import 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Core/DataAccessHelper/LiteHttpDataAccessHelper';
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros'; import DataAccessHelper from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Core/DataAccessHelper'; import vtkImageData from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/ImageData'; import vtkDataArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/DataArray'; import Constants from 'vtk.js/Sources/IO/Image/TGAReader/Constants';
const { vtkErrorMacro } = macro;
function vtkTGAReader(publicAPI, model) { model.classHierarchy.push('vtkTGAReader');
if (!model.dataAccessHelper) { model.dataAccessHelper = DataAccessHelper.get('http'); }
function parseHeader(data) { let offset = 0;
const header = { idLength: data[offset++], colormap_type: data[offset++], imageType: data[offset++], colormapIndex: data[offset++] | (data[offset++] << 8), colormapLength: data[offset++] | (data[offset++] << 8), colormapSize: data[offset++], origin: [ data[offset++] | (data[offset++] << 8), data[offset++] | (data[offset++] << 8), ], width: data[offset++] | (data[offset++] << 8), height: data[offset++] | (data[offset++] << 8), pixelSize: data[offset++], flags: data[offset++], };
return header; }
const handlers = { getImageData8bits( header, palettes, pixeData, yStart, yStep, yEnd, xStart, xStep, xEnd ) { const image = pixeData; const colormap = palettes; const width = header.width; const height = header.height; let color; let i = 0; let x; let y;
const imageData = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
for (y = yStart; y !== yEnd; y += yStep) { for (x = xStart; x !== xEnd; x += xStep, i++) { color = image[i]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 3] = 255; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 2] = colormap[color * 3 + 0]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 1] = colormap[color * 3 + 1]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 0] = colormap[color * 3 + 2]; } }
return imageData; }, getImageData16bits( header, palettes, pixeData, yStart, yStep, yEnd, xStart, xStep, xEnd ) { const image = pixeData; const width = header.width; const height = header.height; let color; let i = 0; let x; let y;
const imageData = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
for (y = yStart; y !== yEnd; y += yStep) { for (x = xStart; x !== xEnd; x += xStep, i += 2) { color = image[i + 0] + (image[i + 1] << 8); const r = ((((color & 0x7c00) >> 10) * 255) / 0x1f) | 0; const g = ((((color & 0x03e0) >> 5) * 255) / 0x1f) | 0; const b = (((color & 0x001f) * 255) / 0x1f) | 0;
imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 0] = r; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 1] = g; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 2] = b; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 3] = color & 0x8000 ? 0 : 255; } }
return imageData; }, getImageData24bits( header, palettes, pixeData, yStart, yStep, yEnd, xStart, xStep, xEnd ) { const image = pixeData; const width = header.width; const height = header.height; let i = 0; let x; let y;
const imageData = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
for (y = yStart; y !== yEnd; y += yStep) { for (x = xStart; x !== xEnd; x += xStep, i += 3) { imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 3] = 255; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 2] = image[i + 0]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 1] = image[i + 1]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 0] = image[i + 2]; } }
return imageData; }, getImageData32bits( header, palettes, pixeData, yStart, yStep, yEnd, xStart, xStep, xEnd ) { const image = pixeData; const width = header.width; const height = header.height; let i = 0; let x; let y;
const imageData = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
for (y = yStart; y !== yEnd; y += yStep) { for (x = xStart; x !== xEnd; x += xStep, i += 4) { imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 2] = image[i + 0]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 1] = image[i + 1]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 0] = image[i + 2]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 3] = image[i + 3]; } }
return imageData; }, getImageDataGrey8bits( header, palettes, pixeData, yStart, yStep, yEnd, xStart, xStep, xEnd ) { const image = pixeData; const width = header.width; const height = header.height; let color; let i = 0; let x; let y;
const imageData = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
for (y = yStart; y !== yEnd; y += yStep) { for (x = xStart; x !== xEnd; x += xStep, i++) { color = image[i]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 0] = color; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 1] = color; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 2] = color; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 3] = 255; } }
return imageData; }, getImageDataGrey16bits( header, palettes, pixeData, yStart, yStep, yEnd, xStart, xStep, xEnd ) { const image = pixeData; const width = header.width; const height = header.height; let i = 0; let x; let y;
const imageData = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
for (y = yStart; y !== yEnd; y += yStep) { for (x = xStart; x !== xEnd; x += xStep, i += 2) { imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 0] = image[i + 0]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 1] = image[i + 0]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 2] = image[i + 0]; imageData[(x + width * y) * 4 + 3] = image[i + 1]; } }
return imageData; }, };
function fetchData(url, option = {}) { const { compression, progressCallback } = model; return model.dataAccessHelper.fetchBinary(url, { compression, progressCallback, }); }
publicAPI.setUrl = (url, option = { binary: true }) => { model.url = url;
const path = url.split('/'); path.pop(); model.baseURL = path.join('/');
model.compression = option.compression;
return publicAPI.loadData({ progressCallback: option.progressCallback, }); };
publicAPI.loadData = (option = {}) => { const promise = fetchData(model.url, option); promise.then(publicAPI.parse); return promise; };
publicAPI.parse = (content) => { publicAPI.parseAsArrayBuffer(content); };
publicAPI.parseAsArrayBuffer = (content) => { if (!content) { return; }
const data = new Uint8Array(content); if (data.length < 19) { vtkErrorMacro( 'Unable to load TGA file - Not enough data to contain header' ); return; }
let offset = 18; const header = parseHeader(data);
if (header.idLength + offset > data.length) { vtkErrorMacro('Unable to load TGA file - Not enough data'); return; }
offset += header.idLength;
let useRle = false; let usePal = false; let useGrey = false;
switch (header.imageType) { case Constants.TYPE_RLE_INDEXED: useRle = true; case Constants.TYPE_INDEXED: usePal = true; break; case Constants.TYPE_RLE_RGB: useRle = true; case Constants.TYPE_RGB: break; case Constants.TYPE_RLE_GREY: useRle = true; case Constants.TYPE_GREY: useGrey = true; break; default: vtkErrorMacro('TGA file has unknown image type'); return; }
let pixelData;
const pixelSize = header.pixelSize >> 3; const pixelTotal = header.width * header.height * pixelSize;
let palettes;
if (usePal) { palettes = data.subarray( offset, (offset += header.colormapLength * (header.colormapSize >> 3)) ); }
if (useRle) { pixelData = new Uint8Array(pixelTotal);
let c; let count; let i; let localOffset = 0; const pixels = new Uint8Array(pixelSize);
while (offset < pixelTotal && localOffset < pixelTotal) { c = data[offset++]; count = (c & 0x7f) + 1;
if (c & 0x80) { for (i = 0; i < pixelSize; ++i) { pixels[i] = data[offset++]; }
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { pixelData.set(pixels, localOffset + i * pixelSize); }
localOffset += pixelSize * count; } else { count *= pixelSize; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { pixelData[localOffset + i] = data[offset++]; } localOffset += count; } } } else { pixelData = data.subarray( offset, (offset += usePal ? header.width * header.height : pixelTotal) ); }
let xStart; let yStart; let xStep; let yStep; let yEnd; let xEnd;
switch ((header.flags & Constants.ORIGIN_MASK) >> Constants.ORIGIN_SHIFT) { case Constants.ORIGIN_UL: xStart = 0; xStep = 1; xEnd = header.width; yStart = 0; yStep = 1; yEnd = header.height; break;
case Constants.ORIGIN_BL: xStart = 0; xStep = 1; xEnd = header.width; yStart = 0; yStep = 1; yEnd = header.height; break;
case Constants.ORIGIN_UR: xStart = header.width - 1; xStep = -1; xEnd = -1; yStart = 0; yStep = 1; yEnd = header.height; break;
case Constants.ORIGIN_BR: xStart = header.width - 1; xStep = -1; xEnd = -1; yStart = header.height - 1; yStep = -1; yEnd = -1; break; default: vtkErrorMacro('TGA file has unknown origin'); return; }
const func = `getImageData${useGrey ? 'Grey' : ''}${header.pixelSize}bits`;
const output = handlers[func]( header, palettes, pixelData, yStart, yStep, yEnd, xStart, xStep, xEnd );
const dataExtent = [0, header.width - 1, 0, header.height - 1]; const dataSpacing = [1, 1, 1];
const imageData = vtkImageData.newInstance(); imageData.setDimensions(header.width, header.height, 1); imageData.setExtent(dataExtent); imageData.setSpacing(dataSpacing);
const dataArray = vtkDataArray.newInstance({ name: 'TGAImage', numberOfComponents: 4, values: output, });
imageData.getPointData().setScalars(dataArray); model.output[0] = imageData; };
publicAPI.requestData = (inData, outData) => { publicAPI.parse(model.parseData); }; }
const DEFAULT_VALUES = {};
export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) { Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);
macro.algo(publicAPI, model, 0, 1);
macro.get(publicAPI, model, ['url', 'baseURL']); macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, ['dataAccessHelper']);
vtkTGAReader(publicAPI, model);
if (!model.compression) { model.compression = null; } if (!model.progressCallback) { model.progressCallback = null; } }
export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkTGAReader');
export default { newInstance, extend };