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trame leverages Vuetify as its primary UI Component Library for defining HTML graphics user interfaces (GUI). Vuetify is a mature, efficient, and expansive framework which produces good-looking web applications using the same simple state management system as trame. trame makes Vuetify available in the Python environment with minimal overhead.

Vuetify WebSite

Using Vuetify

We expose all Vuetify components in trame. As an example, let's look at how we would make a simple text box. This is taken from Vuetify's excellent examples and documentation, which we recommend you consult while writing frontends with trame.

// Somewhere in javascript
const currentSuffix = "lbs";
const myWeight = 28.0;
// Somewhere in javascript
const currentSuffix = "lbs";
const myWeight = 28.0;
<!-- Somewhere in html -->
<v-text-field label="Weight" v-model="myWeight" :suffix="currentSuffix"></v-text-field>
<!-- Somewhere in html -->
<v-text-field label="Weight" v-model="myWeight" :suffix="currentSuffix"></v-text-field>

Vuetify example

Here we have a vuetify text field (v-text-field). In Vue, the v-model is a directive that provides two-way data binding between an input and form data or between two components. The variable myWeight is bound by the v-model attribute, so the shared state can read from it (shown in the GUI form) and write to it (input to the form stored as the variable contents).

We've included, optionally, a label and a suffix for the text box. The label is a static string or title, and the suffix could be a static string, but the ":" in :suffix means we will look up and use the contents of a variable currentSuffix. This variable could change to 'kg' if our user prefers the metric system.

Looking through the Vuetify documentation, we see a large number of wonderful user interface (UI) components. trame exposes Vuetify from within Python. Access to Vuetify is provided through trame using the following import.

from trame.widgets import vuetify
from trame.widgets import vuetify

Python Vuetify Rules

Exposing Vuetify in Python was accomplished by making a few syntax changes.

  1. We use CamelCase in our Python component's name, while attribute hyphens become underscores. For example, the v-text-field component becomes VTextField, and the v-model attribute becomes v_model.

  2. Strings, ints, floats, and booleans used to set attributes are assigned as normal like vuetify.VTextField(label="myLabel") for the "myLabel" String.

  3. Variables used to set attributes are surrounded by parenthesis like vuetify.VTextField(label=("myLabel",)). The comma is used to provide an initial value like vuetify.VTextField(label=("myLabel", "Initial Label")).

  4. Vuetify implicitly sets boolean properties. For example, if something is to be disabled, then one simply writes disabled. In our Python implementation, this is done explicitly like vuetify.VTextField(disabled=True).

  5. For events, HTML uses the @ like @click="runMethod" to set the function to call upon a click event and double quotes on the String name of the function to run. In our Python version of Vuetify, we ignore the @ and use the reference to the function instead of a the String name of the function call like vuetify.VBtn(click=runMethod).

Given these rules, we can recreate the JavaScript/HTML text field example in trame as follows.

field = VTextField(
field = VTextField(


In both the previous statements v_model and suffix, we defined and initialized state variables. These variables are available from both the client and server side.

First, we need to get the state instance from a trame server to simplify its manipulation.

from import get_server

# trame v3 use vue3 as default
server = get_server(client_type="vue2")
state = server.state
from import get_server

# trame v3 use vue3 as default
server = get_server(client_type="vue2")
state = server.state

From here, we have a couple options to read and update the state

  • state.field - returns the value of a given state variable (field).
  • state.field = 5 - update or set the field variable to the value 5.
  • state.update({ "field": 5, ... }) - update several variables at once

Let's look at an example leveraging the previously defined text field.

def increment_weight():
    state.myWeight += 1

def set_metric():
    state.myWeight = 0.453592 * state.myWeight
    state.currentSuffix = "kg"

def set_imperial():
    state["myWeight"] *= 2.20462
    state["currentSuffix"] = "lb"
def increment_weight():
    state.myWeight += 1

def set_metric():
    state.myWeight = 0.453592 * state.myWeight
    state.currentSuffix = "kg"

def set_imperial():
    state["myWeight"] *= 2.20462
    state["currentSuffix"] = "lb"

In the increment_weight function, we use addition assignment for state.myWeight to read and update the value of myWeight in a single statement. The remaining functions illustrate similar actions but using different syntax for reading and updating a given variable.


Let's modify the Hello trame application to add some GUI elements by starting editing the file 03_html/

Light ModeDark Mode
Light modeDark Mode

So with the SinglePageLayout, we could add UI elements to either the toolbar, content, or the footer. We'll limit ourself to the toolbar, but the procedure is still the same. Let us add to the right side of the toolbar a switch to toggle between light and dark mode of the application and a button to reset the view after panning and/or zooming.

