

import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import vtkCell from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/Cell';

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export const InitLink = {
ncells: 0,
cells: null,

function resize(model, sz) {
let newSize = sz;
if (sz >= model.array.length) {
newSize += model.array.length;

while (newSize > model.array.length)
ncells: 0,
cells: null,
model.array.length = newSize;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkCellLinks methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkCellLinks(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

* Build the link list array. All subclasses of vtkAbstractCellLinks
* must support this method.
publicAPI.buildLinks = (data) => {
const numPts = data.getPoints().getNumberOfPoints();
const numCells = data.getNumberOfCells();

// fill out lists with number of references to cells
const linkLoc = new Uint32Array(numPts);

// Use fast path if polydata
if (data.isA('vtkPolyData')) {
// traverse data to determine number of uses of each point
for (let cellId = 0; cellId < numCells; ++cellId) {
const { cellPointIds } = data.getCellPoints(cellId);
cellPointIds.forEach((cellPointId) => {

// now allocate storage for the links
model.maxId = numPts - 1;

for (let cellId = 0; cellId < numCells; ++cellId) {
const { cellPointIds } = data.getCellPoints(cellId);
cellPointIds.forEach((cellPointId) => {
} // any other type of dataset
else {
// traverse data to determine number of uses of each point
for (let cellId = 0; cellId < numCells; cellId++) {
// TODO: Currently not supported: const cell = data.getCell(cellId);
const cell = vtkCell.newInstance();
cell.getPointsIds().forEach((cellPointId) => {

// now allocate storage for the links
model.maxId = numPts - 1;

for (let cellId = 0; cellId < numCells; ++cellId) {
// TODO: Currently not supported: const cell = data.getCell(cellId);
const cell = vtkCell.newInstance();
cell.getPointsIds().forEach((cellPointId) => {
} // end else

* Build the link list array with a provided connectivity array.
// publicAPI.buildLinks = (data, connectivity) => {};

* Allocate the specified number of links (i.e., number of points) that
* will be built.
publicAPI.allocate = (numLinks, ext = 1000) => {
model.array = Array(numLinks)
.map(() => ({
ncells: 0,
cells: null,
model.extend = ext;
model.maxId = -1;

publicAPI.initialize = () => {
model.array = null;

* Get a link structure given a point id.
publicAPI.getLink = (ptId) => model.array[ptId];

* Get the number of cells using the point specified by ptId.
publicAPI.getNcells = (ptId) => model.array[ptId].ncells;

* Return a list of cell ids using the point.
publicAPI.getCells = (ptId) => model.array[ptId].cells;

* Insert a new point into the cell-links data structure. The size parameter
* is the initial size of the list.
publicAPI.insertNextPoint = (numLinks) => {
model.array.push({ ncells: numLinks, cells: Array(numLinks) });

* Insert a cell id into the list of cells (at the end) using the cell id
* provided. (Make sure to extend the link list (if necessary) using the
* method resizeCellList().)
publicAPI.insertNextCellReference = (ptId, cellId) => {
model.array[ptId].cells[model.array[ptId].ncells++] = cellId;

* Delete point (and storage) by destroying links to using cells.
publicAPI.deletePoint = (ptId) => {
model.array[ptId].ncells = 0;
model.array[ptId].cells = null;

* Delete the reference to the cell (cellId) from the point (ptId). This
* removes the reference to the cellId from the cell list, but does not
* resize the list (recover memory with resizeCellList(), if necessary).
publicAPI.removeCellReference = (cellId, ptId) => {
model.array[ptId].cells = model.array[ptId].cells.filter(
(cell) => cell !== cellId
model.array[ptId].ncells = model.array[ptId].cells.length;

* Add the reference to the cell (cellId) from the point (ptId). This
* adds a reference to the cellId from the cell list, but does not resize
* the list (extend memory with resizeCellList(), if necessary).
publicAPI.addCellReference = (cellId, ptId) => {
model.array[ptId].cells[model.array[ptId].ncells++] = cellId;

* Change the length of a point's link list (i.e., list of cells using a
* point) by the size specified.
publicAPI.resizeCellList = (ptId, size) => {
model.array[ptId].cells.length = size;

* Reclaim any unused memory.
publicAPI.squeeze = () => {
resize(model, model.maxId + 1);

* Reset to a state of no entries without freeing the memory.
publicAPI.reset = () => {
model.maxId = -1;

* Standard DeepCopy method. Since this object contains no reference
* to other objects, there is no ShallowCopy.
publicAPI.deepCopy = (src) => {
model.array = [...src.array];
model.extend = src.extend;
model.maxId = src.maxId;

* Increment the count of the number of cells using the point.
publicAPI.incrementLinkCount = (ptId) => {

publicAPI.allocateLinks = (n) => {
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
model.array[i].cells = new Array(model.array[i].ncells);

* Insert a cell id into the list of cells using the point.
publicAPI.insertCellReference = (ptId, pos, cellId) => {
model.array[ptId].cells[pos] = cellId;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

array: null, // pointer to data
maxId: 0, // maximum index inserted thus far
extend: 0, // grow array by this point

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

macro.obj(publicAPI, model);

vtkCellLinks(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkCellLinks');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend };