
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkOBBNode methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkOBBNode(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our classname

* Copy a vtkOBBNode into an other one
* @param {vtkOBBNode} nodeSource
* @param {vtkOBBNode} nodeTarget
publicAPI.deepCopy = (nodeSource) => {
const axes = nodeSource.getAxes();
publicAPI.setAxes([[...axes[0]], [...axes[1]], [...axes[2]]]);

if (nodeSource.getKids()) {
const kids0 = vtkOBBNode.newInstance();
const kids1 = vtkOBBNode.newInstance();

kids1.deepCopy(nodeSource.getKids()[1], kids1);

publicAPI.setKids(kids0, kids1);

publicAPI.getAxis = (axis) => model.axes[axis];

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function defaultValues(initialValues) {
return {
corner: [0, 0, 0], // center point of this node
axes: [
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
], // the axes defining the OBB - ordered from long->short
cells: [], // list of cells in node
// parent: null, null if root
// kids: null, two children of this node; null if leaf

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, defaultValues(initialValues));

model.corner = [0, 0, 0];
model.axes = [
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
model.parent = null; // parent node; null if root
model.kids = null; // two children of this node; nullptr if leaf
model.cells = []; // list of cells in node

// Build VTK API
macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, ['parent', 'cells', 'kids']);
// macro.setGetArray(publicAPI, model, ['kids'], 2);
macro.setGetArray(publicAPI, model, ['corner', 'axes'], 3);

// Make this a VTK object
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);

// Object specific methods
vtkOBBNode(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkOBBNode');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend };
import { CellType } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/CellTypes/Constants';
import vtkOBJReader from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Misc/OBJReader';

* Get the correct point ID from a cell id
* @param {Array} cellPtsIds
* @param {CellType} type
* @param {Number} idx
* @returns {Object} Contains three point's id of cells as 'ptId0', 'ptId1', 'ptId2'
export function getCellTriangles(cellPtsIds, type, idx) {
let ptId0 = -1;
let ptId1 = -1;
let ptId2 = -1;

const cellListLength = cellPtsIds.length;

switch (type) {
case CellType.VTK_TRIANGLE:
case CellType.VTK_POLYGON:
case CellType.VTK_QUAD: {
if (idx > cellListLength) break;
ptId0 = cellPtsIds[0];
ptId1 = cellPtsIds[idx + 1];
ptId2 = cellPtsIds[idx + 2];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
const idx1 = idx + 1 + (idx & 1);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
const idx2 = idx + 2 - (idx & 1);

if (idx1 > cellListLength || idx2 > cellListLength) break;

ptId0 = cellPtsIds[idx];
ptId1 = cellPtsIds[idx1];
ptId2 = cellPtsIds[idx2];
ptId0 = -1;
ptId1 = -1;
ptId2 = -1;

return { ptId0, ptId1, ptId2 };

* Concatenate second typed array to the first typed array.
* @param {TypedArray} first
* @param {TypedArray} second Must be of the same type as first
* @return {TypedArray}
export function pushArray(first, second) {
const firstLength = first.length;
const result = new first.constructor(firstLength + second.length);

result.set(second, firstLength);

return result;

* Load an obj with point's colors
* @param {string} url path to the OBJ file
* @return Promise
* ---> success : Return vtkPolyData
* ---> failed : Error message
export function loadOBJ(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = vtkOBJReader.newInstance();
() => {
const data = reader.getOutputData();
() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-promise-reject-errors
reject('Error when loading ', url);
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';

import vtkCellArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/CellArray';
import vtkLine from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/Line';
import * as vtkMath from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/Math';
import vtkMatrixBuilder from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/MatrixBuilder';
import vtkOBBNode from 'vtk.js/Sources/Filters/General/OBBTree/OBBNode';
import vtkPoints from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/Points';
import { CellType } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/CellTypes/Constants';
import vtkPolyData from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/PolyData';
import vtkTriangle from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/Triangle';

import {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/named
} from 'vtk.js/Sources/Filters/General/OBBTree/helper';

import { vec4, mat4 } from 'gl-matrix';

const { vtkErrorMacro } = macro;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkOBBTree methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkOBBTree(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our classname

* Compute an OBB from the list of cells given. This used to be
* public but should not have been. A public call has been added
* so that the functionality can be accessed.
* @param {Array} cells
* @param {Array[3]} corner
* @param {Array[3]} max
* @param {Array[3]} mid
* @param {Array[3]} min
* @param {Array[3]} size
function computeOBB(cells, corner, max, mid, min, size) {
model.pointsList = [];
// Compute mean & moments

const numCells = cells.length;
const mean = [0, 0, 0];
let totMass = 0.0;
const a0 = [0, 0, 0];
const a1 = [0, 0, 0];
const a2 = [0, 0, 0];
let a = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
const dp0 = [0, 0, 0];
const dp1 = [0, 0, 0];
const c = [0, 0, 0];
let triMass = 0;

if (!model.dataset.getCells()) {

for (let i = 0; i < numCells; i++) {
const cellId = cells[i];
const type = model.dataset.getCells().getCellType(cellId);
const ptIds = model.dataset.getCellPoints(cellId).cellPointIds;
const numPts = ptIds.length;

for (let j = 0; j < numPts - 2; j++) {
const cellsIds = getCellTriangles(ptIds, type, j);
const pId = cellsIds.ptId0;
const qId = cellsIds.ptId1;
const rId = cellsIds.ptId2;

if (pId < 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
const p = [];
const q = [];
const r = [];
model.dataset.getPoints().getPoint(pId, p);
model.dataset.getPoints().getPoint(qId, q);
model.dataset.getPoints().getPoint(rId, r);

// p, q, and r are the oriented triangle points.
// Compute the components of the moment of inertia tensor.
for (let k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
// two edge vectors
dp0[k] = q[k] - p[k];
dp1[k] = r[k] - p[k];
// centroid
c[k] = (p[k] + q[k] + r[k]) / 3;
const xp = vtkMath.cross(dp0, dp1, []);
triMass = 0.5 * vtkMath.norm(xp);
totMass += triMass;
for (let k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
mean[k] += triMass * c[k];

// on-diagonal terms
a0[0] +=
(triMass *
(9 * c[0] * c[0] + p[0] * p[0] + q[0] * q[0] + r[0] * r[0])) /
a1[1] +=
(triMass *
(9 * c[1] * c[1] + p[1] * p[1] + q[1] * q[1] + r[1] * r[1])) /
a2[2] +=
(triMass *
(9 * c[2] * c[2] + p[2] * p[2] + q[2] * q[2] + r[2] * r[2])) /

// off-diagonal terms
a0[1] +=
(triMass *
(9 * c[0] * c[1] + p[0] * p[1] + q[0] * q[1] + r[0] * r[1])) /
a0[2] +=
(triMass *
(9 * c[0] * c[2] + p[0] * p[2] + q[0] * q[2] + r[0] * r[2])) /
a1[2] +=
(triMass *
(9 * c[1] * c[2] + p[1] * p[2] + q[1] * q[2] + r[1] * r[2])) /
} // end foreach triangle

// While computing cell moments, gather all the cell's
// point coordinates into a single list.
for (let j = 0; j < numPts; j++) {
if (model.insertedPoints[ptIds[j]] !== model.OBBCount) {
model.insertedPoints[ptIds[j]] = model.OBBCount;
const pt = [];
model.dataset.getPoints().getPoint(ptIds[j], pt);
} // for all points of this cell
} // end foreach cell

// normalize data
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
mean[i] /= totMass;

// matrix is symmetric
a1[0] = a0[1];
a2[0] = a0[2];
a2[1] = a1[2];

a = [a0[0], a0[1], a0[2], a1[0], a1[1], a1[2], a2[0], a2[1], a2[2]];
// get covariance from moments
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
a[i * 3 + j] = a[i * 3 + j] / totMass - mean[i] * mean[j];

// Extract axes (i.e., eigenvectors) from covariance matrix.
const v = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
vtkMath.jacobi(a, size, v);
max[0] = v[0];
max[1] = v[3];
max[2] = v[6];
mid[0] = v[1];
mid[1] = v[4];
mid[2] = v[7];
min[0] = v[2];
min[1] = v[5];
min[2] = v[8];

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
a[i] = mean[i] + max[i];
a[3 + i] = mean[i] + mid[i];
a[6 + i] = mean[i] + min[i];

// Create oriented bounding box by projecting points onto eigenvectors.

const numPts = model.pointsList.length;
for (let ptId = 0; ptId < numPts; ptId++) {
const p = model.pointsList[ptId];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const out = vtkLine.distanceToLine(
a.slice(3 * i, 3 * (i + 1)),
if (out.t < tMin[i]) {
tMin[i] = out.t;
if (out.t > tMax[i]) {
tMax[i] = out.t;
} // for all points

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
corner[i] =
mean[i] + tMin[0] * max[i] + tMin[1] * mid[i] + tMin[2] * min[i];

max[i] *= tMax[0] - tMin[0];
mid[i] *= tMax[1] - tMin[1];
min[i] *= tMax[2] - tMin[2];

* Build the OBB tree
* @param {Array} cells
* @param {vtkOBBNode} obbNode
* @param {Number} level
function buildTree(cells, obbNode, level) {
const numCells = cells.length;

if (level > model.level) {
model.level = level;

const axes = obbNode.getAxes();
const corner = obbNode.getCorner();
const size = [0, 0, 0];
computeOBB(cells, corner, axes[0], axes[1], axes[2], size);

// Check whether to continue recursing; if so, create two children and
// assign cells to appropriate child.
if (level < model.maxLevel && numCells > model.numberOfCellsPerNode) {
let LHlist = [];
let RHlist = [];
const p = [0, 0, 0];
const n = [0, 0, 0];

