Available readers, sources, writers, filters and animation cues

Proxies generated for server side objects under simple Module

ADIOS2CoreImageReader Reader to read ADIOS2 files as vtkImageData.
ADIOS2VTXReader Read an ADIOS2 BP file with embeded VTK XML Schema for vti (Image) and
AMRConnectivity one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
AMRContour one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
AMRCutPlane This filter
AMRDualClip one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
AMRFragmentIntegration one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
AMRFragmentsFilter Combines the running of
AMRGaussianPulseSource AMR
AMReXBoxLibGridReader This AMReX reader loads data stored in AMReX plt file format. The
AMReXBoxLibParticlesReader Reads particle data from AMReX plotfiles.
ANLHaloFinder one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ANLSubhaloFinder This filter assumes input similar to the output of the ANL Halo Finder’s
AdaptiveCosmoCore The Adaptive Cosmo reader reads in multi-resolution, sampled
AddFieldArrays Takes in an input data object and a filename. Opens the file
AggregateDataset This filter aggregates a dataset onto a subset of processes.
AngularPeriodicFilter This filter generate a periodic
AnimationCueBase Internal base interface for all animation
AnimationScene Proxy for animation scene.
AnnotateAttributeData This filter can be used to add a text annotation to a Render View (or similar) using a tuple from any attribute array (point/cell/field/row etc.) from a specific rank (when running in parallel).
AnnotateGlobalData Annotate Global Data provides a simpler API for creating text annotations using vtkPythonAnnotationFilter.
AnnotateTime The Annotate Time
AnnotateTimeFilter The Annotate Time
AppendArcLength vtkAppendArcLength is used for filter such as
AppendAttributes The Append Attributes filter takes multiple input data
AppendDatasets The Append
AppendGeometry The Append
AppendLocationAttributes This filter optionally adds point locations and cell centers to point and cell
AppendMolecule Appends one or more molecules into a single molecule. It also appends the associated atom data and edge data.
AppendReduce one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
Arrow The Arrow source appends a
Axes The Axes source can be used to add a representation of the
BYUReader The BYU reader reads
BlockScalars The Level
BlockSelectionSource BlockSelectionSource is a source producing a block-based
BooleanKeyFrame one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
BoundingRuler This filter creates a line along the object and defaults its
Box The
CGNSSeriesReader The CGNS reader reads binary files stored in CGNS format.
CGNSWriter The CGNS writer writes files stored in CGNS format.
CMLMoleculeReader This is a reader for Chemical Markup Language (CML) which
CSVReader The CSV
CSVWriter Writer to write comma or tab
Calculator The Calculator filter computes a new data array or new point coordinates as a function of existing scalar or vector arrays.
CameraAnimationCue Animation cue which can be used for animating Camera using
CameraKeyFrame one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
CellCenters The Cell Centers
CellDatatoPointData The Cell
CellSize This filter computes sizes for 0D (1 for vertex and number of points in for polyvertex), 1D (length), 2D (area)
CinemaDatabasePipelineObjectFilter Reader for a Cinema database.
CinemaDatabasePipelineObjectReader Reader for a Cinema database.
CityGMLReader vtkCityGMLReader is a reader for CityGML .gml files.
Clean The Clean filter
CleanCellstoGrid Merges degenerate cells. Assumes
CleantoGrid The Clean to Grid filter merges
ClientServerMoveData one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
Clip The Clip filter
ClipClosedSurface This clip filter cuts away a portion of the input polygonal dataset using
ClipGenericDataset The Generic Clip filter cuts away a portion of the input
ColorByArray one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ComparativeAnimationCue Animation cue used by comparative views.
CompositeDataIDSelectionSource CompositeDataIDSelectionSource used to create an ID based
CompositeKeyFrame one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ComputeDerivatives CellDerivatives is a filter that computes derivatives of
ComputeMoleculeBonds Compute the bonds of a molecule. If the
Cone The Cone
Connectivity The Connectivity
ContingencyStatistics This filter either computes a statistical model of a dataset or takes
Contour The Contour
ContourGenericDataset The Generic
ConvertAMRdatasettoMultiblock one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ConvertIntoMolecule Convert a point set into a molecule. Every point of the input becomes an atom
ConvertSelection Converts a selection from one type to
CosmoReader The Cosmology reader
CountCellFaces Adds a new cell data array containing the number of faces per cell.
