

vtkBox provides methods for creating a 1D cubic spline object from given
parameters, and allows for the calculation of the spline value and derivative
at any given point inside the spline intervals.



Add the bounds for the box.

Argument Type Required Description
bounds Bounds Yes


Argument Type Required Description
other Yes


Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.


Argument Type Required Description
x Vector3 Yes The point coordinate.


Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkBox characteristics.

Argument Type Required Description
publicAPI Yes object on which methods will be bounds (public)
model Yes object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
initialValues IBoxInitialValues No (default: {})


Get the bounds for the box.


Intersect box with line and return the parametric values and points of the two intercepts

Argument Type Required Description
bounds Yes
p1 Yes
p2 Yes returns @object IBoxIntersections {t1, t2, x1, x2} object containing the t1, t2 parametric values and
x1, x2 coordinates of the line intercept points in the bounding box or undefined


Method used to create a new instance of vtkBox.

Argument Type Required Description
initialValues IBoxInitialValues No for pre-setting some of its content


Set the bounds for the box.

Argument Type Required Description
bounds Bounds Yes The bounds for the box.


import { vtkObject } from '../../../interfaces';
import { Bounds, Vector3 } from '../../../types';

export interface IBoxInitialValues {
bbox?: Bounds;

export interface IBoxIntersections {
t2: number;
x2: Vector3;

export interface vtkBox extends vtkObject {
* Add the bounds for the box.
* @param {Bounds} bounds
addBounds(bounds: Bounds): void;

* @param other
addBox(other: any): void;

* @param {Vector3} x The point coordinate.
evaluateFunction(x: Vector3): number;

* Intersect box with line and return the parametric values and points of the two intercepts
* @param bounds
* @param p1
* @param p2
* returns @object IBoxIntersections {t1, t2, x1, x2} object containing the t1, t2 parametric values and
* x1, x2 coordinates of the line intercept points in the bounding box or undefined
intersectWithLine(p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3): IBoxIntersections | undefined;

* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
evaluateFunction(x: number, y: number, z: number): number;

* Get the bounds for the box.
getBounds(): Bounds;

* Set the bounds for the box.
* @param {Bounds} bounds The bounds for the box.
setBounds(bounds: Bounds): void;

* Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkBox characteristics.
* @param publicAPI object on which methods will be bounds (public)
* @param model object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
* @param {IBoxInitialValues} [initialValues] (default: {})
export function extend(
publicAPI: object,
model: object,
initialValues?: IBoxInitialValues
): void;

* Method used to create a new instance of vtkBox.
* @param {IBoxInitialValues} [initialValues] for pre-setting some of its content
export function newInstance(initialValues?: IBoxInitialValues): vtkBox;

// Bounding box intersection code from David Gobbi. Go through the
// bounding planes one at a time and compute the parametric coordinate
// of each intersection and return the parametric values and the calculated points
export function intersectWithLine(
): IBoxIntersections | undefined;

* vtkBox provides methods for creating a 1D cubic spline object from given
* parameters, and allows for the calculation of the spline value and derivative
* at any given point inside the spline intervals.
export declare const vtkBox: {
newInstance: typeof newInstance;
extend: typeof extend;
intersectWithLine: typeof intersectWithLine;
export default vtkBox;
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import vtkBoundingBox from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/BoundingBox';

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Bounding box intersection code from David Gobbi. Go through the
// bounding planes one at a time and compute the parametric coordinate
// of each intersection and return the parametric values and the calculated points
export function intersectWithLine(bounds, p1, p2) {
let plane1 = -1;
let plane2 = -1;
let t1 = 0.0;
let t2 = 1.0;

for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
for (let k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
// Compute distances of p1 and p2 from the plane along the plane normal
const i = 2 * j + k;
const d1 = (bounds[i] - p1[j]) * (1 - 2 * k);
const d2 = (bounds[i] - p2[j]) * (1 - 2 * k);

// If both distances are positive, both points are outside
if (d1 > 0 && d2 > 0) {
// If one of the distances is positive, the line crosses the plane
if (d1 > 0 || d2 > 0) {
// Compute fractional distance "t" of the crossing between p1 & p2
let t = 0.0;
if (d1 !== 0) {
t = d1 / (d1 - d2);

// If point p1 was clipped, adjust t1
if (d1 > 0) {
if (t >= t1) {
t1 = t;
plane1 = i;
// else point p2 was clipped, so adjust t2
else if (t <= t2) {
t2 = t;
plane2 = i;
// If this happens, there's no line left
if (t1 > t2) {
// Allow for planes that are coincident or slightly inverted
if (plane1 < 0 || plane2 < 0) {

function getValues(plane, t) {
const x = [0, 0, 0];
for (let count = 0; count < 2; count++) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (plane === 2 * i || plane === 2 * i + 1) {
x[i] = bounds[plane];
} else {
x[i] = p1[i] * (1.0 - t) + p2[i] * t;
if (x[i] < bounds[2 * i]) {
x[i] = bounds[2 * i];
if (x[i] > bounds[2 * i + 1]) {
x[i] = bounds[2 * i + 1];
return x;

const x1 = getValues(plane1, t1);
const x2 = getValues(plane2, t2);

const outObject = { t1, t2, x1, x2 };

// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
return outObject;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static API
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const STATIC = {};

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkBox methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function vtkBox(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

// TODO: replace with macro.setArray ?
publicAPI.setBounds = (...bounds) => {
let boundsArray = [];

if (Array.isArray(bounds[0])) {
boundsArray = bounds[0];
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < bounds.length; i++) {

if (boundsArray.length !== 6) {
console.log('vtkBox.setBounds', boundsArray, bounds);

vtkBoundingBox.setBounds(model.bbox, boundsArray);

publicAPI.getBounds = () => model.bbox;

publicAPI.evaluateFunction = (x, y, z) => {
const point = Array.isArray(x) ? x : [x, y, z];

let diff;
let dist;
let t;
let minDistance = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
let distance = 0;
const minPoint = vtkBoundingBox.getMinPoint(model.bbox);
const maxPoint = vtkBoundingBox.getMaxPoint(model.bbox);
let inside = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
diff = vtkBoundingBox.getLength(model.bbox, i);
if (diff !== 0.0) {
t = (point[i] - minPoint[i]) / diff;
if (t < 0.0) {
inside = 0;
dist = minPoint[i] - point[i];
} else if (t > 1.0) {
inside = 0;
dist = point[i] - maxPoint[i];
} else {
// want negative distance, we are inside
if (t <= 0.5) {
dist = minPoint[i] - point[i];
} else {
dist = point[i] - maxPoint[i];
if (dist > minDistance) {
// remember, it's negative
minDistance = dist;
} // end if inside
} else {
dist = Math.abs(point[i] - minPoint[i]);
if (dist > 0.0) {
inside = 0;
if (dist > 0.0) {
distance += dist * dist;
} // end for i
distance = Math.sqrt(distance);
if (inside) {
return minDistance;
return distance;

publicAPI.addBounds = (...bounds) => {
let boundsArray = [];

if (Array.isArray(bounds[0])) {
boundsArray = bounds[0];
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < bounds.length; i++) {

if (boundsArray.length !== 6) {

vtkBoundingBox.addBounds(model.bbox, ...boundsArray);

publicAPI.addBox = (other) => publicAPI.addBounds(other.getBounds());
publicAPI.intersectWithLine = (p1, p2) =>
intersectWithLine(model.bbox, p1, p2);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

bbox: [...vtkBoundingBox.INIT_BOUNDS],

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Object methods
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);

vtkBox(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkBox');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend, intersectWithLine, ...STATIC };