

vtkRenderer is a Viewport designed to hold 3D properties. It contains
an instance of vtkCamera, a collection of vtkLights, and vtkActors. It exists
within a RenderWindow. A RenderWindow may have multiple Renderers
representing different viewports of the Window and Renderers can be layered
on top of each other as well.



Add different types of props to the renderer.

Argument Type Required Description
actor vtkProp Yes The vtkProp instance.


Add a light to the list of lights.

Argument Type Required Description
light vtkLight Yes The vtkLight instance.


Add a volume to the renderer..

Argument Type Required Description
volume Yes The vtkVolume instance.


Not Implemented yet


Compute the bounding box of all the visible props Used in ResetCamera() and ResetCameraClippingRange()


Create and add a light to renderer.


Method use to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkRenderer characteristics.

Argument Type Required Description
publicAPI Yes object on which methods will be bounds (public)
model Yes object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
initialValues IRendererInitialValues No (default: {})


Get the active camera



Return any actors in this renderer.


Return any actors in this renderer.









Returns the diffuse strength of the set environment texture.


Returns the specular strength of the set environment texture.










Return the Modified Time which is a monotonic increasing integer
global for all vtkObjects.

This allow to solve a question such as:

  • Is that object created/modified after another one?
  • Do I need to re-execute this filter, or not? …















Gets whether or not the environment texture is being used as the background for the view.





Return the collection of volumes.


Return the collection of volumes.


Check if the renderer already has the specified light.

Argument Type Required Description
light vtkLight Yes The vtkLight instance.



Create a new Camera suitable for use with this type of Renderer.


Create a new Light suitable for use with this type of Renderer.


Method use to create a new instance of vtkRenderer.

Argument Type Required Description
initialValues IRendererInitialValues No for pre-setting some of its content


requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.
aspect Number Yes


Adds an event listener.


Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.
aspect Number Yes


Remove an actor from the list of actors.

Argument Type Required Description
actor vtkProp Yes


Remove all actors from the list of actors.


Remove all lights from the list of lights.


Remove all volumes from the list of volumes.


Remove a light from the list of lights.

Argument Type Required Description
light vtkLight Yes The light object to remove.


Remove a volume from the list of volumes.

Argument Type Required Description
volume vtkVolume Yes The volume object to remove.


Automatically set up the camera based on the visible actors.

The camera will reposition itself to view the center point of the actors,
and move along its initial view plane normal (i.e., vector defined from
camera position to focal point) so that all of the actors can be seen.

Argument Type Required Description
bounds Bounds No


Reset the camera clipping range based on a bounding box.

Argument Type Required Description
bounds Bounds No


Specify the camera to use for this renderer.

Argument Type Required Description
camera vtkCamera Yes The camera object to use.


Argument Type Required Description
automaticLightCreation Boolean Yes


Set the viewport background.

Argument Type Required Description
background Array[Number] Yes The RGB color array.


Set the viewport background.

Argument Type Required Description
r Number Yes Defines the red component (between 0 and 1).
g Number Yes Defines the green component (between 0 and 1).
b Number Yes Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1).


Set the viewport background.

Argument Type Required Description
r Number Yes Defines the red component (between 0 and 1).
g Number Yes Defines the green component (between 0 and 1).
b Number Yes Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1).
a Number Yes Defines the alpha component (between 0 and 1).


Argument Type Required Description
backingStore * Yes


Argument Type Required Description
clippingRangeExpansion Number Yes


Argument Type Required Description
delegate Yes


Argument Type Required Description
draw Boolean Yes


Argument Type Required Description
environmentTexture vtkTexture Yes


Sets the diffuse strength of the set environment texture.

Argument Type Required Description
diffuseStrength number Yes the new diffuse strength.


Sets the specular strength of the set environment texture.

Argument Type Required Description
specularStrength number Yes the new specular strength.


Argument Type Required Description
erase Boolean Yes


Argument Type Required Description
interactive Boolean Yes


Argument Type Required Description
layer Number Yes


Set the collection of lights.

Argument Type Required Description
lights Array[vtkLight] Yes


Argument Type Required Description
lightFollowCamera Boolean Yes


Argument Type Required Description
maximumNumberOfPeels Number Yes


Argument Type Required Description
nearClippingPlaneTolerance Number Yes


Argument Type Required Description
occlusionRatio Number Yes


Argument Type Required Description
pass Number Yes


Argument Type Required Description
preserveColorBuffer Boolean Yes


Argument Type Required Description
preserveDepthBuffer Boolean Yes


Specify the rendering window in which to draw.

