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Setup environment

trame requires Python 3.6+ but since ParaView 5.11 is bundling Python 3.9 we will use Python 3.9 in this tutorial.

python3.9 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install trame                   # Install trame core
pip install trame-vuetify trame-vtk # Install widgets that we'll be using
pip install vtk                     # Install the VTK library
python3.9 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install trame                   # Install trame core
pip install trame-vuetify trame-vtk # Install widgets that we'll be using
pip install vtk                     # Install the VTK library


  • venv was added in Python 3.3.
  • On a Mac with ARM architecture, VTK is only available with Python 3.9+.

Running the application

python ./00_setup/ --port 1234
python ./00_setup/ --port 1234

Your browser should open to http://localhost:1234/

Hello trame


  • The default port is 8080, but since this is very common we will use 1234 for our Tutorial.
  • If you are running this on a remote machine, you may have to set the host to to allow any external connection. (python ./ --port 1234 --host

Annotation of Hello trame Application

We start by importing the basic building blocks for our client-server application.

from import get_server
from trame.ui.vuetify import SinglePageLayout
from import get_server
from trame.ui.vuetify import SinglePageLayout

from trame's app, we import the factory function for retrieving a server instance on which we will bind our UI and business logic. We also import a skeleton for a single page client application that relies on vuetify (our main widget library) from trame.ui.vuetify.

Next, we define the graphical user interface (GUI) by passing the server to which it should be bound. Then with that layout we update the toolbar's title to read "Hello trame".

server = get_server(client_type="vue2")

with SinglePageLayout(server) as layout:
    layout.title.set_text("Hello trame")
server = get_server(client_type="vue2")

with SinglePageLayout(server) as layout:
    layout.title.set_text("Hello trame")

Finally, we start the Web server using:

if __name__ == "__main__":
if __name__ == "__main__":

start can take an optional argument of a port number. However, this can be set with command-line arguments (--port 1234).

Running the Application

$ python ./00_setup/ --port 1234

 App running at:
 - Local:   http://localhost:1234/
 - Network:

Note that for multi-users you need to use and configure a launcher.
And to prevent your browser from opening, add '--server' to your command line.
$ python ./00_setup/ --port 1234

 App running at:
 - Local:   http://localhost:1234/
 - Network:

Note that for multi-users you need to use and configure a launcher.
And to prevent your browser from opening, add '--server' to your command line.

Your browser should open automatically to http://localhost:1234/.