CountCellVertices Adds a new cell data array containing the number of vertices per cell.
Crop The Crop filter
Curvature The
Cylinder The
D3 The D3 filter is
DEMReader The DEM reader
DICOMReaderSingleFile DICOM is a file format often used in medical imaging. This version
DICOMReaderdirectory DICOM is a file format often used in medical imaging. This version
DataObjectGenerator vtkDataObjectGenerator parses a string and produces dataobjects from the
DataSetCSVWriter Writer to write comma or tab
DataSetWriter Writer to write any type of data object in a legacy vtk data file. Cannot
DateToNumeric The DateToNumeric filter looks at string arrays in
Decimate The Decimate filter reduces the number of triangles in a
DecimatePolyline Decimate Polyline is a filter to reduce the number of lines in a
Delaunay2D Delaunay2D is a filter that constructs a 2D Delaunay
Delaunay3D Delaunay3D is a filter that constructs a 3D Delaunay triangulation from a list of input points.
DescriptiveStatistics This filter either computes a statistical model of a dataset or takes
Disk The Disk source can be used
DistributePoints This filter fairly distributes points over processors into contiguous spatial regions.
DistributedTrivialProducer one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ENZOAMRParticlesReader The
Elevation The Elevation filter generates point scalar values for an
Ellipse Source that creates an elliptical arc
EnSightMasterServerReader The EnSight
EnSightReader The EnSight reader reads
EnSightWriter Writer to write unstructured grid data as an EnSight file. Binary files
EnsembleDataReader Reads CSV files in which each row gives a dataset and the last column of
EnvironmentAnnotation Apply to any source. Gui allows manual selection of desired annotation options.
EnzoReader This Enzo reader loads data stored in Enzo format. The
EvenlySpacedStreamlines2D This filter generates evenly spaced streamlines in a 2D
ExodusIIReader The Exodus reader loads
ExodusIIWriter Writer to write Exodus
ExponentialKeyFrame one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ExtractAMRBlocks This filter extracts a list
ExtractAttributes This is a
ExtractBlock This filter extracts a range
ExtractCTHParts Extract
ExtractCellsByRegion This filter extracts from its input dataset all cells that are either
ExtractComponent one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ExtractEdges The Extract Edges
ExtractEnclosedPoints Evaluates all points in the input dataset to determine whether they are contained within
ExtractGenericDatasetSurface Extract geometry from a higher-order
ExtractLevel This filter extracts a range
ExtractLocation This filter allows you to specify a location and then either interpolate
ExtractRegionSurface The Extract
ExtractSelection This
ExtractSelectioninternal This filter extracts a given set of cells or points given
ExtractSubset The Extract
ExtractSubsetWithSeed Extract a subset (line or plane) from a structured-grid starting with a seed point.
ExtractSurface The Extract
ExtractTimeSteps This filter extracts specified time steps from its input.
FFTOfSelectionOverTime Extracts the data of a selection (e.g. points or cells)
FLASHAMRParticlesReader The
FacetReader The Facet
FastUniformGrid The
FeatureEdges The Feature Edges filter extracts various subsets of edges
FlashReader This Flash reader loads data stored in Enzo format. The
FluentCaseReader FLUENTReader creates an unstructured grid dataset. It
ForceTime Filter used to explicitly request a specific time from the pipeline.
FrustumSelectionSource FrustumSelectionSource is a source producing a frustum
GaussianCubeReader The Gaussian
GaussianResampling vtkGaussianSplatter
GenerateGlobalIds Generate global point and cell ids. Global ids are unique ids where the same point
GenerateIds This filter generates scalars using cell and point ids.
GenerateQuadraturePoints “Create a point set with data at quadrature
GenerateQuadratureSchemeDictionary Generate quadrature scheme dictionaries in data sets that do not have
GenerateSurfaceNormals This filter
GenerateSurfaceTangents This filter
GenericIOMultiBlockReader Reads GenericIO files into a vtkMultiBlockDataSet of unstructured grids.
GenericIOReader Reads GenericIO
GenericIOWriter Writer to write GenericIO files from multiblock data, each block will
GeometryFilter one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
GhostCellsGenerator The GhostCellGenerator operates on unstructured grids only.
GlobalIDSelectionSource GlobalIDSelectionSource is a source producing a global ID
Glyph The Glyph filter generates a glyph (i.e., an arrow, cone, cube, cylinder, line, sphere, or 2D glyph) at each point or cell in the input dataset.
GlyphLegacy The Glyph filter generates a glyph (i.e., an arrow, cone, cube, cylinder, line, sphere, or 2D glyph) at each point in the input dataset.
GlyphWithCustomSource The Glyph With Custom Source filter generates a glyph specified as the Source input to this filter at each point in the input dataset.
GlyphWithCustomSourceLegacy The Glyph filter generates a glyph at each point in the input dataset.
Gradient The Gradient filter
GradientMagnitude The Gradient
GradientOfUnstructuredDataSet The Gradient (Unstructured) filter estimates the gradient
GridConnectivity This
GroupDatasets Groups multiple datasets to create a multiblock
GroupTimeSteps Groups all the time steps in the input into a collection with no time information.
H5PartReader Reader for H5Part (HDF5) particle files.
HierarchicalDataIDSelectionSource HierarchicalDataIDSelectionSource used to create an ID
HierarchicalFractal The Hierarchical Fractal
HoudiniWriter Writer to write polygonal data in ASCII Houdini .geo (pre-v12.0)
HyperTreeGrid This source uses input parameters,
HyperTreeGridAxisReflection This filter reflect the cells of a hyper tree grid with respect to
HyperTreeGridCellCenters This filter generates output points at the center of the leaf
HyperTreeGridDepthLimiter Extract all levels down to a specified depth from a hyper tree grid.
HyperTreeGridGeometryFilter Generate PolyData representing the external surface of a HTG.
HyperTreeGridGhostCellsGenerator This filter generates ghost cells for hyper tree grid for multi processing purposes.
HyperTreeGridRandom This source uses input parameters,
HyperTreeGridReader Reads HyperTreeGrid data files
HyperTreeGridToDualGrid This filter converts vtkHyperTreeGrid data to vtkUnstructuredGrid, using the dual grid. The converted output consumes much more memory but is compatible with most of the standard filters.
HyperTreeGridToUnstructuredGrid This filter converts vtkHyperTreeGrid data to vtkUnstructuredGrid. The converted output consumes much more memory but is compatible with most of the standard filters.
HyperTreeGridWriter Writer to write hypertree data as a HyperTreeGrid file.
IDSelectionSource IDSelectionSource is a source producing a ID based
ImageDataToUniformGrid Create a vtkUniformGrid from a vtkImageData by passing in arrays to be used
ImageDatatoPointSet The Image
ImageReader The raw series
ImageResampling one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ImageShrink The Image Shrink
InSituParticlePath The Particle Trace filter generates pathlines in a vector
IntegrateVariables The Integrate Attributes filter integrates point and cell
InterpolatetoQuadraturePoints “Create scalar/vector data arrays interpolated to quadrature
IntersectFragments The Intersect Fragments filter perform geometric intersections on sets of
IsoVolume This filter clip away the cells using lower and upper
JPEGSeriesReader The JPEG series
JPEGWriter Writer to write image data as a JPEG file. It supports 1 to 3 component
JSONImageWriter one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
KMeans This filter either computes a statistical model of a dataset or takes
KeyFrame one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
KeyFrameAnimationCue Animation cue with keyframes.
LANLFOFSODHaloFinder one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
LSDynaReader This reader
LegacyResampleWithDataset Probe is a filter that computes point attributes at
LegacyVTKReader The Legacy VTK reader
LevelScalarsOverlappingAMR The Level
Line The Line
LinearCellExtrusion The Linear
LinearExtrusion The Linear
LiveProgrammableSource A programmable source that can produce new data autonomously.
