import d3 from 'd3';
import style from 'PVWStyle/InfoVizNative/InformationDiagram.mcss';
import CompositeClosureHelper from 'paraviewweb/src/Common/Core/CompositeClosureHelper'; import htmlContent from 'paraviewweb/src/InfoViz/Native/MutualInformationDiagram/body.html'; import iconImage from 'paraviewweb/src/InfoViz/Native/MutualInformationDiagram/InfoDiagramIconSmall.png';
import SelectionBuilder from 'paraviewweb/src/Common/Misc/SelectionBuilder'; import AnnotationBuilder from 'paraviewweb/src/Common/Misc/AnnotationBuilder';
import { calculateAngleAndRadius, downsample, freqToProb, topBinPmi, topPmi, } from './utils';
let miCount = 0;
function informationDiagram(publicAPI, model) { let lastAnnotationPushed = null;
if ( !model.provider || !model.provider.isA('MutualInformationProvider') || !model.provider.isA('Histogram1DProvider') || !model.provider.isA('FieldProvider') ) { console.log('Invalid provider:', model.provider); return; }
model.renderState = { pmiAllBinsTwoVars: null, pmiOneBinAllVars: null, pmiHighlight: null, };
model.clientRect = null;
miCount += 1; model.instanceID = `pvwInformationDiagram-${miCount}`;
function updateStatusBarVisibility() { const cntnr =; if (model.statusBarVisible) { cntnr .select('.status-bar-container') .style('width', function updateWidth() { return this.dataset.width; });'.show-button').classed(style.hidden, true);'.hide-button').classed(style.hidden, false);'.status-bar-text').classed(style.hidden, false); } else {'.status-bar-container').style('width', '20px');'.show-button').classed(style.hidden, false);'.hide-button').classed(style.hidden, true);'.status-bar-text').classed(style.hidden, true); } }
publicAPI.propagateAnnotationInsteadOfSelection = ( useAnnotation = true, defaultScore = 0, defaultWeight = 0 ) => { model.useAnnotation = useAnnotation; model.defaultScore = defaultScore; model.defaultWeight = defaultWeight; };
publicAPI.resize = () => { if (!model.container) { return; }
model.clientRect = model.container.getBoundingClientRect(); .select('div.status-bar-container') .attr('data-width', `${model.clientRect.width - 20}px`);
publicAPI.render(); };
publicAPI.setContainer = (el) => { if (model.container) { while (model.container.firstChild) { model.container.removeChild(model.container.firstChild); } }
model.container = el;
if (model.container) { model.container.innerHTML = htmlContent;
const d3Container = d3 .select(model.container) .select('.info-diagram-container') .classed(style.infoDiagramContainer, true);
d3Container .select('.status-bar-container') .classed(style.statusBarContainer, true);'.status-bar-text').classed(style.statusBarText, true);'.show-button').classed(style.showButton, true);'.hide-button').classed(style.hideButton, true);
d3Container .select('.info-diagram-placeholder') .classed(style.infoDiagramPlaceholder, true) .select('img') .attr('src', iconImage);
d3Container.selectAll('.show-button, .hide-button').on('click', () => { model.statusBarVisible = !model.statusBarVisible; updateStatusBarVisibility(); d3.event.preventDefault(); d3.event.stopPropagation(); });
updateStatusBarVisibility(); } };
publicAPI.updateStatusBarText = (msg) => d3 .select(model.container) .select('input.status-bar-text') .attr('value', msg);
publicAPI.selectStatusBarText = () => { if (model.statusBarVisible) { .select('input.status-bar-text') .node() .select(); try { document.execCommand('copy'); } catch (err) { console.log('Copy to clipboard failed. Press Ctrl-C to copy'); } } };
const pmiChordMode = { mode: PMI_CHORD_MODE_NONE, srcParam: null, srcBin: null, miIndex: -1, };
publicAPI.render = () => { const getLegend = model.provider.isA('LegendProvider') ? model.provider.getLegend : null; const histogram1DnumberOfBins = model.numberOfBins; const variableList = model.provider.getActiveFieldNames();
