Get reference to the internal HTTP request abstraction

var _ = require("./girder-util.js");

function listUsers(query, callback) {
    var allowedQueryKeys = ['text', 'limit', 'offset', 'sort', 'sortdir'],
        args = _.args(['query', 'callback'], arguments);
    _.GET('/user' + _.extractQuery(args.query, allowedQueryKeys), args.callback);

function createUser(user, callback) {
    var allowedQueryKeys = ['login', 'email', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'password', 'admin'],
        count = allowedQueryKeys.length;

Validate user before making the request

    while(count--) {
        if(user[allowedQueryKeys[count]] === undefined) {
            return callback({ 
                'message': 'User is at least missing ' +
                            allowedQueryKeys[count] + ' but should provide ' +
                            allowedQueryKeys.join(', ') });

    _.POST('/user' + _.extractQuery(user, allowedQueryKeys), callback);

function changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword, callback) {
    _.PUT('/user/password' + 
          _.extractQuery({ old:oldPassword, new:newPassword }), 

function resetPassword(email, callback) {
    _.DELETE('/user/password' + 

function deleteUser(userId, callback) {
    _.DELETE('/user/' + userId, callback);

function getUser(userId, callback) {
    _.GET('/user/' + userId, callback);

function updateUser(user, callback) {
    var mandatoryKeys = ['email', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'id'],
        count = mandatoryKeys.length;

Validate user before making the request

    while(count--) {
        if(user[mandatoryKeys[count]] === undefined) {
            return callback({ 
                'message': 'User is missing ' +
                            mandatoryKeys[count] + ' but should provide ' +
                            mandatoryKeys.join(', ') });
    _.PUT('/user/' + + _.extractQuery(user, mandatoryKeys, ['id']), callback);

function me(callback) {
    _.GET('/user/me', callback);

—- Export functions for the module —-

module.exports = {
    listUsers       : listUsers,
    createUser      : createUser,
    changePassword  : changePassword,
    resetPassword   : resetPassword,
    deleteUser      : deleteUser,
    getUser         : getUser,
    updateUser      : updateUser,
    me              : me