

vtkProperty is an object that represents lighting and other surface
properties of a geometric object. The primary properties that can be set are
colors (overall, ambient, diffuse, specular, and edge color); specular power;
opacity of the object; the representation of the object (points, wireframe,
or surface); and the shading method to be used (flat, Gouraud, and Phong).
Also, some special graphics features like backface properties can be set and
manipulated with this object.



Not Implemented yet


Not Implemented yet


Method use to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkProperty characteristics.

Argument Type Required Description
publicAPI Yes object on which methods will be bounds (public)
model Yes object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
initialValues IPropertyInitialValues No (default: {})


Get the lighting coefficient.


Get the ambient surface color. Not all renderers support separate ambient
and diffuse colors. From a physical standpoint it really doesn’t make too
much sense to have both. For the rendering libraries that don’t support
both, the diffuse color is used.


Get the ambient surface color.


Get the ambient occlusion texture.



Get the index of refraction.


Get the color of the object.the color of the object


Get the diffuse lighting coefficient.


Get the diffuse surface color.



Get the diffuse texture.





Get the emission coefficient.


Get the emission texture.


Get the fast culling of polygons based on orientation of normal
with respect to camera. If frontface culling is on, polygons facing
towards camera are not drawn.


Get the shading interpolation method for an object.


Map the interpolation integer to the corresponding ShadingModel.


Get lighting flag for an object.


Get the width of a Line. The width is expressed in screen units.


Get the metallic coefficient.


Get the metallic texture.


Get the strength of the normal map.


Get the normal texture.


Get the opacity of the object. Set/Get the object’s opacity.
1.0 is totally opaque and 0.0 is completely transparent.


Get the diameter of a point. The size is expressed in screen units.


Get the surface geometry representation for the object.


Get the surface geometry representation for the object as string.


Get the roughness coefficient.


Get the roughness texture.


Get the specular lighting coefficient.


Get the specular surface color.


Get the specular surface color.


Get the specular power.


Method use to create a new instance of vtkProperty with object color, ambient color, diffuse color,
specular color, and edge color white; ambient coefficient=0; diffuse
coefficient=0; specular coefficient=0; specular power=1; Gouraud shading;
and surface representation. Backface and frontface culling are off.

Argument Type Required Description
initialValues IPropertyInitialValues No for pre-setting some of its content


Set the ambient lighting coefficient.

Argument Type Required Description
ambient Number Yes The ambient lighting coefficient.


Set the ambient surface color. Not all renderers support separate
ambient and diffuse colors. From a physical standpoint it really
doesn’t make too much sense to have both. For the rendering
libraries that don’t support both, the diffuse color is used.

Argument Type Required Description
ambientColor RGBColor Yes An Array of the RGB color.


Set the ambient surface color. Not all renderers support separate
ambient and diffuse colors. From a physical standpoint it really
doesn’t make too much sense to have both. For the rendering
libraries that don’t support both, the diffuse color is used.

Argument Type Required Description
r Number Yes Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
g Number Yes Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
b Number Yes Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)


Set the ambient surface color from an RGB array

Argument Type Required Description
ambientColor RGBColor Yes An Array of the RGB color.


Set the ambient occlusion texture.

Argument Type Required Description
ambientOcclusionTexture vtkTexture Yes


Turn on/off fast culling of polygons based on orientation of normal
with respect to camera. If backface culling is on, polygons facing
away from camera are not drawn.

Argument Type Required Description
backfaceCulling Boolean Yes


Set the color of the object. Has the side effect of setting the
ambient diffuse and specular colors as well. This is basically
a quick overall color setting method.

Argument Type Required Description
color RGBColor Yes An Array of the RGB color.


Set the color of the object. Has the side effect of setting the
ambient diffuse and specular colors as well. This is basically
a quick overall color setting method.

Argument Type Required Description
r Number Yes Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
g Number Yes Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
b Number Yes Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)


Set the diffuse lighting coefficient.

