

import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import Constants from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/BufferManager/Constants';
import vtkProperty from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Property';
import vtkWebGPUBuffer from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/Buffer';

const { Representation } = vtkProperty;
const { PrimitiveTypes } = Constants;

// Simulate a small map of pointId to flatId for a cell. The original code
// used a map and was 2.6x slower (4.7 to 1.9 seconds). Using two fixed
// length arrays with a count is so much faster even with the required for
// loops and if statements. This only works as we know the usage is
// restricted to clear(), set() get() and has() so the count is always
// incrmenting except for clear where it goes back to 0. Performance
// improvement is probably due to this appoach not hitting the heap but wow
// it is so much faster. Code that adds to these vectors checks against 9 to
// make sure there is room. Switching to test against vec.length -1 results
// in a small performance hit, so if you change 10, search for 9 in this
// small class and change those as well.
class _LimitedMap {
constructor() {
this.keys = new Uint32Array(10);
this.values = new Uint32Array(10);
this.count = 0;

clear() {
this.count = 0;

has(key) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.count; i++) {
if (this.keys[i] === key) {
return true;
return undefined;

get(key) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.count; i++) {
if (this.keys[i] === key) {
return this.values[i];
return undefined;

set(key, value) {
if (this.count < 9) {
this.keys[this.count] = key;
this.values[this.count++] = value;

function getPrimitiveName(primType) {
switch (primType) {
case PrimitiveTypes.Points:
return 'points';
case PrimitiveTypes.Lines:
return 'lines';
case PrimitiveTypes.Triangles:
case PrimitiveTypes.TriangleEdges:
return 'polys';
case PrimitiveTypes.TriangleStripEdges:
case PrimitiveTypes.TriangleStrips:
return 'strips';
return '';

function _getOrAddFlatId(state, ptId, cellId) {
let flatId = state.pointIdToFlatId[ptId];
if (flatId < 0) {
flatId = state.flatId;
state.pointIdToFlatId[ptId] = flatId;
state.flatIdToPointId[state.flatId] = ptId;
state.flatIdToCellId[state.flatId] = cellId;
return flatId;

function fillCell(ptIds, cellId, state) {
const numPtIds = ptIds.length;
// are any points already marked for this cell? If so use that as the provoking point
for (let ptIdx = 0; ptIdx < numPtIds; ptIdx++) {
let ptId = ptIds[ptIdx];
if (state.cellProvokedMap.has(ptId)) {
state.ibo[state.iboId++] = state.cellProvokedMap.get(ptId);

// insert remaining ptIds (they do not need to provoke)
for (let ptIdx2 = ptIdx + 1; ptIdx2 < ptIdx + numPtIds; ptIdx2++) {
ptId = ptIds[ptIdx2 % numPtIds];
const flatId = _getOrAddFlatId(state, ptId, cellId);
// add to ibo
state.ibo[state.iboId++] = flatId;
// all done now

// else have any of the points not been used yet? (not in provokedPointIds)
for (let ptIdx = 0; ptIdx < numPtIds; ptIdx++) {
let ptId = ptIds[ptIdx];
if (!state.provokedPointIds[ptId]) {
let flatId = _getOrAddFlatId(state, ptId, cellId);
// mark provoking and add to ibo
state.provokedPointIds[ptId] = 1;
state.cellProvokedMap.set(ptId, flatId);
// when provoking always set the cellId as an original non-provoking value
// will have been stored and we need to overwrite that
state.flatIdToCellId[flatId] = cellId;
state.ibo[state.iboId++] = flatId;

// insert remaining ptIds (they do not need to provoke)
for (let ptIdx2 = ptIdx + 1; ptIdx2 < ptIdx + numPtIds; ptIdx2++) {
ptId = ptIds[ptIdx2 % numPtIds];
flatId = _getOrAddFlatId(state, ptId, cellId);
// add to ibo
state.ibo[state.iboId++] = flatId;
// all done now

// if we got here then none of the ptIds could be used to provoke
// so just duplicate the first one
let ptId = ptIds[0];
let flatId = state.flatId;
state.cellProvokedMap.set(ptId, flatId);
state.flatIdToPointId[state.flatId] = ptId;
state.flatIdToCellId[state.flatId] = cellId;

// add to ibo
state.ibo[state.iboId++] = flatId;

// insert remaining ptIds (they do not need to provoke)
for (let ptIdx2 = 1; ptIdx2 < numPtIds; ptIdx2++) {
ptId = ptIds[ptIdx2];
flatId = _getOrAddFlatId(state, ptId, cellId);
// add to ibo
state.ibo[state.iboId++] = flatId;

function countCell(ptIds, cellId, state) {
const numPtIds = ptIds.length;
state.iboSize += numPtIds;

// are any points already marked for this cell? If so use that as the provoking point
for (let ptIdx = 0; ptIdx < numPtIds; ptIdx++) {
const ptId = ptIds[ptIdx];
if (state.cellProvokedMap.has(ptId)) {

// else have any of the points not been used yet? (not in provokedPointIds)
for (let ptIdx = 0; ptIdx < numPtIds; ptIdx++) {
const ptId = ptIds[ptIdx];
if (!state.provokedPointIds[ptId]) {
state.provokedPointIds[ptId] = 1;
state.cellProvokedMap.set(ptId, 1);
// if we got here then none of the ptIds could be used to provoke
state.cellProvokedMap.set(ptIds[0], 1);

let processCell;

const _single = new Uint32Array(1);
const _double = new Uint32Array(2);
const _triple = new Uint32Array(3);
const _indexCellBuilders = {
// easy, every input point becomes an output point
anythingToPoints(numPoints, cellPts, offset, cellId, state) {
for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
_single[0] = cellPts[offset + i];
processCell(_single, cellId, state);
linesToWireframe(numPoints, cellPts, offset, cellId, state) {
// for lines we add a bunch of segments
for (let i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; ++i) {
_double[0] = cellPts[offset + i];
_double[1] = cellPts[offset + i + 1];
processCell(_double, cellId, state);
polysToWireframe(numPoints, cellPts, offset, cellId, state) {
// for polys we add a bunch of segments and close it
if (numPoints > 2) {
for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
_double[0] = cellPts[offset + i];
_double[1] = cellPts[offset + ((i + 1) % numPoints)];
processCell(_double, cellId, state);
stripsToWireframe(numPoints, cellPts, offset, cellId, state) {
if (numPoints > 2) {
// for strips we add a bunch of segments and close it
for (let i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; ++i) {
_double[0] = cellPts[offset + i];
_double[1] = cellPts[offset + i + 1];
processCell(_double, cellId, state);
for (let i = 0; i < numPoints - 2; i++) {
_double[0] = cellPts[offset + i];
_double[1] = cellPts[offset + i + 2];
processCell(_double, cellId, state);
polysToSurface(npts, cellPts, offset, cellId, state) {
for (let i = 0; i < npts - 2; i++) {
_triple[0] = cellPts[offset];
_triple[1] = cellPts[offset + i + 1];
_triple[2] = cellPts[offset + i + 2];
processCell(_triple, cellId, state);
stripsToSurface(npts, cellPts, offset, cellId, state) {
for (let i = 0; i < npts - 2; i++) {
_triple[0] = cellPts[offset + i];
_triple[1] = cellPts[offset + i + 1 + (i % 2)];
_triple[2] = cellPts[offset + i + 1 + ((i + 1) % 2)];
processCell(_triple, cellId, state);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkWebGPUIndexBufferManager methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkWebGPUIndexBuffer(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

publicAPI.buildIndexBuffer = (req) => {
const cellArray = req.cells;
const primitiveType = req.primitiveType;
const representation = req.representation;
const cellOffset = req.cellOffset;

const array = cellArray.getData();
const cellArraySize = array.length;

const inRepName = getPrimitiveName(primitiveType);

const numPts = req.numberOfPoints;
const state = {
provokedPointIds: new Uint8Array(numPts), // size is good
extraPoints: 0,
iboSize: 0,
flatId: 0,
iboId: 0,
cellProvokedMap: new _LimitedMap(),

let func = null;
if (
representation === Representation.POINTS ||
primitiveType === PrimitiveTypes.Points
) {
func = _indexCellBuilders.anythingToPoints;
} else if (
representation === Representation.WIREFRAME ||
primitiveType === PrimitiveTypes.Lines
) {
func = _indexCellBuilders[`${inRepName}ToWireframe`];
} else {
func = _indexCellBuilders[`${inRepName}ToSurface`];

// first we count how many extra provoking points we need
processCell = countCell;
let cellId = cellOffset || 0;
for (let cellArrayIndex = 0; cellArrayIndex < cellArraySize; ) {
func(array[cellArrayIndex], array, cellArrayIndex + 1, cellId, state);
cellArrayIndex += array[cellArrayIndex] + 1;

// then we allocate the remaining structures
// (we pick the best size to save space and transfer costs)
if (numPts <= 0xffff) {
state.flatIdToPointId = new Uint16Array(numPts + state.extraPoints);
} else {
state.flatIdToPointId = new Uint32Array(numPts + state.extraPoints);
if (numPts + state.extraPoints < 0x8fff) {
state.pointIdToFlatId = new Int16Array(numPts);
} else {
state.pointIdToFlatId = new Int32Array(numPts);
if (numPts + state.extraPoints <= 0xffff) {
state.ibo = new Uint16Array(state.iboSize);
req.format = 'uint16';
} else {
state.ibo = new Uint32Array(state.iboSize);
req.format = 'uint32';
if (cellId <= 0xffff) {
state.flatIdToCellId = new Uint16Array(numPts + state.extraPoints);
} else {
state.flatIdToCellId = new Uint32Array(numPts + state.extraPoints);

// and fill them in
processCell = fillCell;
cellId = cellOffset || 0;
for (let cellArrayIndex = 0; cellArrayIndex < cellArraySize; ) {
func(array[cellArrayIndex], array, cellArrayIndex + 1, cellId, state);
cellArrayIndex += array[cellArrayIndex] + 1;

delete state.provokedPointIds;
delete state.pointIdToFlatId;

// store the results we need
req.nativeArray = state.ibo;
model.flatIdToPointId = state.flatIdToPointId;
model.flatIdToCellId = state.flatIdToCellId;
model.flatSize = state.flatId;
model.indexCount = state.iboId;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

flatIdToPointId: null,
flatIdToCellId: null,
flatSize: 0,
indexCount: 0,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Inheritance
vtkWebGPUBuffer.extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues);

macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [

vtkWebGPUIndexBuffer(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend, ...Constants };