

vtkTextureMapToPlane generate texture coordinates by mapping points to a
plane The TCoords DataArray is name ‘Texture Coordinates’



Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkTextureMapToPlane characteristics.

Argument Type Required Description
publicAPI Yes object on which methods will be bounds (public)
model Yes object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
initialValues ITextureMapToPlane No (default: {})


Get whether the automatic plane generation is set.


Get the normal object.


Get the normal object.


Get the origin of the plane.


Get the origin of the plane.


Get the point which defines the first axis of the plane.


Get the point which defines the first axis of the plane.


Get the point which defines the second axis of the plane


Get the point which defines the second axis of the plane


Get the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.


Get the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.


Get the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.


Get the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.


Method used to create a new instance of vtkTextureMapToPlane

Argument Type Required Description
initialValues ITextureMapToPlane No for pre-setting some of its content


Argument Type Required Description
inData Yes
outData Yes


Turn on/off the automatic plane generation.

Argument Type Required Description
automaticPlaneGeneration Number Yes


Set the normal object.

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.


Set the normal object.

Argument Type Required Description
normal Array[Number] Yes The normal object coordinates.


Set the normal object.

Argument Type Required Description
normal Array[Number] Yes The normal object coordinates.


Set the origin of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.


Set the origin of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
origin Array[Number] Yes The origin of the plane.


Set the origin of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
origin Array[Number] Yes The origin of the plane.


Set the point which defines the first axis of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate of the point.
y Number Yes The y coordinate of the point.
z Number Yes The z coordinate of the point.


Set the point which defines the first axis of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
point1 Array[Number] Yes The coordinate of the point.


Set the point which defines the first axis of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
point1 Array[Number] Yes The coordinate of the point.


Set the point which defines the second axis of the plane

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate of the point.
y Number Yes The y coordinate of the point.
z Number Yes The z coordinate of the point.


Set the point which defines the second axis of the plane

Argument Type Required Description
point2 Array[Number] Yes The coordinate of the point.


Set the point which defines the second axis of the plane

Argument Type Required Description
point2 Array[Number] Yes The coordinate of the point.


Set the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.

Argument Type Required Description
min Number Yes The min of the s-coordinate range
max Number Yes The min of the s-coordinate range.


Set the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.

Argument Type Required Description
sRange Array[Number] Yes The s-coordinate range.


Set the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.

Argument Type Required Description
sRange Array[Number] Yes The s-coordinate range.


Set the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.

Argument Type Required Description
min Number Yes The min of the t-coordinate range
max Number Yes The min of the t-coordinate range.


Set the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.

Argument Type Required Description
tRange Array[Number] Yes The t-coordinate range.


Set the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.

Argument Type Required Description
tRange Array[Number] Yes The t-coordinate range.


import { vtkAlgorithm, vtkObject } from '../../../interfaces';

interface ITextureMapToPlane {
origin?: number[];
point1?: number[];
point2?: number[];
normal?: number[];
sRange?: number[];
tRange?: number[];
automaticPlaneGeneration?: number;

type vtkTextureMapToPlaneBase = vtkObject & vtkAlgorithm;

export interface vtkTextureMapToPlane extends vtkTextureMapToPlaneBase {
* Get whether the automatic plane generation is set.
getAutomaticPlaneGeneration(): number;

* Get the normal object.
getNormal(): number[];

* Get the normal object.
getNormalByReference(): number[];

* Get the origin of the plane.
getOrigin(): number[];

* Get the origin of the plane.
getOriginByReference(): number[];

* Get the point which defines the first axis of the plane.
getPoint1(): number[];

* Get the point which defines the first axis of the plane.
getPoint1ByReference(): number[];

* Get the point which defines the second axis of the plane
getPoint2(): number[];

* Get the point which defines the second axis of the plane
getPoint2ByReference(): number[];

* Get the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
getSRange(): number[];

* Get the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
getSRangeByReference(): number[];

* Get the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
getTRange(): number[];

* Get the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
getTRangeByReference(): number[];

* @param inData
* @param outData
requestData(inData: any, outData: any): void;

* Turn on/off the automatic plane generation.
* @param {Number} automaticPlaneGeneration
setAutomaticPlaneGeneration(automaticPlaneGeneration: number): boolean;

* Set the normal object.
* @param {Number[]} normal The normal object coordinates.
setNormal(normal: number[]): boolean;

* Set the normal object.
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
setNormal(x: number, y: number, z: number): boolean;

* Set the normal object.
* @param {Number[]} normal The normal object coordinates.
setNormalFrom(normal: number[]): boolean;

* Set the origin of the plane.
* @param {Number[]} origin The origin of the plane.
setOrigin(origin: number[]): boolean;

* Set the origin of the plane.
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
setOrigin(x: number, y: number, z: number): boolean;

* Set the origin of the plane.
* @param {Number[]} origin The origin of the plane.
setOriginFrom(origin: number[]): boolean;

* Set the point which defines the first axis of the plane.
* @param {Number[]} point1 The coordinate of the point.
setPoint1(point1: number[]): boolean;

* Set the point which defines the first axis of the plane.
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate of the point.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate of the point.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate of the point.
setPoint1(x: number, y: number, z: number): boolean;

* Set the point which defines the first axis of the plane.
* @param {Number[]} point1 The coordinate of the point.
setPoint1From(point1: number[]): boolean;

* Set the point which defines the second axis of the plane
* @param {Number[]} point2 The coordinate of the point.
setPoint2(point2: number[]): boolean;

* Set the point which defines the second axis of the plane
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate of the point.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate of the point.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate of the point.
setPoint2(x: number, y: number, z: number): boolean;

* Set the point which defines the second axis of the plane
* @param {Number[]} point2 The coordinate of the point.
setPoint2From(point2: number[]): boolean;

* Set the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
* @param {Number[]} sRange The s-coordinate range.
setSRange(sRange: number[]): boolean;

* Set the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
* @param {Number} min The min of the s-coordinate range
* @param {Number} max The min of the s-coordinate range.
setSRange(min: number, max: number): boolean;

* Set the s-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
* @param {Number[]} sRange The s-coordinate range.
setSRangeFrom(sRange: number[]): boolean;

* Set the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
* @param {Number[]} tRange The t-coordinate range.
setTRange(tRange: number[]): boolean;

* Set the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
* @param {Number} min The min of the t-coordinate range
* @param {Number} max The min of the t-coordinate range.
setTRange(min: number, max: number): boolean;

* Set the t-coordinate range for texture s-t coordinate pair.
* @param {Number[]} tRange The t-coordinate range.
setTRangeFrom(tRange: number[]): boolean;

* Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkTextureMapToPlane characteristics.
* @param publicAPI object on which methods will be bounds (public)
* @param model object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
* @param {ITextureMapToPlane} [initialValues] (default: {})
export function extend(
publicAPI: object,
model: object,
initialValues?: ITextureMapToPlane
): void;

* Method used to create a new instance of vtkTextureMapToPlane
* @param {ITextureMapToPlane} [initialValues] for pre-setting some of its content
export function newInstance(
initialValues?: ITextureMapToPlane
): vtkTextureMapToPlane;

* vtkTextureMapToPlane generate texture coordinates by mapping points to a
* plane The TCoords DataArray is name 'Texture Coordinates'
export declare const vtkTextureMapToPlane: {
newInstance: typeof newInstance;
extend: typeof extend;
export default vtkTextureMapToPlane;
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import vtkDataArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/DataArray';
import * as vtkMath from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/Math';
import vtkPolyData from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/PolyData';

const { vtkErrorMacro } = macro;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkTextureMapToPlane methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkTextureMapToPlane(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

function computeNormal(output) {
const VTK_TOLERANCE = 0.001;
// First thing to do is to get an initial normal and point to define
// the plane. Then, use this information to construct better
// matrices. If problem occurs, then the point and plane becomes the
// fallback value

const nbPoints = output.getPoints().getNumberOfPoints();
let dir = 0;
let m = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
const x = [0, 0, 0];
const v = [0, 0, 0];

// Get minimum width of bounding box.
const bounds = output.getBounds();
const minBounds = [bounds[0], bounds[2], bounds[4]];
const maxBounds = [bounds[1], bounds[3], bounds[5]];
const length = Math.sqrt(
vtkMath.distance2BetweenPoints(minBounds, maxBounds)
let w = length;
let i = 0;
for (; i < 3; i++) {
model.normal[i] = 0.0;
if (bounds[2 * i + 1] - bounds[2 * i] < w) {
dir = i;
w = bounds[2 * i + 1] - bounds[2 * i];

// If the bounds is perpendicular to one of the axes, then can
// quickly compute normal.
model.normal[dir] = 1.0;
if (w <= length * VTK_TOLERANCE) {

// Need to compute least squares approximation. Depending on major
// normal direction (dir), construct matrices appropriately.
// Compute 3x3 least squares matrix
v[0] = 0.0;
v[1] = 0.0;
v[2] = 0.0;

for (let ptId = 0; ptId < nbPoints; ptId++) {
output.getPoints().getPoint(ptId, x);

v[0] += x[0] * x[2];
v[1] += x[1] * x[2];
v[2] += x[2];

m[0] += x[0] * x[0];
m[1] += x[0] * x[1];
m[2] += x[0];

m[3] += x[0] * x[1];
m[4] += x[1] * x[1];
m[5] += x[1];

m[6] += x[0];
m[7] += x[1];
m[8] = nbPoints;

// Solve linear system using Kramers rule

const c1 = [m[0], m[1], m[2]];
const c2 = [m[3], m[4], m[5]];
const c3 = [m[6], m[7], m[8]];
const det = vtkMath.determinant3x3(m);
if (det <= VTK_TOLERANCE) {

m = vtkMath.rowsToMat3(v, c2, c3, []);
model.normal[0] = vtkMath.determinant3x3(m) / det;
m = vtkMath.rowsToMat3(c1, v, c3, []);
model.normal[1] = vtkMath.determinant3x3(m) / det;
// because of the formulation
model.normal[2] = -1.0;

publicAPI.requestData = (inData, outData) => {
if (model.deleted) {
const input = inData[0];
const nbPoints = input.getPoints().getNumberOfPoints();
if (nbPoints < 3 && model.automaticPlaneGeneration) {
vtkErrorMacro("Can't generate texture coordinates without points");

const output = vtkPolyData.newInstance();
.setData(new Float32Array(input.getPoints().getData()), 3);
output.getPolys().setData(new Uint32Array(input.getPolys().getData()));

const tcoordsData = [];

let minProj = 0;
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
let proj = 0;
const axis = [0, 0, 0];
let dir = 0;
const tAxis = [0, 0, 0];
const sAxis = [0, 0, 0];
let s = 0;
let t = 0;
let sSf = 0;
let tSf = 0;
const p = [0, 0, 0];

// Compute least squares plane if on automatic mode; otherwise use
// normal specified or plane specified
if (
model.automaticPlaneGeneration &&
model.origin[0] === 0 &&
model.origin[1] === 0 &&
model.origin[2] === 0 &&
model.point1[0] === 0 &&
model.point1[1] === 0 &&
model.point2[0] === 0 &&
model.point2[1] === 0
) {
if (model.automaticPlaneGeneration) {


// Now project each point onto plane generating s,t texture coordinates
// Create local s-t coordinate system. Need to find the two axes on
// the plane and encompassing all the points. Hence use the bounding
// box as a reference.
minProj = 1.0;
i = 0;
for (; i < 3; i++) {
axis[0] = 0.0;
axis[1] = 0.0;
axis[2] = 0.0;
axis[i] = 1.0;
proj = Math.abs(vtkMath.dot(model.normal, axis));
if (proj < minProj) {
minProj = proj;
dir = i;
axis[0] = 0.0;
axis[1] = 0.0;
axis[2] = 0.0;
axis[dir] = 1.0;

vtkMath.cross(model.normal, axis, tAxis);

vtkMath.cross(tAxis, model.normal, sAxis);

// Construct projection matrices
// Arrange s-t axes so that parametric location of points will fall
// between s_range and t_range. Simplest to do by projecting maximum
// corner of bounding box unto plane and backing out scale factors.
const bounds = output.getBounds();
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
axis[i] = bounds[2 * i + 1] - bounds[2 * i];

s = vtkMath.dot(sAxis, axis);
t = vtkMath.dot(tAxis, axis);

sSf = (model.sRange[1] - model.sRange[0]) / s;
tSf = (model.tRange[1] - model.tRange[0]) / t;
// Now can loop over all points, computing parametric coordinates.
for (i = 0; i < nbPoints; i++) {
output.getPoints().getPoint(i, p);
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
axis[j] = p[j] - bounds[2 * j];

tcoordsData.push(model.sRange[0] + vtkMath.dot(sAxis, axis) * sSf);
tcoordsData.push(model.tRange[0] + vtkMath.dot(tAxis, axis) * tSf);
} else {
let num = 0;

// compute axes
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
sAxis[i] = model.point1[i] - model.origin[i];
tAxis[i] = model.point2[i] - model.origin[i];

let sDenom = vtkMath.dot(sAxis, sAxis);
let tDenom = vtkMath.dot(tAxis, tAxis);

if (sDenom === 0.0 || tDenom === 0.0) {
vtkErrorMacro('Bad plane definition');
sDenom = 1.0;
tDenom = 1.0;

// compute s-t coordinates
for (i = 0; i < nbPoints; i++) {
output.getPoints().getPoint(i, p);
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
axis[j] = p[j] - model.origin[j];

// s-coordinate
num = sAxis[0] * axis[0] + sAxis[1] * axis[1] + sAxis[2] * axis[2];
tcoordsData.push(num / sDenom);

// t-coordinate
num = tAxis[0] * axis[0] + tAxis[1] * axis[1] + tAxis[2] * axis[2];
tcoordsData.push(num / tDenom);

const tCoords = vtkDataArray.newInstance({
name: 'Texture Coordinates',
numberOfComponents: 2,
size: nbPoints,
values: tcoordsData,


// Update output
outData[0] = output;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

origin: [0, 0, 0],
point1: [0, 0, 0],
point2: [0, 0, 0],
normal: [0, 0, 0],
sRange: [0, 1],
tRange: [0, 1],
automaticPlaneGeneration: 1,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Build VTK API
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);

['origin', 'point1', 'point2', 'normal'],
macro.setGetArray(publicAPI, model, ['sRange', 'tRange'], 2);
macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, ['automaticPlaneGeneration']);

macro.algo(publicAPI, model, 1, 1);
vtkTextureMapToPlane(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkTextureMapToPlane');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend };