import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import { FormatTypes, TextureCoordinatesName, } from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Geometry/PLYWriter/Constants';
const { vtkErrorMacro, vtkWarningMacro } = macro;
const writeHeader = ( polyData, fileFormat, fileType, headerComments, textureFileName, textureCoordinatesName, vertexCount, faceListLength, withNormals, withUVs, withColors, withIndices ) => { const isBinary = fileFormat !== FormatTypes.ASCII; let format; if (isBinary) { format = fileType ? 'binary_little_endian' : 'binary_big_endian'; } else format = 'ascii';
headerComments.unshift('VTK.js generated PLY File'); if (textureFileName) { headerComments.push(`TextureFile ${textureFileName}`); } const commentElements = headerComments .map((comment) => `comment ${comment}`) .join('\n');
const header = [ 'ply', `format ${format} 1.0`, `${commentElements}`, `element vertex ${vertexCount}`, 'property float x', 'property float y', 'property float z', ];
if (withNormals) { header.push('property float nx', 'property float ny', 'property float nz'); }
if (withUVs) { header.push( `property float ${textureCoordinatesName[0]}`, `property float ${textureCoordinatesName[1]}` ); }
if (withColors) { header.push( 'property uchar red', 'property uchar green', 'property uchar blue' ); }
if (withIndices) { header.push( `element face ${faceListLength}`, 'property list uchar int vertex_indices' ); }
header.push('end_header\n'); return header.join('\n'); };
const binaryWriter = () => { let output; let vOffset; let fOffset; const indexByteCount = 4; let ft; return { init: (polyData) => {}, writeHeader: ( polyData, fileFormat, fileType, headerComments, textureFileName, textureCoordinatesName, numPts, numPolys, withNormals, withUVs, withColors, withIndices ) => { const vertexCount = polyData.getPoints().getNumberOfPoints(); ft = fileType; const faceListLength = withIndices ? numPolys * (indexByteCount * 3 + 1) : 0;
const vertexListLength = vertexCount * (4 * 3 + (withNormals ? 4 * 3 : 0) + (withUVs ? 4 * 2 : 0) + (withColors ? 3 : 0));
const header = writeHeader( polyData, fileFormat, fileType, headerComments, textureFileName, textureCoordinatesName, numPts, numPolys, withNormals, withUVs, withColors, withIndices ); const headerBin = new TextEncoder().encode(header); output = new DataView( new ArrayBuffer(headerBin.length + vertexListLength + faceListLength) ); new Uint8Array(output.buffer).set(headerBin, 0); vOffset = headerBin.length; fOffset = vOffset + vertexListLength; }, writeVertice: (x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, u, v, r, g, b) => { output.setFloat32(vOffset, x, ft); vOffset += 4; output.setFloat32(vOffset, y, ft); vOffset += 4; output.setFloat32(vOffset, z, ft); vOffset += 4; if (nx !== null && ny !== null && nz !== null) { output.setFloat32(vOffset, nx, ft); vOffset += 4; output.setFloat32(vOffset, ny, ft); vOffset += 4; output.setFloat32(vOffset, nz, ft); vOffset += 4; } if (u !== null && v !== null) { output.setFloat32(vOffset, u, ft); vOffset += 4; output.setFloat32(vOffset, v, ft); vOffset += 4; } if (r !== null && g !== null && b !== null) { output.setUint8(vOffset, r); vOffset += 1; output.setUint8(vOffset, g); vOffset += 1; output.setUint8(vOffset, b); vOffset += 1; } }, writeFace: (n, x, y, z) => { output.setUint8(fOffset, n); fOffset += 1; output.setUint32(fOffset, x, ft); fOffset += indexByteCount; output.setUint32(fOffset, y, ft); fOffset += indexByteCount; output.setUint32(fOffset, z, ft); fOffset += indexByteCount; }, writeFooter: (polyData) => {}, getOutputData: () => output, }; };
const asciiWriter = () => { let fileContent = ''; return { init: (polyData) => {}, writeHeader: ( polyData, fileFormat, fileType, headerComments, textureFileName, textureCoordinatesName, numPts, numPolys, withNormals, withUVs, withColors, withIndices ) => { fileContent += writeHeader( polyData, fileFormat, fileType, headerComments, textureFileName, textureCoordinatesName, numPts, numPolys, withNormals, withUVs, withColors, withIndices ); }, writeVertice: (x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, u, v, r, g, b) => { fileContent += `${x} ${y} ${z}`; if (nx !== null && ny !== null && nz !== null) { fileContent += ` ${nx} ${ny} ${nz}`; } if (u !== null && v !== null) { fileContent += ` ${u} ${v}`; } if (r !== null && g !== null && b !== null) { fileContent += ` ${r} ${g} ${b}`; } fileContent += '\n'; }, writeFace: (n, x, y, z) => { fileContent += `${n} ${x} ${y} ${z}\n`; }, writeFooter: (polyData) => {}, getOutputData: () => fileContent, }; };
function writePLY( polyData, format, dataByteOrder, headerComments, textureFileName, textureCoordinatesName, transform, withNormals, withUVs, withColors, withIndices ) { const inPts = polyData.getPoints(); const polys = polyData.getPolys();
if (inPts === null || polys === null) { vtkErrorMacro('No data to write!'); }
let writer = null; if (format === FormatTypes.BINARY) { writer = binaryWriter(); } else if (format === FormatTypes.ASCII) { writer = asciiWriter(); } else { vtkErrorMacro('Invalid type format'); }
let tCoordsName = textureCoordinatesName; if (typeof textureCoordinatesName === 'undefined') { vtkWarningMacro( 'Invalid TextureCoordinatesName value, fallback to default uv values' ); tCoordsName = TextureCoordinatesName.UV; }
const numPts = inPts.getNumberOfPoints(); const numPolys = polys.getNumberOfCells();
const textureCoords = polyData.getPointData().getTCoords(); withUVs = !(textureCoords === null);
const scalars = polyData.getPointData().getScalars(); withColors = !(scalars === null);
const fileType = dataByteOrder ? 0 : 1;
writer.writeHeader( polyData, format, fileType, headerComments, textureFileName, tCoordsName, numPts, numPolys, withNormals, withUVs, withColors, withIndices );
const normals = polyData.getPointData().getNormals();
for (let i = 0; i < numPts; i++) { let p = inPts.getPoint(i);
if (transform) { }
const x = p[0].toPrecision(6) / 1; const y = p[1].toPrecision(6) / 1; const z = p[2].toPrecision(6) / 1;
let nx = null; let ny = null; let nz = null;
let u = null; let v = null;
let r = null; let g = null; let b = null;
if (textureCoords) { u = textureCoords.getData()[i * 2]; v = textureCoords.getData()[i * 2 + 1]; }
if (scalars) { r = scalars.getData()[i * 3]; g = scalars.getData()[i * 3 + 1]; b = scalars.getData()[i * 3 + 2]; }
if (normals) { nx = normals.getData()[i * 3]; ny = normals.getData()[i * 3 + 1]; nz = normals.getData()[i * 3 + 2]; }
writer.writeVertice(x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, u, v, r, g, b); }
const pd = polys.getData(); for (let i = 0, l = pd.length; i < l; i += 4) { writer.writeFace(pd[i + 0], pd[i + 1], pd[i + 2], pd[i + 3]); }
writer.writeFooter(polyData); return writer.getOutputData(); }
export const STATIC = { writePLY, };
function vtkPLYWriter(publicAPI, model) { model.classHierarchy.push('vtkPLYWriter');
publicAPI.requestData = (inData, outData) => { const input = inData[0]; if (!input || input.getClassName() !== 'vtkPolyData') { vtkErrorMacro('Invalid or missing input'); return; } outData[0] = writePLY( input, model.format, model.dataByteOrder, model.headerComments, model.textureFileName, model.textureCoordinatesName, model.transform, model.withNormals, model.withUVs, model.withColors, model.withIndices ); }; }
const DEFAULT_VALUES = { format: FormatTypes.ASCII, dataByteOrder: 0, headerComments: [], textureFileName: null, textureCoordinatesName: TextureCoordinatesName.UV, transform: null, withNormals: true, withUVs: true, withColors: true, withIndices: true, };
export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) { Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);
macro.algo(publicAPI, model, 1, 1);
macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [ 'format', 'dataByteOrder', 'headerComments', 'textureFileName', 'textureCoordinatesName', 'transform', 'withNormals', 'withUVs', 'withColors', 'withIndices', ]);
vtkPLYWriter(publicAPI, model); }
export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkPLYWriter');
export default { newInstance, extend, ...STATIC };