Using generated web site inside a sub-module

On Github repositories it can be convenient to embed the gh-pages branch within your master branch so you can easily publish new content to your site.

In order to do so, you will have to prepare your project for it.

Creating initial content on gh-pages

Start creating content on a new gh-pages branch for your repository.

$ cd /.../temporary-dir
$ git init
$ git checkout -b gh-pages
$ echo "My first content" > index.html
$ git add index.html
$ git commit -m "Create gh-pages on server"
$ git remote add origin ${your-github-repository-url}
$ git push origin gh-pages

After doing so, you will have a new branch gh-pages on the server side with some content.

This will be useful when you will create a submodule for it inside your master branch.

Creating git submodule

In Tonic suite projects, we like to have ${local-dir-for-web-site} to be docs/www.

$ cd /.../your-git-repo
$ git checkout master
$ git submodule add -b gh-pages ${your-github-repository-url} ${local-dir-for-web-site}
$ git commit -m "added gh-pages as submodule"
$ git push origin master
$ git submodule update --init

Configure site generator

The tonic-site-generator expect a JSON file as configuration. You can get more informations regarding that file here.

But since you are using a submodule you should add in your configuration file the following path with that file being at the root of your repository.

    "output" : "docs/www",
    "gitdir" : "../../.git/modules/docs/www",

If your submodule is in docs/www and your configuration file defined at the root of your repository.

Automate site generation

In order to automate the generation of your Web site, you can create a script entry inside your package.json.

In Tonic suite projects, we tend to add the following one where site.config.json is our tonic-site-generator configuration file at the root of our repository.

{ // package.json
    "devDependencies": {
        "tonic-site-generator"  : "Kitware/tonic-site-generator",
        "serve"                 : "latest"
    "scripts": {
        "www"       : "tonic-site-generator site.config.json",
        "www:http"  : "tonic-site-generator site.config.json --local-test && serve docs/www"

Then you can install and run the site generator with the following commands:

$ npm install
$ npm run www

This will trigger the execution and the generation of your website inside your submodule.

How to push Web site update

After making changes in the documentation guides, api, news or source, you can generate a new version of your website with the following command:

$ npm run www

At that point, git may have notice some changes within the submodule. The best thing to do is go into your submodule and push your changes.

# Go to ${local-dir-for-web-site} which is docs/www for Tonic projects
cd docs/www
git status
# Add all the files that needs to be publish to the github pages.
git add *
git commit -m "New Web Site version"
git push origin HEAD
cd ../..
# Move the submodule forward
git status
git add docs/www
git commit -m "Move WebSite submodule forward"
git push origin HEAD

How to validate your website locally

You will need to generate your website with an empty baseurl to make it work locally but for a first step testing that might be worth.

$ npm run www:http
$ open http://localhost:3000

Make sure you re-run "npm run www" to get a valid base url before pushing anything new.

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