Argument Type Required Description
diffuse Number Yes The diffuse lighting coefficient.


Set the diffuse surface color.

Argument Type Required Description
diffuseColor RGBColor Yes An Array of the RGB color.


Set the diffuse surface color.

Argument Type Required Description
r Number Yes Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
g Number Yes Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
b Number Yes Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)


Set the diffuse surface color from an RGB array

Argument Type Required Description
diffuseColor RGBColor Yes An Array of the RGB color.


Set the diffuse texture.

Argument Type Required Description
diffuseTexture vtkTexture Yes


Set the color of primitive edges (if edge visibility is enabled).

Argument Type Required Description
edgeColor RGBColor Yes An Array of the RGB color.


Set the color of primitive edges (if edge visibility is enabled).

Argument Type Required Description
r Number Yes Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
g Number Yes Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
b Number Yes Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)


Set the color of primitive edges from an RGB array.

Argument Type Required Description
edgeColor RGBColor Yes An Array of the RGB color.


Turn on/off the visibility of edges. On some renderers it is
possible to render the edges of geometric primitives separately
from the interior.

Argument Type Required Description
edgeVisibility Boolean Yes


Set the ambient occlusion map strength.

Argument Type Required Description
emission Boolean Yes


Set the emission texture.

Argument Type Required Description
emissionTexture vtkTexture Yes


Turn on/off fast culling of polygons based on orientation of normal
with respect to camera. If frontface culling is on, polygons facing
towards camera are not drawn.

Argument Type Required Description
frontfaceCulling Boolean Yes


Set the shading interpolation method for an object.

Argument Type Required Description
interpolation Interpolation Yes


Set interpolation to 0 means FLAT.


Set interpolation to 1 means GOURAUD.


Set interpolation to 2 means PHONG.


Set lighting flag for an object.

Argument Type Required Description
lighting Boolean Yes


Set the width of a Line. The width is expressed in screen units.
!!! note
This is only implemented for OpenGL.

Argument Type Required Description
lineWidth Number Yes


Set the metallic texture.

Argument Type Required Description
metallicTexture vtkTexture Yes


Set the normal map strength.

Argument Type Required Description
normal Boolean Yes


Set the normal texture.

Argument Type Required Description
normalTexture vtkTexture Yes


Set the object’s opacity. 1.0 is totally opaque and 0.0 is
completely transparent.

Argument Type Required Description
opacity Number Yes The opacity of the object.


Set the diameter of a point. The size is expressed in screen units.
!!! note
This is only implemented for OpenGL.

Argument Type Required Description
pointSize Number Yes


Control the surface geometry representation for the object.

Argument Type Required Description
representation Representation Yes


Set representation to 0 means POINT


Set representation to 2 means SURFAC


Set representation to 1 means WIREFRAM


Set the roughness texture.

Argument Type Required Description
roughnessTexture vtkTexture Yes


Set the specular lighting coefficient.

Argument Type Required Description
specular Boolean Yes


Set the specular surface color from an RGB array

Argument Type Required Description
specularColor RGBColor Yes An Array of the RGB color.


Set the specular surface color.

Argument Type Required Description
r Number Yes Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
g Number Yes Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
b Number Yes Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)


Set the specular surface color from an RGB array

Argument Type Required Description
specularColor RGBColor Yes An Array of the RGB color.


Set the specular power.

