

vtkPolyData is a dataset that represents a geometric structure consisting of vertices, lines, polygons, and/or strips.



Create data structure that allows random access of cells.


Create upward links from points to cells that use each point. Enables
topologically complex queries.

Argument Type Required Description
initialSize Number Yes


Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkPolyData characteristics.

Argument Type Required Description
publicAPI Yes object on which methods will be bounds (public)
model Yes object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
initialValues IPolyDataInitialValues No (default: {})


If you know the type of cell, you may provide it to improve performances.

Argument Type Required Description
cellId Number Yes
cellHint Yes


Get the neighbors at an edge.

Argument Type Required Description
cellId Number Yes The Id of the cell.
point1 Vector3 Yes The first point coordinate.
point2 Vector3 Yes The second point coordinate.


Get a list of point ids that define a cell.

Argument Type Required Description
cellId Number Yes The Id of the cell.


Get the type of the cell

Argument Type Required Description
cellId Number Yes The Id of the cell.


Get the cell array defining cells.


Get the cell array defining lines.



Determine the number of cells composing the polydata.


Determine the number of lines composing the polydata.


Determine the number of points composing the polydata.


Determine the number of polys composing the polydata.


Determine the number of strips composing the polydata.


Determine the number of vertices composing the polydata.


Topological inquiry to get cells using point.

Argument Type Required Description
ptId Yes


Get the cell array defining polys.


Get the cell array defining strips.


Get the cell array defining vertices.
If there are no vertices, an empty array will be returned (convenience to
simplify traversal).


Method used to create a new instance of vtkPolyData.

Argument Type Required Description
initialValues IPolyDataInitialValues No for pre-setting some of its content


Set the cell array defining lines.

Argument Type Required Description
lines vtkCellArray Yes The cell array defining lines.


Set the cell array defining polys.

Argument Type Required Description
polys vtkCellArray Yes The cell array defining polys.


Set the cell array defining strips.

Argument Type Required Description
strips vtkCellArray Yes The cell array defining strips.


Set the cell array defining vertices.

Argument Type Required Description
verts vtkCellArray Yes The cell array defining vertices.


export declare const POLYDATA_FIELDS: string[];

declare const _default: {
export default _default;
export const POLYDATA_FIELDS = ['verts', 'lines', 'polys', 'strips'];

export default {
import { CellType, Vector3 } from '../../../types';
import vtkCellArray from '../../Core/CellArray';
import vtkPointSet, { IPointSetInitialValues } from '../PointSet';

export interface IPolyDataInitialValues extends IPointSetInitialValues {}

export interface vtkPolyData extends vtkPointSet {
* Create data structure that allows random access of cells.
buildCells(): void;

* Create upward links from points to cells that use each point. Enables
* topologically complex queries.
* @param {Number} initialSize
buildLinks(initialSize?: number): void;

* If you know the type of cell, you may provide it to improve performances.
* @param {Number} cellId
* @param cellHint
getCell(cellId: number, cellHint: any): void;

* Get the neighbors at an edge.
* @param {Number} cellId The Id of the cell.
* @param {Vector3} point1 The first point coordinate.
* @param {Vector3} point2 The second point coordinate.
getCellEdgeNeighbors(cellId: number, point1: Vector3, point2: Vector3): void;

* Get a list of point ids that define a cell.
* @param {Number} cellId The Id of the cell.
* @return an object made of the cellType and a subarray `cellPointIds` of the cell points.
getCellPoints(cellId: number): object;

* Get the type of the cell
* @param {Number} cellId The Id of the cell.
* @return CellType The type of the cell.
getCellType(cellId: number): CellType;

* Get the cell array defining cells.
getCells(): vtkCellArray;

* Get the cell array defining lines.
getLines(): vtkCellArray;

getLinks(): any;

* Determine the number of cells composing the polydata.
getNumberOfCells(): number;

* Determine the number of lines composing the polydata.
getNumberOfLines(): number;

* Determine the number of points composing the polydata.
getNumberOfPoints(): number;

* Determine the number of polys composing the polydata.
getNumberOfPolys(): number;

