Methods fromArrayBuffer Convert a Base64 string to an ArrayBuffer.
toArrayBuffer Convert a Base64 string to an ArrayBuffer.
Source index.d.ts export function toArrayBuffer (b64Str: string ): ArrayBuffer ;export function fromArrayBuffer (ab: ArrayBuffer ): string;interface Base64 { toArrayBuffer : typeof toArrayBuffer; fromArrayBuffer : typeof fromArrayBuffer; } export default Base64 ;
index.js const REVERSE_LOOKUP = [];REVERSE_LOOKUP ['-' .charCodeAt (0 )] = 62 ;REVERSE_LOOKUP ['_' .charCodeAt (0 )] = 63 ;const BASE64 _CODE = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/' ; for (let i = 0 ; i < BASE64 _CODE.length ; i++) { REVERSE_LOOKUP [BASE64 _CODE.charCodeAt (i)] = i; } function isValidChar (c ) { return REVERSE_LOOKUP [c.charCodeAt (0 )] !== undefined ; } function extractChunks (b64Str ) { const strSize = b64Str.length ; const chunks = []; let currentChunk = null ; for (let i = 0 ; i < strSize; i++) { if (isValidChar (b64Str[i])) { if (!currentChunk) { currentChunk = { start : i, count : 0 }; } currentChunk.count ++; currentChunk.end = i; } else if (b64Str[i] === '=' && currentChunk) { chunks.push (currentChunk); currentChunk = null ; } } if (currentChunk) { chunks.push (currentChunk); } return chunks; } function writeChunk (b64Str, chunk, dstOffset, uint8 ) { const { start, count } = chunk; const remain = count % 4 ; const fourCharProcessCount = Math .floor (count / 4 ); let charIdx = start; let tmp = null ; let offset = dstOffset; for (let i = 0 ; i < fourCharProcessCount; i++) { while (!isValidChar (b64Str[charIdx])) { charIdx++; } tmp = REVERSE_LOOKUP [b64Str.charCodeAt (charIdx++)] << 18 ; while (!isValidChar (b64Str[charIdx])) { charIdx++; } tmp |= REVERSE_LOOKUP [b64Str.charCodeAt (charIdx++)] << 12 ; while (!isValidChar (b64Str[charIdx])) { charIdx++; } tmp |= REVERSE_LOOKUP [b64Str.charCodeAt (charIdx++)] << 6 ; while (!isValidChar (b64Str[charIdx])) { charIdx++; } tmp |= REVERSE_LOOKUP [b64Str.charCodeAt (charIdx++)]; uint8[offset++] = (tmp >> 16 ) & 0xff ; uint8[offset++] = (tmp >> 8 ) & 0xff ; uint8[offset++] = tmp & 0xff ; } switch (remain) { case 3 : while (!isValidChar (b64Str[charIdx])) { charIdx++; } tmp = REVERSE_LOOKUP [b64Str.charCodeAt (charIdx++)] << 10 ; while (!isValidChar (b64Str[charIdx])) { charIdx++; } tmp |= REVERSE_LOOKUP [b64Str.charCodeAt (charIdx++)] << 4 ; while (!isValidChar (b64Str[charIdx])) { charIdx++; } tmp |= REVERSE_LOOKUP [b64Str.charCodeAt (charIdx++)] >> 2 ; uint8[offset++] = (tmp >> 8 ) & 0xff ; uint8[offset++] = tmp & 0xff ; break ; case 2 : while (!isValidChar (b64Str[charIdx])) { charIdx++; } tmp = REVERSE_LOOKUP [b64Str.charCodeAt (charIdx++)] << 2 ; while (!isValidChar (b64Str[charIdx])) { charIdx++; } tmp |= REVERSE_LOOKUP [b64Str.charCodeAt (charIdx++)] >> 4 ; uint8[offset++] = tmp & 0xff ; break ; case 1 : throw new Error ('BASE64: remain 1 should not happen' ); case 0 : break ; default : break ; } return offset; } export function toArrayBuffer (b64Str ) { const chunks = extractChunks (b64Str); const totalEncodedLength = chunks[chunks.length - 1 ].end + 1 ; const padding = (4 - (totalEncodedLength % 4 )) % 4 ; const totalSize = ((totalEncodedLength + padding) * 3 ) / 4 - padding; const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer (totalSize); const view = new Uint8Array (arrayBuffer); let dstOffset = 0 ; for (let i = 0 ; i < chunks.length ; i++) { dstOffset += writeChunk (b64Str, chunks[i], dstOffset, view); dstOffset += (4 - (chunks[i].count % 4 )) % 4 ; } return arrayBuffer; } function encodeTriplet (v1, v2, v3 ) { const triplet = (v1 << 16 ) + (v2 << 8 ) + v3; return ( BASE64 _CODE[triplet >> 18 ] + BASE64 _CODE[(triplet >> 12 ) & 0x3f ] + BASE64 _CODE[(triplet >> 6 ) & 0x3f ] + BASE64 _CODE[triplet & 0x3f ] ); } export function fromArrayBuffer (ab ) { const uint8 = new Uint8Array (ab); const leftoverLength = ab.byteLength % 3 ; const maxTripletIndex = ab.byteLength - leftoverLength; const segments = Array (maxTripletIndex / 3 ); for (let i = 0 ; i < segments.length ; i++) { const bufOffset = i * 3 ; segments[i] = encodeTriplet ( uint8[bufOffset], uint8[bufOffset + 1 ], uint8[bufOffset + 2 ] ); } if (leftoverLength > 0 ) { const segment = encodeTriplet ( uint8[maxTripletIndex], uint8[maxTripletIndex + 1 ] || 0 , uint8[maxTripletIndex + 2 ] || 0 ); if (leftoverLength === 1 ) { segments.push (`${segment.substr(0 , 2 )} ==` ); } else if (leftoverLength === 2 ) { segments.push (`${segment.substr(0 , 3 )} =` ); } } return segments.join ('' ); } export default { toArrayBuffer, fromArrayBuffer, };