Argument Type Required Description
specularPower Number Yes


export declare enum Shading {
FLAT = 0,
PHONG = 2,

export declare enum Representation {

export declare enum Interpolation {
FLAT = 0,
PHONG = 2,

declare const _default: {
Shading: typeof Shading;
Representation: typeof Representation;
Interpolation: typeof Interpolation;
export default _default;
export const Shading = {
FLAT: 0,

export const Representation = {

export const Interpolation = Shading;

export default {
import { vtkObject } from '../../../interfaces';
import { RGBColor } from '../../../types';
import { Interpolation, Representation, Shading } from './Constants';
import { vtkTexture } from '../../Core/Texture';

export interface IPropertyInitialValues {
color?: RGBColor;
ambientColor?: RGBColor;
diffuseColor?: RGBColor;
specularColor?: RGBColor;
diffuseTexture?: vtkTexture;
metallicTexture?: vtkTexture;
roughnessTexture?: vtkTexture;
normalTexture?: vtkTexture;
ambientOcclusionTexture?: vtkTexture;
emissionTexture?: vtkTexture;
edgeColor?: RGBColor;
ambient?: number;
diffuse?: number;
metallic?: number;
roughness?: number;
normalStrength?: number;
emission?: number;
baseIOR?: number;
specular?: number;
specularPower?: number;
opacity?: number;
edgeVisibility?: boolean;
backfaceCulling?: boolean;
frontfaceCulling?: boolean;
pointSize?: number;
lineWidth?: number;
lighting?: boolean;
shading?: boolean;

export interface vtkProperty extends vtkObject {
* Not Implemented yet
addShaderVariable(): any;

* Not Implemented yet
computeCompositeColor(): any;

* Get the lighting coefficient.
* @default 0
getAmbient(): number;

* Get the ambient surface color. Not all renderers support separate ambient
* and diffuse colors. From a physical standpoint it really doesn't make too
* much sense to have both. For the rendering libraries that don't support
* both, the diffuse color is used.
* @return {RGBColor} Array of RGB color.
getAmbientColor(): RGBColor;

* Get the ambient surface color.
getAmbientColorByReference(): RGBColor;

getBackfaceCulling(): boolean;

* Get the color of the object.the color of the object
getColor(): RGBColor;

* Get the diffuse lighting coefficient.
* @default 1
getDiffuse(): number;

* Get the diffuse surface color.
* @return {RGBColor} Array of RGB color.
getDiffuseColor(): RGBColor;
getDiffuseColorByReference(): RGBColor;

getEdgeColor(): RGBColor;

getEdgeColorByReference(): RGBColor;

getEdgeVisibility(): boolean;

* Get the fast culling of polygons based on orientation of normal
* with respect to camera. If frontface culling is on, polygons facing
* towards camera are not drawn.
* @default false
getFrontfaceCulling(): boolean;

* Get the shading interpolation method for an object.
getInterpolation(): Interpolation;

* Map the interpolation integer to the corresponding ShadingModel.
getInterpolationAsString(): string;

* Get lighting flag for an object.
* @default true
getLighting(): boolean;

* Get the width of a Line. The width is expressed in screen units.
* @default 1.0
getLineWidth(): number;

* Get the opacity of the object. Set/Get the object's opacity.
* 1.0 is totally opaque and 0.0 is completely transparent.
* @default 1
getOpacity(): number;

* Get the diameter of a point. The size is expressed in screen units.
* @default 1.0
getPointSize(): number;

* Get the surface geometry representation for the object.
getRepresentation(): Representation;

* Get the surface geometry representation for the object as string.
* @return {String} Surface geometry representation for the object as string
getRepresentationAsString(): string;

* Get the specular lighting coefficient.
* @default 0
getSpecular(): number;

* Get the roughness coefficient.
* @default 1
getRoughness(): number;

* Get the metallic coefficient.
* @default 0
getMetallic(): number;

* Get the index of refraction.
* @default 0
getBaseIOR(): number;

* Get the strength of the normal map.
* @default 1
getNormalStrength(): number;

* Get the emission coefficient.
* @default 0
getEmission(): number;

* Get the specular surface color.
* @return {RGBColor} Array of RGB color.
getSpecularColor(): RGBColor;

* Get the specular surface color.
getSpecularColorByReference(): RGBColor;

* Get the specular power.
* @default 1
getSpecularPower(): number;

* Get the diffuse texture.
getDiffuseTexture(): vtkTexture;

* Get the metallic texture.
getMetallicTexture(): vtkTexture;

* Get the roughness texture.
getRoughnessTexture(): vtkTexture;

* Get the normal texture.
getNormalTexture(): vtkTexture;

* Get the ambient occlusion texture.
getAmbientOcclusionTexture(): vtkTexture;

* Get the emission texture.
getEmissionTexture(): vtkTexture;

* Set the ambient lighting coefficient.
* @param {Number} ambient The ambient lighting coefficient.
setAmbient(ambient: number): boolean;

* Set the ambient surface color. Not all renderers support separate
* ambient and diffuse colors. From a physical standpoint it really
* doesn't make too much sense to have both. For the rendering
* libraries that don’t support both, the diffuse color is used.
* @param {Number} r Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} g Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} b Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)
setAmbientColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): boolean;

* Set the ambient surface color. Not all renderers support separate
* ambient and diffuse colors. From a physical standpoint it really
* doesn't make too much sense to have both. For the rendering
* libraries that don’t support both, the diffuse color is used.
* @param {RGBColor} ambientColor An Array of the RGB color.
setAmbientColor(ambientColor: RGBColor): boolean;

* Set the ambient surface color from an RGB array
* @param {RGBColor} ambientColor An Array of the RGB color.
setAmbientColorFrom(ambientColor: RGBColor): boolean;

* Turn on/off fast culling of polygons based on orientation of normal
* with respect to camera. If backface culling is on, polygons facing
* away from camera are not drawn.
* @param {Boolean} backfaceCulling
setBackfaceCulling(backfaceCulling: boolean): boolean;

* Set the color of the object. Has the side effect of setting the
* ambient diffuse and specular colors as well. This is basically
* a quick overall color setting method.
* @param {Number} r Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} g Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} b Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)
setColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): boolean;

* Set the color of the object. Has the side effect of setting the
* ambient diffuse and specular colors as well. This is basically
* a quick overall color setting method.
* @param {RGBColor} color An Array of the RGB color.
setColor(color: RGBColor): boolean;

* Set the diffuse lighting coefficient.
* @param {Number} diffuse The diffuse lighting coefficient.
setDiffuse(diffuse: number): boolean;

* Set the diffuse surface color.
* @param {Number} r Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} g Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} b Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)
setDiffuseColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): boolean;

* Set the diffuse surface color.
* @param {RGBColor} diffuseColor An Array of the RGB color.
setDiffuseColor(diffuseColor: RGBColor): boolean;

* Set the diffuse surface color from an RGB array
* @param {RGBColor} diffuseColor An Array of the RGB color.
setDiffuseColorFrom(diffuseColor: RGBColor): boolean;

* Set the color of primitive edges (if edge visibility is enabled).
* @param {Number} r Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} g Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} b Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)
setEdgeColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): boolean;

* Set the color of primitive edges (if edge visibility is enabled).
* @param {RGBColor} edgeColor An Array of the RGB color.
setEdgeColor(edgeColor: RGBColor): boolean;

* Set the color of primitive edges from an RGB array.
* @param {RGBColor} edgeColor An Array of the RGB color.
setEdgeColorFrom(edgeColor: RGBColor): boolean;

* Turn on/off the visibility of edges. On some renderers it is
* possible to render the edges of geometric primitives separately
* from the interior.
* @param {Boolean} edgeVisibility
setEdgeVisibility(edgeVisibility: boolean): boolean;

* Turn on/off fast culling of polygons based on orientation of normal
* with respect to camera. If frontface culling is on, polygons facing
* towards camera are not drawn.
* @param {Boolean} frontfaceCulling
setFrontfaceCulling(frontfaceCulling: boolean): boolean;

* Set the shading interpolation method for an object.
* @param {Interpolation} interpolation
setInterpolation(interpolation: Interpolation): boolean;