LocationSelectionSource LocationSelectionSource is used to create a location based
Logo one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
LoopSubdivision The Loop Subdivision filter increases the granularity of a
MFIXReader vtkMFIXReader creates an unstructured grid dataset. It
MPIMoveData one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
MRCSeriesReader The MRC series
Mandelbrot The
MaskPoints The Mask Points
MaterialInterfaceFilter The Material Interface filter finds voxels inside of which a material
Median The Median filter operates on uniform rectilinear (image
MergeBlocks Merge Blocks appends all vtkDataSet leaves of the input composite dataset to a single
MeshQuality This filter
MetaFileSeriesReader Read a series
MetaImageWriter Writer to
MinMax one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
MoleculeToLines Convert a molecule into lines. Each atom of the input becomes a point of the output polydata, each bond a line.
MulticorrelativeStatistics This filter either computes a statistical model of a dataset or takes
NetCDFCAMreader This reader reads in unstructured grid data from a NetCDF
NetCDFMPASreader This reader reads unstructured grid MPAS data from a file.
NetCDFPOPreader The reader reads regular rectilinear grid (image/volume) data from a
NetCDFReader Reads
NetworkImageSource one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
NormalGlyphs Filter
NrrdReader The
OMETIFFChannelCalculator one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
OMETIFFReader Supports reading OME-TIFF files.
OpenFOAMReader The OpenFOAM reader
OrderedCompositeDistributor one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
Outline The Outline filter
Outline The Outline filter
OutlineCorners The
OutlineCurvilinearDataSet The Outline filter
OutlineGenericDataSet The Generic Outline
PDBReader The PDB reader reads files in
PDataSetWriterPolyData Writer to write vtkPolyData in a legacy vtk data file. This
PDataSetWriterUnstructuredGrid Writer to write vtkUnstructuredGrid of data object in a legacy vtk data file. This
PIOReader PIO is a file format
PLOT3DMetaFileReader The main goal of this reader is to make it easy to read PLOT3D files, specifically time series of PLOT3D files.
PLOT3DReader PLOT3D is a plotting
PLYReader The PLY reader
PNGSeriesReader The PNG reader reads PNG
PNGWriter Writer to
POBJWriter Writer to write polygonal data in Wavefront OBJ format.
PPLYWriter Writer to write polygonal data in Stanford University PLY format. The
PSTLWriter STLWriter
PTSReader The PTS reader
PVDReader The PVD reader reads data
PVTrivialProducer one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ParallelNetCDFPOPreader The reader reads regular rectilinear grid (image/volume) data from a
ParticlePath The Particle Trace filter generates pathlines in a vector
ParticleTracer The Particle Trace filter generates pathlines in a vector
ParticlesReader vtkParticleReader reads
PartitionedLegacyVTKReader The
PassArrays The Pass Arrays filter makes a shallow copy of the output
PassThrough A simple pass-through filter that doesn’t transform data in any way.
PedigreeIDSelectionSource PedigreeIDSelectionSource is a source producing a pedigree
PhastaReader This Phasta reader reads files stored in the Phasta (a CFD
Plane The Plane source can be used to add a polygonal
PlotData This filter
PlotDataOverTime one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
PlotGlobalVariablesOverTime This filter extracts the variables that reside in a
PlotOnIntersectionCurves Extracts the surface, intersect it with a 2D plane. Plot
PlotOnSortedLines The Plot on Sorted Lines filter sorts and orders
PlotOverLine The Plot Over Line filter samples the data set attributes
PlotSelectionOverTime This filter extracts the selection over time, i.e. cell
PointDatasetInterpolator This probes a point cloud PC on the Input with a
PointDatatoCellData The Point
PointInterpolator This probes a point cloud PC on the Input with a
PointLineInterpolator This probes a point cloud PC on the Input with a
PointPlaneInterpolator This probes a point cloud PC on the Input with a
PointSource The point source creates
PointVolumeInterpolator This probes a point cloud PC on the Input with a
PolyLineSource The Poly Line Source creates a poly line from an arbitrary
PolyPointSource The Poly Point Source creates a poly data of points from an arbitrary
PrincipalComponentAnalysis This filter either computes a statistical model of a dataset or takes
ProbeLocation The Probe filter samples the data set attributes of the
ProcessIdScalars The
ProgrammableFilter This filter will execute a python script to produce an
ProgrammableSource This source will execute a python script to produce an
PythonAnimationCue Animation cue that can use python script for
PythonAnnotation This filter uses Python to calculate an expression and display
PythonCalculator This filter
QuadricClustering The Quadric
RTXMLPolyDataReader one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
RampKeyFrame one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
RandomAttributes The Random Attributes filter creates random attributes
RandomVectors The Random
RectilinearDatatoPointSet The Rectilinear Grid to Point Set
RectilinearGridConnectivity Extracts material fragments from multiblock vtkRectilinearGrid datasets
RectilinearGridGeometryFilter RectilinearGridGeometryFilter is a filter that extracts
RedistributeDataSet Redistribute data for load balancing. The filter either computes the bounding
ReductionFilter one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
Reflect The
RemoveGhostInformation Removes ghost
ResampleAMR This
ResampleToImage one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ResampleWithDataset This filter takes two inputs - Source Data Arrays, and samples the
RestartedSimExodusReader When a simulation that outputs exodus files is restarted,
RestartedSimSpyPlotReader When a CTH simulation is restarted, typically you get a
Ribbon The Ribbon
RotationalExtrusion The Rotational Extrusion filter forms a surface by
Ruler The ruler can be used to
SLACDataReader A reader for a data format
SLACParticleDataReader The SLAC Particle data reader.
SPHDatasetInterpolator This filter uses SPH (smooth particle hydrodynamics) kernels to
SPHInterpolator This filter uses SPH (smooth particle hydrodynamics) kernels to
SPHLineInterpolator This filter uses SPH (smooth particle hydrodynamics) kernels to
SPHPlaneInterpolator This filter uses SPH (smooth particle hydrodynamics) kernels to
SPHVolumeInterpolator This filter uses SPH (smooth particle hydrodynamics) kernels to
STLReader The STL reader reads ASCII or
ScatterPlot This
SegYReader SEG-Y Reader reads SEG-Y data files. We create a Structured
SelectionQuerySource one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
SelectionSourceBase Internal proxy used to define the common API for Selection
SerialHTGMultiBlock Writer to write a multiblock dataset in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be
Shrink The Shrink filter
SinusoidKeyFrame one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
Slice This filter
SliceAMRdata This filter slices AMR
SliceAlongPolyLine The Slice Along PolyLine filter is similar to the Slice Filter except that it slices along a surface that
SliceGenericDataset The
SliceWithPlane This filter
Slicedemanddrivencomposite This filter
Smooth The Smooth filter operates on a polygonal data set by
Sphere The Sphere source can be
SplineSource This class
SpyPlotReader The Spy
StreakLine The Particle Trace filter generates pathlines in a vector
StreamTracer The
StreamTracerForGenericDatasets The
StreamTracerWithCustomSource The
Subdivide The Subdivide filter iteratively divides each triangle in
Superquadric The Superquadric source can be used to add a polygonal superquadric to
SurfaceFlow The flow integration filter integrates the dot product of
SurfaceVectors The Surface Vectors filter is used for 2D data sets. It
SynchronizeTime Synchronize time step values in the first input (Input) to time step
TIFFReader The TIFF reader reads TIFF
TIFFSeriesReader The TIFF series
TIFFWriter Writer to
TRUCHASReader Reads TRUCHAS simulation output stored in HDF5.
TableFFT Performs the Fast Fourier Transform on the columns of a
TableToPoints The
TableToStructuredGrid The
TecplotReader The Tecplot reader extracts multiple zones (blocks) of
TecplotTableReader The Tecplot
TemporalArrayOperator Filter used to perform an operation on a data array at 2 different timesteps.
