Getting Started

The HPCCloud stack is deployed using Ansible. Our deployment repository contains the playbooks for the deployment. The repository also contains support for Vagrant which allows the full stack to be deployed to a virtual machine. This is quickest way to get up and running with HPCCloud. The deployment is perfect for evaluation or testing, however, this is not recommended in production as everything is deployed to a single machine.

The Vagrant deployment has the following prerequistes:

Once the prerequistes have been installed follow the following steps to set up the virtual machine.

1: Clone the deployment repository.

git clone

2: Move into the repository directory.

cd HPCCloud-deploy

3: Execute the command:

DEMO=1 vagrant up

Once the vagrant provisioning process it complete your VM will up and running.

You can then access the HPCCloud application by visiting http://localhost:8888 and logging in as user hpccloud with password letmein.

(Note: you could also register as a new user, but then the preconfigurated “demo_cluster” wouldn’t be available, which is provisioned within the Vagrant machine)


These steps have the same prerequistes as listed above.

1: Clone the deployment repository.

git clone
cd HPCCloud-deploy

2: Create the virtual machine

vagrant up

3: Set the the environment variable DEVELOPMENT=1
4: Clone the HPC-Cloud repository

git clone
cd HPCCloud

5: In the HPC-Cloud directory run:

npm install
npm start

This will install the front-end dependencies and run a webpack-dev server on localhost:9999 which will reflect local changes to HPC-Cloud as you make them.