

import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import { mat4 } from 'gl-matrix';
import vtkWebGPUFullScreenQuad from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/FullScreenQuad';
import vtkWebGPUUniformBuffer from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/UniformBuffer';
import vtkWebGPUShaderCache from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/ShaderCache';
import vtkWebGPUStorageBuffer from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/StorageBuffer';
import vtkWebGPUSampler from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/Sampler';
import vtkWebGPUTypes from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/Types';

import { BlendMode } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/VolumeMapper/Constants';

const volFragTemplate = `






fn getTextureValue(vTex: texture_3d<f32>, tpos: vec4<f32>) -> f32
// todo multicomponent support
return textureSampleLevel(vTex, clampSampler, tpos.xyz, 0.0).r;

fn getGradient(vTex: texture_3d<f32>, tpos: vec4<f32>, vNum: i32, scalar: f32) -> vec4<f32>
var result: vec4<f32>;

var tstep: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].tstep;
result.x = getTextureValue(vTex, tpos + vec4<f32>(tstep.x, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) - scalar;
result.y = getTextureValue(vTex, tpos + vec4<f32>(0.0, tstep.y, 0.0, 1.0)) - scalar;
result.z = getTextureValue(vTex, tpos + vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, tstep.z, 1.0)) - scalar;
result.w = 0.0;

// divide by spacing as that is our delta
result = result / volumeSSBO.values[vNum].spacing;
// now we have a gradient in unit tcoords

var grad: f32 = length(result.xyz);
if (grad > 0.0)
// rotate to View Coords, needed for lighting and shading
var nMat: mat4x4<f32> = rendererUBO.SCVCMatrix * volumeSSBO.values[vNum].planeNormals;
result = nMat * result;
result = result / length(result);

// store gradient magnitude in .w
result.w = grad;

return result;

fn processVolume(vTex: texture_3d<f32>, vNum: i32, cNum: i32, posSC: vec4<f32>, tfunRows: f32) -> vec4<f32>
var outColor: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

// convert to tcoords and reject if outside the volume
var tpos: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].SCTCMatrix*posSC;
if (tpos.x < 0.0 || tpos.y < 0.0 || tpos.z < 0.0 ||
tpos.x > 1.0 || tpos.y > 1.0 || tpos.z > 1.0) { return outColor; }

var scalar: f32 = getTextureValue(vTex, tpos);

var coord: vec2<f32> =
vec2<f32>(scalar * componentSSBO.values[cNum].cScale + componentSSBO.values[cNum].cShift,
(0.5 + 2.0 * f32(vNum)) / tfunRows);
var color: vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel(tfunTexture, clampSampler, coord, 0.0);

var gofactor: f32 = 1.0;
var normal: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
if (componentSSBO.values[cNum].gomin < 1.0 || volumeSSBO.values[vNum].shade[0] > 0.0)
normal = getGradient(vTex, tpos, vNum, scalar);
if (componentSSBO.values[cNum].gomin < 1.0)
gofactor = clamp(normal.a*componentSSBO.values[cNum].goScale + componentSSBO.values[cNum].goShift,
componentSSBO.values[cNum].gomin, componentSSBO.values[cNum].gomax);

coord.x = (scalar * componentSSBO.values[cNum].oScale + componentSSBO.values[cNum].oShift);
var opacity: f32 = textureSampleLevel(ofunTexture, clampSampler, coord, 0.0).r;

if (volumeSSBO.values[vNum].shade[0] > 0.0)
color = color*abs(normal.z);

outColor = vec4<f32>(color.rgb, gofactor * opacity);

return outColor;

// adjust the start and end point of a raycast such that it intersects the unit cube.
// This function is used to take a raycast starting point and step vector
// and numSteps and return the startijng and ending steps for intersecting the
// unit cube. Recall for a 3D texture, the unit cube is the range of texture coordsinates
// that have valid values. So this funtion can be used to take a ray in texture coordinates
// and bound it to intersecting the texture.
fn adjustBounds(tpos: vec4<f32>, tstep: vec4<f32>, numSteps: f32) -> vec2<f32>
var result: vec2<f32> = vec2<f32>(0.0, numSteps);
var tpos2: vec4<f32> = tpos + tstep*numSteps;

// move tpos to the start of the volume
var adjust: f32 =
max(tpos.x/tstep.x, (tpos.x - 1.0)/tstep.x),
max((tpos.y - 1.0)/tstep.y, tpos.y/tstep.y),
max((tpos.z - 1.0)/tstep.z, tpos.z/tstep.z)));
if (adjust < 0.0)
result.x = result.x - adjust;

// adjust length to the end
adjust =
min(tpos2.x/tstep.x, (tpos2.x - 1.0)/tstep.x),
min((tpos2.y - 1.0)/tstep.y, tpos2.y/tstep.y),
min((tpos2.z - 1.0)/tstep.z, tpos2.z/tstep.z)));
if (adjust > 0.0)
result.y = result.y - adjust;

return result;

fn getSimpleColor(scalar: f32, vNum: i32, cNum: i32) -> vec4<f32>
// how many rows (tfuns) do we have in our tfunTexture
var tfunRows: f32 = f32(textureDimensions(tfunTexture).y);

var coord: vec2<f32> =
vec2<f32>(scalar * componentSSBO.values[cNum].cScale + componentSSBO.values[cNum].cShift,
(0.5 + 2.0 * f32(vNum)) / tfunRows);
var color: vec4<f32> = textureSampleLevel(tfunTexture, clampSampler, coord, 0.0);
coord.x = (scalar * componentSSBO.values[cNum].oScale + componentSSBO.values[cNum].oShift);
var opacity: f32 = textureSampleLevel(ofunTexture, clampSampler, coord, 0.0).r;
return vec4<f32>(color.rgb, opacity);

fn traverseMax(vTex: texture_3d<f32>, vNum: i32, cNum: i32, rayLengthSC: f32, minPosSC: vec4<f32>, rayStepSC: vec4<f32>)
// convert to tcoords and reject if outside the volume
var numSteps: f32 = rayLengthSC/mapperUBO.SampleDistance;
var tpos: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].SCTCMatrix*minPosSC;
var tpos2: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].SCTCMatrix*(minPosSC + rayStepSC);
var tstep: vec4<f32> = tpos2 - tpos;

var rayBounds: vec2<f32> = adjustBounds(tpos, tstep, numSteps);

// did we hit anything
if (rayBounds.x >= rayBounds.y)
traverseVals[vNum] = vec4<f32>(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

tpos = tpos + tstep*rayBounds.x;
var curDist: f32 = rayBounds.x;
var maxVal: f32 = -1.0e37;
var scalar: f32 = getTextureValue(vTex, tpos);
if (scalar > maxVal)
maxVal = scalar;

// increment position
curDist = curDist + 1.0;
tpos = tpos + tstep;

// check if we have reached a terminating condition
if (curDist > rayBounds.y) { break; }

// process to get the color and opacity
traverseVals[vNum] = getSimpleColor(maxVal, vNum, cNum);

fn traverseMin(vTex: texture_3d<f32>, vNum: i32, cNum: i32, rayLengthSC: f32, minPosSC: vec4<f32>, rayStepSC: vec4<f32>)
// convert to tcoords and reject if outside the volume
var numSteps: f32 = rayLengthSC/mapperUBO.SampleDistance;
var tpos: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].SCTCMatrix*minPosSC;
var tpos2: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].SCTCMatrix*(minPosSC + rayStepSC);
var tstep: vec4<f32> = tpos2 - tpos;

var rayBounds: vec2<f32> = adjustBounds(tpos, tstep, numSteps);

// did we hit anything
if (rayBounds.x >= rayBounds.y)
traverseVals[vNum] = vec4<f32>(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

tpos = tpos + tstep*rayBounds.x;
var curDist: f32 = rayBounds.x;
var minVal: f32 = 1.0e37;
var scalar: f32 = getTextureValue(vTex, tpos);
if (scalar < minVal)
minVal = scalar;

// increment position
curDist = curDist + 1.0;
tpos = tpos + tstep;

// check if we have reached a terminating condition
if (curDist > rayBounds.y) { break; }

// process to get the color and opacity
traverseVals[vNum] = getSimpleColor(minVal, vNum, cNum);

fn traverseAverage(vTex: texture_3d<f32>, vNum: i32, cNum: i32, rayLengthSC: f32, minPosSC: vec4<f32>, rayStepSC: vec4<f32>)
// convert to tcoords and reject if outside the volume
var numSteps: f32 = rayLengthSC/mapperUBO.SampleDistance;
var tpos: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].SCTCMatrix*minPosSC;
var tpos2: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].SCTCMatrix*(minPosSC + rayStepSC);
var tstep: vec4<f32> = tpos2 - tpos;

var rayBounds: vec2<f32> = adjustBounds(tpos, tstep, numSteps);

// did we hit anything
if (rayBounds.x >= rayBounds.y)
traverseVals[vNum] = vec4<f32>(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

let ipRange: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].ipScalarRange;
tpos = tpos + tstep*rayBounds.x;
var curDist: f32 = rayBounds.x;
var avgVal: f32 = 0.0;
var sampleCount: f32 = 0.0;
var sample: f32 = getTextureValue(vTex, tpos);
// right now leave filtering off until WebGL changes get merged
// if (ipRange.z == 0.0 || sample >= ipRange.x && sample <= ipRange.y)
// {
avgVal = avgVal + sample;
sampleCount = sampleCount + 1.0;
// }

// increment position
curDist = curDist + 1.0;
tpos = tpos + tstep;

// check if we have reached a terminating condition
if (curDist > rayBounds.y) { break; }

if (sampleCount <= 0.0)
traverseVals[vNum] = vec4<f32>(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

// process to get the color and opacity
traverseVals[vNum] = getSimpleColor(avgVal/sampleCount, vNum, cNum);

fn traverseAdditive(vTex: texture_3d<f32>, vNum: i32, cNum: i32, rayLengthSC: f32, minPosSC: vec4<f32>, rayStepSC: vec4<f32>)
// convert to tcoords and reject if outside the volume
var numSteps: f32 = rayLengthSC/mapperUBO.SampleDistance;
var tpos: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].SCTCMatrix*minPosSC;
var tpos2: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].SCTCMatrix*(minPosSC + rayStepSC);
var tstep: vec4<f32> = tpos2 - tpos;

var rayBounds: vec2<f32> = adjustBounds(tpos, tstep, numSteps);

// did we hit anything
if (rayBounds.x >= rayBounds.y)
traverseVals[vNum] = vec4<f32>(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

let ipRange: vec4<f32> = volumeSSBO.values[vNum].ipScalarRange;
tpos = tpos + tstep*rayBounds.x;
var curDist: f32 = rayBounds.x;
var sumVal: f32 = 0.0;
var sample: f32 = getTextureValue(vTex, tpos);
// right now leave filtering off until WebGL changes get merged
// if (ipRange.z == 0.0 || sample >= ipRange.x && sample <= ipRange.y)
// {
sumVal = sumVal + sample;
// }

// increment position
curDist = curDist + 1.0;
tpos = tpos + tstep;

// check if we have reached a terminating condition
if (curDist > rayBounds.y) { break; }

// process to get the color and opacity
traverseVals[vNum] = getSimpleColor(sumVal, vNum, cNum);

fn composite(rayLengthSC: f32, minPosSC: vec4<f32>, rayStepSC: vec4<f32>) -> vec4<f32>
// initial ray position is at the beginning
var rayPosSC: vec4<f32> = minPosSC;

// how many rows (tfuns) do we have in our tfunTexture
var tfunRows: f32 = f32(textureDimensions(tfunTexture).y);

var curDist: f32 = 0.0;
var computedColor: vec4<f32> = vec4<f32>(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
var sampleColor: vec4<f32>;

// for each volume, sample and accumulate color

// increment position
curDist = curDist + mapperUBO.SampleDistance;
rayPosSC = rayPosSC + rayStepSC;

// check if we have reached a terminating condition
if (curDist > rayLengthSC) { break; }
if (computedColor.a > 0.98) { break; }
return computedColor;

fn main(
var output: fragmentOutput;

var rayMax: f32 = textureSampleLevel(maxTexture, clampSampler, input.tcoordVS, 0.0).r;
var rayMin: f32 = textureSampleLevel(minTexture, clampSampler, input.tcoordVS, 0.0).r;

// discard empty rays
if (rayMax <= rayMin) { discard; }
// compute start and end ray positions in view coordinates
var minPosSC: vec4<f32> = rendererUBO.PCSCMatrix*vec4<f32>(2.0 * input.tcoordVS.x - 1.0, 1.0 - 2.0 * input.tcoordVS.y, rayMax, 1.0);
minPosSC = minPosSC * (1.0 / minPosSC.w);
var maxPosSC: vec4<f32> = rendererUBO.PCSCMatrix*vec4<f32>(2.0 * input.tcoordVS.x - 1.0, 1.0 - 2.0 * input.tcoordVS.y, rayMin, 1.0);
maxPosSC = maxPosSC * (1.0 / maxPosSC.w);

var rayLengthSC: f32 = distance(minPosSC.xyz, maxPosSC.xyz);
var rayStepSC: vec4<f32> = (maxPosSC - minPosSC)*(mapperUBO.SampleDistance/rayLengthSC);
rayStepSC.w = 0.0;

var computedColor: vec4<f32>;



return output;

const tmpMat4 = new Float64Array(16);
const tmp2Mat4 = new Float64Array(16);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkWebGPUVolumePassFSQ methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkWebGPUVolumePassFSQ(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

publicAPI.replaceShaderPosition = (hash, pipeline, vertexInput) => {
const vDesc = pipeline.getShaderDescription('vertex');
vDesc.addBuiltinOutput('vec4<f32>', '@builtin(position) Position');
let code = vDesc.getCode();
code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(code, '//VTK::Position::Impl', [
'output.tcoordVS = vec2<f32>(vertexBC.x * 0.5 + 0.5, 1.0 - vertexBC.y * 0.5 - 0.5);',
'output.Position = vec4<f32>(vertexBC, 1.0);',
const fDesc = pipeline.getShaderDescription('fragment');
fDesc.addBuiltinInput('vec4<f32>', '@builtin(position) fragPos');

publicAPI.replaceShaderVolume = (hash, pipeline, vertexInput) => {
const fDesc = pipeline.getShaderDescription('fragment');
let code = fDesc.getCode();
const compositeCalls = [];
const traverseCalls = [];
for (let i = 0; i < model.volumes.length; i++) {
// todo pass rowPos
const blendMode = model.volumes[i]
if (blendMode === BlendMode.COMPOSITE_BLEND) {
` sampleColor = processVolume(volTexture${i}, ${i}, ${model.rowStarts[i]}, rayPosSC, tfunRows);`
compositeCalls.push(` computedColor = vec4<f32>(
sampleColor.a * sampleColor.rgb * (1.0 - computedColor.a) + computedColor.rgb,
(1.0 - computedColor.a)*sampleColor.a + computedColor.a);`);
} else {
traverseCalls.push(` sampleColor = traverseVals[${i}];`);
traverseCalls.push(` computedColor = vec4<f32>(
sampleColor.a * sampleColor.rgb * (1.0 - computedColor.a) + computedColor.rgb,
(1.0 - computedColor.a)*sampleColor.a + computedColor.a);`);
code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(
code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(
code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(code, '//VTK::Volume::TraverseDec', [
`var<private> traverseVals: array<vec4<f32>,${model.volumes.length}>;`,

// call the full and partial methods as needed
let compositeWhileTraversing = false;
for (let vidx = 0; vidx < model.volumes.length; vidx++) {
const blendMode = model.volumes[vidx]
if (blendMode === BlendMode.COMPOSITE_BLEND) {
compositeWhileTraversing = true;
} else if (blendMode === BlendMode.MAXIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND) {
code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(code, '//VTK::Volume::Loop', [
` traverseMax(volTexture${vidx}, ${vidx}, ${vidx}, rayLengthSC, minPosSC, rayStepSC);`,
` computedColor = traverseVals[${vidx}];`,
} else if (blendMode === BlendMode.MINIMUM_INTENSITY_BLEND) {
code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(code, '//VTK::Volume::Loop', [
` traverseMin(volTexture${vidx}, ${vidx}, ${vidx}, rayLengthSC, minPosSC, rayStepSC);`,
` computedColor = traverseVals[${vidx}];`,
} else if (blendMode === BlendMode.AVERAGE_INTENSITY_BLEND) {
code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(code, '//VTK::Volume::Loop', [
` traverseAverage(volTexture${vidx}, ${vidx}, ${vidx}, rayLengthSC, minPosSC, rayStepSC);`,
` computedColor = traverseVals[${vidx}];`,
} else if (blendMode === BlendMode.ADDITIVE_INTENSITY_BLEND) {
code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(code, '//VTK::Volume::Loop', [
` traverseAdditive(volTexture${vidx}, ${vidx}, ${vidx}, rayLengthSC, minPosSC, rayStepSC);`,
` computedColor = traverseVals[${vidx}];`,
if (compositeWhileTraversing) {
code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(code, '//VTK::Volume::Loop', [
' computedColor = composite(rayLengthSC, minPosSC, rayStepSC);',

publicAPI.updateLUTImage = (device) => {
// depends on
// - volumes array (length and values) - mtime
// - tfun arrays - renderable/property mtime

let mtime = publicAPI.getMTime();
for (let i = 0; i < model.volumes.length; i++) {
const vol = model.volumes[i].getRenderable();
const image = vol.getMapper().getInputData();
mtime = Math.max(mtime, vol.getMTime(), image.getMTime());

if (mtime < model.lutBuildTime.getMTime()) {

// first determine how large the image should be
model.numRows = 0;
model.rowStarts = [];
for (let vidx = 0; vidx < model.volumes.length; vidx++) {
const webgpuvol = model.volumes[vidx];
const actor = webgpuvol.getRenderable();
const volMapr = actor.getMapper();
const vprop = actor.getProperty();
const image = volMapr.getInputData();
const scalars = image.getPointData() && image.getPointData().getScalars();

const numComp = scalars.getNumberOfComponents();
const iComps = vprop.getIndependentComponents();
const numIComps = iComps ? numComp : 1;
model.numRows += numIComps;

// allocate the image array
const colorArray = new Uint8ClampedArray(
model.numRows * 2 * model.rowLength * 4
const opacityArray = new Float32Array(model.numRows * 2 * model.rowLength);

let imgRow = 0;
const tmpTable = new Float32Array(model.rowLength * 3);
const rowLength = model.rowLength;
for (let vidx = 0; vidx < model.volumes.length; vidx++) {
const webgpuvol = model.volumes[vidx];
const actor = webgpuvol.getRenderable();
const volMapr = actor.getMapper();
const vprop = actor.getProperty();
const image = volMapr.getInputData();
const scalars = image.getPointData() && image.getPointData().getScalars();

const numComp = scalars.getNumberOfComponents();
const iComps = vprop.getIndependentComponents();
const numIComps = iComps ? numComp : 1;

for (let c = 0; c < numIComps; ++c) {
const cfun = vprop.getRGBTransferFunction(c);
const cRange = cfun.getRange();
cfun.getTable(cRange[0], cRange[1], rowLength, tmpTable, 1);
let ioffset = imgRow * rowLength * 4;
for (let i = 0; i < rowLength; ++i) {
colorArray[ioffset + i * 4] = 255.0 * tmpTable[i * 3];
colorArray[ioffset + i * 4 + 1] = 255.0 * tmpTable[i * 3 + 1];
colorArray[ioffset + i * 4 + 2] = 255.0 * tmpTable[i * 3 + 2];
colorArray[ioffset + i * 4 + 3] = 255.0;
for (let co = 0; co < 4; co++) {
colorArray[ioffset + (rowLength + i) * 4 + co] =
colorArray[ioffset + i * 4 + co];

const ofun = vprop.getScalarOpacity(c);
const opacityFactor =
model.sampleDist / vprop.getScalarOpacityUnitDistance(c);

const oRange = ofun.getRange();
ofun.getTable(oRange[0], oRange[1], rowLength, tmpTable, 1);
// adjust for sample distance etc
ioffset = imgRow * rowLength;
for (let i = 0; i < rowLength; ++i) {
opacityArray[ioffset + i] =
1.0 - (1.0 - tmpTable[i]) ** opacityFactor;
opacityArray[ioffset + i + rowLength] = opacityArray[ioffset + i];
imgRow += 2;

const treq = {
nativeArray: colorArray,
width: model.rowLength,
height: model.numRows * 2,
depth: 1,
format: 'rgba8unorm',
const newTex = device.getTextureManager().getTexture(treq);
const tview = newTex.createView('tfunTexture');
model.textureViews[2] = tview;

const treq = {
nativeArray: opacityArray,
width: model.rowLength,
height: model.numRows * 2,
depth: 1,
format: 'r16float',
const newTex = device.getTextureManager().getTexture(treq);
const tview = newTex.createView('ofunTexture');
model.textureViews[3] = tview;


publicAPI.updateSSBO = (device) => {
// if any of
// - color or opacity tfun ranges changed - volume Mtime
// - any volume matrix changed - volume MTime
// - stabilized center changed - ren.stabilizedMTime
// - any volume's input data worldtoindex or dimensions changed - input's mtime
let mtime = Math.max(
for (let i = 0; i < model.volumes.length; i++) {
const vol = model.volumes[i].getRenderable();
const volMapr = vol.getMapper();
const image = volMapr.getInputData();
mtime = Math.max(
if (mtime < model.SSBO.getSendTime()) {

// create the volumeSBBO
const center = model.WebGPURenderer.getStabilizedCenterByReference();

// create SCTC matrices SC -> world -> model -> index -> tcoord
// when doing coord conversions from A to C recall
// the order is mat4.mult(AtoC, BtoC, AtoB);
const marray = new Float64Array(model.volumes.length * 16);
const vPlaneArray = new Float64Array(model.volumes.length * 16);
const tstepArray = new Float64Array(model.volumes.length * 4);
const shadeArray = new Float64Array(model.volumes.length * 4);
const spacingArray = new Float64Array(model.volumes.length * 4);
const ipScalarRangeArray = new Float64Array(model.volumes.length * 4);
for (let vidx = 0; vidx < model.volumes.length; vidx++) {
const webgpuvol = model.volumes[vidx];
const actor = webgpuvol.getRenderable();
const volMapr = actor.getMapper();
const image = volMapr.getInputData();

mat4.translate(tmpMat4, tmpMat4, center);
// tmpMat4 is now SC->World

const mcwcmat = actor.getMatrix();
mat4.transpose(tmp2Mat4, mcwcmat);
mat4.invert(tmp2Mat4, tmp2Mat4);
// tmp2Mat4 is now world to model

mat4.multiply(tmpMat4, tmp2Mat4, tmpMat4);
// tmp4Mat is now SC->Model

// the method on the data is world to index but the volume is in
// model coordinates so really in this context it is model to index
const modelToIndex = image.getWorldToIndex();
mat4.multiply(tmpMat4, modelToIndex, tmpMat4);
// tmpMat4 is now SC -> Index

const dims = image.getDimensions();
mat4.scale(tmp2Mat4, tmp2Mat4, [
1.0 / dims[0],
1.0 / dims[1],
1.0 / dims[2],
mat4.multiply(tmpMat4, tmp2Mat4, tmpMat4);
// tmpMat4 is now SC -> Tcoord

for (let j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
marray[vidx * 16 + j] = tmpMat4[j];

mat4.invert(tmpMat4, tmpMat4);
// now it is Tcoord To SC

for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
vPlaneArray[vidx * 16 + j * 4] = tmpMat4[j * 4];
vPlaneArray[vidx * 16 + j * 4 + 1] = tmpMat4[j * 4 + 1];
vPlaneArray[vidx * 16 + j * 4 + 2] = tmpMat4[j * 4 + 2];
vPlaneArray[vidx * 16 + j * 4 + 3] = 0.0;

tstepArray[vidx * 4] = 1.0 / dims[0];
tstepArray[vidx * 4 + 1] = 1.0 / dims[1];
tstepArray[vidx * 4 + 2] = 1.0 / dims[2];
tstepArray[vidx * 4 + 3] = 1.0;

shadeArray[vidx * 4] = actor.getProperty().getShade() ? 1.0 : 0.0;

const spacing = image.getSpacing();
spacingArray[vidx * 4] = spacing[0];
spacingArray[vidx * 4 + 1] = spacing[1];
spacingArray[vidx * 4 + 2] = spacing[2];
spacingArray[vidx * 4 + 3] = 1.0;

// handle filteringMode
const tScale = model.textureViews[vidx + 4].getTexture().getScale();
const ipScalarRange = volMapr.getIpScalarRange();
ipScalarRangeArray[vidx * 4] = ipScalarRange[0] / tScale;
ipScalarRangeArray[vidx * 4 + 1] = ipScalarRange[1] / tScale;
ipScalarRangeArray[vidx * 4 + 2] = volMapr.getFilterMode();
model.SSBO.addEntry('SCTCMatrix', 'mat4x4<f32>');
model.SSBO.addEntry('planeNormals', 'mat4x4<f32>');
model.SSBO.addEntry('shade', 'vec4<f32>');
model.SSBO.addEntry('tstep', 'vec4<f32>');
model.SSBO.addEntry('spacing', 'vec4<f32>');
model.SSBO.addEntry('ipScalarRange', 'vec4<f32>');
model.SSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('SCTCMatrix', marray);
model.SSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('planeNormals', vPlaneArray);
model.SSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('shade', shadeArray);
model.SSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('tstep', tstepArray);
model.SSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('spacing', spacingArray);
model.SSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('ipScalarRange', ipScalarRangeArray);

// now create the componentSSBO
const cScaleArray = new Float64Array(model.numRows);
const cShiftArray = new Float64Array(model.numRows);
const oScaleArray = new Float64Array(model.numRows);
const oShiftArray = new Float64Array(model.numRows);
const gominArray = new Float64Array(model.numRows);
const gomaxArray = new Float64Array(model.numRows);
const goshiftArray = new Float64Array(model.numRows);
const goscaleArray = new Float64Array(model.numRows);

let rowIdx = 0;
for (let vidx = 0; vidx < model.volumes.length; vidx++) {
const webgpuvol = model.volumes[vidx];
const actor = webgpuvol.getRenderable();
const volMapr = actor.getMapper();
const vprop = actor.getProperty();
const image = volMapr.getInputData();
const scalars = image.getPointData() && image.getPointData().getScalars();

const numComp = scalars.getNumberOfComponents();
const iComps = vprop.getIndependentComponents();
// const numIComps = iComps ? numComp : 1;

// half float?
const tformat = model.textureViews[vidx + 4].getTexture().getFormat();
const tDetails = vtkWebGPUTypes.getDetailsFromTextureFormat(tformat);
const halfFloat =
tDetails.elementSize === 2 && tDetails.sampleType === 'float';

const volInfo = { scale: [255.0], offset: [0.0] };
if (halfFloat) {
volInfo.scale[0] = 1.0;

// three levels of shift scale combined into one
// for performance in the fragment shader
for (let compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComp; compIdx++) {
const target = iComps ? compIdx : 0;
const sscale = volInfo.scale[compIdx];
const ofun = vprop.getScalarOpacity(target);
const oRange = ofun.getRange();
const oscale = sscale / (oRange[1] - oRange[0]);
const oshift =
(volInfo.offset[compIdx] - oRange[0]) / (oRange[1] - oRange[0]);
oShiftArray[rowIdx] = oshift;
oScaleArray[rowIdx] = oscale;

const cfun = vprop.getRGBTransferFunction(target);
const cRange = cfun.getRange();
cShiftArray[rowIdx] =
(volInfo.offset[compIdx] - cRange[0]) / (cRange[1] - cRange[0]);
cScaleArray[rowIdx] = sscale / (cRange[1] - cRange[0]);

// todo sscale for dependent should be based off of the A channel?
// not target (which is 0 in that case)
const useGO = vprop.getUseGradientOpacity(target);
if (useGO) {
const gomin = vprop.getGradientOpacityMinimumOpacity(target);
const gomax = vprop.getGradientOpacityMaximumOpacity(target);
gominArray[rowIdx] = gomin;
gomaxArray[rowIdx] = gomax;
const goRange = [
goscaleArray[rowIdx] =
(sscale * (gomax - gomin)) / (goRange[1] - goRange[0]);
goshiftArray[rowIdx] =
(-goRange[0] * (gomax - gomin)) / (goRange[1] - goRange[0]) + gomin;
} else {
gominArray[rowIdx] = 1.0;
gomaxArray[rowIdx] = 1.0;
goscaleArray[rowIdx] = 0.0;
goshiftArray[rowIdx] = 1.0;


model.componentSSBO.addEntry('cScale', 'f32');
model.componentSSBO.addEntry('cShift', 'f32');
model.componentSSBO.addEntry('oScale', 'f32');
model.componentSSBO.addEntry('oShift', 'f32');
model.componentSSBO.addEntry('goShift', 'f32');
model.componentSSBO.addEntry('goScale', 'f32');
model.componentSSBO.addEntry('gomin', 'f32');
model.componentSSBO.addEntry('gomax', 'f32');
model.componentSSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('cScale', cScaleArray);
model.componentSSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('cShift', cShiftArray);
model.componentSSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('oScale', oScaleArray);
model.componentSSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('oShift', oShiftArray);
model.componentSSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('goScale', goscaleArray);
model.componentSSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('goShift', goshiftArray);
model.componentSSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('gomin', gominArray);
model.componentSSBO.setAllInstancesFromArray('gomax', gomaxArray);

const superClassUpdateBuffers = publicAPI.updateBuffers;
publicAPI.updateBuffers = () => {
// compute the min step size
let sampleDist = model.volumes[0]
for (let i = 0; i < model.volumes.length; i++) {
const vol = model.volumes[i];
const volMapr = vol.getRenderable().getMapper();
const sd = volMapr.getSampleDistance();
if (sd < sampleDist) {
sampleDist = sd;
if (model.sampleDist !== sampleDist) {
model.sampleDist = sampleDist;
model.UBO.setValue('SampleDistance', sampleDist);

// add in 3d volume textures
for (let vidx = 0; vidx < model.volumes.length; vidx++) {
const webgpuvol = model.volumes[vidx];
const actor = webgpuvol.getRenderable();
const volMapr = actor.getMapper();
const image = volMapr.getInputData();

const newTex = model.device
if (
!model.textureViews[vidx + 4] ||
model.textureViews[vidx + 4].getTexture() !== newTex
) {
const tview = newTex.createView(`volTexture${vidx}`);
model.textureViews[vidx + 4] = tview;

// clear any old leftovers
if (model.volumes.length < model.lastVolumeLength) {
// we may have gaps in the array right now so no splice
for (let i = model.volumes.length; i < model.lastVolumeLength; i++) {
model.lastVolumeLength = model.volumes.length;



if (!model.clampSampler) {
model.clampSampler = vtkWebGPUSampler.newInstance({
label: 'clampSampler',
model.clampSampler.create(model.device, {
minFilter: 'linear',
magFilter: 'linear',

publicAPI.computePipelineHash = () => {
model.pipelineHash = 'volfsq';
for (let vidx = 0; vidx < model.volumes.length; vidx++) {
const blendMode = model.volumes[vidx]
model.pipelineHash += `${blendMode}`;

// marks modified when needed
publicAPI.setVolumes = (val) => {
if (!model.volumes || model.volumes.length !== val.length) {
model.volumes = [...val];
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
if (val[i] !== model.volumes[i]) {
model.volumes = [...val];

const superclassGetBindables = publicAPI.getBindables;
publicAPI.getBindables = () => {
const bindables = superclassGetBindables();
return bindables;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

volumes: null,
rowLength: 1024,
lastVolumeLength: 0,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Inheritance
vtkWebGPUFullScreenQuad.extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues);

model.fragmentShaderTemplate = volFragTemplate;

model.UBO = vtkWebGPUUniformBuffer.newInstance({ label: 'mapperUBO' });
model.UBO.addEntry('SampleDistance', 'f32');

model.SSBO = vtkWebGPUStorageBuffer.newInstance({ label: 'volumeSSBO' });

model.componentSSBO = vtkWebGPUStorageBuffer.newInstance({
label: 'componentSSBO',

model.lutBuildTime = {};
macro.obj(model.lutBuildTime, { mtime: 0 });

// Object methods
vtkWebGPUVolumePassFSQ(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkWebGPUVolumePassFSQ');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend };