Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Loadable modules
2 //
3 // Generated by ../../bin/vtkProcessXML-pv5.9
4 //
5 #ifndef VTKmFilters_server_manager_data_h
6 #define VTKmFilters_server_manager_data_h
8 #include <string.h>
9 #include <cassert>
10 #include <algorithm>
13 // From file /builds/gitlab-kitware-sciviz-ci/Plugins/VTKmFilters/VTKmSM.xml
15 "<ServerManagerConfiguration>\n"
16 " <ProxyGroup name=\"filters\">\n"
17 "\n"
18 " <!-- ================================================================== -->\n"
19 " <SourceProxy name=\"VTKmContour\"\n"
20 " class=\"vtkmContour\"\n"
21 " label=\"VTKm Contour\">\n"
22 " <Documentation\n"
23 " long_help=\"Generate isolines or isosurfaces using point scalars.\"\n"
24 " short_help=\"Generate isolines or isosurfaces.\">\n"
25 " The VTKm Marching Cubes filter computes isolines or isosurfaces\n"
26 " using a selected point-centered scalar array. It behaves similarly\n"
27 " to the standard Contour filter but uses VTKm's finely threaded\n"
28 " parallel algorithms.\n"
29 " </Documentation>\n"
30 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
31 " name=\"Input\">\n"
32 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
33 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
34 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
35 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
36 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
37 " <DataType value=\"vtkDataSet\" />\n"
38 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
39 " <InputArrayDomain attribute_type=\"point\"\n"
40 " name=\"input_array\"\n"
41 " number_of_components=\"1\" />\n"
42 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input dataset to be used by\n"
43 " the contour filter.</Documentation>\n"
44 " </InputProperty>\n"
45 " <StringVectorProperty animateable=\"0\"\n"
46 " command=\"SetInputArrayToProcess\"\n"
47 " element_types=\"0 0 0 0 2\"\n"
48 " label=\"Contour By\"\n"
49 " name=\"SelectInputScalars\"\n"
50 " number_of_elements=\"5\">\n"
51 " <ArrayListDomain attribute_type=\"Scalars\"\n"
52 " name=\"array_list\">\n"
53 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
54 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
55 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
56 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
57 " </ArrayListDomain>\n"
58 " <Documentation>This property specifies the name of the scalar array\n"
59 " from which the contour filter will compute isolines and/or\n"
60 " isosurfaces.</Documentation>\n"
61 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
62 " <DoubleVectorProperty animateable=\"1\"\n"
63 " command=\"SetValue\"\n"
64 " label=\"Isosurfaces\"\n"
65 " name=\"ContourValues\"\n"
66 " number_of_elements=\"0\"\n"
67 " number_of_elements_per_command=\"1\"\n"
68 " repeat_command=\"1\"\n"
69 " set_number_command=\"SetNumberOfContours\"\n"
70 " use_index=\"1\">\n"
71 " <ArrayRangeDomain name=\"scalar_range\">\n"
72 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
73 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
74 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
75 " <Property function=\"ArraySelection\"\n"
76 " name=\"SelectInputScalars\" />\n"
77 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
78 " </ArrayRangeDomain>\n"
79 " <Documentation>This property specifies the values at which to compute\n"
80 " isosurfaces/isolines and also the number of such\n"
81 " values.</Documentation>\n"
82 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n"
83 "\n"
84 " <PropertyGroup label=\"Isosurfaces\">\n"
85 " <Property name=\"ContourValues\" />\n"
86 " </PropertyGroup>\n"
87 "\n"
88 " <IntVectorProperty animateable=\"0\"\n"
89 " command=\"SetComputeScalars\"\n"
90 " default_values=\"0\"\n"
91 " name=\"ComputeScalars\"\n"
92 " number_of_elements=\"1\">\n"
93 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
94 " <Documentation>If this property is set to 1, an array of scalars\n"
95 " (containing the contour value) will be added to the output dataset. If\n"
96 " set to 0, the output will not contain this array.</Documentation>\n"
97 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
98 "\n"
99 " <Hints>\n"
100 " <Visibility replace_input=\"2\" />\n"
101 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
102 " </Hints>\n"
103 "\n"
104 " <!-- End VTKmMarchingCubes -->\n"
105 " </SourceProxy>\n"
106 "\n"
107 " <!-- ================================================================== -->\n"
108 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmThreshold\"\n"
109 " name=\"VTKmThreshold\"\n"
110 " label=\"VTKm Threshold\">\n"
111 " <Documentation\n"
112 " long_help=\"This filter extracts cells that have point or cell scalars in the specified range.\"\n"
113 " short_help=\"Extract cells that satisfy a threshold criterion.\">\n"
114 " The VTKm Threshold filter extracts cells with a field that meets a\n"
115 " certain criteria. It behaves similarly to the standard Contour\n"
116 " filter but uses VTKm's finely threaded parallel algorithms.\n"
117 " </Documentation>\n"
118 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
119 " name=\"Input\">\n"
120 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
121 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
122 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
123 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
124 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
125 " <DataType value=\"vtkDataSet\" />\n"
126 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
127 " <InputArrayDomain name=\"input_array\"\n"
128 " number_of_components=\"1\">\n"
129 " </InputArrayDomain>\n"
130 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the Threshold\n"
131 " filter.</Documentation>\n"
132 " </InputProperty>\n"
133 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"SetInputArrayToProcess\"\n"
134 " element_types=\"0 0 0 0 2\"\n"
135 " label=\"Scalars\"\n"
136 " name=\"SelectInputScalars\"\n"
137 " number_of_elements=\"5\">\n"
138 " <ArrayListDomain attribute_type=\"Scalars\"\n"
139 " name=\"array_list\">\n"
140 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
141 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
142 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
143 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
144 " </ArrayListDomain>\n"
145 " <Documentation>The value of this property contains the name of the\n"
146 " scalar array from which to perform thresholding.</Documentation>\n"
147 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
148 " <DoubleVectorProperty command=\"ThresholdBetween\"\n"
149 " default_values=\"0 0\"\n"
150 " label=\"Threshold Range\"\n"
151 " name=\"ThresholdBetween\"\n"
152 " number_of_elements=\"2\"\n"
153 " panel_widget=\"double_range\">\n"
154 " <ArrayRangeDomain name=\"range\">\n"
155 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
156 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
157 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
158 " <Property function=\"ArraySelection\"\n"
159 " name=\"SelectInputScalars\" />\n"
160 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
161 " </ArrayRangeDomain>\n"
162 " <Documentation>The values of this property specify the upper and lower\n"
163 " bounds of the thresholding operation.</Documentation>\n"
164 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n"
165 "\n"
166 " <Hints>\n"
167 " <Visibility replace_input=\"2\" />\n"
168 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
169 " </Hints>\n"
170 " <!-- End Threshold -->\n"
171 " </SourceProxy>\n"
172 "\n"
173 " <!-- ================================================================== -->\n"
174 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmGradient\"\n"
175 " label=\"VTKm Gradient\"\n"
176 " name=\"VTKmGradient\">\n"
177 " <Documentation long_help=\"Estimate the gradient for each point or cell in any type of dataset.\"\n"
178 " short_help=\"Compute gradients for any type of dataset.\">\n"
179 " The Gradient filter estimates the gradient\n"
180 " vector at each point or cell. It operates on any type of\n"
181 " vtkDataSet, and the output is the same type as the input.\n"
182 " </Documentation>\n"
183 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
184 " name=\"Input\">\n"
185 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
186 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
187 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
188 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
189 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
190 " <DataType value=\"vtkDataSet\" />\n"
191 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
192 " <InputArrayDomain name=\"input_array\" />\n"
193 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the Gradient\n"
194 " (Unstructured) filter.</Documentation>\n"
195 " </InputProperty>\n"
196 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"SetInputArrayToProcess\"\n"
197 " element_types=\"0 0 0 0 2\"\n"
198 " label=\"Scalar Array\"\n"
199 " name=\"SelectInputScalars\"\n"
200 " number_of_elements=\"5\">\n"
201 " <ArrayListDomain attribute_type=\"Scalars\"\n"
202 " name=\"array_list\">\n"
203 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
204 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
205 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
206 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
207 " </ArrayListDomain>\n"
208 " <Documentation>This property lists the name of the scalar array from\n"
209 " which to compute the gradient.</Documentation>\n"
210 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
211 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetComputeGradient\"\n"
212 " default_values=\"1\"\n"
213 " name=\"ComputeGradient\"\n"
214 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
215 " panel_visibility=\"advanced\">\n"
216 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
217 " <Documentation>When this flag is on, the gradient filter will compute\n"
218 " the gradient of the input array.</Documentation>\n"
219 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
220 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"SetResultArrayName\"\n"
221 " default_values=\"Gradients\"\n"
222 " name=\"ResultArrayName\"\n"
223 " number_of_elements=\"1\">\n"
224 " <Documentation>This property provides a name for the output array\n"
225 " containing the gradient vectors.</Documentation>\n"
226 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
227 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetFasterApproximation\"\n"
228 " default_values=\"0\"\n"
229 " name=\"FasterApproximation\"\n"
230 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
231 " panel_visibility=\"advanced\">\n"
232 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
233 " <Documentation>When this flag is on, the gradient filter will provide a\n"
234 " less accurate (but close) algorithm that performs fewer derivative\n"
235 " calculations (and is therefore faster). The error contains some\n"
236 " smoothing of the output data and some possible errors on the boundary.\n"
237 " This parameter has no effect when performing the gradient of cell\n"
238 " data or when the input grid is not a vtkUnstructuredGrid.</Documentation>\n"
239 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
240 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetComputeDivergence\"\n"
241 " default_values=\"0\"\n"
242 " name=\"ComputeDivergence\"\n"
243 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
244 " panel_visibility=\"advanced\">\n"
245 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
246 " <Documentation>When this flag is on, the gradient filter will compute\n"
247 " the divergence of a 3 component array.</Documentation>\n"
248 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
249 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"SetDivergenceArrayName\"\n"
250 " default_values=\"Divergence\"\n"
251 " name=\"DivergenceArrayName\"\n"
252 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
253 " panel_visibility=\"advanced\">\n"
254 " <Documentation>This property provides a name for the output array\n"
255 " containing the divergence vector.</Documentation>\n"
256 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
257 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetComputeVorticity\"\n"
258 " default_values=\"0\"\n"
259 " name=\"ComputeVorticity\"\n"
260 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
261 " panel_visibility=\"advanced\">\n"
262 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
263 " <Documentation>When this flag is on, the gradient filter will compute\n"
264 " the vorticity/curl of a 3 component array.</Documentation>\n"
265 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
266 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"SetVorticityArrayName\"\n"
267 " default_values=\"Vorticity\"\n"
268 " name=\"VorticityArrayName\"\n"
269 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
270 " panel_visibility=\"advanced\">\n"
271 " <Documentation>This property provides a name for the output array\n"
272 " containing the vorticity vector.</Documentation>\n"
273 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
274 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetComputeQCriterion\"\n"
275 " default_values=\"0\"\n"
276 " name=\"ComputeQCriterion\"\n"
277 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
278 " panel_visibility=\"advanced\">\n"
279 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
280 " <Documentation>When this flag is on, the gradient filter will compute\n"
281 " the Q-criterion of a 3 component array.</Documentation>\n"
282 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
283 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"SetQCriterionArrayName\"\n"
284 " default_values=\"Q-criterion\"\n"
285 " name=\"QCriterionArrayName\"\n"
286 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
287 " panel_visibility=\"advanced\">\n"
288 " <Documentation>This property provides a name for the output array\n"
289 " containing Q criterion.</Documentation>\n"
290 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
291 "\n"
292 " <Hints>\n"
293 " <Visibility replace_input=\"2\" />\n"
294 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
295 " </Hints>\n"
296 " <!-- End UnstructuredGradient -->\n"
297 " </SourceProxy>\n"
298 "\n"
299 " <!-- ==================================================================== -->\n"
300 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmLevelOfDetail\"\n"
301 " label=\"VTKm Level Of Detail\"\n"
302 " name=\"VTKmLevelOfDetail\">\n"
303 " <Documentation long_help=\"It uses a structured grid of bins and merges all points contained in each bin.\"\n"
304 " short_help=\"Simplify polygonal models.\">The Level Of Detail\n"
305 " filter produces a reduced-resolution polygonal\n"
306 " approximation of the input polygonal dataset. This filter\n"
307 " is the one used by ParaView for computing LODs. It uses\n"
308 " spatial binning to reduce the number of points in the data\n"
309 " set; points that lie within the same spatial bin are\n"
310 " collapsed into one representative point.</Documentation>\n"
311 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
312 " name=\"Input\">\n"
313 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
314 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
315 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
316 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
317 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
318 " <DataType value=\"vtkPolyData\" />\n"
319 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
320 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the Quadric\n"
321 " Clustering filter.</Documentation>\n"
322 " </InputProperty>\n"
323 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetNumberOfDivisions\"\n"
324 ;
326 // From file /builds/gitlab-kitware-sciviz-ci/Plugins/VTKmFilters/VTKmSM.xml
328 " default_values=\"256 256 256\"\n"
329 " label=\"Number of Dimensions\"\n"
330 " name=\"NumberOfDivisions\"\n"
331 " number_of_elements=\"3\">\n"
332 " <IntRangeDomain name=\"range\" />\n"
333 " <Documentation>This property specifies the number of bins along the X,\n"
334 " Y, and Z axes of the data set.</Documentation>\n"
335 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
336 "\n"
337 " <Hints>\n"
338 " <Visibility replace_input=\"2\" />\n"
339 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
340 " </Hints>\n"
341 " <!-- End Level Of Detail -->\n"
342 " </SourceProxy>\n"
343 "\n"
344 " <!-- ==================================================================== -->\n"
345 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmAverageToPoints\"\n"
346 " label=\"VTKm Cell Data to Point Data\"\n"
347 " name=\"VTKmAverageToPoints\">\n"
348 " <Documentation long_help=\"Create point attributes by averaging cell attributes.\"\n"
349 " short_help=\"Convert cell data to point data.\">The Cell\n"
350 " Data to Point Data filter averages the values of the cell\n"
351 " attributes of the cells surrounding a point to compute\n"
352 " point attributes.</Documentation>\n"
353 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
354 " name=\"Input\">\n"
355 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
356 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
357 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
358 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
359 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
360 " <DataType value=\"vtkDataSet\" />\n"
361 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
362 " <InputArrayDomain attribute_type=\"cell\"\n"
363 " name=\"input_array\" />\n"
364 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the Cell Data to\n"
365 " Point Data filter.</Documentation>\n"
366 " </InputProperty>\n"
367 " <StringVectorProperty animateable=\"0\"\n"
368 " command=\"SetInputArrayToProcess\"\n"
369 " element_types=\"0 0 0 0 2\"\n"
370 " name=\"SelectArray\"\n"
371 " number_of_elements=\"5\">\n"
372 " <ArrayListDomain name=\"array_list\">\n"
373 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
374 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
375 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
376 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
