Source code for paraview.spatiotemporalparallelism

import sys
import os
import paraview
import paraview.simple as pvsimple
can_savecinema = True
    from vtkmodules.numpy_interface.algorithms import *
    from mpi4py import MPI
    can_savecinema = False

paraview.options.batch = True # this may not be necessary

[docs]def CreateTimeCompartments(globalController, timeCompartmentSize): if globalController.GetNumberOfProcesses() == 1: print ('single process') return elif globalController.GetNumberOfProcesses() % timeCompartmentSize != 0: print ('number of processes must be an integer multiple of time compartment size') return elif timeCompartmentSize == globalController.GetNumberOfProcesses(): return globalController gid = globalController.GetLocalProcessId() timeCompartmentGroupId = int (gid / timeCompartmentSize ) newController = globalController.PartitionController(timeCompartmentGroupId, gid % timeCompartmentSize) # must unregister if the reference count is greater than 1 if newController.GetReferenceCount() > 1: newController.UnRegister(None) #print (gid, ' of global comm is ', newController.GetLocalProcessId()) globalController.SetGlobalController(newController) return newController
[docs]def CheckReader(reader): if hasattr(reader, "FileName") == False: print ("ERROR: Don't know how to set file name for ", reader.SMProxy.GetXMLName()) sys.exit(-1) if hasattr(reader, "TimestepValues") == False: print ("ERROR: ", reader.SMProxy.GetXMLName(), " doesn't have time information") sys.exit(-1)
[docs]def CreateControllers(timeCompartmentSize): pm = paraview.servermanager.vtkProcessModule.GetProcessModule() globalController = pm.GetGlobalController() if timeCompartmentSize > globalController.GetNumberOfProcesses(): timeCompartmentSize = globalController.GetNumberOfProcesses() temporalController = CreateTimeCompartments(globalController, timeCompartmentSize) return globalController, temporalController, timeCompartmentSize
[docs]def WriteImages(currentTimeStep, currentTime, views): cinemaLines = [] cnt = 0 for view in views: filename = view.tpFileName.replace("%t", str(currentTimeStep)) view.ViewTime = currentTime cinemaLines.append(str(currentTime) + "," + view.GetXMLName()+"_"+str(cnt) + "," + filename + "\n") pvsimple.WriteImage(filename, view, Magnification=view.tpMagnification) cnt = cnt + 1 return cinemaLines
[docs]def WriteFiles(currentTimeStep, currentTime, writers): cinemaLines = [] cnt = 0 for writer in writers: originalfilename = writer.FileName fname = originalfilename.replace("%t", str(currentTimeStep)) writer.FileName = fname cinemaLines.append(str(currentTime) + "," + writer.GetXMLName()+"_"+str(cnt) + "," + fname + "\n") writer.UpdatePipeline(currentTime) writer.FileName = originalfilename cnt = cnt + 1 return cinemaLines
[docs]def IterateOverTimeSteps(globalController, timeCompartmentSize, timeSteps, writers, views, make_cinema_table=False): if make_cinema_table and not can_savecinema: print ("WARNING: Can not save cinema table because MPI4PY is not available.") make_cinema_table = False numProcs = globalController.GetNumberOfProcesses() numTimeCompartments = numProcs//timeCompartmentSize tpp = len(timeSteps)/numTimeCompartments remainder = len(timeSteps)%numTimeCompartments timeCompartmentIndex = int(globalController.GetLocalProcessId()/timeCompartmentSize) myStartTimeStep = tpp*timeCompartmentIndex myEndTimeStep = myStartTimeStep+tpp if timeCompartmentIndex < remainder: myStartTimeStep = myStartTimeStep+timeCompartmentIndex myEndTimeStep = myStartTimeStep+tpp+1 else: myStartTimeStep = myStartTimeStep+remainder myEndTimeStep = myStartTimeStep+tpp myStartTimeStep = int(myStartTimeStep) myEndTimeStep = int(myEndTimeStep) cinemaLines = [] for currentTimeStep in range(myStartTimeStep,myEndTimeStep): #print (globalController.GetLocalProcessId(), " is working on ", currentTimeStep) ret = WriteImages(currentTimeStep, timeSteps[currentTimeStep], views) if ret: cinemaLines.extend(ret) ret = WriteFiles(currentTimeStep, timeSteps[currentTimeStep], writers) if ret: cinemaLines.extend(ret) if make_cinema_table: # gather the file list from each time compartment to the root and save it myGID = globalController.GetLocalProcessId() myLID = int(myGID) % int(timeCompartmentSize) mystring = '' # only one node per time compartment should participate if myLID == 0: mystring = ''.join(x for x in cinemaLines) mylen = len(mystring) result = '' comm = vtkMPI4PyCommunicator.ConvertToPython(globalController.GetCommunicator()) gathered_lines = comm.gather(mystring, root=0) if myGID == 0: # root writes the file, prepending header f = open("data.csv", "w") f.write("timestep,producer,FILE\n") for x in gathered_lines: if x: f.write(x) f.close()
[docs]def CreateReader(ctor, fileInfo, **kwargs): "Creates a reader, checks if it can be used, and sets the filenames" import glob files = glob.glob(fileInfo) files.sort() # assume there is a logical ordering of the filenames that corresponds to time ordering reader = paraview.simple.OpenDataFile(files) CheckReader(reader) if kwargs: pvsimple.SetProperties(reader, **kwargs) return reader
[docs]def CreateWriter(ctor, filename, tp_writers): writer = ctor() return RegisterWriter(writer, filename, tp_writers)
[docs]def RegisterWriter(writer, filename, tp_writers): writer.FileName = filename tp_writers.append(writer) return writer
[docs]def CreateView(proxy_ctor, filename, magnification, width, height, tp_views): view = proxy_ctor() return RegisterView(view, filename, magnification, width, height, tp_views)
[docs]def RegisterView(view, filename='filename_%t.vti', magnification=1.0, width=1024, height=1024, tp_views=[]): view.add_attribute("tpFileName", filename) view.add_attribute("tpMagnification", magnification) tp_views.append(view) view.ViewSize = [width, height] return view