* Set interpolation to 0 means `FLAT`.
setInterpolationToFlat(): boolean;

* Set interpolation to 1 means `GOURAUD`.
setInterpolationToGouraud(): boolean;

* Set interpolation to 2 means `PHONG`.
setInterpolationToPhong(): boolean;

* Set lighting flag for an object.
* @param {Boolean} lighting
* @default true
setLighting(lighting: boolean): boolean;

* Set the width of a Line. The width is expressed in screen units.
* !!! note
* This is only implemented for OpenGL.
* @param {Number} lineWidth
* @default 1.0
setLineWidth(lineWidth: number): boolean;

* Set the object's opacity. 1.0 is totally opaque and 0.0 is
* completely transparent.
* @param {Number} opacity The opacity of the object.
setOpacity(opacity: number): boolean;

* Set the diameter of a point. The size is expressed in screen units.
* !!! note
* This is only implemented for OpenGL.
* @param {Number} pointSize
* @default 1.0
setPointSize(pointSize: number): boolean;

* Control the surface geometry representation for the object.
* @param {Representation} representation
setRepresentation(representation: Representation): boolean;

* Set representation to 0 means `POINT`'
setRepresentationToPoints(): boolean;

* Set representation to 2 means `SURFAC`'
setRepresentationToSurface(): boolean;

* Set representation to 1 means `WIREFRAM`'
setRepresentationToWireframe(): boolean;

* Set the specular lighting coefficient.
* @param {Boolean} specular
setSpecular(specular: number): boolean;

* Set the normal map strength.
* @param {Boolean} normal
setNormalStrength(normalStrength: number): boolean;

* Set the ambient occlusion map strength.
* @param {Boolean} emission
setEmission(emission: number): boolean;

* Set the specular surface color.
* @param {Number} r Defines the red component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} g Defines the green component (between 0 and 1)
* @param {Number} b Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1)
setSpecularColor(r: number, g: number, b: number): boolean;

* Set the specular surface color from an RGB array
* @param {RGBColor} specularColor An Array of the RGB color.
setSpecularColor(specularColor: RGBColor): boolean;

* Set the specular surface color from an RGB array
* @param {RGBColor} specularColor An Array of the RGB color.
setSpecularColorFrom(specularColor: RGBColor): boolean;

* Set the specular power.
* @param {Number} specularPower
setSpecularPower(specularPower: number): boolean;

* Set the diffuse texture.
* @param {vtkTexture} diffuseTexture
setDiffuseTexture(diffuseTexture: vtkTexture): boolean;

* Set the metallic texture.
* @param {vtkTexture} metallicTexture
setMetallicTexture(metallicTexture: vtkTexture): boolean;

* Set the roughness texture.
* @param {vtkTexture} roughnessTexture
setRoughnessTexture(roughnessTexture: vtkTexture): boolean;

* Set the normal texture.
* @param {vtkTexture} normalTexture
setNormalTexture(normalTexture: vtkTexture): boolean;

* Set the ambient occlusion texture.
* @param {vtkTexture} ambientOcclusionTexture
setAmbientOcclusionTexture(ambientOcclusionTexture: vtkTexture): boolean;

* Set the emission texture.
* @param {vtkTexture} emissionTexture
setEmissionTexture(emissionTexture: vtkTexture): boolean;

* Method use to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkProperty characteristics.
* @param publicAPI object on which methods will be bounds (public)
* @param model object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
* @param {IPropertyInitialValues} [initialValues] (default: {})
export function extend(
publicAPI: object,
model: object,
initialValues?: IPropertyInitialValues
): void;

* Method use to create a new instance of vtkProperty with object color, ambient color, diffuse color,
* specular color, and edge color white; ambient coefficient=0; diffuse
* coefficient=0; specular coefficient=0; specular power=1; Gouraud shading;
* and surface representation. Backface and frontface culling are off.
* @param {IPropertyInitialValues} [initialValues] for pre-setting some of its content
export function newInstance(
initialValues?: IPropertyInitialValues
): vtkProperty;

* vtkProperty is an object that represents lighting and other surface
* properties of a geometric object. The primary properties that can be set are
* colors (overall, ambient, diffuse, specular, and edge color); specular power;
* opacity of the object; the representation of the object (points, wireframe,
* or surface); and the shading method to be used (flat, Gouraud, and Phong).
* Also, some special graphics features like backface properties can be set and
* manipulated with this object.
export declare const vtkProperty: {
newInstance: typeof newInstance;
extend: typeof extend;
Shading: typeof Shading;
Representation: typeof Representation;
Interpolation: typeof Interpolation;
export default vtkProperty;
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import Constants from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Property/Constants';

const { Representation, Interpolation } = Constants;

function notImplemented(method) {
return () => macro.vtkErrorMacro(`vtkProperty::${method} - NOT IMPLEMENTED`);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkProperty methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkProperty(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

publicAPI.setColor = (r, g, b) => {
if (Array.isArray(r)) {
if (
model.color[0] !== r[0] ||
model.color[1] !== r[1] ||
model.color[2] !== r[2]
) {
model.color[0] = r[0];
model.color[1] = r[1];
model.color[2] = r[2];
} else if (
model.color[0] !== r ||
model.color[1] !== g ||
model.color[2] !== b
) {
model.color[0] = r;
model.color[1] = g;
model.color[2] = b;


publicAPI.computeCompositeColor = notImplemented('ComputeCompositeColor');
publicAPI.getColor = () => {
// Inline computeCompositeColor
let norm = 0.0;
if (model.ambient + model.diffuse + model.specular > 0) {
norm = 1.0 / (model.ambient + model.diffuse + model.specular);

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
model.color[i] =
norm *
(model.ambient * model.ambientColor[i] +
model.diffuse * model.diffuseColor[i] +
model.specular * model.specularColor[i]);

return [].concat(model.color);

publicAPI.setSpecularPower = (specularPower) => {
const roughness = 1 / Math.max(1.0, specularPower);
if (
model.roughness !== roughness ||
model.specularPower !== specularPower
) {
model.specularPower = specularPower; // Specular power still needs to be set as long as webgl is using it (otherwise testShaderReplacementsClear fails)
model.roughness = roughness;

publicAPI.addShaderVariable = notImplemented('AddShaderVariable');

publicAPI.setInterpolationToFlat = () =>
publicAPI.setInterpolationToGouraud = () =>
publicAPI.setInterpolationToPhong = () =>
publicAPI.getInterpolationAsString = () =>
macro.enumToString(Interpolation, model.interpolation);

publicAPI.setRepresentationToWireframe = () =>
publicAPI.setRepresentationToSurface = () =>
publicAPI.setRepresentationToPoints = () =>
publicAPI.getRepresentationAsString = () =>
macro.enumToString(Representation, model.representation);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

color: [1, 1, 1],
ambientColor: [1, 1, 1],
diffuseColor: [1, 1, 1],
specularColor: [1, 1, 1],
edgeColor: [0, 0, 0],

ambient: 0,
diffuse: 1,
metallic: 0,
roughness: 0.6,
normalStrength: 1,
emission: 1,
baseIOR: 1.45,
specular: 0,
specularPower: 1,
opacity: 1,
interpolation: Interpolation.GOURAUD,
representation: Representation.SURFACE,
edgeVisibility: false,
backfaceCulling: false,
frontfaceCulling: false,
pointSize: 1,
lineWidth: 1,
lighting: true,

shading: false,
materialName: null,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Build VTK API
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);

macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [
['ambientColor', 'specularColor', 'diffuseColor', 'edgeColor'],

// Object methods
vtkProperty(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkProperty');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend, ...Constants };