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Configuration JSON File

By loading a JSON file, you can set VolView's configuration:

  • Starting view layout (Axial Only, 3D Primary, etc).
  • Labels for tools
  • Visibility of Sample Data section
  • Keyboard shortcuts

Starting view layout

The activeLayout key has options (Axial Only, 3D Primary, etc.) defined in config.ts

  "layout": {
    "activeLayout": "Axial Only"

Labels for tools

Each tool type (Rectangle, Polygon, etc.) can have tool specific labels. To share labels across tools, define the defaultLabels key and don't provide labels for a tool that should use the default labels.

  "labels": {
    "defaultLabels": {
      "lesion": { "color": "#ff0000" },
      "tumor": { "color": "green", "strokeWidth": 3 }

Segment Group File Format

The segmentGroupSaveFormat key specifies the file extension of the segment group images VolView will include in the file.

  "io": {
    "segmentGroupSaveFormat": "nii"

Working segment group file formats:

hdf5, iwi.cbor, mha, nii, nii.gz, nrrd, vtk

Automatic Segment Groups by File Name

When loading files, VolView can automatically convert images to segment groups if they follow a naming convention. For example, an image with name like will be converted to a segment group for a base image named like foo.baz.
The segmentation extension is defined by the io.segmentGroupExtension key, which takes a string. Files foo.[segmentGroupExtension].bar will be automatilly converted to segment groups for a base image named foo.baz. The default is '' and will disable the feature.

This will define myFile.seg.nrrd as a segment group for a myFile.nii base file.

  "io": {
    "segmentGroupExtension": "seg"

Keyboard Shortcuts

Configure the keys to activate tools, change selected labels, and more. All shortcut actions are under the ACTIONS variable.

To configure a key for an action, add its action name and the key(s) under the shortcuts section. For key combinations, use + like Ctrl+f.

  "shortcuts": {
    "polygon": "Ctrl+p",
    "showKeyboardShortcuts": "t"

Visibility of Sample Data section

Simplify the data browser by hiding the Sample Data expandable section.

  "dataBrowser": {
    "hideSampleData": false

Example JSON:

  "labels": {
    "defaultLabels": {
      "lesion": { "color": "#ff0000" },
      "tumor": { "color": "green", "strokeWidth": 3 }
  "layout": {
    "activeLayout": "Axial Only"

All options:

  "labels": {
    "defaultLabels": {
      "lesion": { "color": "#ff0000" },
      "tumor": { "color": "green", "strokeWidth": 3 },
      "innocuous": { "color": "white" }
    "rulerLabels": {
      "big": { "color": "#ff0000" },
      "small": { "color": "white" }
    "rectangleLabels": {
      "red": { "color": "#ff0000", "fillColor": "transparent" },
      "green": { "color": "green", "fillColor": "transparent" },
      "white-yellow-fill": {
        "color": "white",
        "fillColor": "#00ff0030"
    "polygonLabels": {
      "poly1": { "color": "#ff0000" },
      "poly2Label": { "color": "green" }
  "layout": {
    "activeLayout": "Axial Only"
  "dataBrowser": {
    "hideSampleData": false
  "shortcuts": {
    "polygon": "Ctrl+p",
    "showKeyboardShortcuts": "t"
  "io": {
    "segmentGroupSaveFormat": "nrrd"