* Determine the number of strips composing the polydata.
getNumberOfStrips(): number;

* Determine the number of vertices composing the polydata.
getNumberOfVerts(): number;

* Topological inquiry to get cells using point.
* @param ptId
getPointCells(ptId: any): void;

* Get the cell array defining polys.
getPolys(): vtkCellArray;

* Get the cell array defining strips.
getStrips(): vtkCellArray;

* Get the cell array defining vertices.
* If there are no vertices, an empty array will be returned (convenience to
* simplify traversal).
getVerts(): vtkCellArray;

* Set the cell array defining lines.
* @param {vtkCellArray} lines The cell array defining lines.
setLines(lines: vtkCellArray): boolean;

* Set the cell array defining polys.
* @param {vtkCellArray} polys The cell array defining polys.
setPolys(polys: vtkCellArray): boolean;

* Set the cell array defining strips.
* @param {vtkCellArray} strips The cell array defining strips.
setStrips(strips: vtkCellArray): boolean;

* Set the cell array defining vertices.
* @param {vtkCellArray} verts The cell array defining vertices.
setVerts(verts: vtkCellArray): boolean;

* Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkPolyData characteristics.
* @param publicAPI object on which methods will be bounds (public)
* @param model object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
* @param {IPolyDataInitialValues} [initialValues] (default: {})
export function extend(
publicAPI: object,
model: object,
initialValues?: IPolyDataInitialValues
): void;

* Method used to create a new instance of vtkPolyData.
* @param {IPolyDataInitialValues} [initialValues] for pre-setting some of its content
export function newInstance(
initialValues?: IPolyDataInitialValues
): vtkPolyData;

* vtkPolyData is a dataset that represents a geometric structure consisting of vertices, lines, polygons, and/or strips.
export declare const vtkPolyData: {
newInstance: typeof newInstance;
extend: typeof extend;
export default vtkPolyData;
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import vtk from 'vtk.js/Sources/vtk';
import vtkCellArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/CellArray';
import vtkCellLinks from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/CellLinks';
import vtkCellTypes from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/CellTypes';
import vtkLine from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/Line';
import vtkPointSet from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/PointSet';
import vtkTriangle from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/Triangle';

import { CellType } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/CellTypes/Constants';
import { POLYDATA_FIELDS } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/PolyData/Constants';

const { vtkWarningMacro } = macro;

export const CELL_FACTORY = {
[CellType.VTK_LINE]: vtkLine,
[CellType.VTK_POLY_LINE]: vtkLine,
[CellType.VTK_TRIANGLE]: vtkTriangle,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkPolyData methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkPolyData(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

function camelize(str) {
return str
.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g, (letter) => letter.toUpperCase())
.replace(/\s+/g, '');

// build empty cell arrays and set methods
POLYDATA_FIELDS.forEach((type) => {
publicAPI[`getNumberOf${camelize(type)}`] = () =>
if (!model[type]) {
model[type] = vtkCellArray.newInstance();
} else {
model[type] = vtk(model[type]);

publicAPI.getNumberOfCells = () =>
(num, cellType) => num + model[cellType].getNumberOfCells(),

const superShallowCopy = publicAPI.shallowCopy;
publicAPI.shallowCopy = (other, debug = false) => {
superShallowCopy(other, debug);
POLYDATA_FIELDS.forEach((type) => {
model[type] = vtkCellArray.newInstance();

publicAPI.buildCells = () => {
// here are the number of cells we have
const nVerts = publicAPI.getNumberOfVerts();
const nLines = publicAPI.getNumberOfLines();
const nPolys = publicAPI.getNumberOfPolys();
const nStrips = publicAPI.getNumberOfStrips();

// pre-allocate the space we need
const nCells = nVerts + nLines + nPolys + nStrips;

const types = new Uint8Array(nCells);
let pTypes = types;
const locs = new Uint32Array(nCells);
let pLocs = locs;

// record locations and type of each cell.
// verts
if (nVerts) {
let nextCellPts = 0;
model.verts.getCellSizes().forEach((numCellPts, index) => {
pLocs[index] = nextCellPts;
pTypes[index] =
numCellPts > 1 ? CellType.VTK_POLY_VERTEX : CellType.VTK_VERTEX;
nextCellPts += numCellPts + 1;

pLocs = pLocs.subarray(nVerts);
pTypes = pTypes.subarray(nVerts);

// lines
if (nLines) {
let nextCellPts = 0;
model.lines.getCellSizes().forEach((numCellPts, index) => {
pLocs[index] = nextCellPts;
pTypes[index] =
numCellPts > 2 ? CellType.VTK_POLY_LINE : CellType.VTK_LINE;
if (numCellPts === 1) {
'Building VTK_LINE ',
' with only one point, but VTK_LINE needs at least two points. Check the input.'
nextCellPts += numCellPts + 1;

pLocs = pLocs.subarray(nLines);
pTypes = pTypes.subarray(nLines);

// polys
if (nPolys) {
let nextCellPts = 0;
model.polys.getCellSizes().forEach((numCellPts, index) => {
pLocs[index] = nextCellPts;
switch (numCellPts) {
case 3:
pTypes[index] = CellType.VTK_TRIANGLE;
case 4:
pTypes[index] = CellType.VTK_QUAD;
pTypes[index] = CellType.VTK_POLYGON;
if (numCellPts < 3) {
'Building VTK_TRIANGLE ',
' with less than three points, but VTK_TRIANGLE needs at least three points. Check the input.'
nextCellPts += numCellPts + 1;

pLocs += pLocs.subarray(nPolys);
pTypes += pTypes.subarray(nPolys);

// strips
if (nStrips) {
let nextCellPts = 0;
pTypes.fill(CellType.VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, nStrips);

model.strips.getCellSizes().forEach((numCellPts, index) => {
pLocs[index] = nextCellPts;
nextCellPts += numCellPts + 1;

// set up the cell types data structure
model.cells = vtkCellTypes.newInstance();
model.cells.setCellTypes(nCells, types, locs);

* Create upward links from points to cells that use each point. Enables
* topologically complex queries.
publicAPI.buildLinks = (initialSize = 0) => {
if (model.cells === undefined) {

model.links = vtkCellLinks.newInstance();
if (initialSize > 0) {
} else {


publicAPI.getCellType = (cellId) => model.cells.getCellType(cellId);

publicAPI.getCellPoints = (cellId) => {
const cellType = publicAPI.getCellType(cellId);
let cells = null;
switch (cellType) {
case CellType.VTK_VERTEX:
case CellType.VTK_POLY_VERTEX:
cells = model.verts;

case CellType.VTK_LINE:
case CellType.VTK_POLY_LINE:
cells = model.lines;

case CellType.VTK_TRIANGLE:
case CellType.VTK_QUAD:
case CellType.VTK_POLYGON:
cells = model.polys;

cells = model.strips;

cells = null;
return { type: 0, cellPointIds: null };
const loc = model.cells.getCellLocation(cellId);
const cellPointIds = cells.getCell(loc);
return { cellType, cellPointIds };

publicAPI.getPointCells = (ptId) => model.links.getCells(ptId);

publicAPI.getCellEdgeNeighbors = (cellId, point1, point2) => {
const link1 = model.links.getLink(point1);
const link2 = model.links.getLink(point2);

return link1.cells.filter(
(cell) => cell !== cellId && link2.cells.indexOf(cell) !== -1

* If you know the type of cell, you may provide it to improve performances.
publicAPI.getCell = (cellId, cellHint = null) => {
const cellInfo = publicAPI.getCellPoints(cellId);
const cell = cellHint || CELL_FACTORY[cellInfo.cellType].newInstance();
cell.initialize(publicAPI.getPoints(), cellInfo.cellPointIds);
return cell;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// verts: null,
// lines: null,
// polys: null,
// strips: null,
// cells: null,
// links: null,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Inheritance
vtkPointSet.extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues);
macro.get(publicAPI, model, ['cells', 'links']);
macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, ['verts', 'lines', 'polys', 'strips']);

// Object specific methods
vtkPolyData(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkPolyData');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend };