import * as macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros'; import * as vtkMath from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/Math'; import vtkWebGPUCellArrayMapper from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/CellArrayMapper'; import vtkWebGPUBufferManager from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/BufferManager'; import vtkWebGPUShaderCache from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/ShaderCache';
import { registerOverride } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/WebGPU/ViewNodeFactory';
const { BufferUsage } = vtkWebGPUBufferManager; const { vtkErrorMacro } = macro;
const vtkWebGPUSphereMapperVS = ` //VTK::Renderer::Dec
@vertex fn main( //VTK::IOStructs::Input ) //VTK::IOStructs::Output { var output : vertexOutput;
var vertexVC: vec4<f32> = rendererUBO.SCVCMatrix * mapperUBO.BCSCMatrix * vec4<f32>(, 1.0);
// compute the projected vertex position output.centerVC =; output.radiusVC = length(offsetMC)*0.5;
// make the triangle face the camera if (rendererUBO.cameraParallel == 0u) { var dir: vec3<f32> = normalize(; var base2: vec3<f32> = normalize(cross(dir,vec3<f32>(1.0,0.0,0.0))); var base1: vec3<f32> = cross(base2,dir); dir = + offsetMC.x*base1 + offsetMC.y*base2; vertexVC = vec4<f32>(dir, 1.0); } else { // add in the offset var tmp2: vec2<f32> = vertexVC.xy + offsetMC; vertexVC = vec4<f32>(tmp2,; }
output.vertexVC = vec4<f32>(, 0.0);
return output; } `;
function vtkWebGPUSphereMapper(publicAPI, model) { model.classHierarchy.push('vtkWebGPUSphereMapper');
const cellMapperBuildPass = publicAPI.buildPass; publicAPI.buildPass = (prepass) => { if (prepass) { if (!model.renderable.getStatic()) { model.renderable.update(); }
const poly = model.renderable.getInputData();
publicAPI.setCellArray(poly.getVerts()); publicAPI.setCurrentInput(poly); } cellMapperBuildPass(prepass); };
publicAPI.replaceShaderNormal = (hash, pipeline, vertexInput) => { const vDesc = pipeline.getShaderDescription('vertex'); if (!vDesc.hasOutput('vertexVC')) vDesc.addOutput('vec4<f32>', 'vertexVC'); vDesc.addOutput('vec3<f32>', 'centerVC'); vDesc.addOutput('f32', 'radiusVC');
const fDesc = pipeline.getShaderDescription('fragment'); fDesc.addBuiltinOutput('f32', '@builtin(frag_depth) fragDepth'); const sphereFrag = ` // compute the eye position and unit direction var vertexVC: vec4<f32>; var EyePos: vec3<f32>; var EyeDir: vec3<f32>; var invertedDepth: f32 = 1.0; if (rendererUBO.cameraParallel != 0u) { EyePos = vec3<f32>(input.vertexVC.x, input.vertexVC.y, input.vertexVC.z + 3.0*input.radiusVC); EyeDir = vec3<f32>(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); } else { EyeDir =; EyePos = vec3<f32>(0.0,0.0,0.0); var lengthED: f32 = length(EyeDir); EyeDir = normalize(EyeDir); // we adjust the EyePos to be closer if it is too far away // to prevent floating point precision noise if (lengthED > input.radiusVC*3.0) { EyePos = - EyeDir*3.0*input.radiusVC; } }
// translate to Sphere center EyePos = EyePos - input.centerVC; // scale to radius 1.0 EyePos = EyePos * (1.0 / input.radiusVC); // find the intersection var b: f32 = 2.0*dot(EyePos,EyeDir); var c: f32 = dot(EyePos,EyePos) - 1.0; var d: f32 = b*b - 4.0*c; var normal: vec3<f32> = vec3<f32>(0.0,0.0,1.0); if (d < 0.0) { discard; } else { var t: f32 = (-b - invertedDepth*sqrt(d))*0.5;
// compute the normal, for unit sphere this is just // the intersection point normal = invertedDepth*normalize(EyePos + t*EyeDir); // compute the intersection point in VC vertexVC = vec4<f32>(normal * input.radiusVC + input.centerVC, 1.0); } // compute the pixel's depth var pos: vec4<f32> = rendererUBO.VCPCMatrix * vertexVC; output.fragDepth = pos.z / pos.w; `;
let code = fDesc.getCode(); code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(code, '//VTK::Normal::Impl', [ sphereFrag, ]).result; fDesc.setCode(code); };
publicAPI.replaceShaderPosition = (hash, pipeline, vertexInput) => { const vDesc = pipeline.getShaderDescription('vertex'); vDesc.addBuiltinOutput('vec4<f32>', '@builtin(position) Position'); let code = vDesc.getCode(); code = vtkWebGPUShaderCache.substitute(code, '//VTK::Position::Impl', [ ' output.Position = rendererUBO.VCPCMatrix*vertexVC;', ]).result; vDesc.setCode(code); };
publicAPI.computePipelineHash = () => { model.pipelineHash = 'spm'; if (model.vertexInput.hasAttribute(`colorVI`)) { model.pipelineHash += `c`; } model.pipelineHash += model.renderEncoder.getPipelineHash(); };
publicAPI.updateBuffers = () => { const poly = model.currentInput;
model.renderable.mapScalars(poly, 1.0);
const points = poly.getPoints(); const numPoints = points.getNumberOfPoints(); const pointArray = points.getData();