Argument Type Required Description
renderWindow vtkRenderWindow Yes


Argument Type Required Description
texturedBackground Boolean Yes


Argument Type Required Description
twoSidedLighting Boolean Yes


Argument Type Required Description
useDepthPeeling Boolean Yes


Sets whether or not to use the environment texture as the background for the view.

Argument Type Required Description
textureAsBackground number Yes


Argument Type Required Description
useShadows Boolean Yes


Ask the active camera to do whatever it needs to do prior to rendering.


Not Implemented yet


Update the geometry of the lights in the scene that are not in world
space (for instance, Headlights or CameraLights that are attached to the


Ask the lights in the scene that are not in world space
(for instance, Headlights or CameraLights that are attached to the
camera) to update their geometry to match the active camera.


Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.
requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.
aspect Number Yes


requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.


Get the number of visible actors.


Not Implemented yet


requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.
aspect Number Yes


Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.


import { Bounds, Nullable } from '../../../types';

import vtkCamera from '../Camera';
import vtkLight from '../Light';
import vtkRenderWindow from '../RenderWindow';
import vtkProp from '../Prop';
import vtkViewport, { IViewportInitialValues } from '../Viewport';
import vtkVolume from '../Volume';
import vtkTexture from '../Texture';
import { EventHandler, vtkSubscription } from '../../../interfaces';

export interface IRendererInitialValues extends IViewportInitialValues {
allBounds?: Bounds[];
ambient?: number[];
allocatedRenderTime?: number;
timeFactor?: number;
automaticLightCreation?: boolean;
twoSidedLighting?: boolean;
lastRenderTimeInSeconds?: number;
lights?: vtkLight[];
actors?: vtkProp[];
volumes?: vtkVolume[];
lightFollowCamera?: boolean;
numberOfPropsRendered?: number;
layer?: number;
preserveColorBuffer?: boolean;
preserveDepthBuffer?: boolean;
interactive?: boolean;
nearClippingPlaneTolerance?: number;
clippingRangeExpansion?: number;
erase?: boolean;
draw?: boolean;
useShadows?: boolean;
useDepthPeeling?: boolean;
occlusionRatio?: number;
maximumNumberOfPeels?: number;
texturedBackground?: boolean;
environmentTexture?: vtkTexture;
environmentTextureDiffuseStrength?: number;
environmentTextureSpecularStrength?: number;
useEnvironmentTextureAsBackground?: boolean;
pass?: number;

export type VtkRendererEvent =
| { type: 'CreateCameraEvent'; camera: vtkCamera }
| { type: 'ActiveCameraEvent'; camera: vtkCamera }
| { type: 'ComputeVisiblePropBoundsEvent'; renderer: vtkRenderer }
| { type: 'ResetCameraClippingRangeEvent'; renderer: vtkRenderer }
| { type: 'ResetCameraEvent'; renderer: vtkRenderer };

export interface vtkRenderer extends vtkViewport {
isActiveCameraCreated(): boolean;

* Add different types of props to the renderer.
* @param {vtkProp} actor The vtkProp instance.
addActor(actor: vtkProp): boolean;

* Check if the renderer already has the specified light.
* @param {vtkLight} light The vtkLight instance.
hasLight(light: vtkLight): boolean;

* Add a light to the list of lights.
* @param {vtkLight} light The vtkLight instance.
addLight(light: vtkLight): void;

* Not Implemented yet
allocateTime(): any;

* Add a volume to the renderer..
* @param volume The vtkVolume instance.
addVolume(volume: vtkVolume): boolean;

* Create and add a light to renderer.
createLight(): void;

* Compute the bounding box of all the visible props Used in ResetCamera() and ResetCameraClippingRange()
computeVisiblePropBounds(): Bounds;

* Get the active camera
getActiveCamera(): vtkCamera;

getActiveCameraAndResetIfCreated(): vtkCamera;

* Return any actors in this renderer.
getActors(): vtkProp[];

* Return any actors in this renderer.
getActorsByReference(): vtkProp[];

* @default 100
getAllocatedRenderTime(): number;

getAutomaticLightCreation(): boolean;

* @default null
getEnvironmentTexture(): vtkTexture;

* Returns the diffuse strength of the set environment texture.
* @default 1
getEnvironmentTextureDiffuseStrength(): number;

* Returns the specular strength of the set environment texture.
* @default 1
getEnvironmentTextureSpecularStrength(): number;

* Gets whether or not the environment texture is being used as the background for the view.
* @default false
getUseEnvironmentTextureAsBackground(): boolean;

* @default null
getBackingStore(): any;

getClippingRangeExpansion(): number;

* @default null
getDelegate(): any;

* @default true
getDraw(): boolean;

* @default true
getErase(): boolean;

* @default true
getInteractive(): boolean;

* @default -1
getLastRenderTimeInSeconds(): number;

* @default 0
getNumberOfPropsRendered(): number;

* @default
getLastRenderingUsedDepthPeeling(): any;

* @default 0
getLayer(): number;

* @default true
getLightFollowCamera(): boolean;

getLights(): vtkLight[];

getLightsByReference(): vtkLight[];

* @default 4
getMaximumNumberOfPeels(): number;

* Return the `Modified Time` which is a monotonic increasing integer
* global for all vtkObjects.
* This allow to solve a question such as:
* - Is that object created/modified after another one?
* - Do I need to re-execute this filter, or not? ...
* @return {Number} the global modified time.
getMTime(): number;

* @default 0
getNearClippingPlaneTolerance(): number;

* @default 0
getOcclusionRatio(): number;

* @default null
getRenderWindow(): Nullable<vtkRenderWindow>;

* @default 0
getPass(): number;

* @default false
getPreserveColorBuffer(): boolean;

* @default false
getPreserveDepthBuffer(): boolean;

* @default null
getSelector(): any;

* @default 1
getTimeFactor(): number;

* @default true
getTransparent(): boolean;

* @default false
getTexturedbackground(): boolean;

* @default true
getTwosidedlighting(): boolean;

* @default false
getUsedepthpeeling(): boolean;

* @default false
getUseshadows(): boolean;

getVTKWindow(): vtkRenderWindow;

* Return the collection of volumes.
getVolumes(): vtkVolume[];

* Return the collection of volumes.
getVolumesByReference(): vtkVolume[];

* Create a new Camera suitable for use with this type of Renderer.
makeCamera(): vtkCamera;

* Create a new Light suitable for use with this type of Renderer.
makeLight(): vtkLight;

* requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
* @param {Number} aspect
x: number,
y: number,
z: number,
aspect: number
): number[];

* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
* @param {Number} aspect
projectionToView(x: number, y: number, z: number, aspect: number): number[];

* Specify the camera to use for this renderer.
* @param {vtkCamera} camera The camera object to use.
setActiveCamera(camera: vtkCamera): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} automaticLightCreation
setAutomaticLightCreation(automaticLightCreation: boolean): boolean;

* @param {vtkTexture} environmentTexture
setEnvironmentTexture(environmentTexture: vtkTexture): boolean;

* Sets the diffuse strength of the set environment texture.
* @param {number} diffuseStrength the new diffuse strength.
setEnvironmentTextureDiffuseStrength(diffuseStrength: number): boolean;

* Sets the specular strength of the set environment texture.
* @param {number} specularStrength the new specular strength.
setEnvironmentTextureSpecularStrength(specularStrength: number): boolean;

* Sets whether or not to use the environment texture as the background for the view.
* @param {number} textureAsBackground
setUseEnvironmentTextureAsBackground(textureAsBackground: boolean): boolean;

* @param {*} backingStore
setBackingStore(backingStore: any): boolean;

* @param {Number} clippingRangeExpansion
setClippingRangeExpansion(clippingRangeExpansion: number): boolean;

* @param delegate
setDelegate(delegate: any): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} draw
setDraw(draw: boolean): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} erase
setErase(erase: boolean): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} interactive
setInteractive(interactive: boolean): boolean;

* @param {Number} layer
setLayer(layer: number): void;

* Set the collection of lights.
* @param {vtkLight[]} lights
setLightCollection(lights: vtkLight[]): void;

* @param {Boolean} lightFollowCamera
setLightFollowCamera(lightFollowCamera: boolean): boolean;

* @param {Number} maximumNumberOfPeels
setMaximumNumberOfPeels(maximumNumberOfPeels: number): boolean;

* @param {Number} nearClippingPlaneTolerance
setNearClippingPlaneTolerance(nearClippingPlaneTolerance: number): boolean;

* @param {Number} occlusionRatio
setOcclusionRatio(occlusionRatio: number): boolean;

* @param {Number} pass
setPass(pass: number): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} preserveColorBuffer
setPreserveColorBuffer(preserveColorBuffer: boolean): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} preserveDepthBuffer
setPreserveDepthBuffer(preserveDepthBuffer: boolean): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} texturedBackground
setTexturedBackground(texturedBackground: boolean): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} twoSidedLighting
setTwoSidedLighting(twoSidedLighting: boolean): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} useDepthPeeling
setUseDepthPeeling(useDepthPeeling: boolean): boolean;

* @param {Boolean} useShadows
setUseShadows(useShadows: boolean): boolean;

* Specify the rendering window in which to draw.
* @param {vtkRenderWindow} renderWindow
setRenderWindow(renderWindow: vtkRenderWindow): void;

* Remove an actor from the list of actors.
* @param {vtkProp} actor
removeActor(actor: vtkProp): void;

* Remove all actors from the list of actors.
removeAllActors(): void;

* Remove a volume from the list of volumes.
* @param {vtkVolume} volume The volume object to remove.
removeVolume(volume: vtkVolume): void;

* Remove all volumes from the list of volumes.
removeAllVolumes(): void;

* Remove a light from the list of lights.
* @param {vtkLight} light The light object to remove.
removeLight(light: vtkLight): void;

* Remove all lights from the list of lights.
removeAllLights(): void;

* requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
* @param {Number} aspect
x: number,
y: number,
z: number,
aspect: number
): number[];

* requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
viewToWorld(x: number, y: number, z: number): number[];

* Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
worldToView(x: number, y: number, z: number): number[];

* Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.
* requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
* @param {Number} aspect
viewToProjection(x: number, y: number, z: number, aspect: number): number[];

* Automatically set up the camera based on the visible actors.
* The camera will reposition itself to view the center point of the actors,
* and move along its initial view plane normal (i.e., vector defined from
* camera position to focal point) so that all of the actors can be seen.
* @param {Bounds} [bounds]
resetCamera(bounds?: Bounds): boolean;

* Reset the camera clipping range based on a bounding box.
* @param {Bounds} [bounds]
resetCameraClippingRange(bounds?: Bounds): boolean;

* Get the number of visible actors.
visibleActorCount(): number;

* Not Implemented yet
updateGeometry(): any;

* Ask the active camera to do whatever it needs to do prior to rendering.
updateCamera(): boolean;

* Ask the lights in the scene that are not in world space
* (for instance, Headlights or CameraLights that are attached to the
* camera) to update their geometry to match the active camera.
updateLightsGeometryToFollowCamera(): void;

* Update the geometry of the lights in the scene that are not in world
* space (for instance, Headlights or CameraLights that are attached to the
* camera).
updateLightGeometry(): boolean;

* Not Implemented yet
visibleVolumeCount(): any;

* Set the viewport background.
* @param {Number} r Defines the red component (between 0 and 1).
* @param {Number} g Defines the green component (between 0 and 1).
* @param {Number} b Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1).
* @param {Number} a Defines the alpha component (between 0 and 1).
setBackground(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): boolean;

* Set the viewport background.
* @param {Number} r Defines the red component (between 0 and 1).
* @param {Number} g Defines the green component (between 0 and 1).
* @param {Number} b Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1).
setBackground(r: number, g: number, b: number): boolean;

* Set the viewport background.
* @param {Number[]} background The RGB color array.
setBackground(background: number[]): boolean;

* Adds an event listener.
onEvent(cb: EventHandler, priority?: number): Readonly<vtkSubscription>;

* Method use to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkRenderer characteristics.
* @param publicAPI object on which methods will be bounds (public)
* @param model object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
* @param {IRendererInitialValues} [initialValues] (default: {})
export function extend(
publicAPI: object,
model: object,
initialValues?: IRendererInitialValues
): void;

* Method use to create a new instance of vtkRenderer.
* @param {IRendererInitialValues} [initialValues] for pre-setting some of its content
export function newInstance(
initialValues?: IRendererInitialValues
): vtkRenderer;

* vtkRenderer is a Viewport designed to hold 3D properties. It contains
* an instance of vtkCamera, a collection of vtkLights, and vtkActors. It exists
* within a RenderWindow. A RenderWindow may have multiple Renderers
* representing different viewports of the Window and Renderers can be layered
* on top of each other as well.
export declare const vtkRenderer: {
newInstance: typeof newInstance;
extend: typeof extend;
export default vtkRenderer;
import { mat4, vec3 } from 'gl-matrix';

import * as macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import vtkCamera from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Camera';
import vtkLight from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Light';
import * as vtkMath from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/Math';
import vtkViewport from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Viewport';
import vtkBoundingBox from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/BoundingBox';

const { vtkDebugMacro, vtkErrorMacro, vtkWarningMacro } = macro;

function notImplemented(method) {
return () => vtkErrorMacro(`vtkRenderer::${method} - NOT IMPLEMENTED`);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkRenderer methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkRenderer(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

// Events
type: 'ComputeVisiblePropBoundsEvent',
renderer: publicAPI,
type: 'ResetCameraClippingRangeEvent',
renderer: publicAPI,
type: 'ResetCameraEvent',
renderer: publicAPI,

publicAPI.updateCamera = () => {
if (!model.activeCamera) {
vtkDebugMacro('No cameras are on, creating one.');
// the get method will automagically create a camera
// and reset it since one hasn't been specified yet.

// update the viewing transformation

return true;

publicAPI.updateLightsGeometryToFollowCamera = () => {
// only update the light's geometry if this Renderer is tracking
// this lights. That allows one renderer to view the lights that
// another renderer is setting up.
const camera = publicAPI.getActiveCameraAndResetIfCreated();

model.lights.forEach((light) => {
if (light.lightTypeIsSceneLight()) {
// Do nothing. Don't reset the transform matrix because applications
// may have set a custom matrix. Only reset the transform matrix in
// vtkLight::SetLightTypeToSceneLight()
} else if (light.lightTypeIsHeadLight()) {
// update position and orientation of light to match camera.
} else if (light.lightTypeIsCameraLight()) {
} else {
vtkErrorMacro('light has unknown light type', light.get());

publicAPI.updateLightGeometry = () => {
if (model.lightFollowCamera) {
// only update the light's geometry if this Renderer is tracking
// this lights. That allows one renderer to view the lights that
// another renderer is setting up.
return publicAPI.updateLightsGeometryToFollowCamera();
return true;

publicAPI.allocateTime = notImplemented('allocateTime');
publicAPI.updateGeometry = notImplemented('updateGeometry');

publicAPI.getVTKWindow = () => model._renderWindow;

publicAPI.setLayer = (layer) => {
'setting Layer to ',
if (model.layer !== layer) {
model.layer = layer;

publicAPI.setActiveCamera = (camera) => {
if (model.activeCamera === camera) {
return false;

model.activeCamera = camera;
publicAPI.invokeEvent({ type: 'ActiveCameraEvent', camera });
return true;

publicAPI.makeCamera = () => {
const camera = vtkCamera.newInstance();
publicAPI.invokeEvent({ type: 'CreateCameraEvent', camera });
return camera;

// Replace the set/get macro method
publicAPI.getActiveCamera = () => {
if (!model.activeCamera) {
model.activeCamera = publicAPI.makeCamera();
return model.activeCamera;

publicAPI.getActiveCameraAndResetIfCreated = () => {
if (!model.activeCamera) {
return model.activeCamera;

publicAPI.getActors = () => {
model.actors = [];
model.props.forEach((prop) => {
model.actors = model.actors.concat(prop.getActors());
return model.actors;
publicAPI.addActor = publicAPI.addViewProp;
publicAPI.removeActor = (actor) => {
model.actors = model.actors.filter((a) => a !== actor);
publicAPI.removeAllActors = () => {
const actors = publicAPI.getActors();
actors.forEach((actor) => {
model.actors = [];

publicAPI.getVolumes = () => {
model.volumes = [];
model.props.forEach((prop) => {
model.volumes = model.volumes.concat(prop.getVolumes());
return model.volumes;
publicAPI.addVolume = publicAPI.addViewProp;
publicAPI.removeVolume = (volume) => {
model.volumes = model.volumes.filter((v) => v !== volume);
publicAPI.removeAllVolumes = () => {
const volumes = publicAPI.getVolumes();
volumes.forEach((volume) => {
model.volumes = [];

