import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros'; import vtkShader from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/Shader';
const { vtkErrorMacro } = macro;
export function substitute(source, search, replace, all) { const replaceStr = typeof replace === 'string' ? replace : replace.join('\n');
const replaceSearch = all === false ? search : new RegExp(search, 'g');
const resultstr = source.replace(replaceSearch, replaceStr); return { replace: resultstr !== replaceStr, result: resultstr, }; }
function vtkShaderProgram(publicAPI, model) { model.classHierarchy.push('vtkShaderProgram');
publicAPI.compileShader = () => { if (!model.vertexShader.compile()) { vtkErrorMacro( model.vertexShader .getSource() .split('\n') .map((line, index) => `${index}: ${line}`) .join('\n') ); vtkErrorMacro(model.vertexShader.getError()); return 0; } if (!model.fragmentShader.compile()) { vtkErrorMacro( model.fragmentShader .getSource() .split('\n') .map((line, index) => `${index}: ${line}`) .join('\n') ); vtkErrorMacro(model.fragmentShader.getError()); return 0; } if (!publicAPI.attachShader(model.vertexShader)) { vtkErrorMacro(model.error); return 0; } if (!publicAPI.attachShader(model.fragmentShader)) { vtkErrorMacro(model.error); return 0; }
if (! { vtkErrorMacro(`Links failed: ${model.error}`); return 0; }
publicAPI.setCompiled(true); return 1; };
publicAPI.cleanup = () => { if (model.shaderType === 'Unknown' || model.handle === 0) { return; } publicAPI.release(); if (model.vertexShaderHandle !== 0) { model.context.detachShader(model.handle, model.vertexShaderHandle); model.vertexShaderHandle = 0; } if (model.fragmentShaderHandle !== 0) { model.context.detachShader(model.handle, model.fragmentShaderHandle); model.fragmentShaderHandle = 0; } model.context.deleteProgram(model.handle); model.handle = 0; publicAPI.setCompiled(false); };
publicAPI.bind = () => { if (!model.linked && ! { return false; }
model.context.useProgram(model.handle); publicAPI.setBound(true); return true; };
publicAPI.isBound = () => !!model.bound;
publicAPI.release = () => { model.context.useProgram(null); publicAPI.setBound(false); };
publicAPI.setContext = (ctx) => { model.vertexShader.setContext(ctx); model.fragmentShader.setContext(ctx); model.geometryShader.setContext(ctx); }; = () => { if (model.linked) { return true; }
if (model.handle === 0) { model.error = 'Program has not been initialized, and/or does not have shaders.'; return false; }
model.uniformLocs = {};
model.context.linkProgram(model.handle); const isCompiled = model.context.getProgramParameter( model.handle, model.context.LINK_STATUS ); if (!isCompiled) { const lastError = model.context.getProgramInfoLog(model.handle); vtkErrorMacro(`Error linking shader ${lastError}`); model.handle = 0; return false; }
publicAPI.setLinked(true); model.attributeLocs = {}; return true; };
publicAPI.setUniformMatrix = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } const f32 = new Float32Array(v); model.context.uniformMatrix4fv(location, false, f32); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniformMatrix3x3 = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } const f32 = new Float32Array(v); model.context.uniformMatrix3fv(location, false, f32); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniformf = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform1f(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniformfv = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform1fv(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniformi = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform1i(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniformiv = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform1iv(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform2f = (name, v1, v2) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } if (v2 === undefined) { throw new RangeError('Invalid number of values for array'); } model.context.uniform2f(location, v1, v2); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform2fv = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform2fv(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform2i = (name, v1, v2) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } if (v2 === undefined) { throw new RangeError('Invalid number of values for array'); } model.context.uniform2i(location, v1, v2); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform2iv = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform2iv(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform3f = (name, a1, a2, a3) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } if (a3 === undefined) { throw new RangeError('Invalid number of values for array'); } model.context.uniform3f(location, a1, a2, a3); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform3fArray = (name, a) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } if (!Array.isArray(a) || a.length !== 3) { throw new RangeError('Invalid number of values for array'); } model.context.uniform3f(location, a[0], a[1], a[2]); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform3fv = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform3fv(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform3i = (name, ...args) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } let array = args; if (array.length === 1 && Array.isArray(array[0])) { array = array[0]; } if (array.length !== 3) { throw new RangeError('Invalid number of values for array'); } model.context.uniform3i(location, array[0], array[1], array[2]); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform3iv = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform3iv(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform4f = (name, ...args) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } let array = args; if (array.length === 1 && Array.isArray(array[0])) { array = array[0]; } if (array.length !== 4) { throw new RangeError('Invalid number of values for array'); } model.context.uniform4f(location, array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform4fv = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform4fv(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform4i = (name, ...args) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } let array = args; if (array.length === 1 && Array.isArray(array[0])) { array = array[0]; } if (array.length !== 4) { throw new RangeError('Invalid number of values for array'); } model.context.uniform4i(location, array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]); return true; };