publicAPI.setNumberOfInstances(1); publicAPI.setNumberOfVertices(3 * numPoints);
const vertexInput = model.vertexInput;
let hash = `spm${points.getMTime()}float32x3`; if (!model.device.getBufferManager().hasBuffer(hash)) { const buffRequest = { hash, usage: BufferUsage.RawVertex, format: 'float32x3', }; const tmpVBO = new Float32Array(3 * numPoints * 3);
let pointIdx = 0; let vboIdx = 0; for (let id = 0; id < numPoints; ++id) { pointIdx = id * 3; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = pointArray[pointIdx]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = pointArray[pointIdx + 1]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = pointArray[pointIdx + 2]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = pointArray[pointIdx]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = pointArray[pointIdx + 1]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = pointArray[pointIdx + 2]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = pointArray[pointIdx]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = pointArray[pointIdx + 1]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = pointArray[pointIdx + 2]; } buffRequest.nativeArray = tmpVBO; const buff = model.device.getBufferManager().getBuffer(buffRequest); vertexInput.addBuffer(buff, ['vertexBC']); }
const pointData = poly.getPointData(); let scales = null; if ( model.renderable.getScaleArray() != null && pointData.hasArray(model.renderable.getScaleArray()) ) { scales = pointData.getArray(model.renderable.getScaleArray()).getData(); }
const defaultRadius = model.renderable.getRadius(); if (scales || defaultRadius !== model._lastRadius) { hash = `spm${ scales ? pointData.getArray(model.renderable.getScaleArray()).getMTime() : defaultRadius }float32x2`; if (!model.device.getBufferManager().hasBuffer(hash)) { const buffRequest = { hash, usage: BufferUsage.RawVertex, format: 'float32x2', }; const tmpVBO = new Float32Array(3 * numPoints * 2);
const cos30 = Math.cos(vtkMath.radiansFromDegrees(30.0)); let vboIdx = 0; for (let id = 0; id < numPoints; ++id) { let radius = model.renderable.getRadius(); if (scales) { radius = scales[id] * model.renderable.getScaleFactor(); } tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = -2.0 * radius * cos30; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = -radius; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = 2.0 * radius * cos30; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = -radius; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = 0.0; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = 2.0 * radius; } buffRequest.nativeArray = tmpVBO; const buff = model.device.getBufferManager().getBuffer(buffRequest); vertexInput.addBuffer(buff, ['offsetMC']); } model._lastRadius = defaultRadius; }
let haveColors = false; if (model.renderable.getScalarVisibility()) { const c = model.renderable.getColorMapColors(); if (c) { hash = `spm${c.getMTime()}unorm8x4`; if (!model.device.getBufferManager().hasBuffer(hash)) { const buffRequest = { hash, usage: BufferUsage.RawVertex, format: 'unorm8x4', }; const colorComponents = c.getNumberOfComponents(); if (colorComponents !== 4) { vtkErrorMacro('this should be 4'); } const tmpVBO = new Uint8ClampedArray(3 * numPoints * 4); let vboIdx = 0; const colorData = c.getData(); for (let id = 0; id < numPoints; ++id) { const colorIdx = id * colorComponents; for (let v = 0; v < 3; v++) { tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = colorData[colorIdx]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = colorData[colorIdx + 1]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = colorData[colorIdx + 2]; tmpVBO[vboIdx++] = colorData[colorIdx + 3]; } } buffRequest.nativeArray = tmpVBO; const buff = model.device.getBufferManager().getBuffer(buffRequest); vertexInput.addBuffer(buff, ['colorVI']); } haveColors = true; } } if (!haveColors) { vertexInput.removeBufferIfPresent('colorVI'); }
publicAPI.setTopology('triangle-list'); publicAPI.updateUBO(); }; }
const DEFAULT_VALUES = {};
export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) { Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);
vtkWebGPUCellArrayMapper.extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues);
vtkWebGPUSphereMapper(publicAPI, model);
const sr = model.shaderReplacements; sr.set('replaceShaderPosition', publicAPI.replaceShaderPosition); sr.set('replaceShaderNormal', publicAPI.replaceShaderNormal); }
export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkWebGPUSphereMapper');
export default { newInstance, extend };
registerOverride('vtkSphereMapper', newInstance);