publicAPI.hasLight = (light) => model.lights.includes(light);
publicAPI.addLight = (light) => {
if (light && !publicAPI.hasLight(light)) {
publicAPI.removeLight = (light) => {
model.lights = model.lights.filter((l) => l !== light);
publicAPI.removeAllLights = () => {
model.lights = [];
publicAPI.setLightCollection = (lights) => {
model.lights = lights;

publicAPI.makeLight = vtkLight.newInstance;

publicAPI.createLight = () => {
if (!model.automaticLightCreation) {

if (model._createdLight) {
model._createdLight = null;

model._createdLight = publicAPI.makeLight();


// set these values just to have a good default should LightFollowCamera
// be turned off.

// requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y
publicAPI.normalizedDisplayToWorld = (x, y, z, aspect) => {
let vpd = publicAPI.normalizedDisplayToProjection(x, y, z);
vpd = publicAPI.projectionToView(vpd[0], vpd[1], vpd[2], aspect);

return publicAPI.viewToWorld(vpd[0], vpd[1], vpd[2]);

// requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y
publicAPI.worldToNormalizedDisplay = (x, y, z, aspect) => {
let vpd = publicAPI.worldToView(x, y, z);
vpd = publicAPI.viewToProjection(vpd[0], vpd[1], vpd[2], aspect);

return publicAPI.projectionToNormalizedDisplay(vpd[0], vpd[1], vpd[2]);

// requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y
publicAPI.viewToWorld = (x, y, z) => {
if (model.activeCamera === null) {
'ViewToWorld: no active camera, cannot compute view to world, returning 0,0,0'
return [0, 0, 0];

// get the view matrix from the active camera
const matrix = model.activeCamera.getViewMatrix();

mat4.invert(matrix, matrix);
mat4.transpose(matrix, matrix);

// Transform point to world coordinates
const result = new Float64Array([x, y, z]);
vec3.transformMat4(result, result, matrix);
return result;

publicAPI.projectionToView = (x, y, z, aspect) => {
if (model.activeCamera === null) {
'ProjectionToView: no active camera, cannot compute projection to view, returning 0,0,0'
return [0, 0, 0];

// get the projection transformation from the active camera
const matrix = model.activeCamera.getProjectionMatrix(aspect, -1.0, 1.0);

mat4.invert(matrix, matrix);
mat4.transpose(matrix, matrix);

// Transform point to world coordinates
const result = new Float64Array([x, y, z]);
vec3.transformMat4(result, result, matrix);
return result;

// Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.
publicAPI.worldToView = (x, y, z) => {
if (model.activeCamera === null) {
'WorldToView: no active camera, cannot compute view to world, returning 0,0,0'
return [0, 0, 0];

// get the view transformation from the active camera
const matrix = model.activeCamera.getViewMatrix();
mat4.transpose(matrix, matrix);

const result = new Float64Array([x, y, z]);
vec3.transformMat4(result, result, matrix);
return result;

// Convert world point coordinates to view coordinates.
// requires the aspect ratio of the viewport as X/Y
publicAPI.viewToProjection = (x, y, z, aspect) => {
if (model.activeCamera === null) {
'ViewToProjection: no active camera, cannot compute view to projection, returning 0,0,0'
return [0, 0, 0];

// get the projeciton transformation from the active camera
const matrix = model.activeCamera.getProjectionMatrix(aspect, -1.0, 1.0);
mat4.transpose(matrix, matrix);

const result = new Float64Array([x, y, z]);
vec3.transformMat4(result, result, matrix);
return result;

publicAPI.computeVisiblePropBounds = () => {
model.allBounds[0] = vtkBoundingBox.INIT_BOUNDS[0];
model.allBounds[1] = vtkBoundingBox.INIT_BOUNDS[1];
model.allBounds[2] = vtkBoundingBox.INIT_BOUNDS[2];
model.allBounds[3] = vtkBoundingBox.INIT_BOUNDS[3];
model.allBounds[4] = vtkBoundingBox.INIT_BOUNDS[4];
model.allBounds[5] = vtkBoundingBox.INIT_BOUNDS[5];
let nothingVisible = true;


// loop through all props
for (let index = 0; index < model.props.length; ++index) {
const prop = model.props[index];
if (prop.getVisibility() && prop.getUseBounds()) {
const bounds = prop.getBounds();
if (bounds && vtkMath.areBoundsInitialized(bounds)) {
nothingVisible = false;

if (bounds[0] < model.allBounds[0]) {
model.allBounds[0] = bounds[0];
if (bounds[1] > model.allBounds[1]) {
model.allBounds[1] = bounds[1];
if (bounds[2] < model.allBounds[2]) {
model.allBounds[2] = bounds[2];
if (bounds[3] > model.allBounds[3]) {
model.allBounds[3] = bounds[3];
if (bounds[4] < model.allBounds[4]) {
model.allBounds[4] = bounds[4];
if (bounds[5] > model.allBounds[5]) {
model.allBounds[5] = bounds[5];

if (nothingVisible) {
vtkDebugMacro("Can't compute bounds, no 3D props are visible");

return model.allBounds;

publicAPI.resetCamera = (bounds = null) => {
const boundsToUse = bounds || publicAPI.computeVisiblePropBounds();
const center = [0, 0, 0];

if (!vtkMath.areBoundsInitialized(boundsToUse)) {
vtkDebugMacro('Cannot reset camera!');
return false;

let vn = null;

if (publicAPI.getActiveCamera()) {
vn = model.activeCamera.getViewPlaneNormal();
} else {
vtkErrorMacro('Trying to reset non-existent camera');
return false;

// Reset the perspective zoom factors, otherwise subsequent zooms will cause
// the view angle to become very small and cause bad depth sorting.

center[0] = (boundsToUse[0] + boundsToUse[1]) / 2.0;
center[1] = (boundsToUse[2] + boundsToUse[3]) / 2.0;
center[2] = (boundsToUse[4] + boundsToUse[5]) / 2.0;

let w1 = boundsToUse[1] - boundsToUse[0];
let w2 = boundsToUse[3] - boundsToUse[2];
let w3 = boundsToUse[5] - boundsToUse[4];
w1 *= w1;
w2 *= w2;
w3 *= w3;
let radius = w1 + w2 + w3;

// If we have just a single point, pick a radius of 1.0
radius = radius === 0 ? 1.0 : radius;

// compute the radius of the enclosing sphere
radius = Math.sqrt(radius) * 0.5;

// default so that the bounding sphere fits within the view fustrum

// compute the distance from the intersection of the view frustum with the
// bounding sphere. Basically in 2D draw a circle representing the bounding
// sphere in 2D then draw a horizontal line going out from the center of
// the circle. That is the camera view. Then draw a line from the camera
// position to the point where it intersects the circle. (it will be tangent
// to the circle at this point, this is important, only go to the tangent
// point, do not draw all the way to the view plane). Then draw the radius
// from the tangent point to the center of the circle. You will note that
// this forms a right triangle with one side being the radius, another being
// the target distance for the camera, then just find the target dist using
// a sin.
const angle = vtkMath.radiansFromDegrees(model.activeCamera.getViewAngle());
const parallelScale = radius;
const distance = radius / Math.sin(angle * 0.5);

// check view-up vector against view plane normal
const vup = model.activeCamera.getViewUp();
if (Math.abs(, vn)) > 0.999) {
vtkWarningMacro('Resetting view-up since view plane normal is parallel');
model.activeCamera.setViewUp(-vup[2], vup[0], vup[1]);

// update the camera
model.activeCamera.setFocalPoint(center[0], center[1], center[2]);
center[0] + distance * vn[0],
center[1] + distance * vn[1],
center[2] + distance * vn[2]


// setup default parallel scale

// update reasonable world to physical values

// Here to let parallel/distributed compositing intercept
// and do the right thing.

return true;

publicAPI.resetCameraClippingRange = (bounds = null) => {
const boundsToUse = bounds || publicAPI.computeVisiblePropBounds();

if (!vtkMath.areBoundsInitialized(boundsToUse)) {
vtkDebugMacro('Cannot reset camera clipping range!');
return false;

// Make sure we have an active camera
if (!model.activeCamera) {
vtkErrorMacro('Trying to reset clipping range of non-existent camera');
return false;

// Get the exact range for the bounds
const range = model.activeCamera.computeClippingRange(boundsToUse);

// do not let far - near be less than 0.1 of the window height
// this is for cases such as 2D images which may have zero range
let minGap = 0.0;
if (model.activeCamera.getParallelProjection()) {
minGap = 0.2 * model.activeCamera.getParallelScale();
} else {
const angle = vtkMath.radiansFromDegrees(
minGap = 0.2 * Math.tan(angle / 2.0) * range[1];

if (range[1] - range[0] < minGap) {
minGap = minGap - range[1] + range[0];
range[1] += minGap / 2.0;
range[0] -= minGap / 2.0;

// Do not let the range behind the camera throw off the calculation.
if (range[0] < 0.0) {
range[0] = 0.0;

// Give ourselves a little breathing room
range[0] =
0.99 * range[0] - (range[1] - range[0]) * model.clippingRangeExpansion;
range[1] =
1.01 * range[1] + (range[1] - range[0]) * model.clippingRangeExpansion;

// Make sure near is not bigger than far
range[0] = range[0] >= range[1] ? 0.01 * range[1] : range[0];

// Make sure near is at least some fraction of far - this prevents near
// from being behind the camera or too close in front. How close is too
// close depends on the resolution of the depth buffer
if (!model.nearClippingPlaneTolerance) {
model.nearClippingPlaneTolerance = 0.01;

// make sure the front clipping range is not too far from the far clippnig
// range, this is to make sure that the zbuffer resolution is effectively
// used
if (range[0] < model.nearClippingPlaneTolerance * range[1]) {
range[0] = model.nearClippingPlaneTolerance * range[1];
model.activeCamera.setClippingRange(range[0], range[1]);

// Here to let parallel/distributed compositing intercept
// and do the right thing.
return false;

publicAPI.setRenderWindow = (renderWindow) => {
if (renderWindow !== model._renderWindow) {
model._vtkWindow = renderWindow;
model._renderWindow = renderWindow;

publicAPI.visibleActorCount = () =>
model.props.filter((prop) => prop.getVisibility()).length;
publicAPI.visibleVolumeCount = publicAPI.visibleActorCount;

publicAPI.getMTime = () => {
let m1 = model.mtime;
const m2 = model.activeCamera ? model.activeCamera.getMTime() : 0;
if (m2 > m1) {
m1 = m2;
const m3 = model._createdLight ? model._createdLight.getMTime() : 0;
if (m3 > m1) {
m1 = m3;
return m1;

publicAPI.getTransparent = () => !!model.preserveColorBuffer;

publicAPI.isActiveCameraCreated = () => !!model.activeCamera;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

pickedProp: null,
activeCamera: null,

allBounds: [],
ambient: [1, 1, 1],

allocatedRenderTime: 100,
timeFactor: 1,

automaticLightCreation: true,

twoSidedLighting: true,
lastRenderTimeInSeconds: -1,

renderWindow: null,
lights: [],
actors: [],
volumes: [],

lightFollowCamera: true,

numberOfPropsRendered: 0,

propArray: null,

pathArray: null,

layer: 0,
preserveColorBuffer: false,
preserveDepthBuffer: false,

computeVisiblePropBounds: vtkMath.createUninitializedBounds(),

interactive: true,

nearClippingPlaneTolerance: 0,
clippingRangeExpansion: 0.05,

erase: true,
draw: true,

useShadows: false,

useDepthPeeling: false,
occlusionRatio: 0,
maximumNumberOfPeels: 4,

selector: null,
delegate: null,

texturedBackground: false,
backgroundTexture: null,

environmentTexture: null,
environmentTextureDiffuseStrength: 1,
environmentTextureSpecularStrength: 1,
useEnvironmentTextureAsBackground: false,

pass: 0,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Inheritance
vtkViewport.extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues);

// make sure background has 4 entries. Default to opaque black
if (!model.background) model.background = [0, 0, 0, 1];
while (model.background.length < 3) model.background.push(0);
if (model.background.length === 3) model.background.push(1);

// Build VTK API
macro.get(publicAPI, model, [



macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [
macro.getArray(publicAPI, model, ['actors', 'volumes', 'lights']);
macro.setGetArray(publicAPI, model, ['background'], 4, 1.0);
macro.moveToProtected(publicAPI, model, ['renderWindow']);

// Object methods
vtkRenderer(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkRenderer');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend };