

vtkProp is an abstract superclass for any objects that can exist in a
rendered scene (either 2D or 3D). Instances of vtkProp may respond to
various render methods (e.g., RenderOpaqueGeometry()). vtkProp also
defines the API for picking, LOD manipulation, and common instance
variables that control visibility, picking, and dragging.



Argument Type Required Description
estimatedRenderTime Yes


Argument Type Required Description
texture vtkTexture Yes The vtkTexture instance.


Method use to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkProp characteristics.

Argument Type Required Description
publicAPI Yes object on which methods will be bounds (public)
model Yes object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
initialValues IPropInitialValues No (default: {})


To be reimplemented by subclasses.
For some exporters and other other operations we must be able
to collect all the actors or volumes.


Not implemented yet



Get the coordinate system this prop is defined in.


Get the value of the dragable instance variable.


The value is returned in seconds. For simple geometry the accuracy may not be great
due to buffering. For ray casting, which is already multi-resolution,
the current resolution of the image is factored into the time. We need the viewport
for viewing parameters that affect timing. The no-arguments version simply returns the value of the variable with no estimation.


Combine dragabe property with optional ancestor props dragable properties.
It is used to decide whether the prop can be mouse dragged.


Combine pickable property with optional ancestor props pickable properties.
It is used to decide whether the prop should be rendered during a selection rendering.



Combine visibility property with optional ancestor props visibility properties.
It is used to decide whether the prop should be rendered.


Return parent prop set by setParentProp


Get the pickable instance variable.


Return the mtime of anything that would cause the rendered image to appear differently.
Usually this involves checking the mtime of the prop plus anything else it depends on such as properties,
textures etc.






Get visibility of this vtkProp.


Not implemented yet


Not Implemented yet


Argument Type Required Description
texture vtkTexture Yes The vtkTexture instance.


Method use to create a new instance of vtkProp

Argument Type Required Description
initialValues IPropInitialValues No for pre-setting some of its content


Not Implemented yet
Method fires PickEvent if the prop is picked.



Argument Type Required Description
texture vtkTexture Yes The vtkTexture instance.


This method is used to restore that old value should the render be aborted.


Argument Type Required Description
allocatedRenderTime Yes


Set the coordinate system that this prop’s data should be in.
Once the prop has applied any modifiers such as position, orientation
userMatrix the resulting values will be treated as in the specified
coordinate system.
Not all mappers support all coordinate systems.

Argument Type Required Description
coordinateSystem CoordinateSystem Yes


Indicate that this prop’s data should be in display coordinates.
Once the prop has applied any modifiers such as position, orientation
userMatrix the resulting values will be treated as in pixel coordinates.
That is pixel coordinate with 0,0 in the lower left of the viewport
and a z range of -1 at the near plane and 1 at the far.
Not all mappers support all coordinate systems.


Indicate that this prop’s data should be in world coordinates.
Once the prop has applied any modifiers such as position, orientation
userMatrix the resulting values will be treated as in world coordinates.
Not all mappers support all coordinate systems.


Set whether prop is dragable.
Even if true, prop may not be dragable if an ancestor prop is not dragable.

Argument Type Required Description
dragable Yes


Argument Type Required Description
estimatedRenderTime Yes


Set parent prop used by combineVisibility(), combinePickable(), combineDragable()

Argument Type Required Description
parentProp Yes


Set whether prop is pickable.
Even if true, prop may not be pickable if an ancestor prop is not pickable.

Argument Type Required Description
pickable Yes


This is used for culling and is a number between 0 and 1. It is used to create the allocated render time value.

Argument Type Required Description
renderTimeMultiplier Number Yes


In case the Visibility flag is true, tell if the bounds of this prop should be taken into
account or ignored during the computation of other bounding boxes, like in vtkRenderer::ResetCamera().

Argument Type Required Description
useBounds Yes


Set whether prop is visible.
Even if true, prop may not be visible if an ancestor prop is not visible.

Argument Type Required Description
visibility Yes


export declare enum CoordinateSystem {
WORLD = 0,

declare const _default: {
CoordinateSystem: typeof CoordinateSystem;
export default _default;
export const CoordinateSystem = {

export default {
import { vtkObject } from '../../../interfaces';
import vtkActor from '../Actor';
import vtkActor2D from '../Actor2D';
import vtkTexture from '../Texture';
import vtkVolume from '../Volume';
import { CoordinateSystem } from './Constants';

export interface IPropInitialValues {
visibility?: boolean;
pickable?: boolean;
dragable?: boolean;
useBounds?: boolean;
allocatedRenderTime?: number;
estimatedRenderTime?: number;
savedEstimatedRenderTime?: number;
renderTimeMultiplier?: number;
textures?: vtkTexture[];

export interface vtkProp extends vtkObject {
* @param estimatedRenderTime
addEstimatedRenderTime(estimatedRenderTime: number): void;

* To be reimplemented by subclasses.
* For some exporters and other other operations we must be able
* to collect all the actors or volumes.
getActors(): vtkActor[];

* Not implemented yet
getActors2D(): vtkActor2D[];

* Get the coordinate system this prop is defined in.
getCoordinateSystem(): CoordinateSystem;

* Get the value of the dragable instance variable.
* @see getNestedDragable
* @see getPickable
getDragable(): boolean;

* Combine dragabe property with optional ancestor props dragable properties.
* It is used to decide whether the prop can be mouse dragged.
* @see getDragable
* @see getParentProp
getNestedDragable(): boolean;

* Get visibility of this vtkProp.
* @see getNestedVisibility
* @see getPickable
getVisibility(): boolean;

* Combine visibility property with optional ancestor props visibility properties.
* It is used to decide whether the prop should be rendered.
* @see getVisibility
* @see getParentProp
getNestedVisibility(): boolean;

* Get the pickable instance variable.
* @see getNestedPickable
* @see getDragable
getPickable(): boolean;

* Combine pickable property with optional ancestor props pickable properties.
* It is used to decide whether the prop should be rendered during a selection rendering.
* @see getPickable
* @see getParentProp
getNestedPickable(): boolean;

* Return the mtime of anything that would cause the rendered image to appear differently.
* Usually this involves checking the mtime of the prop plus anything else it depends on such as properties,
* textures etc.
getRedrawMTime(): number;

getRendertimemultiplier(): number;

* The value is returned in seconds. For simple geometry the accuracy may not be great
* due to buffering. For ray casting, which is already multi-resolution,
* the current resolution of the image is factored into the time. We need the viewport
* for viewing parameters that affect timing. The no-arguments version simply returns the value of the variable with no estimation.
getEstimatedRenderTime(): number;

getAllocatedRenderTime(): number;

getNestedProps(): any;

* Return parent prop set by setParentProp
* @see setParentProp
getParentProp(): vtkProp;

* Not implemented yet
getVolumes(): vtkVolume[];

getUseBounds(): boolean;

getSupportsSelection(): boolean;

getTextures(): vtkTexture[];

* @param {vtkTexture} texture The vtkTexture instance.
hasTexture(texture: vtkTexture): boolean;

* @param {vtkTexture} texture The vtkTexture instance.
addTexture(texture: vtkTexture): void;

* @param {vtkTexture} texture The vtkTexture instance.
removeTexture(texture: vtkTexture): void;

removeAllTextures(): void;

* This method is used to restore that old value should the render be aborted.
restoreEstimatedRenderTime(): void;

* @param allocatedRenderTime
setAllocatedRenderTime(allocatedRenderTime: number): void;

* Set the coordinate system that this prop's data should be in.
* Once the prop has applied any modifiers such as position, orientation
* userMatrix the resulting values will be treated as in the specified
* coordinate system.
* Not all mappers support all coordinate systems.
* @param {CoordinateSystem} coordinateSystem
setCoordinateSystem(coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem): void;

* Indicate that this prop's data should be in world coordinates.
* Once the prop has applied any modifiers such as position, orientation
* userMatrix the resulting values will be treated as in world coordinates.
* Not all mappers support all coordinate systems.
setCoordinateSystemToWorld(): void;

* Indicate that this prop's data should be in display coordinates.
* Once the prop has applied any modifiers such as position, orientation
* userMatrix the resulting values will be treated as in pixel coordinates.
* That is pixel coordinate with 0,0 in the lower left of the viewport
* and a z range of -1 at the near plane and 1 at the far.
* Not all mappers support all coordinate systems.
setCoordinateSystemToDisplay(): void;

* Set whether prop is dragable.
* Even if true, prop may not be dragable if an ancestor prop is not dragable.
* @param dragable
* @default true
* @see getDragable
* @see combineDragable
setDragable(dragable: boolean): boolean;

* @param estimatedRenderTime
setEstimatedRenderTime(estimatedRenderTime: number): void;

* Set parent prop used by combineVisibility(), combinePickable(), combineDragable()
* @param parentProp
* @see combineVisibility
* @see combinePickable
* @see combineDragable
* @default null
setParentProp(parentProp: vtkProp): void;

* Set whether prop is pickable.
* Even if true, prop may not be pickable if an ancestor prop is not pickable.
* @param pickable
* @default true
* @see getPickable
* @see combinePickable
setPickable(pickable: boolean): boolean;

* Set whether prop is visible.
* Even if true, prop may not be visible if an ancestor prop is not visible.
* @param visibility
* @default true
* @see getVisibility
* @see combineVisibility
setVisibility(visibility: boolean): boolean;

* In case the Visibility flag is true, tell if the bounds of this prop should be taken into
* account or ignored during the computation of other bounding boxes, like in vtkRenderer::ResetCamera().
* @param useBounds
* @default true
setUseBounds(useBounds: boolean): boolean;

* This is used for culling and is a number between 0 and 1. It is used to create the allocated render time value.
* @param {Number} renderTimeMultiplier
setRenderTimeMultiplier(renderTimeMultiplier: number): boolean;

* Not Implemented yet
* Method fires PickEvent if the prop is picked.
pick(): any;

* Not Implemented yet
hasKey(): any;

* Method use to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkProp characteristics.
* @param publicAPI object on which methods will be bounds (public)
* @param model object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
* @param {IPropInitialValues} [initialValues] (default: {})
export function extend(
publicAPI: object,
model: object,
initialValues?: IPropInitialValues
): void;

* Method use to create a new instance of vtkProp
* @param {IPropInitialValues} [initialValues] for pre-setting some of its content
export function newInstance(initialValues?: IPropInitialValues): vtkProp;

* vtkProp is an abstract superclass for any objects that can exist in a
* rendered scene (either 2D or 3D). Instances of vtkProp may respond to
* various render methods (e.g., RenderOpaqueGeometry()). vtkProp also
* defines the API for picking, LOD manipulation, and common instance
* variables that control visibility, picking, and dragging.
export declare const vtkProp: {
newInstance: typeof newInstance;
extend: typeof extend;
export default vtkProp;
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import Constants from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Prop/Constants';

const { CoordinateSystem } = Constants;

function notImplemented(method) {
return () => macro.vtkErrorMacro(`vtkProp::${method} - NOT IMPLEMENTED`);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkProp methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkProp(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

publicAPI.getMTime = () => {
let m1 = model.mtime;
for (let index = 0; index < model.textures.length; ++index) {
const m2 = model.textures[index].getMTime();
if (m2 > m1) {
m1 = m2;
return m1;

publicAPI.processSelectorPixelBuffers = (selector, pixeloffsets) => {};

publicAPI.getNestedProps = () => null;
publicAPI.getActors = () => [];
publicAPI.getActors2D = () => [];
publicAPI.getVolumes = () => [];

publicAPI.pick = notImplemented('pick');
publicAPI.hasKey = notImplemented('hasKey');

publicAPI.getNestedVisibility = () =>
model.visibility &&
(!model._parentProp || model._parentProp.getNestedVisibility());
publicAPI.getNestedPickable = () =>
model.pickable &&
(!model._parentProp || model._parentProp.getNestedPickable());
publicAPI.getNestedDragable = () =>
model.dragable &&
(!model._parentProp || model._parentProp.getNestedDragable());

publicAPI.getRedrawMTime = () => model.mtime;

publicAPI.setEstimatedRenderTime = (t) => {
model.estimatedRenderTime = t;
model.savedEstimatedRenderTime = t;

publicAPI.restoreEstimatedRenderTime = () => {
model.estimatedRenderTime = model.savedEstimatedRenderTime;

publicAPI.addEstimatedRenderTime = (t) => {
model.estimatedRenderTime += t;

publicAPI.setAllocatedRenderTime = (t) => {
model.allocatedRenderTime = t;
model.savedEstimatedRenderTime = model.estimatedRenderTime;
model.estimatedRenderTime = 0;

publicAPI.getSupportsSelection = () => false;

publicAPI.getTextures = () => model.textures;
publicAPI.hasTexture = (texture) => model.textures.indexOf(texture) !== -1;
publicAPI.addTexture = (texture) => {
if (texture && !publicAPI.hasTexture(texture)) {
model.textures = model.textures.concat(texture);

publicAPI.removeTexture = (texture) => {
const newTextureList = model.textures.filter((item) => item !== texture);
if (model.textures.length !== newTextureList.length) {
model.textures = newTextureList;

publicAPI.removeAllTextures = () => {
model.textures = [];

// not all mappers support all coordinate systems
publicAPI.setCoordinateSystemToWorld = () =>
publicAPI.setCoordinateSystemToDisplay = () =>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// _parentProp: null,
allocatedRenderTime: 10,
coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem.WORLD,
dragable: true,
estimatedRenderTime: 0,
paths: null,
pickable: true,
renderTimeMultiplier: 1,
savedEstimatedRenderTime: 0,
textures: [],
useBounds: true,
visibility: true,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Build VTK API
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);
macro.get(publicAPI, model, ['estimatedRenderTime', 'allocatedRenderTime']);
macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [
macro.moveToProtected(publicAPI, model, ['parentProp']);

// Object methods
vtkProp(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkProp');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend, ...Constants };