publicAPI.setUniform4iv = (name, v) => { const location = publicAPI.findUniform(name); if (location === -1) { model.error = `Could not set uniform ${name} . No such uniform.`; return false; } model.context.uniform4iv(location, v); return true; };
publicAPI.findUniform = (name) => { if (!name || !model.linked) { return -1; }
let loc = model.uniformLocs[name]; if (loc !== undefined) { return loc; }
loc = model.context.getUniformLocation(model.handle, name); if (loc === null) { model.error = `Uniform ${name} not found in current shader program.`; model.uniformLocs[name] = -1; return -1; }
model.uniformLocs[name] = loc; return loc; };
publicAPI.isUniformUsed = (name) => { if (!name) { return false; }
let loc = model.uniformLocs[name]; if (loc !== undefined) { return loc !== null; }
if (!model.linked) { vtkErrorMacro( 'attempt to find uniform when the shader program is not linked' ); return false; }
loc = model.context.getUniformLocation(model.handle, name); model.uniformLocs[name] = loc;
if (loc === null) { return false; }
return true; };
publicAPI.isAttributeUsed = (name) => { if (!name) { return false; }
if (name in model.attributeLocs) { return true; }
if (!model.linked) { vtkErrorMacro( 'attempt to find uniform when the shader program is not linked' ); return false; }
const loc = model.context.getAttribLocation(model.handle, name); if (loc === -1) { return false; } model.attributeLocs[name] = loc;
return true; };
publicAPI.attachShader = (shader) => { if (shader.getHandle() === 0) { model.error = 'Shader object was not initialized, cannot attach it.'; return false; } if (shader.getShaderType() === 'Unknown') { model.error = 'Shader object is of type Unknown and cannot be used.'; return false; }
if (model.handle === 0) { const thandle = model.context.createProgram(); if (thandle === 0) { model.error = 'Could not create shader program.'; return false; } model.handle = thandle; model.linked = false; }
if (shader.getShaderType() === 'Vertex') { if (model.vertexShaderHandle !== 0) { model.context.detachShader(model.handle, model.vertexShaderHandle); } model.vertexShaderHandle = shader.getHandle(); } if (shader.getShaderType() === 'Fragment') { if (model.fragmentShaderHandle !== 0) { model.context.detachShader(model.handle, model.fragmentShaderHandle); } model.fragmentShaderHandle = shader.getHandle(); }
model.context.attachShader(model.handle, shader.getHandle()); publicAPI.setLinked(false); return true; };
publicAPI.detachShader = (shader) => { if (shader.getHandle() === 0) { model.error = 'shader object was not initialized, cannot attach it.'; return false; } if (shader.getShaderType() === 'Unknown') { model.error = 'Shader object is of type Unknown and cannot be used.'; return false; } if (model.handle === 0) { model.error = 'This shader program has not been initialized yet.'; }
switch (shader.getShaderType()) { case 'Vertex': if (model.vertexShaderHandle !== shader.getHandle()) { model.error = 'The supplied shader was not attached to this program.'; return false; } model.context.detachShader(model.handle, shader.getHandle()); model.vertexShaderHandle = 0; model.linked = false; return true; case 'Fragment': if (model.fragmentShaderHandle !== shader.getHandle()) { model.error = 'The supplied shader was not attached to this program.'; return false; } model.context.detachShader(model.handle, shader.getHandle()); model.fragmentShaderHandle = 0; model.linked = false; return true; default: return false; } };
publicAPI.setContext = (ctx) => { model.context = ctx; model.vertexShader.setContext(ctx); model.fragmentShader.setContext(ctx); model.geometryShader.setContext(ctx); };
publicAPI.setLastCameraMTime = (mtime) => { model.lastCameraMTime = mtime; };
const DEFAULT_VALUES = { vertexShaderHandle: 0, fragmentShaderHandle: 0, geometryShaderHandle: 0, vertexShader: null, fragmentShader: null, geometryShader: null,
linked: false, bound: false, compiled: false, error: '', handle: 0, numberOfOutputs: 0, attributesLocs: null, uniformLocs: null, md5Hash: 0, context: null, lastCameraMTime: null, };
function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) { Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);
model.attributesLocs = {}; model.uniformLocs = {}; model.vertexShader = vtkShader.newInstance(); model.vertexShader.setShaderType('Vertex'); model.fragmentShader = vtkShader.newInstance(); model.fragmentShader.setShaderType('Fragment'); model.geometryShader = vtkShader.newInstance(); model.geometryShader.setShaderType('Geometry');
macro.obj(publicAPI, model); macro.get(publicAPI, model, ['lastCameraMTime']); macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [ 'error', 'handle', 'compiled', 'bound', 'md5Hash', 'vertexShader', 'fragmentShader', 'geometryShader', 'linked', ]);
vtkShaderProgram(publicAPI, model); }
const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkShaderProgram');
export default { newInstance, extend, substitute };