TemporalCache The Temporal Cache
TemporalInterpolator The Temporal
TemporalParticlesToPathlines Particle Pathlines takes any dataset as input, it extracts the
TemporalShiftScale The Temporal
TemporalSnaptoTimeStep This file modifies the time range or time steps of the
TemporalStatistics Given an input
TensorGlyph The Tensor Glyph filter generates an ellipsoid, cuboid, cylinder or superquadric glyph at every point in
Tessellate The Tessellate filter
TessellateGenericDataset Tessellate
Test3DWidget one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
Tetrahedralize The
Text The Text source is used to
TextureMaptoCylinder This is a filter that generates 2D texture coordinates by
TextureMaptoPlane TextureMapToPlane is a filter that generates 2D texture
TextureMaptoSphere This is a filter that generates 2D texture coordinates by
Threshold The Threshold filter extracts the portions of the input
ThresholdSelectionSource ThresholdSelectionSource is used to create a threshold
TimeAnimationCue This is same as KeyFrameAnimationCue except that it has a
TimeSource Produces a
TimeStepProgressBar The Time Step Progress Bar
Transform The Transform
TriangleStrips The
Triangulate The
TrivialProducer one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
Tube The Tube filter
UnstructuredCellTypes Generate cells of the specified type. If a 1D cell type is chosen then
UnstructuredNetCDFPOPreader The reader reads regular rectilinear grid (image/volume) data from a
VPICReader VPIC is a 3D
VRMLReader The VRML reader loads
ValidateCells one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
ValueSelectionSource ValueSelectionSource is a source producing a value based
VisItANSYSReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItAUXFileReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItBOVReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItCEAucdReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItCMATReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItCTRLReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItChomboReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItClawReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItCurve2DReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItDDCMDReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItDyna3DReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItExtrudedVolReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItFLASHReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItFluentReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItGGCMReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItGTCReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItGULPReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItGadgetReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItH5NimrodReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItImageReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItLAMMPSDumpReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItLAMMPSStructureReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItLinesReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItM3DC1Reader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItM3DReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItMFIXCDFReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItMFIXReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItMM5Reader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItMirandaReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNASTRANReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNek5000Reader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNetCDFADAPTReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNetCDFCCSM_MTSDReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNetCDFCCSM_STSDReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNetCDFFVCOMParticleReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNetCDFFVCOM_MTMDReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNetCDFFVCOM_MTSDReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNetCDFFVCOM_STSDReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNetCDFLODIParticleReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItNetCDFLODIReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItOVERFLOWReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItOpenFOAMReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItPATRANReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItPFLOTRANReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItPLOT2DReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItPLOT3DReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItParaDisReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItParaDisTecplotReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItPixieReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItPoint3DReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItProteinDataBankReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItRAWReader Allows mesh geometry to be shared with CAD programs such as Blender and POVRAY
VisItSAMRAIReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItSARReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItSASReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItSpheralReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItTFTReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItTSurfReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItTecplotBinaryReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItTecplotReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItTetradReader The default file extensions are .hdf5, and .h5
VisItUNICReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItVASPCHGCARReader VAMP/VASP is a package for performing ab-initio quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics (MD) using pseudopotentials and a plane wave basis set.
VisItVASPOUTCARReader VAMP/VASP is a package for performing ab-initio quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics (MD) using pseudopotentials and a plane wave basis set.
VisItVASPPOSCARReader VAMP/VASP is a package for performing ab-initio quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics (MD) using pseudopotentials and a plane wave basis set.
VisItVelodyneReader Velodyne as an advanced structural mechanics code written by Corvid Technologies.
VisItVsReader VizSchema is a specification for markup added to hdf5 files to describe the data contained within. VizSchema also allows users to specify run information and other miscellaneous data in a standardized manner.
VisItXYZReader Note this reader is automatically generated from wrapping a third party reader. For more information on the reader see https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit
VisItXmdvReader XmdvTool is a public-domain software package for the interactive visual exploration of multivariate data sets.
WarpByScalar The Warp (scalar) filter translates the points of the
WarpByVector The Warp (vector) filter translates the points of the
WavefrontOBJReader The OBJ reader
Wavelet The Wavelet source can be used to create a uniform
WindBladereader WindBlade/Firetec is a simulation dealing with the effects
XDMFReader The XDMF reader reads
XMLHierarchicalBoxDataWriter (DEPRECATED) Writer to write a hierarchical box in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be
XMLHierarchicalBoxDatareader The XML Hierarchical Box Data reader reads VTK’s XML-based
XMLImageDataReader The XML Image
XMLImageDataWriter Writer to write image data in a xml-based vtk data file. Cannot be used
XMLMultiBlockDataReader The XML
XMLMultiBlockDataWriter Writer to write a multiblock dataset in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be
XMLPHyperTreeGridWriter Writer to write hyper tree grid in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be
XMLPImageDataWriter Writer to write image data in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be used for
XMLPPolyDataWriter Writer to write polydata in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be used for
XMLPRectilinearGridWriter Writer to write rectilinear grid in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be
XMLPStructuredGridWriter Writer to write structured grid in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be used
XMLPTableWriter Writer to write table in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be
XMLPUnstructuredGridWriter Writer to write unstructured grid in a xml-based vtk data file. Can be
XMLPVAnimationWriter Internal writer proxy used when saving animation geometry
XMLPVDWriter Writer to
XMLPartitionedDataSetCollectionWriter Write a vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection to a xml-based vtk data file.
XMLPartitionedDataSetWriter Write a vtkPartitionedDataSet to a xml-based vtk data file.
XMLPartitionedDatasetCollectionReader The XML
XMLPartitionedDatasetReader The XML
XMLPartitionedHyperTreeGridReader The XML Partitioned Hyper Tree Grid reader reads the
XMLPartitionedImageDataReader The XML Partitioned Image Data reader reads the
XMLPartitionedPolydataReader The
XMLPartitionedRectilinearGridReader The XML Partitioned Rectilinear Grid reader reads the
XMLPartitionedStructuredGridReader The XML Partitioned Structured Grid reader reads the
XMLPartitionedTableReader The XML Partitioned Table reader reads the
XMLPartitionedUnstructuredGridReader The XML Partitioned Unstructured Grid reader reads the
XMLPolyDataReader The XML Polydata
XMLPolyDataWriter Writer to write poly data in a xml-based vtk data file. Cannot be used
XMLRectilinearGridReader The
XMLRectilinearGridWriter Writer to write rectilinear grid in a xml-based vtk data file. Cannot be
XMLStructuredGridReader The
XMLStructuredGridWriter Writer to write structured grid in a xml-based vtk data file. Cannot be
XMLTableReader The XML Table
XMLTableWriter Writer to write a table in a xml-based vtk data file. Cannot be used
XMLUniformGridAMRReader This reader reads Overlapping and Non-Overlapping AMR
XMLUniformGridAMRWriter Writer to write an AMR data-set (overlapping/non-overlapping)
XMLUnstructuredGridReader The XML Unstructured Grid reader reads the VTK XML
XMLUnstructuredGridWriter Writer to write unstructured grid in a xml-based vtk data file. Cannot be
XYZReader The XYZ reader
Xdmf3ReaderS Reads XDMF data files so that they can be visualized using VTK.
Xdmf3ReaderT Reads XDMF data files so that they can be visualized using VTK.
Xdmf3Writer Writer to write
XdmfWriter Writer to write
YoungsMaterialInterface Computes linear material interfaces in 2D or 3D mixed
a2DGlyph The 2D Glyph source is used
a3DText The 3D Text source
plyreader one or more server manager objects. It also provides an interface
proSTARSTARCDReader ProStarReader creates an unstructured grid dataset. It