// loop over three split planes to find acceptable one
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// compute split point
p[i] = corner[i] + axes[0][i] / 2 + axes[1][i] / 2 + axes[2][i] / 2;

let splitPlane = 0;
let splitAcceptable = 0;
let bestRatio = 1;
let foundBestSplit = 0;
let bestPlane = 0;
for (; !splitAcceptable && splitPlane < 3; ) {
// compute split normal
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
n[i] = axes[splitPlane][i];

// traverse cells, assigning to appropriate child list as necessary
for (let i = 0; i < numCells; i++) {
const cellId = cells[i];
const pointsIDs = model.dataset.getCellPoints(cellId).cellPointIds;
const cellPts = [];
pointsIDs.forEach((id) => {
const pt = [];
model.dataset.getPoints().getPoint(pointsIDs[id], pt);

const c = [0, 0, 0];
const numPts = cellPts.length;
let negative = 0;
let positive = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < numPts; j++) {
const ptId = pointsIDs[j];
const x = model.dataset.getPoints().getPoint(ptId);
const val =
n[0] * (x[0] - p[0]) +
n[1] * (x[1] - p[1]) +
n[2] * (x[2] - p[2]);
c[0] += x[0];
c[1] += x[1];
c[2] += x[2];
if (val < 0.0) {
negative = 1;
} else {
positive = 1;

if (negative && positive) {
// Use centroid to decide straddle cases
c[0] /= numPts;
c[1] /= numPts;
c[2] /= numPts;
const val =
n[0] * (c[0] - p[0]) +
n[1] * (c[1] - p[1]) +
n[2] * (c[2] - p[2]);
if (val < 0.0) {
} else {
} else if (negative) {
} else {
} // for all cells

// evaluate this split
const numInLHnode = LHlist.length;
const numInRHnode = RHlist.length;
const ratio = Math.abs((numInRHnode - numInLHnode) / numCells);

// see whether we've found acceptable split plane
if (ratio < 0.6 || foundBestSplit) {
// accept right off the bat
splitAcceptable = 1;
} else {
// not a great split try another
LHlist = [];
RHlist = [];
if (ratio < bestRatio) {
bestRatio = ratio;
bestPlane = splitPlane;
if (++splitPlane === 3 && bestRatio < 0.95) {
// at closing time, even the ugly ones look good
splitPlane = bestPlane;
foundBestSplit = 1;
} // try another split
} // for each split

if (splitAcceptable) {
// otherwise recursion terminates
const LHnode = vtkOBBNode.newInstance();
const RHnode = vtkOBBNode.newInstance();
obbNode.setKids([LHnode, RHnode]);

cells.length = 0;
buildTree(LHlist, LHnode, level + 1);
buildTree(RHlist, RHnode, level + 1);
} else {
// free up local objects
LHlist = [];
RHlist = [];
} // if should build tree

if (cells && model.retainCellLists) {
} else if (cells) {
cells.length = 0;

function generatePolygons(obbNode, level, repLevel, points, cells) {
if (level === repLevel || (repLevel < 0 && obbNode.getKids())) {
let nbPoints = points.getNumberOfPoints();
const newPoints = [];
const newCells = [];
const cubeIds = [];

cubeIds[0] = nbPoints++;

const x = [];
...vtkMath.add(obbNode.getCorner(), obbNode.getAxis(0), x)
cubeIds[1] = nbPoints++;

const y = [];
...vtkMath.add(obbNode.getCorner(), obbNode.getAxis(1), y)
cubeIds[2] = nbPoints++;

const xy = [];
newPoints.push(...vtkMath.add(x, obbNode.getAxis(1), xy));
cubeIds[3] = nbPoints++;

const z = [];
...vtkMath.add(obbNode.getCorner(), obbNode.getAxis(2), z)
cubeIds[4] = nbPoints++;

const xz = [];
newPoints.push(...vtkMath.add(x, obbNode.getAxis(2), xz));
cubeIds[5] = nbPoints++;

const yz = [];
newPoints.push(...vtkMath.add(y, obbNode.getAxis(2), yz));
cubeIds[6] = nbPoints++;

const xyz = [];
newPoints.push(...vtkMath.add(xy, obbNode.getAxis(2), xyz));
cubeIds[7] = nbPoints++;

newCells.push(4, cubeIds[0], cubeIds[2], cubeIds[3], cubeIds[1]);
newCells.push(4, cubeIds[0], cubeIds[1], cubeIds[5], cubeIds[4]);
newCells.push(4, cubeIds[0], cubeIds[4], cubeIds[6], cubeIds[2]);
newCells.push(4, cubeIds[1], cubeIds[3], cubeIds[7], cubeIds[5]);
newCells.push(4, cubeIds[4], cubeIds[5], cubeIds[7], cubeIds[6]);
newCells.push(4, cubeIds[2], cubeIds[6], cubeIds[7], cubeIds[3]);

points.setData(pushArray(points.getData(), newPoints));
cells.setData(pushArray(cells.getData(), newCells));
} else if ((level < repLevel || repLevel < 0) && obbNode.getKids()) {
level + 1,
level + 1,

