

import ConcentricCylinderSource from 'vtk.js/Sources/Filters/Sources/ConcentricCylinderSource';

const ConcentricCylinderSource = ConcentricCylinderSource.New({
height: 2,
radius: [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1],
cellFields: [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1],
resolution: 60,
skipInnerFaces: true,
const polydata = ConcentricCylinderSource.getOutputData();

Height (set/get)

Floating point number representing the height of the cylinder.

Radius (set/get)

Floating point array representing the radii of each cylinder base.

Resolution (set/get)

Integer representing the number of facets used to define cylinder.

Direction (set/get)

Float array of size 3 representing the direction for the cylinder. Defaults to [0, 0, 1].

StartTheta (set/get)

Floating point number setting a starting angle for a cylinder section.

CellFields (set/get)

Floating point array representing the cell data value for each cylinder with the corresponding radius.

SkipInnerFaces (set/get)

Boolean turning on or off the interior cylinder faces that are invisible from the outside of an opaque cylinder.

setMaskLayer(index, hide)

For the specified layer, setting hide to true will make the layer invisible.


import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import vtkPolyData from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/PolyData';
import vtkMatrixBuilder from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/MatrixBuilder';
import vtkDataArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/DataArray';

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkConcentricCylinderSource methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkConcentricCylinderSource(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

// Internal private function
function validateCellFields() {
while (model.cellFields.length < model.radius.length) {

publicAPI.clearRadius = () => {
model.radius = [];
model.cellFields = [];

publicAPI.addRadius = (radius, cellField) => {
if (cellField !== undefined) {

publicAPI.getNumberOfRadius = () => model.radius.length;
publicAPI.getRadius = (index = 0) => model.radius[index];
publicAPI.setRadius = (index, radius) => {
model.radius[index] = radius;
publicAPI.setCellField = (index, field) => {
model.cellFields[index] = field;

publicAPI.removeMask = () => {
model.mask = null;

publicAPI.setMaskLayer = (index, hidden) => {
let changeDetected = false;

if (!model.mask && hidden) {
changeDetected = true;
model.mask = [];

if (model.mask) {
if (!model.mask[index] !== !hidden) {
changeDetected = true;
model.mask[index] = hidden;

if (changeDetected) {

publicAPI.getMaskLayer = (index) =>
index === undefined ? model.mask : model.mask[index];

function requestData(inData, outData) {
if (model.deleted || !model.radius.length) {

// Make sure we have consistency

let dataset = outData[0];

const numLayers = model.radius.length;
const zRef = model.height / 2.0;

// Compute cell count
let cellArraySize = 0;
let numCells = 0;

let startTheta =
model.startTheta < model.endTheta ? model.startTheta : model.endTheta;
startTheta *= Math.PI / 180.0;
let endTheta =
model.endTheta > model.startTheta ? model.endTheta : model.startTheta;
endTheta *= Math.PI / 180.0;
let thetaResolution = model.resolution;
let partialDisk = false;
if (endTheta >= startTheta + 2 * Math.PI) {
// complete, closed cylinder
endTheta = startTheta + 2 * Math.PI;
} else {
// We add an extra point at endTheta, since the cylinder isn't closed.
// We cap the sides of the partial cylinder, so set the partialDisk flag.
partialDisk = true;
const deltaTheta = (endTheta - startTheta) / model.resolution;

const numberOfPoints = thetaResolution * numLayers * 2 + 2;

// 5 entries per poly, 4 polys (top, bottom, in, out) per resolution
if (!model.skipInnerFaces && !model.mask) {
// We keep everything
cellArraySize =
2 * (thetaResolution + 1) +
5 * thetaResolution +
(numLayers - 1) * thetaResolution * 20 +
(partialDisk ? 10 * numLayers : 0);
numCells =
2 +
thetaResolution +
(numLayers - 1) * 4 * thetaResolution +
(partialDisk ? 2 * numLayers : 0);
} else if (!model.skipInnerFaces && model.mask) {
// We skip some cylinders
// Handle core
if (!model.mask[0]) {
cellArraySize +=
2 * (thetaResolution + 1) +
5 * thetaResolution +
(partialDisk ? 10 : 0);
numCells += 2 + thetaResolution + (partialDisk ? 2 : 0);
// Handle inside cylinders
for (let layer = 1; layer < numLayers; layer++) {
if (!model.mask[layer]) {
// Add inside cylinder count
cellArraySize += thetaResolution * 20 + (partialDisk ? 10 : 0);
numCells += 4 * thetaResolution + (partialDisk ? 2 : 0);
} else {
// We skip cylinders and internal faces
if (!model.skipInnerFaces || !model.mask || !model.mask[0]) {
// core handling
cellArraySize += 2 * (thetaResolution + 1) + (partialDisk ? 10 : 0);
numCells += 2 + (partialDisk ? 2 : 0);
if (
model.radius.length === 1 ||
!model.skipInnerFaces ||
(model.mask && model.mask[1])
) {
// add side faces
cellArraySize += 5 * thetaResolution;
numCells += thetaResolution;

// Handle inside cylinders
for (let layer = 1; layer < numLayers; layer++) {
if (!model.skipInnerFaces || !model.mask || !model.mask[layer]) {
const lastLayer = numLayers - 1 === layer;

// Add inside cylinder
cellArraySize += thetaResolution * 10 + (partialDisk ? 10 : 0);
numCells += thetaResolution * 2 + (partialDisk ? 2 : 0); // top + bottom + side caps

// Do we add innerFaces
if (!model.skipInnerFaces || (model.mask && model.mask[layer - 1])) {
cellArraySize += thetaResolution * 5;
numCells += thetaResolution;

// Do we add outerFaces
if (
lastLayer ||
!model.skipInnerFaces ||
(model.mask && model.mask[layer + 1])
) {
cellArraySize += thetaResolution * 5;
numCells += thetaResolution;

// Points
let pointIdx = 0;
const points = macro.newTypedArray(model.pointType, numberOfPoints * 3);

// Cells
let cellLocation = 0;
const polys = new Uint32Array(cellArraySize);

// CellFields
let fieldLocation = 0;
const field = new Float32Array(numCells);

// Create points
// First two are centered, top and bottom. Used only if partialDisk is true.
points[pointIdx * 3 + 0] = 0;
points[pointIdx * 3 + 1] = 0;
points[pointIdx * 3 + 2] = zRef;
points[pointIdx * 3 + 0] = 0;
points[pointIdx * 3 + 1] = 0;
points[pointIdx * 3 + 2] = -zRef;
for (let layer = 0; layer < numLayers; layer++) {
const radius = model.radius[layer];
// Create top
for (let i = 0; i < thetaResolution; i++) {
const theta = startTheta + i * deltaTheta;
points[pointIdx * 3 + 0] = radius * Math.cos(theta);
points[pointIdx * 3 + 1] = radius * Math.sin(theta);
points[pointIdx * 3 + 2] = zRef;

// Create bottom
for (let i = 0; i < thetaResolution; i++) {
const theta = startTheta + i * deltaTheta;
points[pointIdx * 3 + 0] = radius * Math.cos(theta);
points[pointIdx * 3 + 1] = radius * Math.sin(theta);
points[pointIdx * 3 + 2] = -zRef;

// Create cells for the core
let currentField = model.cellFields[0];

// Core: filtering
if (!model.mask || !model.mask[0]) {
// Core: Top disk
field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;
// partial adds the center point and the last point.
polys[cellLocation++] = thetaResolution + (partialDisk ? 1 : 0);
if (partialDisk) polys[cellLocation++] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < thetaResolution; i++) {
polys[cellLocation++] = i + 2;

// Core: Bottom disk
field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;
polys[cellLocation++] = thetaResolution + (partialDisk ? 1 : 0);
if (partialDisk) polys[cellLocation++] = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < thetaResolution; i++) {
polys[cellLocation++] = 2 * thetaResolution - i - 1 + 2;

// Core: sides
if (
!model.skipInnerFaces ||
(model.mask && model.mask[1]) ||
numLayers === 1
) {
for (let i = 0; i < model.resolution; i++) {
polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
polys[cellLocation++] = ((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + 2;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + 2;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + thetaResolution + 2;
polys[cellLocation++] =
((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + thetaResolution + 2;

field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;
if (partialDisk) {
polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
polys[cellLocation++] = 2;
polys[cellLocation++] = 0;
polys[cellLocation++] = 1;
polys[cellLocation++] = thetaResolution + 2;

field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;

polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
polys[cellLocation++] = 0;
polys[cellLocation++] = thetaResolution + 1;
polys[cellLocation++] = 2 * thetaResolution + 1;
polys[cellLocation++] = 1;

field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;

// Create cells for the layers
for (let layer = 1; layer < numLayers; layer++) {
// Skip layer if masked
if (model.mask && model.mask[layer]) {
/* eslint-disable no-continue */
/* eslint-enable no-continue */

// two for center points, then skip previous layer's points
const offset = thetaResolution * 2 * (layer - 1) + 2;
const a = offset + 2 * thetaResolution; // next layer offset
const lastLayer = numLayers - 1 === layer;
currentField = model.cellFields[layer];

// Create top
for (let i = 0; i < model.resolution; i++) {
polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + offset;
polys[cellLocation++] = ((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + offset;
polys[cellLocation++] = ((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + a;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + a;

field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;

// Create bottom
for (let i = 0; i < model.resolution; i++) {
polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
polys[cellLocation++] =
((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + offset + thetaResolution;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + offset + thetaResolution;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + a + thetaResolution;
polys[cellLocation++] =
((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + a + thetaResolution;

field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;

// Create inner
if (!model.skipInnerFaces || (model.mask && model.mask[layer - 1])) {
for (let i = 0; i < model.resolution; i++) {
polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + offset;
polys[cellLocation++] = ((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + offset;
polys[cellLocation++] =
((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + thetaResolution + offset;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + thetaResolution + offset;

field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;

// Create outer
if (
!model.skipInnerFaces ||
lastLayer ||
(model.mask && (model.mask[layer + 1] || lastLayer))
) {
for (let i = 0; i < model.resolution; i++) {
polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
polys[cellLocation++] = ((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + a;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + a;
polys[cellLocation++] = i + thetaResolution + a;
polys[cellLocation++] =
((i + 1) % thetaResolution) + thetaResolution + a;

field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;
// create caps
if (partialDisk) {
polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
polys[cellLocation++] = a; // from first outer
polys[cellLocation++] = offset; // first inner
polys[cellLocation++] = thetaResolution + offset; // first inner
polys[cellLocation++] = thetaResolution + a; // first outer

field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;

polys[cellLocation++] = 4;
polys[cellLocation++] = model.resolution + a; // last outer
polys[cellLocation++] = model.resolution + offset; // last inner
polys[cellLocation++] = model.resolution + thetaResolution + offset; // last inner
polys[cellLocation++] = model.resolution + thetaResolution + a; // last outer

field[fieldLocation++] = currentField;

// Apply transformation to the point coordinates
.rotateFromDirections([0, 0, 1], model.direction)

dataset = vtkPolyData.newInstance();
dataset.getPoints().setData(points, 3);
dataset.getPolys().setData(polys, 1);
.setScalars(vtkDataArray.newInstance({ name: 'layer', values: field }));

// Update output
outData[0] = dataset;

// Expose methods
publicAPI.requestData = requestData;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

height: 1.0,
radius: [0.5],
cellFields: [1],
resolution: 6,
startTheta: 0.0,
endTheta: 360.0,
center: [0, 0, 0],
direction: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
skipInnerFaces: true,
mask: null, // If present, array to know if a layer should be skipped(=true)
pointType: 'Float64Array',

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Build VTK API
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);
macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [
macro.setGetArray(publicAPI, model, ['center', 'direction'], 3);
macro.getArray(publicAPI, model, ['cellFields']);
macro.algo(publicAPI, model, 0, 1);
vtkConcentricCylinderSource(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend };