
paraview.simple.DataSetCSVWriter(*input, **params)
Writer to write comma or tab
delimited files from any dataset. Set FieldAssociation to choose whether cell data/point data needs to be saved. If the file extension is tsv it uses the tab character for the delimiter. Otherwise it uses a comma.

Data Descriptors

It is possible for this filter to add additional meta-data to the field data such as point coordinates (when point attributes are selected and input is pointset) or structured coordinates etc. To enable this addition of extra information, turn this flag on.
When set, the writer will add a “Time” column to the generated file indicating the current dataset time, if any.
Select the cell data arrays to pass through
Explicitly choose which arrays to write.
Select the edge data arrays to pass through
Select the attribute data to pass.
Select the field data arrays to pass through
Used to set the delimiter character. This is hidden from the user and set automatically based on the file extension. An extension of .tsv will set the delimiter character to a tab. Otherwise a comma will be used as the delimiter.
The name of the file to be written.
The suffix to append to the file name when writing files at different timesteps. (File extensions such as .csv should be excluded.) The % format specifiers are used. For example, _%d will write files as FileName_0, FileName_1, FileName_2, etc., and _%.3d will write files as FileName_000, FileName_001, FileName_002 etc.
The input filter/source whose output dataset is to be written to the file.
Select the point data arrays to pass through


Select the row data arrays to pass through


Select the vertex data arrays to pass through
When WriteTimeSteps is turned ON, the writer is executed once for each timestep available from its input.

Data Descriptors inherited from SourceProxy

Returns cell data information
Returns field data information
Returns point data information

Data Descriptors inherited from Proxy

dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Initialize = aInitialize(self, connection=None, update=True)

Methods inherited from SourceProxy

Called when the filename of a source proxy is changed.
Returns the associated cell data information.
GetDataInformation(self, idx=None)
This method returns a DataInformation wrapper around a vtkPVDataInformation
Returns the associated cell data information.
Returns the associated point data information.
UpdatePipeline(self, time=None)
This method updates the server-side VTK pipeline and the associated data information. Make sure to update a source to validate the output meta-data.
This method updates the meta-data of the server-side VTK pipeline and the associated information properties
__getitem__(self, idx)
Given a slice, int or string, returns the corresponding output port

Methods inherited from Proxy

GetProperty(self, name)
Given a property name, returns the property object.
GetPropertyValue(self, name)
Returns a scalar for properties with 1 elements, the property itself for vectors.
InitializeFromProxy(self, aProxy, update=True)
Constructor. Assigns proxy to self.SMProxy, updates the server object as well as register the proxy in _pyproxies dictionary.
Returns a list of all property names on this proxy.
SetPropertyWithName(self, pname, arg)
Generic method for setting the value of a property.
Destructor. Cleans up all observers as well as remove the proxy from the _pyproxies dictionary
__eq__(self, other)
Returns true if the underlying SMProxies are the same.
__getattr__(self, name)
With the exception of a few overloaded methods, returns the SMProxy method
Return hash(self).
__init__(self, **args)
Default constructor. It can be used to initialize properties by passing keyword arguments where the key is the name of the property. In addition registrationGroup and registrationName (optional) can be specified (as keyword arguments) to automatically register the proxy with the proxy manager.
Creates an iterator for the properties.
__ne__(self, other)
Returns false if the underlying SMProxies are the same.
__setattr__(self, name, value)
Implement setattr(self, name, value).

add_attribute(self, name, value)

For the full list of servermanager proxies, please refer to Available readers, sources, writers, filters and animation cues