* Transform the whole OBB tree by using input transform
* @param {Transform} transform vtkjs Transform object
publicAPI.transform = (transform) => {
// Setup matrix used to transform vectors
const matrix = mat4.create();
mat4.copy(matrix, transform.getMatrix());
matrix[12] = 0;
matrix[13] = 0;
matrix[14] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
const transformVector = vtkMatrixBuilder

const obbStack = new Array(model.level + 1);
obbStack[0] = model.tree;
let depth = 1;
while (depth > 0) {
depth -= 1;
const node = obbStack[depth];

const corner = node.getCorner();
const max = node.getAxis(0);
const mid = node.getAxis(1);
const min = node.getAxis(2);


node.setAxes([max, mid, min]);

if (node.getKids() !== null) {
// push kids onto stack
obbStack[depth] = node.getKids()[0];
obbStack[depth + 1] = node.getKids()[1];
depth += 2;

* Deep copy input node into class attribute tree
* @param {vtkOBBNode} tree
* @returns
publicAPI.deepCopy = (tree) => {
if (!tree) {


const root = tree.getTree();
if (root) {
model.tree = vtkOBBNode.newInstance();

* A method to compute the OBB of a dataset without having to go through the
* Execute method; It does set
* @param {vtkPolyData} input
* @param {Array[3]} corner
* @param {Array[3]} max
* @param {Array[3]} mid
* @param {Array[3]} min
* @param {Array[3]} size
publicAPI.computeOBBFromDataset = (input, corner, max, mid, min, size) => {
if (!input) {
const numPts = input.getPoints().getNumberOfPoints();
const numCells = input.getNumberOfCells();
if (numPts < 1 || numCells < 1) {
vtkErrorMacro("Can't compute OBB - no data available!");

model.dataset = input;
model.OBBCount = 0;
model.insertedPoints = Array.from({ length: numPts }, (_) => 0);
model.pointsList = [];
const cellList = Array.from({ length: numCells }, (_, i) => i);
computeOBB(cellList, corner, max, mid, min, size);

* Returns true if nodeB and nodeA are disjoint after optional
* transformation of nodeB with matrix XformBtoA
* @param {vtkOBBNode} nodeA
* @param {vtkOBBNode} nodeB
* @param {mat4} XformBtoA
publicAPI.disjointOBBNodes = (nodeA, nodeB, XformBtoA) => {
if (!nodeA || !nodeB) {
return 5; // A and B are disjoint
const input = new Array(4);
const output = new Array(4);
const eps = model.tolerance;
const pA = nodeA;
let pB = vtkOBBNode.newInstance();
const dotAB = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
if (XformBtoA) {
// Here we assume that XformBtoA is an orthogonal matrix
input[0] = nodeB.getCorner()[0];
input[1] = nodeB.getCorner()[1];
input[2] = nodeB.getCorner()[2];
input[3] = 1.0;
vec4.transformMat4(output, input, XformBtoA);
output[0] / output[3],
output[1] / output[3],
output[2] / output[3],
// Clean this up when the bug input MultiplyVectors is fixed!
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
pB.getAxis(0)[ii] = nodeB.getCorner()[ii] + nodeB.getAxis(0)[ii];
pB.getAxis(1)[ii] = nodeB.getCorner()[ii] + nodeB.getAxis(1)[ii];
pB.getAxis(2)[ii] = nodeB.getCorner()[ii] + nodeB.getAxis(2)[ii];
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
input[0] = pB.getAxis(ii)[0];
input[1] = pB.getAxis(ii)[1];
input[2] = pB.getAxis(ii)[2];
input[3] = 1.0;
vec4.transformMat4(output, input, XformBtoA);
pB.getAxis(ii)[0] = output[0] / output[3];
pB.getAxis(ii)[1] = output[1] / output[3];
pB.getAxis(ii)[2] = output[2] / output[3];
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
pB.getAxis(0)[ii] = pB.getAxis(0)[ii] - pB.getCorner()[ii];
pB.getAxis(1)[ii] = pB.getAxis(1)[ii] - pB.getCorner()[ii];
pB.getAxis(2)[ii] = pB.getAxis(2)[ii] - pB.getCorner()[ii];
} else {
pB = nodeB;
const centerA = [0, 0, 0];
const centerB = [0, 0, 0];
const AtoB = [0, 0, 0];
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
centerA[ii] =
pA.getCorner()[ii] +
0.5 * (pA.getAxis(0)[ii] + pA.getAxis(1)[ii] + pA.getAxis(2)[ii]);
centerB[ii] =
pB.getCorner()[ii] +
0.5 * (pB.getAxis(0)[ii] + pB.getAxis(1)[ii] + pB.getAxis(2)[ii]);
AtoB[ii] = centerB[ii] - centerA[ii];

// Project maximal and minimal corners onto line between centers
let rangeAmin = vtkMath.dot(pA.getCorner(), AtoB);
let rangeAmax = rangeAmin;
let rangeBmin = vtkMath.dot(pB.getCorner(), AtoB);
let rangeBmax = rangeBmin;
let dotA = 0;
let dotB = 0;
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
// compute A range
dotA = vtkMath.dot(pA.getAxis(ii), AtoB);
if (dotA > 0) {
rangeAmax += dotA;
} else {
rangeAmin += dotA;

// compute B range
dotB = vtkMath.dot(pB.getAxis(ii), AtoB);
if (dotB > 0) {
rangeBmax += dotB;
} else {
rangeBmin += dotB;
if (rangeAmax + eps < rangeBmin || rangeBmax + eps < rangeAmin) {
return 1; // A and B are Disjoint by the 1st test.