Light Mode

  • The VSpacer Vuetify component pushes the extra space on the left side of the component.

  • The VSwitch component toggles between two different states. In this case, we will update a Vuetify variable $vuetify.theme.dark. The hide_details and dense attribute creates a smaller, tighter switch.

  • The VBtn component is a button. We decorate the button with a VIcon component where the argument is a String identifying the Material Design Icons instead of text in this case. The VBtn icon attribute provides proper sizing and padding for the icon. Finally, the click attribute tells the application what method to call when the button is pressed.

We add all the Vuetify components in a flow from left to right, top to bottom to the layout.toolbar container.

with SinglePageLayout(server) as layout:
    # [...]
        # [...]
            view = vtk.VtkLocalView(renderWindow)
            ctrl.view_update = view.update # <-- Capture update method (will be useful later)
            ctrl.view_reset_camera = view.reset_camera # <-- Capture reset_camera method

    with layout.toolbar:
        with vuetify.VBtn(
            click=ctrl.view_reset_camera, # <-- Use that reset_camera (init order does not matter)
with SinglePageLayout(server) as layout:
    # [...]
        # [...]
            view = vtk.VtkLocalView(renderWindow)
            ctrl.view_update = view.update # <-- Capture update method (will be useful later)
            ctrl.view_reset_camera = view.reset_camera # <-- Capture reset_camera method

    with layout.toolbar:
        with vuetify.VBtn(
            click=ctrl.view_reset_camera, # <-- Use that reset_camera (init order does not matter)

Running the Application

python 03_html/ --port 1234
# or
python 03_html/ --port 1234
python 03_html/ --port 1234
# or
python 03_html/ --port 1234

Your browser should open automatically to http://localhost:1234/

with Construct

The Python with construct allow us to automatically append to a given widget container but also for the Layouts it will automatically flush its content to the server. While it is possible to mutate the children attribute of a widget we encourage you to use the with syntax instead.


We really want to enable our GUI to interact with our visualization (or application, in general). For example, we want to adjust the resolution (number of line segments) that approximates circle used in defining the cone.


By default, the resolution is 6, defined in the Globals section.


Callbacks GUI

Let's add a VSlider for adjusting the resolution, a VBtn with VIcon to reset the resolution to the default value, and a vertical VDivider to separate our visualization GUI from the application GUI. The following is added after the VSpacer component at the beginning of the with toolbar flow.

with SinglePageLayout(server) as layout:
    with layout.toolbar:
            v_model=("resolution", DEFAULT_RESOLUTION), # (var_name, initial_value)
            min=3, max=60, step=1,                      # min/max/step
            hide_details=True, dense=True,              # presentation params
            style="max-width: 300px",                   # css style
        with vuetify.VBtn(icon=True, click=reset_resolution):
        vuetify.VDivider(vertical=True, classes="mx-2")

        with vuetify.VBtn(icon=True, click=ctrl.view_reset_camera):
with SinglePageLayout(server) as layout:
    with layout.toolbar:
            v_model=("resolution", DEFAULT_RESOLUTION), # (var_name, initial_value)
            min=3, max=60, step=1,                      # min/max/step
            hide_details=True, dense=True,              # presentation params
            style="max-width: 300px",                   # css style
        with vuetify.VBtn(icon=True, click=reset_resolution):
        vuetify.VDivider(vertical=True, classes="mx-2")

        with vuetify.VBtn(icon=True, click=ctrl.view_reset_camera):

The VSlider creates resolution as a state variable and is initialized to the default resolution. When interacting with the slider, the code will call a function decorated with @state.change("resolution").

def update_resolution(resolution, **kwargs):
def update_resolution(resolution, **kwargs):

There is no need to get or update the resolution state variable. This update is carried out on the client-side by the v_model. We simply update the cone_source appropriately and update the view.

The VBtn resets the the resolution when pressed by calling the reset_resolution function. This is a trigger event, where v_models are change events. Since we use a function reference, there is no need to use a @trigger("...") decorator here. It is created by default behind the scenes.

def reset_resolution():
    state.resolution = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION
def reset_resolution():
    state.resolution = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION


  • If you plan to pass arguments to the trigger function, then you would use the decorator.
  • In this case because we listen to resolution change, the call to state.resolution = ... will also trigger the change callback. That is the reason why we do not need to update the view or the cone source resolution in reset_resolution().

Both of these functions should be included in the Functions or Callbacks section of the code.

Running the Application

python 03_html/ --port 1234
# or
python 03_html/ --port 1234
python 03_html/ --port 1234
# or
python 03_html/ --port 1234