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Pipeline Import and Export

Trained model downloads

You can download your trained models through the administrative interface.


Use caution when modifying data through the admin interface

  • Open the admin interface at (or if you host your own instance)
  • Navigate to your personal workspace by clicking My Folders under your user dropdown in the top right corner.

    My Folders

  • Navigate to the VIAME/VIAME Training Results folder and into the folder you wish to download

    Select All

  • Select all items and download using the menu


Custom Pipeline Upload

It's possible to upload custom pipes to DIVE Web through the girder interface.


This feature is not yet standardized, and the instructions below may change.

  1. Open the girder interface at /girder and create a new private folder called MyPipelines
    1. For our demo instance, open
  2. Create a new folder in that private folder, and give it a name you'd like to associate with your new pipeline.
  3. Upload one or more files inside your new pipeline subfolder:
    1. A pipeline file ending in the .pipe file extension
    2. Whatever other model .zip files are required by the pipe, named exactly as they appear in your .pipe file above.
  4. Finally, set the pipeline folder metadata key trained_pipeline with value true.
  5. Your new pipeline will be available under the Run Pipeline -> Trained menu from the DIVE web app.

Upload Pipeline

Accepting input

If your pipe must accept input, set the pipeline folder metadata property requires_input to true .

Including base pipelines

User-uploaded pipelines may depend on any pipe already installed from the base image or an addon using include <pipename>.pipe . Depending on other user-uploaded pipes is not supported.


KWIVER pipe files can be exported for use with DIVE using kwiver pipe-config