if (variableList.length < 2 || !model.container) { .select('svg.information-diagram') .classed(style.informationDiagramSvgShow, false) .classed(style.informationDiagramSvgHide, true); .select('') .classed(style.hidden, false); publicAPI.updateStatusBarText(''); return; }
if ( model.clientRect === null || model.clientRect.width === 0 || model.clientRect.height === 0 ) { return; }
const width = model.clientRect.width; const height = model.clientRect.height;
if (!model.mutualInformationData || !model.histogramData) { return; }
updateStatusBarVisibility(); .select('') .classed(style.hidden, true); .select('svg.information-diagram') .classed(style.informationDiagramSvgHide, false) .classed(style.informationDiagramSvgShow, true);
const outerHistoRadius = Math.min(width, height) / 2; const veryOutermostRadius = outerHistoRadius + 80; const histoRadius = outerHistoRadius - 20; const outerRadius = histoRadius - 50; const innerRadius = outerRadius - 24; const deltaRadius = outerRadius - innerRadius;
const formatPercent = d3.format('.1%'); const formatMI = d3.format('.2f'); const formatVal = d3.format('.2s');
const arc = d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(innerRadius).outerRadius(outerRadius);
const histoArc = d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(outerRadius + 10);
const insideArc = d3.svg.arc().innerRadius(1).outerRadius(innerRadius);
const layout = d3.layout .chord() .padding(0.04) .sortSubgroups(d3.descending) .sortChords(d3.ascending);
const path = d3.svg.chord().radius(innerRadius);
let svgParent ='svg'); let svg ='.main-circle'); if (svgParent.empty()) { svgParent = d3 .select(model.container) .append('svg') .style('float', 'left') .attr('class', style.informationDiagramSvgShow) .classed('information-diagram', true); svg = svgParent .append('g') .classed('main-circle', true) .classed(style.mainCircle, true); }
svgParent.attr('width', width).attr('height', height); svg.attr('transform', `translate(${width / 2}, ${height / 2})`);
function findGroupAndBin(relCoords) { const result = { found: false, group: null, bin: -1, radius: 0, }; const [angle, radius] = calculateAngleAndRadius(relCoords, [ width, height, ]); result.radius = radius; for (let groupIdx = 0; groupIdx < layout.groups().length; ++groupIdx) { const groupData = layout.groups()[groupIdx]; const groupName = model.mutualInformationData.vmap[groupData.index].name; if (angle > groupData.startAngle && angle <= groupData.endAngle) { const binSizeRadians = (groupData.endAngle - groupData.startAngle) / model.numberOfBins; const binIndex = Math.floor( (angle - groupData.startAngle) / binSizeRadians ); result.found = true; = groupName; result.bin = binIndex; break; } } return result; }
function unHoverBin(param) { if (model.provider.isA('HistogramBinHoverProvider')) { const state = {}; state[param] = [-1]; model.provider.setHoverState({ source: 'MutualInformationDiagram', state, }); } }
function hoverBins(binMap) { if (model.provider.isA('HistogramBinHoverProvider')) { model.provider.setHoverState({ source: 'MutualInformationDiagram', state: binMap, }); } }
function updateActiveSelection(binMap) { if ( !model.provider.isA('SelectionProvider') || !model.provider.isA('FieldProvider') ) { return; }
const vars = {}; let proceed = false;
Object.keys(binMap).forEach((pName) => { const paramRange = model.provider.getField(pName).range; const binList = binMap[pName]; const rangeList = []; for (let i = 0; i < binList.length; ++i) { if (binList[i] !== -1) { rangeList.push({ interval: getBinRange(binList[i], histogram1DnumberOfBins, [ paramRange[0], paramRange[1], paramRange[1] - paramRange[0], ]), }); } } if (rangeList.length > 0) { proceed = true; vars[pName] = rangeList; } });
if (proceed) { const selection = SelectionBuilder.range(vars); if (model.useAnnotation) { lastAnnotationPushed = model.provider.getAnnotation(); if ( !lastAnnotationPushed || model.provider.shouldCreateNewAnnotation() || lastAnnotationPushed.selection.type !== 'range' ) { lastAnnotationPushed = AnnotationBuilder.annotation( selection, [model.defaultScore], model.defaultWeight ); if ( === '') { AnnotationBuilder.setDefaultName(lastAnnotationPushed); if (model.provider.isA('AnnotationStoreProvider')) { = model.provider.getNextStoredAnnotationName( ); } } } else { lastAnnotationPushed = AnnotationBuilder.update( lastAnnotationPushed, { selection, score: [model.defaultScore], weight: model.defaultWeight, } ); } AnnotationBuilder.updateReadOnlyFlag( lastAnnotationPushed, model.readOnlyFields ); model.provider.setAnnotation(lastAnnotationPushed); } else { model.provider.setSelection(selection); } } }
function findPmiChordsToHighlight() { const { group: param, bin, highlight, mode: oneBinAllVarsMode, } = model.renderState.pmiHighlight; if (highlight) { svg .select('g.pmiChords') .selectAll('path.pmiChord') .classed('highlight-pmi', false); }
const binMap = {};
function addBin(pName, bIdx) { if (!binMap[pName]) { binMap[pName] = []; } if (binMap[pName].indexOf(bIdx) === -1) { binMap[pName].push(bIdx); } }
if (oneBinAllVarsMode) { svg .select('g.pmiChords') .selectAll(`path[data-source-name="${param}"]:not(.fade)`) .classed('highlight-pmi', highlight) .each(function highlightPMI(d, i) { const elt =; addBin(param, bin); addBin( elt.attr('data-target-name'), Number.parseInt(elt.attr('data-target-bin'), 10) ); });
svg .select('g.pmiChords') .selectAll(`path[data-target-name="${param}"]:not(.fade)`) .each(function inner(d, i) { const elt =; addBin(param, Number.parseInt(elt.attr('data-target-bin'), 10)); addBin( elt.attr('data-source-name'), Number.parseInt(elt.attr('data-source-bin'), 10) ); });
if (binMap[param] && binMap[param].indexOf(bin) >= 0) { binMap[param] = [bin]; }
svg .select('g.pmiChords') .selectAll(`path[data-target-name="${param}"]:not(.fade)`) .classed('highlight-pmi', function inner(d, i) { const elt =; return ( binMap[param].indexOf( Number.parseInt(elt.attr('data-target-bin'), 10) ) >= 0 ); }); } else { svg .select('g.pmiChords') .selectAll( `path[data-source-name="${param}"][data-source-bin="${bin}"]:not(.fade)` ) .classed('highlight-pmi', highlight) .each(function highlightPMI(d, i) { const elt =; addBin(param, bin); addBin( elt.attr('data-target-name'), Number.parseInt(elt.attr('data-target-bin'), 10) ); });
svg .select('g.pmiChords') .selectAll( `path[data-target-name="${param}"][data-target-bin="${bin}"]:not(.fade)` ) .classed('highlight-pmi', highlight) .each(function highlightPMI(d, i) { const elt =; addBin(param, bin); addBin( elt.attr('data-source-name'), Number.parseInt(elt.attr('data-source-bin'), 10) ); }); }
return binMap; }
function updateChordVisibility(options) { if (options.mi && === true) { if (options.mi.index !== undefined) { chord.classed( 'fade', (p) => p.source.index !== options.mi.index && !== options.mi.index ); } else { chord.classed('fade', false); } svg.selectAll('g.pmiChords path.pmiChord').classed('fade', true); } else if (options.pmi && === true) { } }
function drawPMIAllBinsTwoVars() { const d = model.renderState.pmiAllBinsTwoVars.d; if (d.source.index === { return; }
pmiChordMode.mode = PMI_CHORD_MODE_ALL_BINS_TWO_VARS; pmiChordMode.srcParam = null; pmiChordMode.srcBin = null;
chord.classed('fade', true); let va = model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.source.index].name; let vb = model.mutualInformationData.vmap[].name; let swap = false; if (vb < va) { const tmp = vb; vb = va; va = tmp; swap = true; }
const cAB = downsample( model.mutualInformationData.joint[va][vb], histogram1DnumberOfBins, swap ); const probDict = freqToProb(cAB); const linksToDraw = topPmi(probDict, 0.95);
svg.selectAll(' path.chord').classed('fade', true);
const linkData = svg .select('g.pmiChords') .selectAll('path.pmiChord') .data( linksToDraw.idx, linksToDraw.pmi, new Array(linksToDraw.idx.length).fill([va, vb]) ) );
linkData .enter() .append('path') .classed('pmiChord', true) .classed(style.pmiChord, true); linkData.exit().remove();
const vaGroup = layout.groups()[d.source.index]; const vbGroup = layout.groups()[]; const vaRange = [ vaGroup.startAngle, vaGroup.endAngle - vaGroup.startAngle, (vaGroup.endAngle - vaGroup.startAngle) / histogram1DnumberOfBins, ]; const vbRange = [ vbGroup.startAngle, vbGroup.endAngle - vbGroup.startAngle, (vbGroup.endAngle - vbGroup.startAngle) / histogram1DnumberOfBins, ];
linkData .classed('fade', false) .attr('d', (data, index) => path({ source: { startAngle: vaRange[0] + data[0][0] * vaRange[2], endAngle: vaRange[0] + (data[0][0] + 1) * vaRange[2], }, target: { startAngle: vbRange[0] + data[0][1] * vbRange[2], endAngle: vbRange[0] + (data[0][1] + 1) * vbRange[2], }, }) ) .attr('data-source-name', swap ? vb : va) .attr('data-source-bin', (data, index) => `${data[0][0]}`) .attr('data-target-name', swap ? va : vb) .attr('data-target-bin', (data, iindex) => `${data[0][1]}`) .classed('highlight-pmi', false) .classed('positive', (data, index) => data[1] >= 0.0) .classed('negative', (data, index) => data[1] < 0.0) .attr('data-details', (data, index) => { const sIdx = swap ? 1 : 0; const tIdx = swap ? 0 : 1; const sourceBinRange = getParamBinRange( data[0][sIdx], histogram1DnumberOfBins, data[2][0] ); const targetBinRange = getParamBinRange( data[0][tIdx], histogram1DnumberOfBins, data[2][1] ); return ( 'PMI: ' + `${data[2][0]} ∈ [ ${formatVal(sourceBinRange[0])}, ${formatVal( sourceBinRange[1] )}] ↔︎ ` + `${data[2][1]} ∈ [ ${formatVal(targetBinRange[0])}, ${formatVal( targetBinRange[1] )}] ${formatMI(data[1])}` ); }) .on('mouseover', function mouseOver() { publicAPI.updateStatusBarText('data-details')); }) .on('mouseout', () => { publicAPI.updateStatusBarText(''); }) .on('click', () => { publicAPI.selectStatusBarText(); }); }
svgParent .on('mousemove', function mouseMove(d, i) { const overCoords = d3.mouse(model.container); const info = findGroupAndBin(overCoords); let clearStatusBar = false; let groupHoverName = null; let groupInsideName = null; let highlightAllGroups = false;
for (let idx = 0; idx < variableList.length; ++idx) { unHoverBin(variableList[idx]); }
if (info.radius > veryOutermostRadius) { highlightAllGroups = true; clearStatusBar = true; } else if (info.found) { if (info.radius > innerRadius && info.radius <= outerRadius) groupHoverName =; else if (info.radius <= innerRadius) groupInsideName =;
let binMap = {}; if ( !( info.radius <= innerRadius && pmiChordMode.mode === PMI_CHORD_MODE_NONE ) ) { const oneBinAllVarsMode = info.radius <= innerRadius && pmiChordMode.mode === PMI_CHORD_MODE_ONE_BIN_ALL_VARS; model.renderState.pmiHighlight = { group:, bin: info.bin, highlight: true, mode: oneBinAllVarsMode, }; const pmiBinMap = findPmiChordsToHighlight(); if (info.radius <= innerRadius) { binMap = pmiBinMap; } else { svg .select(`[param-name='${}'`) .selectAll('path.htile') .each(function hTileInner(data, index) { if (index === info.bin) { publicAPI.updateStatusBarText('data-details') ); } }); } if (!oneBinAllVarsMode) { binMap[] = [info.bin]; } } hoverBins(binMap); } else { clearStatusBar = true; } svg .selectAll(` path[id^=\'${model.instanceID}-group\']`) .classed( style.hoverOutline, (data, idx) => highlightAllGroups || model.mutualInformationData.vmap[idx].name === groupHoverName );
svg .selectAll('') .select(`.${style.jsMouseArc}`) .attr('class', (data, idx) => model.mutualInformationData.vmap[idx].name === groupInsideName ? style.mouseArcViz : style.mouseArcHidden );
if (clearStatusBar === true) { publicAPI.updateStatusBarText(''); } }) .on('mouseout', (d, i) => { for (let idx = 0; idx < variableList.length; ++idx) { unHoverBin(variableList[idx]); } }) .on( 'click', function singleClick(d, i) { const overCoords = d3.mouse(model.container); const info = findGroupAndBin(overCoords); if (info.radius > veryOutermostRadius) { showAllChords(); } else if ( info.radius > outerRadius || (info.radius <= innerRadius && pmiChordMode.mode === PMI_CHORD_MODE_ONE_BIN_ALL_VARS && === pmiChordMode.srcParam) ) { if (info.found) { model.renderState.pmiAllBinsTwoVars = null; model.renderState.pmiOneBinAllVars = { group:, bin: info.bin, d, i, }; drawPMIOneBinAllVars()(d, i); publicAPI.selectStatusBarText(); } } } ) .on('dblclick', function doubleClick(d, i) { const overCoords = d3.mouse(model.container); const info = findGroupAndBin(overCoords);
if (info.found) { let binMap = {}; const oneBinAllVarsMode = info.radius <= innerRadius && pmiChordMode.mode === PMI_CHORD_MODE_ONE_BIN_ALL_VARS; if (info.radius <= innerRadius) { model.renderState.pmiHighlight = { group:, bin: info.bin, highlight: true, mode: oneBinAllVarsMode, }; binMap = findPmiChordsToHighlight(); } if (!oneBinAllVarsMode) { binMap[] = [info.bin]; } updateActiveSelection(binMap); }
d3.event.stopPropagation(); }); let miChordsG ='g.mutualInfoChords'); if (miChordsG.empty()) { svg.append('circle').attr('r', outerRadius); miChordsG = svg.append('g').classed('mutualInfoChords', true); svg.append('g').classed('pmiChords', true);
svg .append('defs') .append('path') .attr('id', 'straight-text-path') .attr('d', `M0,0L${width},0`); } layout.matrix(model.mutualInformationData.matrix);
model.mutualInformationData.lkup = {}; Object.keys(model.mutualInformationData.vmap).forEach((i) => { model.mutualInformationData.lkup[ model.mutualInformationData.vmap[i].name ] = i; });
const cmap = d3.scale.category20();
const group = svg .selectAll('.group') .data(layout.groups, (d) => model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.index] ? model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.index].name : d.index ); const groupEnter = group .enter() .append('g') .classed('group', true) .classed(, true);
groupEnter .append('path') .attr('id', (d, i) => `${model.instanceID}-group${i}`); groupEnter.append('path').classed(style.mouseArcHidden, true);
const groupText = groupEnter .append('text') .attr('dy', 15);
if (!model.textLengthMap) model.textLengthMap = {}; groupText .append('textPath') .attr('startOffset', '25%') .text((d, i) => model.mutualInformationData.vmap[i].name);
const groupPath ='path').attr('d', arc);`.${style.jsMouseArc}`).attr('d', insideArc);
const textPath ='text').select('textPath');
textPath .filter( (d) => !model.textLengthMap[model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.index].name] ) .text((d) => model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.index].name) .attr('xlink:href', '#straight-text-path') .each(function textLen(d) { model.textLengthMap[ model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.index].name ] = this.getComputedTextLength(); });
textPath .attr('xlink:href', (d, i) => `#${model.instanceID}-group${d.index}`) .each(function truncate(d, i) { d.textShown = true; const availLength = groupPath[0][d.index].getTotalLength() / 2 - deltaRadius - model.glyphSize; const fullText = model.mutualInformationData.vmap[i].name; const textLength = model.textLengthMap[fullText]; const strLength = fullText.length; if (textLength <= availLength) {; d.textLength = textLength; return; } if (availLength < 15 || strLength < 9) { d.textShown = false; return; } let testStrLen = Math.floor(strLength * 0.25); d.textLength = ((testStrLen * 2 + 2) / strLength) * textLength; if (d.textLength < availLength) { `${fullText.slice(0, testStrLen)}...${fullText.slice(-testStrLen)}` ); return; } testStrLen = Math.floor(strLength / 2.99); while (testStrLen >= 3) { d.textLength = ((testStrLen + 2) / strLength) * textLength; if (d.textLength < availLength) {`${fullText.slice(0, testStrLen)}...`); return; } testStrLen -= 1; } d.textShown = false; }) .attr('display', (d, i) => (d.textShown ? null : 'none'));
group.each(function addLegend(glyphData) { if (getLegend) { let glyph ='g.glyph'); if (glyph.empty()) { glyph = d3 .select(this) .append('g') .classed('glyph', true) .classed(style.glyph, true); glyph.append('svg').append('use'); }
const legend = getLegend( model.mutualInformationData.vmap[glyphData.index].name ); const textLength = glyphData.textShown ? glyphData.textLength : 0; const pathLength = groupPath[0][glyphData.index].getTotalLength(); const avgRadius = (innerRadius + outerRadius) / 2; const glyphAngle = glyphData.startAngle + (pathLength * 0.25) / outerRadius - ((textLength + model.glyphSize) * 0.5) / avgRadius;
glyph .attr( 'transform', `translate( ${avgRadius * Math.sin(glyphAngle) - model.glyphSize / 2}, ${-avgRadius * Math.cos(glyphAngle) - model.glyphSize / 2})` ) .select('svg') .attr('width', model.glyphSize) .attr('height', model.glyphSize) .attr('stroke', 'black') .attr('fill', legend.color) .select('use') .attr('xlink:href', legend.shape);
model.mutualInformationData.vmap[glyphData.index].color = legend.color;
if ( groupPath[0][glyphData.index].getTotalLength() / 2 - deltaRadius < model.glyphSize ) { glyph.attr('display', 'none'); } } else { model.mutualInformationData.vmap[glyphData.index].color = cmap( glyphData.index ); } });
group .select('path') .style( 'fill', (d) => model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.index].color || 'red' ); group .select(`.${style.jsMouseArc}`) .style( 'fill', (d) => model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.index].color || 'red' );
function getParamBinRange(index, numberOfBins, paramName) { const paramRange = model.provider.getField(paramName).range; return getBinRange(index, numberOfBins, [ paramRange[0], paramRange[1], paramRange[1] - paramRange[0], ]); }
function getBinRange(index, numberOfBins, paramRange) { return [ (index / numberOfBins) * paramRange[2] + paramRange[0], ((index + 1) / numberOfBins) * paramRange[2] + paramRange[0], ]; }
group.each(function buildHistogram(groupData) { const gname = model.mutualInformationData.vmap[groupData.index].name; const gvar = model.histogramData[gname];
if (!gvar) return;
groupData.range = [gvar.min, gvar.max, gvar.max - gvar.min];
const delta = (groupData.endAngle - groupData.startAngle) / gvar.counts.length; const total = Number(gvar.counts.reduce((a, b) => a + b)); const maxcnt = Number(gvar.counts.reduce((a, b) => (a > b ? a : b)));
groupData.histo =, i) => { return { startAngle: i * delta + groupData.startAngle, endAngle: (i + 1) * delta + groupData.startAngle, innerRadius: outerRadius + 10, outerRadius: outerRadius + 10 + (d / maxcnt) * (histoRadius - outerRadius), index: i, value: d / total, }; });
const htile = d3 .select(this) .attr('param-name', gname) .selectAll('path.htile') .data(groupData.histo); htile.enter().append('path').classed('htile', true); htile .attr('d', (d, i) => histoArc.outerRadius(d.outerRadius)(d)) .attr('data-details', (d, i) => { const binRange = getBinRange( i, histogram1DnumberOfBins, groupData.range ); return `p(${gname} ∈ [${formatVal(binRange[0])}, ${formatVal( binRange[1] )}]) = ${formatPercent(d.value)}`; }) .attr('fill', (d, i) => (i % 2 ? '#bebebe' : '#a9a9a9')); });
function showAllChords() { pmiChordMode.mode = PMI_CHORD_MODE_NONE; pmiChordMode.srcParam = null; pmiChordMode.srcBin = null; pmiChordMode.miIndex = -1; model.renderState = { pmiAllBinsTwoVars: null, pmiOneBinAllVars: null, pmiHighlight: null, }; updateChordVisibility({ mi: { show: true } }); } const groupExit = group.exit(); const needReset = !groupEnter.empty() || !groupExit.empty(); groupExit.remove();