// now check for a separation plane parallel to the faces of B
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
// plane is normal to pB.getAxis(ii)
// computing B range is easy...
rangeBmin = vtkMath.dot(pB.getCorner(), pB.getAxis(ii));
rangeBmax = rangeBmin;
rangeBmax += vtkMath.dot(pB.getAxis(ii), pB.getAxis(ii));

// compute A range...
rangeAmin = vtkMath.dot(pA.getCorner(), pB.getAxis(ii));
rangeAmax = rangeAmin;
for (let jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
// (note: we are saving all 9 dotproducts for future use)
dotA = vtkMath.dot(pB.getAxis(ii), pA.getAxis(jj));
dotAB[ii * 3 + jj] = dotA;
if (dotA > 0) {
rangeAmax += dotA;
} else {
rangeAmin += dotA;
if (rangeAmax + eps < rangeBmin || rangeBmax + eps < rangeAmin) {
return 2; // A and B are Disjoint by the 3rd test.

// now check for a separation plane parallel to the faces of A
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
// plane is normal to pA.getAxis(ii)
// computing A range is easy...
rangeAmin = vtkMath.dot(pA.getCorner(), pA.getAxis(ii));
rangeAmax = rangeAmin;
rangeAmax += vtkMath.dot(pA.getAxis(ii), pA.getAxis(ii));

// compute B range...
rangeBmin = vtkMath.dot(pB.getCorner(), pA.getAxis(ii));
rangeBmax = rangeBmin;
for (let jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
// (note: we are using the 9 dotproducts computed earlier)
dotB = dotAB[jj * 3 + ii];
if (dotB > 0) {
rangeBmax += dotB;
} else {
rangeBmin += dotB;
if (rangeAmax + eps < rangeBmin || rangeBmax + eps < rangeAmin) {
return 3; // A and B are Disjoint by the 2nd test.

// Bad luck: now we must look for a separation plane parallel
// to one edge from A and one edge from B.
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
for (let jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
// the plane is normal to pA.getAxis(ii) X pB.getAxis(jj)
vtkMath.cross(pA.getAxis(ii), pB.getAxis(jj), AtoB);
rangeAmin = vtkMath.dot(pA.getCorner(), AtoB);
rangeAmax = rangeAmin;
rangeBmin = vtkMath.dot(pB.getCorner(), AtoB);
rangeBmax = rangeBmin;
for (let kk = 0; kk < 3; kk++) {
// compute A range
dotA = vtkMath.dot(pA.getAxis(kk), AtoB);
if (dotA > 0) {
rangeAmax += dotA;
} else {
rangeAmin += dotA;

// compute B range
dotB = vtkMath.dot(pB.getAxis(kk), AtoB);
if (dotB > 0) {
rangeBmax += dotB;
} else {
rangeBmin += dotB;
if (rangeAmax + eps < rangeBmin || rangeBmax + eps < rangeAmin) {
return 4; // A and B are Disjoint by the 4th test.
// if we fall through to here, the OBB's overlap
return 0;

* Intersect this OBBTree with OBBTreeB (as transformed) and
* call processing function for each intersecting leaf node pair.
* If the processing function returns a negative integer, terminate.
* For each intersecting leaf node pair, call callback.
* OBBTreeB is optionally transformed by XformBtoA before testing
* @param {vtkOBBTree} obbTreeB
* @param {mat4|null|undefined} XformBtoA
* @param {function|null|undefined} callback Compared function that takes in argument:
* nodeA (vtkOBBNode), nodeB (vtkOBBNode), XForm (mat4), arg
publicAPI.intersectWithOBBTree = (
onIntersect = () => -1
) => {
let maxDepth = model.level;
let minDepth = obbTreeB.getLevel();
if (minDepth > maxDepth) {
minDepth = maxDepth;
maxDepth = obbTreeB.getLevel();

const maxStackDepth = 3 * minDepth + 2 * (maxDepth - minDepth) + 1;
const OBBStackA = new Array(maxStackDepth);
const OBBStackB = new Array(maxStackDepth);
OBBStackA[0] = model.tree;
OBBStackB[0] = obbTreeB.getTree();
let depth = 1;
let count = 0;
let returnValue = 0;
// simulate recursion without overhead of real recursion.
while (depth > 0 && returnValue > -1) {
const nodeA = OBBStackA[depth];
const nodeB = OBBStackB[depth];
if (!publicAPI.disjointOBBNodes(nodeA, nodeB, XformBtoA)) {
// Collision
if (!nodeA.getKids()) {
if (!nodeB.getKids()) {
returnValue = onIntersect(nodeA, nodeB, XformBtoA);
count += Math.abs(returnValue);
} else {
// A is a leaf, but B goes deeper.
OBBStackA[depth] = nodeA;
OBBStackB[depth] = nodeB.getKids()[0];
OBBStackA[depth + 1] = nodeA;
OBBStackB[depth + 1] = nodeB.getKids()[1];
depth += 2;
} else if (!nodeB.getKids()) {
// B is a leaf, but A goes deeper.
OBBStackB[depth] = nodeB;
OBBStackA[depth] = nodeA.getKids()[0];
OBBStackB[depth + 1] = nodeB;
OBBStackA[depth + 1] = nodeA.getKids()[1];
depth += 2;
} else {
// neither A nor B are leaves. Go to the next level.
OBBStackA[depth] = nodeA.getKids()[0];
OBBStackB[depth] = nodeB.getKids()[0];
OBBStackA[depth + 1] = nodeA.getKids()[1];
OBBStackB[depth + 1] = nodeB.getKids()[0];
OBBStackA[depth + 2] = nodeA.getKids()[0];
OBBStackB[depth + 2] = nodeB.getKids()[1];
OBBStackA[depth + 3] = nodeA.getKids()[1];
OBBStackB[depth + 3] = nodeB.getKids()[1];
depth += 4;

return count;

publicAPI.triangleIntersectsNode = (nodeA, p0, p1, p2, XformBtoA) => {
const eps = model.tolerance;
const pA = nodeA;
const pB = [[...p0], [...p1], [...p2]];
if (XformBtoA) {
// Here we assume that XformBtoA is an orthogonal matrix
const input = [0, 0, 0, 1];
const output = [];
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
input[0] = pB[ii][0];
input[1] = pB[ii][1];
input[2] = pB[ii][2];
vec4.transformMat4(output, input, XformBtoA);
pB[ii][0] = output[0] / output[3];
pB[ii][1] = output[1] / output[3];
pB[ii][2] = output[2] / output[3];

// now check for a separation plane parallel to the triangle
const v0 = [];
const v1 = [];
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
// plane is normal to the triangle
v0[ii] = pB[1][ii] - pB[0][ii];
v1[ii] = pB[2][ii] - pB[0][ii];
const xprod = vtkMath.cross(v0, v1, []);
// computing B range is easy...
let rangeBmax = vtkMath.dot(pB[0], xprod);
let rangeBmin = rangeBmax;
// compute A range...
let rangeAmax = vtkMath.dot(pA.getCorner(), xprod);
let rangeAmin = rangeAmax;
let dotA;
for (let jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
dotA = vtkMath.dot(xprod, pA.getAxis(jj));
if (dotA > 0) {
rangeAmax += dotA;
} else {
rangeAmin += dotA;
if (rangeAmax + eps < rangeBmin || rangeBmax + eps < rangeAmin) {
return 0; // A and B are Disjoint by the 1st test.

// now check for a separation plane parallel to the faces of A
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
// plane is normal to pA->Axes[ii]
// computing A range is easy...
rangeAmax = vtkMath.dot(pA.getCorner(), pA.getAxis(ii));
rangeAmin = rangeAmax;
rangeAmax += vtkMath.dot(pA.getAxis(ii), pA.getAxis(ii));

// compute B range...
rangeBmax = vtkMath.dot(pB[0], pA.getAxis(ii));
rangeBmin = rangeBmax;
let dotB = vtkMath.dot(pB[1], pA.getAxis(ii));
if (dotB > rangeBmax) {
rangeBmax = dotB;
} else {
rangeBmin = dotB;

dotB = vtkMath.dot(pB[2], pA.getAxis(ii));
if (dotB > rangeBmax) {
rangeBmax = dotB;
} else if (dotB < rangeBmin) {
rangeBmin = dotB;

if (rangeAmax + eps < rangeBmin || rangeBmax + eps < rangeAmin) {
return 0; // A and B are Disjoint by the 2nd test.

// Bad luck: now we must look for a separation plane parallel
// to one edge from A and one edge from B.
const AtoB = [];
let dotB;
for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
for (let jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
// the plane is normal to pA->Axes[ii] X (pB[jj+1]-pB[jj])
v0[0] = pB[(jj + 1) % 3][0] - pB[jj][0];
v0[1] = pB[(jj + 1) % 3][1] - pB[jj][1];
v0[2] = pB[(jj + 1) % 3][2] - pB[jj][2];
vtkMath.cross(pA.getAxis(ii), v0, AtoB);
rangeAmax = vtkMath.dot(pA.getCorner(), AtoB);
rangeAmin = rangeAmax;
rangeBmax = vtkMath.dot(pB[jj], AtoB);
rangeBmin = rangeBmax;
for (let kk = 0; kk < 3; kk++) {
// compute A range
dotA = vtkMath.dot(pA.getAxis(kk), AtoB);
if (dotA > 0) {
rangeAmax += dotA;
} else {
rangeAmin += dotA;
// compute B range
dotB = vtkMath.dot(pB[(jj + 2) % 3], AtoB);
if (dotB > rangeBmax) {
rangeBmax = dotB;
} else {
rangeBmin = dotB;

if (rangeAmax + eps < rangeBmin || rangeBmax + eps < rangeAmin) {
return 0; // A and B are Disjoint by the 3rd test.

// if we fall through to here, the OBB overlaps the triangle.
return 1;

* @param {*} info must be an object with { obbTree1, intersectionLines }
* @param {*} node0
* @param {*} node1
* @param {*} transform
* @returns the number of intersection lines found
publicAPI.findTriangleIntersections = (info, node0, node1, transform) => {
// Set up local structures to hold Impl array information
// vtkOBBTree* obbTree1 = info->OBBTree1;
// vtkCellArray* intersectionLines = info->IntersectionLines;
// vtkIdTypeArray* intersectionSurfaceId = info->SurfaceId;
// vtkIdTypeArray* intersectionCellIds0 = info->CellIds[0];
// vtkIdTypeArray* intersectionCellIds1 = info->CellIds[1];
// vtkPointLocator* pointMerger = info->PointMerger;
// double tolerance = info->Tolerance;
const mesh0 = publicAPI.getDataset();
const mesh1 = info.obbTree1.getDataset();
const pointOffset = info.intersectionLines.getPoints().getNumberOfPoints();
const intersectionPoints = [];
const intersectionLines = [];

// The number of cells in OBBTree
const numCells0 = node0.getCells().length;

for (let id0 = 0; id0 < numCells0; id0++) {
const cellId0 = node0.getCells()[id0];
const type0 = mesh0.getCellType(cellId0);

// Make sure the cell is a triangle
if (type0 === CellType.VTK_TRIANGLE) {
const { cellPointIds: triPtIds0 } = mesh0.getCellPoints(cellId0);
const triPts0 = [[], [], []];
for (let id = 0; id < triPtIds0.length; id++) {
mesh0.getPoints().getPoint(triPtIds0[id], triPts0[id]);
if (
) {
const numCells1 = node1.getCells().length;
for (let id1 = 0; id1 < numCells1; id1++) {
const cellId1 = node1.getCells()[id1];
const type1 = mesh1.getCellType(cellId1);
if (type1 === CellType.VTK_TRIANGLE) {
// See if the two cells actually intersect. If they do,
// add an entry into the intersection maps and add an
// intersection line.
const { cellPointIds: triPtIds1 } = mesh1.getCellPoints(cellId1);
const triPts1 = [[], [], []];
for (let id = 0; id < triPtIds1.length; id++) {
mesh1.getPoints().getPoint(triPtIds1[id], triPts1[id]);

const {
pt1: outpt0,
pt2: outpt1,
// surfaceId,
} = vtkTriangle.intersectWithTriangle(

if (intersect && !coplanar) {
const pointId = intersectionPoints.length / 3;
intersectionPoints.push(...outpt0, ...outpt1);
pointOffset + pointId,
pointOffset + pointId + 1

// If actual intersection, add point and cell to edge, line,
// and surface maps!
if (coplanar) {
// Coplanar triangle intersection is not handled.
// This intersection will not be included in the output. TODO
// vtkDebugMacro(<<"Coplanar");
intersects = false;
if (intersects)
vtkIdType lineId = info.intersectionLines->GetNumberOfCells();

vtkIdType ptId0, ptId1;
int unique[2];
unique[0] = pointMerger->InsertUniquePoint(outpt0, ptId0);
unique[1] = pointMerger->InsertUniquePoint(outpt1, ptId1);

int addline = 1;
if (ptId0 == ptId1)
addline = 0;

if (ptId0 == ptId1 && surfaceid[0] != surfaceid[1])
intersectionSurfaceId->InsertValue(ptId0, 3);
if (unique[0])
intersectionSurfaceId->InsertValue(ptId0, surfaceid[0]);
if (intersectionSurfaceId->GetValue(ptId0) != 3)
intersectionSurfaceId->InsertValue(ptId0, surfaceid[0]);
if (unique[1])
intersectionSurfaceId->InsertValue(ptId1, surfaceid[1]);
if (intersectionSurfaceId->GetValue(ptId1) != 3)
intersectionSurfaceId->InsertValue(ptId1, surfaceid[1]);

info->IntersectionPtsMap[0]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId0, cellId0));
info->IntersectionPtsMap[1]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId0, cellId1));
info->IntersectionPtsMap[0]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId1, cellId0));
info->IntersectionPtsMap[1]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId1, cellId1));

// Check to see if duplicate line. Line can only be a duplicate
// line if both points are not unique and they don't
// equal each other
if (!unique[0] && !unique[1] && ptId0 != ptId1)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> lineTest = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();
int newLine = info->CheckLine(lineTest, ptId0, ptId1);
if (newLine == 0)
addline = 0;
if (addline)
// If the line is new and does not consist of two identical
// points, add the line to the intersection and update
// mapping information


info->PointCellIds[0]->InsertValue(ptId0, cellId0);
info->PointCellIds[0]->InsertValue(ptId1, cellId0);
info->PointCellIds[1]->InsertValue(ptId0, cellId1);
info->PointCellIds[1]->InsertValue(ptId1, cellId1);

info->IntersectionMap[0]->insert(std::make_pair(cellId0, lineId));
info->IntersectionMap[1]->insert(std::make_pair(cellId1, lineId));

// Check which edges of cellId0 and cellId1 outpt0 and
// outpt1 are on, if any.
int isOnEdge = 0;
int m0p0 = 0, m0p1 = 0, m1p0 = 0, m1p1 = 0;
for (vtkIdType edgeId = 0; edgeId < 3; edgeId++)
isOnEdge = info->AddToPointEdgeMap(
0, ptId0, outpt0, mesh0, cellId0, edgeId, lineId, triPtIds0);
if (isOnEdge != -1)
isOnEdge = info->AddToPointEdgeMap(
0, ptId1, outpt1, mesh0, cellId0, edgeId, lineId, triPtIds0);
if (isOnEdge != -1)
isOnEdge = info->AddToPointEdgeMap(
1, ptId0, outpt0, mesh1, cellId1, edgeId, lineId, triPtIds1);
if (isOnEdge != -1)
isOnEdge = info->AddToPointEdgeMap(
1, ptId1, outpt1, mesh1, cellId1, edgeId, lineId, triPtIds1);
if (isOnEdge != -1)
// Special cases caught by tolerance and not from the Point
// Merger
if (m0p0 > 0 && m1p0 > 0)
intersectionSurfaceId->InsertValue(ptId0, 3);
if (m0p1 > 0 && m1p1 > 0)
intersectionSurfaceId->InsertValue(ptId1, 3);
// Add information about origin surface to std::maps for
// checks later
if (intersectionSurfaceId->GetValue(ptId0) == 1)
info->IntersectionPtsMap[0]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId0, cellId0));
else if (intersectionSurfaceId->GetValue(ptId0) == 2)
info->IntersectionPtsMap[1]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId0, cellId1));
info->IntersectionPtsMap[0]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId0, cellId0));
info->IntersectionPtsMap[1]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId0, cellId1));
if (intersectionSurfaceId->GetValue(ptId1) == 1)
info->IntersectionPtsMap[0]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId1, cellId0));
else if (intersectionSurfaceId->GetValue(ptId1) == 2)
info->IntersectionPtsMap[1]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId1, cellId1));
info->IntersectionPtsMap[0]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId1, cellId0));
info->IntersectionPtsMap[1]->insert(std::make_pair(ptId1, cellId1));

if (intersectionPoints.length) {
const points = vtkPoints.newInstance();

const lines = vtkCellArray.newInstance();
return intersectionLines.length / 3;

* Create polygonal representation for OBB tree at specified level. If
* level < 0, then the leaf OBB nodes will be gathered. The aspect ratio (ar)
* and line diameter (d) are used to control the building of the
* representation. If a OBB node edge ratio's are greater than ar, then the
* dimension of the OBB is collapsed (OBB->plane->line). A "line" OBB will be
* represented either as two crossed polygons, or as a line, depending on
* the relative diameter of the OBB compared to the diameter (d).
* @param {Number} level Level of the representation
* @returns {vtkPolyData}
publicAPI.generateRepresentation = (level) => {
if (!model.tree) {
vtkErrorMacro('No tree to generate representation for');
return null;

const points = vtkPoints.newInstance();
const polys = vtkCellArray.newInstance();

generatePolygons(model.tree, 0, level, points, polys);

const output = vtkPolyData.newInstance();
return output;

publicAPI.buildLocator = () => {
if (model.dataset === null) {
vtkErrorMacro("Can't build OBB tree - no data available!");

const numPts = model.dataset.getPoints().getNumberOfPoints();
const numCells = model.dataset.getNumberOfCells();
if (numPts < 1 || numCells < 1) {
vtkErrorMacro("Can't build OBB tree - no data available!");

model.OBBCount = 0;
// Initialize an array of numPts elements set to value 0
model.insertedPoints = Array.from({ length: numPts }, (_) => 0);
model.pointsList = [];

const cellList = Array.from({ length: numCells }, (_, i) => i);

model.tree = vtkOBBNode.newInstance();
model.level = 0;

buildTree(cellList, model.tree, 0);

model.insertedPoints = [];
model.pointsList = [];

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

tolerance: 0.01,
automatic: true,
numberOfCellsPerNode: 32,
dataset: null,
tree: null,
pointsList: [],
insertedPoints: [],
OBBCount: 0,
level: 8,
maxLevel: 8,
retainCellLists: 1,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Build VTK API
macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [

// Make this a VTK object
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);

// Object specific methods
vtkOBBTree(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkOBBTree');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend };