widget for a vtkSMProperty subclass.

To register a new pqPropertyWidget subclass to be associated with a particular widget type for a property group (vtkSMPropertyGroup), use GROUP_WIDGET for the KIND argument. The referenced CLASS_NAME must subclass pqPropertyWidget and have a constructor with the signature:

ClassName(vtkSMProxy *smproxy, vtkSMPropertyGroup *smgroup, QWidget *parentObject);

As before, the TYPE specifies the string that will be used in the server manager XML as the value for the panel_widget attribute on a PropertyGroup element to request creation of this widget for that group.

Another mechanism for adding customizations for Properties panel is to provide pqPropertyWidgetDecorator subclasses to add custom control logic for widgets on the panel.

Decorators use the WIDGET_DECORATOR argument to KIND.

The CLASS_NAME must point to a pqPropertyWidgetDecorator subclass and the TYPE is the string name used to request the creation of the decorator in the server manager XML as described [[ParaView/Properties Panel|here]].

An example for customizing the Properties panel can be found in the ParaView source under Examples/Plugins/PropertyWidgets.

Adding Documentation for Plugins

Developers can provide documentation for plugins that is shown in ParaView's Help window. There are two mechanisms for adding documentation from plugins.


This results in adding documentation to the ParaView Online Help when the plugin is loaded, as shown below.

Adding a Toolbar

Filters, reader, and writers are by far the most common ways for extending ParaView. However, ParaView plugin functionality goes far beyond that. The following sections cover some of these advanced plugins that can be written.

Applications use toolbars to provide easy access to commonly used functionality. It is possible to have plugins that add new toolbars to ParaView. The plugin developer implements his own C++ code to handle the callback for each button on the toolbar. Hence one can do virtually any operation using the toolbar plugin with some understanding of the ParaView Server Manager framework and the ParaView GUI components.

Please refer to Examples/Plugins/SourceToolbar for this section. There we are adding a toolbar with two buttons to create a sphere and a cylinder source. For adding a toolbar, one needs to implement a subclass for QActionGroup which adds the QActions for each of the toolbar button and then implements the handler for the callback when the user clicks any of the buttons. In the example SourceToobarActions.{h,cxx} is the QActionGroup subclass that adds the two tool buttons.

To build the plugin, the CMakeLists.txt file is:

# This is a macro for adding QActionGroup subclasses automatically as toolbars.
CLASS_NAME SourceToolbarActions
GROUP_NAME "ToolBar/SourceToolbar"
INTERFACES interfaces
SOURCES sources)
# Now create a plugin for the toolbar. Here we pass the `interfaces` and
# `sources` returned by the above call.
UI_INTERFACES ${interfaces}
SOURCES ${sources}

For the GROUP_NAME, we are using ToolBar/SourceToolbar; here ToolBar is a keyword which implies that the action group is a toolbar (and shows up under View > Toolbars menu) with the name SourceToolbar. When the plugin is loaded, this toolbar will show up with two buttons.

Adding a Menu

Adding a menu to the menu bar of the main window is almost identical to adding a toolbar. The only difference is that you use the keyword MenuBar in lieu of ToolBar in the GROUP_NAME of the action group. So if you change the paraview_plugin_add_action_group command above to the following, the plugin will add a menu titled MyActions to the menu bar.

CLASS_NAME SourceToolbarActions
GROUP_NAME "MenuBar/MyActions"
INTERFACES interfaces
SOURCES sources)

If you give the name of an existing menu, then the commands will be added to that menu rather than create a new one. So, for example, if the GROUP_NAME is MenuBar/File, the commands will be added to the bottom of the File menu.

Autostart Plugins

This refers to a plugin which needs to be notified when ParaView starts up or the plugin is loaded which ever happens later and then notified when ParaView quits. Example is in Examples/Plugins/Autostart in the ParaView source. For such a plugin, we need to provide a QObject subclass (pqMyApplicationStarter) with methods that need to be called on startup and shutdown.

class pqMyApplicationStarter : public QObject
// Callback for startup.
// This cannot take any arguments
void onStartup();
// Callback for shutdown.
// This cannot take any arguments
void onShutdown();

The CMakeLists.txt looks as follows:

# Macro for auto-start plugins. We specify the class name and the methods to
# call on startup and shutdown on an instance of that class. It returns the
# interface and sources created in the variables passed to the `INTERFACES` and
# `SOURCES` arguments, respectively.
CLASS_NAME pqMyApplicationStarter # the class name for our class
STARTUP onStartup # specify the method to call on startup
SHUTDOWN onShutdown # specify the method to call on shutdown
INTERFACES interfaces
SOURCES sources)
# Create a plugin for this starter
UI_INTERFACES ${interfaces}
SOURCES pqMyApplicationStarter.cxx ${interfaces})

Adding new Representations for 3D View using Plugins

ParaView's 3D view the most commonly used view for showing polygonal or volumetric data. By default, ParaView provides representation-types for showing the dataset as surface, wireframe, points etc. It’s possible to add representations using plugins that extends this set of available representation types.

Before we start looking at how to write such a plugin, we need to gain some understanding of the 3D view and its representations. The 3D view uses 3 basic representation proxies for rendering all types of data:

Each of these representation proxies are basically composite representation proxies that use other representation proxies to do the actual rendering, e.g., GeometryRepresentation uses SurfaceRepresentation for rendering the data as wireframe, points, surface, and surface-with-edges and OutlineRepresentation for rendering an outline for the data. Subsequently, the 3 composite representation proxies provide a property named Representation which allows the user to pick the representation type he wants to see the data as. The composite representation proxy has logic to enable one of its internal representations based on the type chosen by the user.

These 3 composite representation types are fixed and cannot be changed by plugins. What plugins can do is add more internal representations to any of these 3 composite representations to support new representations types that the user can choose using the representation type combo box on the display tab or in the toolbar.

Representation type combo-box allowing user to choose the sub-representation to use
Using a New Mapper

In this example, we see how to integrate a special polydata mapper written in VTK into ParaView. Let’s say the mapper is called vtkMySpecialPolyDataMapper which is simply a subclass of vtkPainterPolyDataMapper. In practice, vtkMySpecialPolyDataMapper can internally use different painters to do perform special rendering tasks.

To integrate this mapper into ParaView, first we need to create a vtkSMRepresentationProxy subclass for that uses this mapper. In this example, since the mapper is a simple replacement for the standard vtkPainterPolyDataMapper, we can define our representation proxy as a specialization of the SurfaceRepresentation as follows:

<ProxyGroup name="representations">
This is the new representation type we are adding. This is identical to
the SurfaceRepresentation except that we are overriding the mapper with
our mapper.

vtkMySpecialRepresentation is a subclass of vtkGeometryRepresentationWithFaces where in the constructor we simply override the mappers as follows:

// Replace the mappers created by the superclass.
this->Mapper = vtkMySpecialPolyDataMapper::New();
this->LODMapper = vtkMySpecialPolyDataMapper::New();
// Since we replaced the mappers, we need to call SetupDefaults() to ensure
// the pipelines are setup correctly.

Next we need to register this new type with the any (or all) of the 3 standard composite representations so that it will become available to the user to choose in the representation type combo box. To decide which of the 3 composite representations we want to add our representation to, think of the input data types our representation supports. If it can support any type of data set, then we can add our representation all the 3 representations (as is the case with this example). However if we are adding a representation for volume rendering of vtkUnstructuredGrid then we will add it only to the UnstructuredGridRepresentation. This is done by using the Extension XML tag. It simply means that we are extending the original XML for the proxy definition with the specified additions. Now to make this representation available as a type to the user, we use the RepresentationType element , with text used as the text shown for the type in the combo-box, subproxy specifies the name of representation subproxy to activate when the user chooses the specified type. Optionally one can also specify the subtype attribute, which if present is the value set on a property named Representation for the subproxy when the type is chosen. This allows for the subproxy to provide more than one representation type.

<ProxyGroup name="representations">
<Extension name="GeometryRepresentation">
Extends standard GeometryRepresentation by adding
MySpecialRepresentation as a new type of representation.
text="Special Mapper"
subtype="1" />
<Proxy name="MySpecialRepresentation"
<ShareProperties subproxy="SurfaceRepresentation">
<Exception name="Input" />
<Exception name="Visibility" />
<Exception name="Representation" />

The CMakeLists.txt file is not much different from what it would be like for adding a simple filter or a reader where the representation class is placed into the contained module.

Source code for this example is available under Examples/Plugins/Representation in the ParaView source directory.


The ParaView git repository contains many examples in the Examples/Plugins directory.

Adding plugins to ParaView source

There are several plugins that are included in ParaView source itself and are built as part of ParaView's build process. To add such a plugin to the ParaView build there are two options, adding it to the ParaView/Plugins directory is currently the only supported mechanism.

In general users should simply build their plugins separately, outside the ParaView source. However, when building ParaView statically, adding the plugin to be built as part of ParaView ensures that the static executables load the plugin, otherwise there is no mechanism for loading a plugin in statically built executables.

In your plugin source directory, ParaView searches for a file name paraview.plugin which provides ParaView with information about the plugin. This file should contain the following contents:

# Comments are allowed.
A description of the plugin. This text is attached to the CMake option to
build this plugin.
# List of VTK modules required by the code contained in the plugin. This
# allows ParaView to build the full set of requested modules if the plugin is
# being built.

If now the plugin is enabled (by the user or by default) by turning ON the PARAVIEW_PLUGIN_ENABLE_PluginName CMake option, then CMake will look for a CMakeLists.txt file next to the paraview.plugin. This file contains the calls to build the plugin including the paraview_add_plugin call, and building of any other libraries that the plugin needs.

A good place to start would be look at examples under ParaView/Plugins directory.

Plugins in Static Applications

It is possible to import plugins into a ParaView-based application at compile time. When building ParaView-based applications statically, this is the only option to bring in components from plugins. When built statically (i.e., with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS set to false), ParaView will automatically link and load plugins that were enabled via CMake by inserting the necessary PV_PLUGIN_IMPORT_INIT and PV_PLUGIN_IMPORT macros.

The code below shows how the PV_PLUGIN macros would be used to statically load plugins in custom applications:

#include "vtkPVPlugin.h"
// Adds required forward declarations.
class MyMainWindow : public QMainWindow
// ....
// ... after initialization ...
// Calls relevant callbacks to load the plugins and update the
// GUI/Server-Manager


*Tools > Manage Plugins* is not visible!

Plugins can only be loaded dynamically when ParaView is built with shared libraries. You must recompile ParaView with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON.

Compile error `invalid conversion from 'vtkYourFiltersSuperClass*' to 'vtkYourFilter*'`

Any VTK object that needs to be treated as a filter or source has to be a vtkAlgorithm subclass. The particular superclass a filter is derived from has to be given not only in the standard C++ way:

class VTKMODULE_EXPORT vtkMyElevationFilter : public vtkElevationFilter

but additionally declared with help of the vtkTypeMacro. For the example given above:

class VTKMODULE_EXPORT vtkMyElevationFilter : public vtkElevationFilter
vtkTypeMacro(vtkMyElevationFilter, vtkElevationFilter);

Otherwise, compiling the filter will fail with a variety of error messages (depending on superclass) like

vtkMyElevationFilter.cxx:19: error: no 'void vtkMyElevationFilter::CollectRevisions(std::ostream&)'
member function declared in class 'vtkMyElevationFilter'


vtkMyElevationFilterClientServer.cxx:97: error: invalid conversion from ‘vtkPolyDataAlgorithm*’ to

Mysterious Segmentation Faults in Plugins that use Custom VTK Classes

This primarily concerns plugins that make calls to your own custom vtkMy (or whatever you called it) library of VTK extensions.


The solution is to make sure that your vtkMy library is compiled against ParaView's internal VTK libraries. Even if you compiled VTK and ParaView using the same VTK sources, you must not link against the external VTK libraries. (The linker won't complain, because it will find all the symbols it needs, but this leads to unexpected behaviour.)

To be explicit, when compiling your vtkMy library, you must set the CMake variable VTK_DIR to point to the VTK subdirectory in the directory in which you built ParaView. (On my system, CMake automatically finds VTK at /usr/lib/vtk-5.2, and I must change VTK_DIR to ~/source/ParaView3/build/VTK.)

"Is not a valid Qt plugin" in Windows

Make sure that all the DLLs that your plugin depends on are on the PATH. If in doubt, try placing your plugin and all its dependent DLLs in the bin directory of your build and load it from there.

The system cannot find the path specified. error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 3.

You may get an error like this when trying to build your plugin with Visual Studio:

1> CS Wrapping - generating vtkMyElevationFilterClientServer.cxx
1> The system cannot find the path specified.
1>C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(151,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 3.
1>Done executing task "CustomBuild" -- FAILED.

This is caused for a mismatch between the configuration you used when building ParaView (e.g. Debug, Release, etc.) and the configuration currently chosen for building your plugin. So ensure those match.

The problem is caused because inside the Linker properties there are references to the *.lib files, including the name of the directory that matches the configuration type, which may look something like C:\Users\MyUser\ParaView-v4.2.0-build\lib\Release\vtkPVAnimation-pv4.2.lib.