import BinaryHelper from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Core/BinaryHelper'; import DataAccessHelper from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Core/DataAccessHelper'; import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros'; import vtkDataArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/DataArray'; import vtkMatrixBuilder from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/MatrixBuilder'; import vtkPolyData from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/PolyData';
import 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Core/DataAccessHelper/LiteHttpDataAccessHelper';
const { vtkErrorMacro } = macro;
function parseHeader(headerString) { const headerSubStr = headerString.split(' '); const fieldValues = headerSubStr.filter((e) => e.indexOf('=') > -1);
const header = {}; for (let i = 0; i < fieldValues.length; ++i) { const fieldValueStr = fieldValues[i]; const fieldValueSubStr = fieldValueStr.split('='); if (fieldValueSubStr.length === 2) { header[fieldValueSubStr[0]] = fieldValueSubStr[1]; } } return header; }
function addValuesToArray(src, dst) { for (let i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { dst.push(src[i]); } }
function readTriangle(lines, offset, points, cellArray, cellNormals) { const normalLine = lines[offset]; if (normalLine === undefined) { return -1; } if (normalLine.indexOf('endfacet') !== -1) { return offset + 1; } if (normalLine.indexOf('facet') === -1) { return offset + 1; } let nbVertex = 0; let nbConsumedLines = 2; const firstVertexIndex = points.length / 3; const normal = normalLine .split(/[ \t]+/) .filter((i) => i) .slice(-3) .map(Number); addValuesToArray(normal, cellNormals); while (lines[offset + nbConsumedLines].indexOf('vertex') !== -1) { const line = lines[offset + nbConsumedLines]; const coords = line .split(/[ \t]+/) .filter((i) => i) .slice(-3) .map(Number); addValuesToArray(coords, points); nbVertex++; nbConsumedLines++; }
cellArray.push(nbVertex); for (let i = 0; i < nbVertex; i++) { cellArray.push(firstVertexIndex + i); }
while ( lines[offset + nbConsumedLines] && lines[offset + nbConsumedLines].indexOf('endfacet') !== -1 ) { nbConsumedLines++; } return offset + nbConsumedLines + 2; }
function vtkSTLReader(publicAPI, model) { model.classHierarchy.push('vtkSTLReader');
if (!model.dataAccessHelper) { model.dataAccessHelper = DataAccessHelper.get('http'); }
function fetchData(url, option = {}) { const compression = option.compression !== undefined ? option.compression : model.compression; const progressCallback = option.progressCallback !== undefined ? option.progressCallback : model.progressCallback;
if (option.binary) { return model.dataAccessHelper.fetchBinary(url, { compression, progressCallback, }); } return model.dataAccessHelper.fetchText(publicAPI, url, { compression, progressCallback, }); }
publicAPI.setUrl = (url, option = { binary: true }) => { model.url = url;
const path = url.split('/'); path.pop(); model.baseURL = path.join('/');
return publicAPI.loadData(option); };
publicAPI.loadData = (option = {}) => { const promise = fetchData(model.url, option); promise.then(publicAPI.parse); return promise; };
publicAPI.parse = (content) => { if (typeof content === 'string') { publicAPI.parseAsText(content); } else { publicAPI.parseAsArrayBuffer(content); } };
publicAPI.parseAsArrayBuffer = (content) => { if (!content) { return; } if (content !== model.parseData) { publicAPI.modified(); } else { return; }
model.parseData = content;
let isBinary = false; const dview = new DataView(content, 0, 80 + 4); const numTriangles = dview.getUint32(80, true); isBinary = 84 + numTriangles * 50 === content.byteLength;
if (!isBinary) { publicAPI.parseAsText(BinaryHelper.arrayBufferToString(content)); return; }
const headerData = content.slice(0, 80); const headerStr = BinaryHelper.arrayBufferToString(headerData); const header = parseHeader(headerStr);
const dataView = new DataView(content, 84); const nbFaces = (content.byteLength - 84) / 50; const pointValues = new Float32Array(nbFaces * 9); const normalValues = new Float32Array(nbFaces * 3); const cellValues = new Uint32Array(nbFaces * 4); const cellDataValues = new Uint16Array(nbFaces); let cellOffset = 0;
for (let faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < nbFaces; faceIdx++) { const offset = faceIdx * 50; normalValues[faceIdx * 3 + 0] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 0, true); normalValues[faceIdx * 3 + 1] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 4, true); normalValues[faceIdx * 3 + 2] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 8, true);
pointValues[faceIdx * 9 + 0] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 12, true); pointValues[faceIdx * 9 + 1] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 16, true); pointValues[faceIdx * 9 + 2] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 20, true); pointValues[faceIdx * 9 + 3] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 24, true); pointValues[faceIdx * 9 + 4] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 28, true); pointValues[faceIdx * 9 + 5] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 32, true); pointValues[faceIdx * 9 + 6] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 36, true); pointValues[faceIdx * 9 + 7] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 40, true); pointValues[faceIdx * 9 + 8] = dataView.getFloat32(offset + 44, true);
cellValues[cellOffset++] = 3; cellValues[cellOffset++] = faceIdx * 3 + 0; cellValues[cellOffset++] = faceIdx * 3 + 1; cellValues[cellOffset++] = faceIdx * 3 + 2;
cellDataValues[faceIdx] = dataView.getUint16(offset + 48, true); }
const orientationField = 'SPACE'; if (orientationField in header && header[orientationField] !== 'LPS') { const XYZ = header[orientationField]; const mat4 = new Float32Array(16); mat4[15] = 1; switch (XYZ[0]) { case 'L': mat4[0] = 1; break; case 'R': mat4[0] = -1; break; default: vtkErrorMacro( `Can not convert STL file from ${XYZ} to LPS space: ` + `permutations not supported. Use itk.js STL reader instead.` ); return; } switch (XYZ[1]) { case 'P': mat4[5] = 1; break; case 'A': mat4[5] = -1; break; default: vtkErrorMacro( `Can not convert STL file from ${XYZ} to LPS space: ` + `permutations not supported. Use itk.js STL reader instead.` ); return; } switch (XYZ[2]) { case 'S': mat4[10] = 1; break; case 'I': mat4[10] = -1; break; default: vtkErrorMacro( `Can not convert STL file from ${XYZ} to LPS space: ` + `permutations not supported. Use itk.js STL reader instead.` ); return; } vtkMatrixBuilder .buildFromDegree() .setMatrix(mat4) .apply(pointValues) .apply(normalValues); }
const polydata = vtkPolyData.newInstance(); polydata.getPoints().setData(pointValues, 3); polydata.getPolys().setData(cellValues); polydata .getCellData() .setScalars( vtkDataArray.newInstance({ name: 'Attribute', values: cellDataValues }) ); polydata.getCellData().setNormals( vtkDataArray.newInstance({ name: 'Normals', values: normalValues, numberOfComponents: 3, }) );
model.output[0] = polydata; };
publicAPI.parseAsText = (content) => { if (!content) { return; } if (content !== model.parseData) { publicAPI.modified(); } else { return; }
model.parseData = content;
const lines = content.split('\n'); let offset = 1; const points = []; const cellArray = []; const cellNormals = [];
while (offset !== -1) { offset = readTriangle(lines, offset, points, cellArray, cellNormals); }
const polydata = vtkPolyData.newInstance(); polydata.getPoints().setData(Float32Array.from(points), 3); polydata.getPolys().setData(Uint32Array.from(cellArray)); polydata.getCellData().setNormals( vtkDataArray.newInstance({ name: 'Normals', values: Float32Array.from(cellNormals), numberOfComponents: 3, }) );
model.output[0] = polydata; };
publicAPI.requestData = (inData, outData) => { publicAPI.parse(model.parseData); }; }
const DEFAULT_VALUES = { };
export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) { Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);
macro.obj(publicAPI, model); macro.get(publicAPI, model, ['url', 'baseURL']); macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, ['dataAccessHelper']); macro.algo(publicAPI, model, 0, 1);
vtkSTLReader(publicAPI, model);
if (!model.compression) { model.compression = null; } if (!model.progressCallback) { model.progressCallback = null; } }
export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkSTLReader');
export default { extend, newInstance };