import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros'; import vtkProp from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Prop';
import vtkCellArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/CellArray'; import vtkDataArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/DataArray'; import vtkPoints from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/Points'; import { Behavior } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Widgets/Representations/WidgetRepresentation/Constants'; import { RenderingTypes } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Widgets/Core/WidgetManager/Constants'; import { CATEGORIES } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Mapper/CoincidentTopologyHelper'; import { POLYDATA_FIELDS } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/PolyData/Constants';
const { vtkErrorMacro, vtkWarningMacro } = macro;
const STYLE_CATEGORIES = ['active', 'inactive', 'static'];
function applyCoincidentTopologyParametersToMapper(mapper, parameters) { if (mapper && mapper.setResolveCoincidentTopologyToPolygonOffset) { mapper.setResolveCoincidentTopologyToPolygonOffset(); CATEGORIES.forEach((category) => { if (parameters[category]) { const methodName = `setRelativeCoincidentTopology${category}OffsetParameters`; if (mapper[methodName]) { const { factor, offset } = parameters[category]; mapper[methodName](factor, offset); } } }); } }
export function mergeStyles(elementNames, ...stylesToMerge) { const newStyleObject = { active: {}, inactive: {}, static: {} }; STYLE_CATEGORIES.forEach((category) => { const cat = newStyleObject[category]; elementNames.forEach((name) => { if (!cat[name]) { cat[name] = {}; } stylesToMerge .filter((s) => s && s[category] && s[category][name]) .forEach((s) => Object.assign(cat[name], s[category][name])); }); });
return newStyleObject; }
export function applyStyles(pipelines, styles, activeActor) { if (!activeActor) { Object.keys(styles.static).forEach((name) => { if (pipelines[name]) { pipelines[name].actor.getProperty().set(styles.static[name]); } }); Object.keys(styles.inactive).forEach((name) => { if (pipelines[name]) { pipelines[name].actor.getProperty().set(styles.inactive[name]); } }); } else { Object.keys(pipelines).forEach((name) => { const style = pipelines[name].actor === activeActor ?[name] : styles.inactive[name]; if (style) { pipelines[name].actor.getProperty().set(style); } }); } }
export function connectPipeline(pipeline) { let source = pipeline.source; if (pipeline.filter) { if (source.isA('vtkDataSet')) { pipeline.filter.setInputData(source); } else { pipeline.filter.setInputConnection(source.getOutputPort()); } source = pipeline.filter; } if (source) { if (source.isA('vtkDataSet')) { pipeline.mapper.setInputData(source); } else { pipeline.mapper.setInputConnection(source.getOutputPort()); } } if (pipeline.glyph) { pipeline.mapper.setInputConnection(pipeline.glyph.getOutputPort(), 1); }; }
export function allocateArray( polyData, name, numberOfTuples, dataType, numberOfComponents ) { let dataArray = polyData[`get${macro.capitalize(name)}`]?.() || polyData.getPointData().getArrayByName(name); if ( !dataArray || (dataType !== undefined && dataArray.getDataType() !== dataType) || (numberOfComponents !== undefined && dataArray.getNumberOfComponents() !== numberOfComponents) ) { let arrayType = vtkDataArray; let arrayDataType = dataType; let arrayNumberOfComponents = numberOfComponents; if (name === 'points') { arrayType = vtkPoints; arrayDataType = arrayDataType ?? 'Float32Array'; arrayNumberOfComponents = numberOfComponents ?? 3; } else if (POLYDATA_FIELDS.includes(name)) { arrayType = vtkCellArray; arrayDataType = arrayDataType ?? 'Uint16Array'; arrayNumberOfComponents = numberOfComponents ?? 1; } else { arrayDataType = arrayDataType ?? 'Float32Array'; arrayNumberOfComponents = numberOfComponents ?? 1; } dataArray = arrayType.newInstance({ name, dataType: arrayDataType, numberOfComponents: arrayNumberOfComponents, size: arrayNumberOfComponents * numberOfTuples, empty: numberOfTuples === 0, }); if (name === 'points' || POLYDATA_FIELDS.includes(name)) { polyData[`set${macro.capitalize(name)}`](dataArray); } else { polyData.getPointData().addArray(dataArray); } } else if (dataArray.getNumberOfTuples() !== numberOfTuples) { dataArray.resize(numberOfTuples); } return dataArray; }
function vtkWidgetRepresentation(publicAPI, model) { model.classHierarchy.push('vtkWidgetRepresentation');
const cache = { mtimes: {}, states: [] };
model._onCoincidentTopologyParametersChanged = () => { publicAPI.getActors().forEach((actor) => { applyCoincidentTopologyParametersToMapper( actor.getMapper(), model.coincidentTopologyParameters ); }); };
publicAPI.getActors = () => model.actors; publicAPI.getNestedProps = publicAPI.getActors;
publicAPI.setLabels = (...labels) => { if (labels.length === 1) { model.labels = [].concat(labels[0]); } else { model.labels = labels; } publicAPI.modified(); };
publicAPI.getRepresentationStates = (input = model.inputData[0]) => { if ( cache.mtimes.representation === publicAPI.getMTime() && cache.mtimes.input === input.getMTime() ) { return cache.states; }
cache.mtimes.representation = publicAPI.getMTime(); cache.mtimes.input = input.getMTime(); cache.states = [];
model.labels.forEach((name) => { cache.states = cache.states.concat(input.getStatesWithLabel(name) || []); });
return cache.states; };
publicAPI.getSelectedState = (prop, compositeID) => { const representationStates = publicAPI.getRepresentationStates(); if (compositeID < representationStates.length) { return representationStates[compositeID]; } vtkErrorMacro( `Representation ${publicAPI.getClassName()} should implement getSelectedState(prop, compositeID) method.` ); return null; };
publicAPI.updateActorVisibility = ( renderingType = RenderingTypes.FRONT_BUFFER, ctxVisible = true, handleVisible = true ) => { let otherFlag = true; switch (model.behavior) { case Behavior.HANDLE: otherFlag = renderingType === RenderingTypes.PICKING_BUFFER || handleVisible; break; case Behavior.CONTEXT: otherFlag = ctxVisible; break; default: otherFlag = true; break; } const visibilityFlag = otherFlag; for (let i = 0; i < model.actors.length; i++) { if (model.visibilityFlagArray) { model.actors[i].setVisibility( visibilityFlag && model.visibilityFlagArray[i] ); } else { model.actors[i].setVisibility(visibilityFlag); } } if (model.alwaysVisibleActors) { for (let i = 0; i < model.alwaysVisibleActors.length; i++) { model.alwaysVisibleActors[i].setVisibility(true); } } };
model.actors.push = (...args) => { vtkWarningMacro( 'You should use publicAPI.addActor() to initialize the actor properly' ); args.forEach((actor) => publicAPI.addActor(actor)); };
publicAPI.addActor = (actor) => { applyCoincidentTopologyParametersToMapper( actor.getMapper(), model.coincidentTopologyParameters ); Array.prototype.push.apply(model.actors, [actor]); };
publicAPI.setLabels(model.labels); }
function defaultValues(initialValues) { return { activeScaleFactor: 1.2, activeColor: 1, useActiveColor: true, actors: [], labels: [], behavior: Behavior.CONTEXT, coincidentTopologyParameters: { Point: { factor: -1.0, offset: -1.0, }, Line: { factor: -1.0, offset: -1.0, }, Polygon: { factor: -1.0, offset: -1.0, }, }, scaleInPixels: false, displayScaleParams: { dispHeightFactor: 1, cameraPosition: [0, 0, 0], cameraDir: [1, 0, 0], isParallel: false, rendererPixelDims: [1, 1], }, _internalArrays: {}, ...initialValues, }; }
export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) { vtkProp.extend(publicAPI, model, defaultValues(initialValues)); macro.algo(publicAPI, model, 1, 1); macro.get(publicAPI, model, [ 'labels', 'displayScaleParams', 'coincidentTopologyParameters', ]); macro.set(publicAPI, model, [ { type: 'object', name: 'displayScaleParams' }, { type: 'object', name: 'coincidentTopologyParameters' }, ]); macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [ 'scaleInPixels', 'activeScaleFactor', 'activeColor', 'useActiveColor', ]);
vtkWidgetRepresentation(publicAPI, model); }
export default { extend, mergeStyles, applyStyles, connectPipeline, };