const chord = miChordsG.selectAll('.chord').data(layout.chords); chord .enter() .append('path') .classed('chord', true) .classed(style.chord, true);
chord .classed('selfchord', (d) => d.source.index === .attr('d', path) .style('fill', null) .on('click', (d, i) => { model.renderState.pmiOneBinAllVars = null; model.renderState.pmiAllBinsTwoVars = { d, i }; drawPMIAllBinsTwoVars(); publicAPI.selectStatusBarText(); }) .on('mouseover', function inner(d, i) { publicAPI.updateStatusBarText('data-details')); }) .on('mouseout', () => { publicAPI.updateStatusBarText(''); });
miChordsG .selectAll('.selfchord') .style( 'fill', (d) => model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.source.index].color );
chord.attr( 'data-details', (d, i) => `Mutual information: ${ model.mutualInformationData.vmap[d.source.index].name } ↔︎ ${model.mutualInformationData.vmap[].name} ` + `${formatMI( model.mutualInformationData.matrix[d.source.index][] )}` );
if (needReset) { showAllChords(); publicAPI.updateStatusBarText(''); }
svg .selectAll(` path[id^=\'${model.instanceID}-group\']`) .on('click', (d, i) => { if ( pmiChordMode.mode !== PMI_CHORD_MODE_NONE || pmiChordMode.miIndex !== i ) { pmiChordMode.mode = PMI_CHORD_MODE_NONE; pmiChordMode.srcParam = null; pmiChordMode.srcBin = null; pmiChordMode.miIndex = i; updateChordVisibility({ mi: { show: true, index: i } }); } else { showAllChords(); } });
if ( model.renderState.pmiAllBinsTwoVars !== null && pmiChordMode.mode === PMI_CHORD_MODE_ALL_BINS_TWO_VARS ) { drawPMIAllBinsTwoVars(); } else if ( model.renderState.pmiOneBinAllVars !== null && pmiChordMode.mode === PMI_CHORD_MODE_ONE_BIN_ALL_VARS ) { const { group: g, bin: b, d, i } = model.renderState.pmiOneBinAllVars; drawPMIOneBinAllVars(g, b)(d, i); } else { }
if ( model.renderState.pmiHighlight !== null && pmiChordMode.mode !== PMI_CHORD_MODE_NONE ) { findPmiChordsToHighlight(); }
function drawPMIOneBinAllVars() { const binVar =; const binIdx = model.renderState.pmiOneBinAllVars.bin;
pmiChordMode.mode = PMI_CHORD_MODE_ONE_BIN_ALL_VARS; pmiChordMode.srcParam = binVar; pmiChordMode.srcBin = binIdx;
return (d, i) => { chord.classed('fade', true);
let linkAccum = []; Object.keys(model.mutualInformationData.vmap).forEach((iother) => { const other = model.mutualInformationData.vmap[iother]; let va = binVar; let vb =; if (!vb || vb === va) { return; } let swap = false; if (vb < va) { const tmp = vb; vb = va; va = tmp; swap = true; }
const cAB = downsample( model.mutualInformationData.joint[va][vb], histogram1DnumberOfBins, swap ); const probDict = freqToProb(cAB); const linksToDraw = topBinPmi(probDict, true, binIdx, 0.8); linkAccum = linkAccum.concat( linksToDraw.idx, linksToDraw.pmi, linksToDraw.pAB, new Array(linksToDraw.idx.length).fill([binVar,]) ) ); });
svg.selectAll(' path.chord').classed('fade', true);
const linkData = svg .select('g.pmiChords') .selectAll('path.pmiChord') .data(linkAccum);
linkData .enter() .append('path') .classed('pmiChord', true) .classed(style.pmiChord, true); linkData.exit().remove();
linkData .classed('fade', false) .attr('d', (data, index) => { const vaGrp = layout.groups()[ model.mutualInformationData.lkup[data[3][0]] ]; const vbGrp = layout.groups()[ model.mutualInformationData.lkup[data[3][1]] ]; const vaRange = [ vaGrp.startAngle, vaGrp.endAngle - vaGrp.startAngle, (vaGrp.endAngle - vaGrp.startAngle) / histogram1DnumberOfBins, ]; const vbRange = [ vbGrp.startAngle, vbGrp.endAngle - vbGrp.startAngle, (vbGrp.endAngle - vbGrp.startAngle) / histogram1DnumberOfBins, ]; return path({ source: { startAngle: vaRange[0] + data[0][0] * vaRange[2], endAngle: vaRange[0] + (data[0][0] + 1) * vaRange[2], }, target: { startAngle: vbRange[0] + data[0][1] * vbRange[2], endAngle: vbRange[0] + (data[0][1] + 1) * vbRange[2], }, }); }) .attr('data-source-name', (data) => data[3][0]) .attr('data-source-bin', (data) => data[0][0]) .attr('data-target-name', (data) => data[3][1]) .attr('data-target-bin', (data) => data[0][1]) .classed('highlight-pmi', false) .classed('positive', (data) => data[1] >= 0.0) .classed('negative', (data) => data[1] < 0.0) .attr('data-details', (data) => { const sourceBinRange = getParamBinRange( data[0][0], histogram1DnumberOfBins, data[3][0] ); const targetBinRange = getParamBinRange( data[0][1], histogram1DnumberOfBins, data[3][1] ); return ( 'PMI: ' + `${data[3][0]} ∈ [ ${formatVal(sourceBinRange[0])}, ${formatVal( sourceBinRange[1] )}] ↔︎ ` + `${data[3][1]} ∈ [ ${formatVal(targetBinRange[0])}, ${formatVal( targetBinRange[1] )}] ${formatMI(data[1])}` ); }) .on('mouseover', function mouseOver() { publicAPI.updateStatusBarText('data-details')); }) .on('mouseout', () => { publicAPI.updateStatusBarText(''); }) .on('click', () => { publicAPI.selectStatusBarText(); }); }; } };
function handleHoverUpdate(data) { const svg =; Object.keys(data.state).forEach((pName) => { const binList = data.state[pName]; svg .selectAll(`[param-name='${pName}'] > path.htile`) .classed( 'hilite', (d, i) => binList.indexOf(-1) === -1 && binList.indexOf(i) >= 0 ); }); }
model.subscriptions.push({ unsubscribe: publicAPI.setContainer }); model.subscriptions.push( model.provider.onFieldChange(() => { model.renderState = { pmiAllBinsTwoVars: null, pmiOneBinAllVars: null, pmiHighlight: null, }; if (model.provider.setMutualInformationParameterNames) { model.provider.setMutualInformationParameterNames( model.provider.getActiveFieldNames() ); } }) );
if (model.provider.isA('Histogram1DProvider')) { model.histogram1DDataSubscription = model.provider.subscribeToHistogram1D( (data) => { model.histogramData = data; publicAPI.render(); }, model.provider.getFieldNames(), { numberOfBins: model.numberOfBins, partial: false, } );
model.subscriptions.push(model.histogram1DDataSubscription); }
if (model.provider.isA('MutualInformationProvider')) { model.mutualInformationDataSubscription = model.provider.onMutualInformationReady( (data) => { model.mutualInformationData = data; publicAPI.render(); } );
model.subscriptions.push(model.mutualInformationDataSubscription); model.provider.setMutualInformationParameterNames( model.provider.getActiveFieldNames() ); }
if (model.provider.isA('HistogramBinHoverProvider')) { model.subscriptions.push( model.provider.onHoverBinChange(handleHoverUpdate) ); }
if (model.provider.isA('SelectionProvider')) { model.subscriptions.push( model.provider.onAnnotationChange((annotation) => { if ( lastAnnotationPushed && annotation.selection.type === 'range' && === && annotation.generation === lastAnnotationPushed.generation + 1 ) { lastAnnotationPushed = annotation; model.defaultScore = lastAnnotationPushed.score[0]; } }) ); } }
const DEFAULT_VALUES = { container: null, provider: null,
needData: true,
glyphSize: 15,
statusBarVisible: false,
useAnnotation: false, defaultScore: 0, defaultWeight: 1,
numberOfBins: 32, };
export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) { Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);
CompositeClosureHelper.destroy(publicAPI, model); CompositeClosureHelper.isA(publicAPI, model, 'VizComponent'); CompositeClosureHelper.get(publicAPI, model, [ 'provider', 'container', 'numberOfBins', ]); CompositeClosureHelper.set(publicAPI, model, ['numberOfBins']); CompositeClosureHelper.dynamicArray(publicAPI, model, 'readOnlyFields');
informationDiagram(publicAPI, model); }
export const newInstance = CompositeClosureHelper.newInstance(extend);
export default { newInstance, extend };