377 " </ArrayListDomain>\n"
378 " <Documentation>This property specifies the name of the array\n"
379 " to averages to cells.</Documentation>\n"
380 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
381 "\n"
382 " <Hints>\n"
383 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
384 " </Hints>\n"
385 "\n"
386 " <!-- End VTKmAverageToPoints -->\n"
387 " </SourceProxy>\n"
388 "\n"
389 " <!-- ==================================================================== -->\n"
390 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmCleanGrid\"\n"
391 " label=\"VTKm Clean Unstructured Grid\"\n"
392 " name=\"VTKmCleanGrid\">\n"
393 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
394 " name=\"Input\">\n"
395 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
396 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
397 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
398 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
399 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
400 " <DataType value=\"vtkUnstructuredGrid\" />\n"
401 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
402 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the Clean to Grid\n"
403 " filter.</Documentation>\n"
404 " </InputProperty>\n"
405 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetCompactPoints\"\n"
406 " default_values=\"0\"\n"
407 " name=\"CompactPoints\"\n"
408 " number_of_elements=\"1\">\n"
409 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
410 " <Documentation>Remove points that are not part of any cell.\n"
411 " </Documentation>\n"
412 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
413 "\n"
414 " <Hints>\n"
415 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
416 " </Hints>\n"
417 "\n"
418 " <!-- End VTKmCleanGrid -->\n"
419 " </SourceProxy>\n"
420 "\n"
421 " <!-- ==================================================================== -->\n"
422 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmClip\"\n"
423 " label=\"VTKm Clip\"\n"
424 " name=\"VTKmClip\">\n"
425 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
426 " name=\"Input\">\n"
427 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
428 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
429 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
430 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
431 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
432 " <DataType value=\"vtkDataSet\" />\n"
433 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
434 " <InputArrayDomain name=\"input_array\"\n"
435 " number_of_components=\"1\"/>\n"
436 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the VTKm Clip\n"
437 " filter.</Documentation>\n"
438 " </InputProperty>\n"
439 " <StringVectorProperty animateable=\"0\"\n"
440 " command=\"SetInputArrayToProcess\"\n"
441 " element_types=\"0 0 0 0 2\"\n"
442 " label=\"Scalars\"\n"
443 " name=\"SelectInputScalars\"\n"
444 " number_of_elements=\"5\">\n"
445 " <ArrayListDomain attribute_type=\"Scalars\"\n"
446 " input_domain_name=\"input_array\"\n"
447 " name=\"array_list\">\n"
448 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
449 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
450 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
451 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
452 " </ArrayListDomain>\n"
453 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
454 " <DoubleVectorProperty command=\"SetClipValue\"\n"
455 " default_values=\"0.0\"\n"
456 " name=\"ClipValue\"\n"
457 " number_of_elements=\"1\">\n"
458 " <ArrayRangeDomain name=\"range\">\n"
459 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
460 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
461 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
462 " <Property function=\"ArraySelection\"\n"
463 " name=\"SelectInputScalars\" />\n"
464 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
465 " </ArrayRangeDomain>\n"
466 " <Documentation>The scalar value to use when clipping the dataset.\n"
467 " Values greater than ClipValue are preserved in the output dataset.\n"
468 " </Documentation>\n"
469 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n"
470 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetComputeScalars\"\n"
471 " name=\"ComputeScalars\"\n"
472 " default_values=\"1\"\n"
473 " number_of_elements=\"1\">\n"
474 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
475 " <Documentation>Map all point data arrays onto the output dataset.\n"
476 " </Documentation>\n"
477 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
478 "\n"
479 " <Hints>\n"
480 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
481 " </Hints>\n"
482 "\n"
483 " <!-- End VTKmClip -->\n"
484 " </SourceProxy>\n"
485 "\n"
486 " <!-- ==================================================================== -->\n"
487 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmExternalFaces\"\n"
488 " label=\"VTKm External Faces\"\n"
489 " name=\"VTKmExternalFaces\">\n"
490 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
491 " name=\"Input\">\n"
492 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
493 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
494 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
495 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
496 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
497 " <DataType value=\"vtkUnstructuredGrid\" />\n"
498 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
499 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the filter.\n"
500 " </Documentation>\n"
501 " </InputProperty>\n"
502 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetCompactPoints\"\n"
503 " default_values=\"0\"\n"
504 " name=\"CompactPoints\"\n"
505 " number_of_elements=\"1\">\n"
506 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
507 " <Documentation>Remove points that are not part of any output cell.\n"
508 " </Documentation>\n"
509 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
510 "\n"
511 " <Hints>\n"
512 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
513 " </Hints>\n"
514 "\n"
515 " <!-- End VTKmExternalFaces -->\n"
516 " </SourceProxy>\n"
517 "\n"
518 " <!-- ==================================================================== -->\n"
519 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmAverageToCells\"\n"
520 " label=\"VTKm Point Data to Cell Data\"\n"
521 " name=\"VTKmAverageToCells\">\n"
522 " <Documentation long_help=\"Create cell attributes by averaging point attributes.\"\n"
523 " short_help=\"Convert point data to cell data.\">The Point\n"
524 " Data to Cell Data filter averages the values of the point\n"
525 " attributes of the points defining a cell to compute\n"
526 " cell attributes.</Documentation>\n"
527 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
528 " name=\"Input\">\n"
529 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
530 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
531 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
532 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
533 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
534 " <DataType value=\"vtkDataSet\" />\n"
535 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
536 " <InputArrayDomain attribute_type=\"point\"\n"
537 " name=\"input_array\" />\n"
538 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the filter.\n"
539 " </Documentation>\n"
540 " </InputProperty>\n"
541 " <StringVectorProperty animateable=\"0\"\n"
542 " command=\"SetInputArrayToProcess\"\n"
543 " element_types=\"0 0 0 0 2\"\n"
544 " name=\"SelectArray\"\n"
545 " number_of_elements=\"5\">\n"
546 " <ArrayListDomain name=\"array_list\">\n"
547 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
548 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
549 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
550 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
551 " </ArrayListDomain>\n"
552 " <Documentation>This property specifies the name of the array\n"
553 " to averages to cells.</Documentation>\n"
554 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
555 "\n"
556 " <Hints>\n"
557 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
558 " </Hints>\n"
559 "\n"
560 " <!-- End VTKmAverageToCells -->\n"
561 " </SourceProxy>\n"
562 "\n"
563 " <!-- ==================================================================== -->\n"
564 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmWarpScalar\"\n"
565 " label=\"VTKm Warp By Scalar\"\n"
566 " name=\"VTKmWarpScalar\">\n"
567 " <Documentation long_help=\"This filter moves point coordinates along a vector scaled by a point attribute. It can be used to produce carpet plots.\"\n"
568 " short_help=\"Warp point scalars into a spatial elevation plot.\">\n"
569 " The Warp (scalar) filter translates the points of the\n"
570 " input data set along a vector by a distance determined by\n"
571 " the specified scalars. This filter operates on polygonal,\n"
572 " curvilinear, and unstructured grid data sets containing\n"
573 " single-component scalar arrays. Because it only changes\n"
574 " the positions of the points, the output data set type is\n"
575 " the same as that of the input. Any scalars in the input\n"
576 " dataset are copied to the output, so the data can be\n"
577 " colored by them.</Documentation>\n"
578 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
579 " name=\"Input\">\n"
580 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
581 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
582 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
583 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
584 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
585 " <DataType value=\"vtkPointSet\" />\n"
586 " <DataType value=\"vtkImageData\" />\n"
587 " <DataType value=\"vtkRectilinearGrid\" />\n"
588 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
589 " <InputArrayDomain attribute_type=\"point\"\n"
590 " name=\"input_array\"\n"
591 " number_of_components=\"1\" />\n"
592 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the Warp (scalar)\n"
593 " filter.</Documentation>\n"
594 " </InputProperty>\n"
595 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"SetInputArrayToProcess\"\n"
596 " element_types=\"0 0 0 0 2\"\n"
597 " label=\"Scalars\"\n"
598 " name=\"SelectInputScalars\"\n"
599 " number_of_elements=\"5\"\n"
600 " panel_visibility=\"default\">\n"
601 " <ArrayListDomain attribute_type=\"Scalars\"\n"
602 " name=\"array_list\">\n"
603 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
604 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
605 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
606 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
607 " </ArrayListDomain>\n"
608 " <Documentation>This property contains the name of the scalar array by\n"
609 " which to warp the dataset.</Documentation>\n"
610 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
611 " <DoubleVectorProperty animateable=\"1\"\n"
612 " command=\"SetScaleFactor\"\n"
613 " default_values=\"1.0\"\n"
614 " name=\"ScaleFactor\"\n"
615 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
616 " panel_visibility=\"default\">\n"
617 " <BoundsDomain name=\"range\" mode=\"array_scaled_extent\">\n"
618 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
619 " <Property function=\"Input\" name=\"Input\" />\n"
620 " <Property function=\"ArraySelection\" name=\"SelectInputScalars\" />\n"
621 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
622 " </BoundsDomain>\n"
623 " <Hints>\n"
624 " <NoDefault/>\n"
625 " </Hints>\n"
626 " <Documentation>The scalar value at a given point is multiplied by the\n"
627 " value of this property to determine the magnitude of the change vector\n"
628 " for that point.</Documentation>\n"
629 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n"
630 " <DoubleVectorProperty command=\"SetNormal\"\n"
631 " default_values=\"0 0 1\"\n"
632 " name=\"Normal\"\n"
633 " number_of_elements=\"3\">\n"
634 " <DoubleRangeDomain name=\"range\" />\n"
635 " <Documentation>The values of this property specify the direction along\n"
636 " which to warp the dataset if any normals contained in the input dataset\n"
637 " are not being used for this purpose. (See the UseNormal\n"
638 " property.)</Documentation>\n"
639 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n"
640 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetUseNormal\"\n"
641 " default_values=\"0\"\n"
642 " name=\"UseNormal\"\n"
643 " number_of_elements=\"1\">\n"
644 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
645 " <Documentation>If point normals are present in the dataset, the value\n"
646 " of this property toggles whether to use a single normal value (value =\n"
647 " 1) or the normals from the dataset (value = 0).</Documentation>\n"
648 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
649 " <IntVectorProperty command=\"SetXYPlane\"\n"
650 " default_values=\"0\"\n"
651 " label=\"XY Plane\"\n"
652 " name=\"XYPlane\"\n"
653 " number_of_elements=\"1\">\n"
654 " <BooleanDomain name=\"bool\" />\n"
655 " <Documentation>If the value of this property is 1, then the\n"
656 " Z-coordinates from the input are considered to be the scalar values,\n"
657 " and the displacement is along the Z axis. This is useful for creating\n"
658 " carpet plots.</Documentation>\n"
659 " </IntVectorProperty>\n"
660 "\n"
661 " <Hints>\n"
662 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
663 ;
665 // From file /builds/gitlab-kitware-sciviz-ci/Plugins/VTKmFilters/VTKmSM.xml
667 " </Hints>\n"
668 "\n"
669 " <!-- End VTKm WarpScalar -->\n"
670 " </SourceProxy>\n"
671 "\n"
672 " <!-- ==================================================================== -->\n"
673 " <SourceProxy class=\"vtkmWarpVector\"\n"
674 " label=\"VTKm Warp By Vector\"\n"
