let generation = 0;
function setInitialGenerationNumber(genNum) { generation = genNum; }
function intersect(a, b) { const result = []; a.sort(); b.sort();
while (a.length && b.length) { if (a[0] < b[0]) { a.shift(); } else if (a[0] > b[0]) { b.shift(); } else { result.push(a.shift()); b.shift(); } } return result; }
function clone(obj, fieldList, defaults) { const clonedObj = {}; fieldList.forEach((name) => { if (defaults && obj[name] === undefined && defaults[name] !== undefined) { clonedObj[name] = defaults[name]; } else { clonedObj[name] = obj[name]; } if (Array.isArray(clonedObj[name])) { clonedObj[name] = clonedObj[name].map((i) => i); } }); return clonedObj; }
const endpointToRuleOperator = { o: '<', '*': '<=', };
export const ruleTypes = { '3L': { terms: 3, operators: { values: [['<', '<=']], index: [1] }, variable: 0, values: [2], }, '3R': { terms: 3, operators: { values: [['>', '>=']], index: [1] }, variable: 2, values: [0], }, '5C': { terms: 5, operators: { values: [ ['<', '<='], ['<', '<='], ], index: [1, 3], }, variable: 2, values: [0, 4], }, multi: { terms: -1, operators: null }, logical: { operators: { values: ['not', 'and', 'or', 'xor'], index: [0] } }, row: {}, };
function empty() { generation += 1; return { type: 'empty', generation, }; }
function partition(variable, dividers) { generation += 1; return { type: 'partition', generation, partition: { variable, dividers: dividers.map((divider) => clone(divider, ['value', 'uncertainty', 'closeToLeft'], { closeToLeft: false, }) ), }, }; }
function range(vars) { generation += 1; const variables = {}; const selection = { type: 'range', generation, range: { variables, }, };
Object.keys(vars).forEach((name) => { variables[name] = vars[name].map((interval) => clone(interval, ['interval', 'endpoints', 'uncertainty'], { endpoints: '**', }) ); variables[name].sort((a, b) => a.interval[0] - b.interval[0]); });
return selection; }
function rule(type = 'multi', terms = [], roles = []) { generation += 1; return { type: 'rule', generation, rule: { type, terms, roles, }, }; }
function variableToRule(name, ranges) { const terms = ['or']; ranges.forEach((clause) => { terms.push({ type: '5C', terms: [ clause.interval[0], endpointToRuleOperator[clause.endpoints[0]], name, endpointToRuleOperator[clause.endpoints[1]], clause.interval[1], ], }); }); if (terms.length === 2) { return terms[1]; } return { type: 'logical', terms, }; }
function rangeToRule(selection) { const terms = ['and']; const vars = selection.range.variables; Object.keys(vars).forEach((name) => { terms.push(variableToRule(name, vars[name])); }); return rule('logical', terms); }
function partitionToRule(selection) { const roles = []; const { dividers, variable } = selection.partition; const terms = dividers.map((divider, idx, array) => { if (idx === 0) { return { type: '3L', terms: [variable, divider.closeToLeft ? '<' : '<=', divider.value], }; } return { type: '5C', terms: [ array[idx - 1].value, array[idx - 1].closeToLeft ? '<' : '<=', variable, divider.closeToLeft ? '<' : '<=', divider.value, ], }; }); const lastDivider = dividers.slice(-1); terms.push({ type: '3R', terms: [lastDivider.value, lastDivider.closeToLeft ? '<' : '<=', variable], });
while (roles.length < terms.length) { roles.push({ partition: roles.length }); }
return rule('multi', terms, roles); }
function convertToRuleSelection(selection) { if (selection.type === 'range') { return rangeToRule(selection); } if (selection.type === 'partition') { return partitionToRule(selection); } if (selection.type === 'empty') { return selection; }
throw new Error( `Convertion to rule not supported with selection of type ${selection.type}` ); }
function markModified(selection) { generation += 1; return Object.assign({}, selection, { generation }); }
function hasField(selection, fieldNames) { if (!selection || selection.type === 'empty') { return false; } const fieldsToLookup = [].concat(fieldNames);
if (selection.type === 'range') { const fields = Object.keys(selection.range.variables); const match = intersect(fieldsToLookup, fields); return match.length > 0; } if (selection.type === 'partition') { return fieldsToLookup.indexOf(selection.partition.variable) !== -1; }
console.log( 'SelectionBuilder::hasField does not handle selection of type', selection.type );
return false; }
const EMPTY_SELECTION = empty();
export default { convertToRuleSelection, empty, EMPTY_SELECTION, hasField, markModified, partition, range, rule, setInitialGenerationNumber, };