675 " name=\"VTKmWarpVector\">\n"
676 " <Documentation long_help=\"This filter displaces point coordinates along a vector attribute. It is useful for showing mechanical deformation.\"\n"
677 " short_help=\"Warp (displace) the geometry with a given vector field.\">\n"
678 " The Warp (vector) filter translates the points of the\n"
679 " input dataset using a specified vector array. The vector\n"
680 " array chosen specifies a vector per point in the input.\n"
681 " Each point is translated along its vector by a given scale\n"
682 " factor. This filter operates on polygonal, curvilinear,\n"
683 " and unstructured grid datasets. Because this filter only\n"
684 " changes the positions of the points, the output dataset\n"
685 " type is the same as that of the input.</Documentation>\n"
686 " <InputProperty command=\"SetInputConnection\"\n"
687 " name=\"Input\">\n"
688 " <ProxyGroupDomain name=\"groups\">\n"
689 " <Group name=\"sources\" />\n"
690 " <Group name=\"filters\" />\n"
691 " </ProxyGroupDomain>\n"
692 " <DataTypeDomain name=\"input_type\">\n"
693 " <DataType value=\"vtkPointSet\" />\n"
694 " <DataType value=\"vtkImageData\" />\n"
695 " <DataType value=\"vtkRectilinearGrid\" />\n"
696 " </DataTypeDomain>\n"
697 " <InputArrayDomain attribute_type=\"point\"\n"
698 " name=\"input_array\"\n"
699 " number_of_components=\"3\" />\n"
700 " <Documentation>This property specifies the input to the Warp (vector)\n"
701 " filter.</Documentation>\n"
702 " </InputProperty>\n"
703 " <StringVectorProperty command=\"SetInputArrayToProcess\"\n"
704 " element_types=\"0 0 0 0 2\"\n"
705 " label=\"Vectors\"\n"
706 " name=\"SelectInputVectors\"\n"
707 " number_of_elements=\"5\"\n"
708 " panel_visibility=\"default\">\n"
709 " <ArrayListDomain attribute_type=\"Vectors\"\n"
710 " name=\"array_list\">\n"
711 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
712 " <Property function=\"Input\"\n"
713 " name=\"Input\" />\n"
714 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
715 " </ArrayListDomain>\n"
716 " <Documentation>The value of this property contains the name of the\n"
717 " vector array by which to warp the dataset's point\n"
718 " coordinates.</Documentation>\n"
719 " </StringVectorProperty>\n"
720 " <DoubleVectorProperty command=\"SetScaleFactor\"\n"
721 " default_values=\"1.0\"\n"
722 " name=\"ScaleFactor\"\n"
723 " number_of_elements=\"1\"\n"
724 " panel_visibility=\"default\">\n"
725 " <BoundsDomain name=\"range\" mode=\"array_scaled_extent\">\n"
726 " <RequiredProperties>\n"
727 " <Property function=\"Input\" name=\"Input\" />\n"
728 " <Property function=\"ArraySelection\" name=\"SelectInputVectors\" />\n"
729 " </RequiredProperties>\n"
730 " </BoundsDomain>\n"
731 " <Hints>\n"
732 " <NoDefault/>\n"
733 " </Hints>\n"
734 " <Documentation>Each component of the selected vector array will be\n"
735 " multiplied by the value of this property before being used to compute\n"
736 " new point coordinates.</Documentation>\n"
737 " </DoubleVectorProperty>\n"
738 " <!-- End VTKm WarpVector -->\n"
739 "\n"
740 " <Hints>\n"
741 " <ShowInMenu category=\"VTKm\" />\n"
742 " </Hints>\n"
743 "\n"
744 " </SourceProxy>\n"
745 "\n"
746 " </ProxyGroup>\n"
747 "</ServerManagerConfiguration>\n"
748 "\n";
749 // Get single string
751 {
753  const size_t len0 = strlen(VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface0);
754  const size_t len1 = strlen(VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface1);
755  const size_t len2 = strlen(VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface2);
756  size_t len = ( 0
757  + len0
758  + len1
759  + len2 );
760  char* res = new char[ len + 1];
761  size_t offset = 0;
762  std::copy(VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface0, VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface0 + len0, res + offset); offset += len0;
763  std::copy(VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface1, VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface1 + len1, res + offset); offset += len1;
764  std::copy(VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface2, VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface2 + len2, res + offset); offset += len2;
765  assert(offset == len);
766  res[offset] = 0;
767  return res;
768 }
772 #endif
static const char *const VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface0
static const char *const VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface2
char * VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMGetInterfaces()
static const char *const VTKmFilters_server_managerVTKmSMInterface1