

vtkLandmarkTransform is a cell which representant a triangle. It contains static
method to make some computations directly link to triangle.


import vtkLandmarkTransform from ‘@kitware/vtk.js/Common/Transform/LandmarkTransform’;

const transform = LandmarkTransform.New();
transform.setSourceLandmark(…); // vtkPoints
transform.setTargetLandmark(…); // vtkPoints
const transformMatrix = transform.getMatrix();



Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkLandmarkTransform characteristics.

Argument Type Required Description
publicAPI Yes object on which methods will be bounds (public)
model Yes object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
initialValues ILandmarkTransformInitialValues No (default: {})


Mat4 matrix, result of the landmark transform.
If vtkLandmarkTransformed failed, default is identity.


Get the number of degrees of freedom to constrain the solution to.


Get list of 3D points which defines the source points.


Get list of 3D points which defines the target points.


Method used to create a new instance of vtkLandmarkTransform.

Argument Type Required Description
initialValues ILandmarkTransformInitialValues No for pre-setting some of its content


Set the number of degrees of freedom to constrain the solution to:

  • Mode.RIGID_BODY : Rotation and translation onlu
  • Mode.SIMILARITY : rotation, translation and isotropic scaling
  • Mode.AFFINE : collinearity is preserved. Ratios of distances along a line are preserved.
Argument Type Required Description
mode Mode Yes The value of mode.


Set list of 3D points which defines the source points.

Argument Type Required Description
sourceLandmark vtkPoints Yes


Set list of 3D points which defines the target points.

Argument Type Required Description
targetLandmark vtkPoints Yes


Launch the computation of the matrix according to target and source


export const Mode = {

export default {
import { mat4 } from 'gl-matrix';
import { vtkObject } from '../../../interfaces';
import vtkPoints from '../../Core/Points';

export enum Mode {

export interface ILandmarkTransformInitialValues {
mode?: Mode;

export interface vtkLandmarkTransform extends vtkObject {
* Mat4 matrix, result of the landmark transform.
* If vtkLandmarkTransformed failed, default is identity.
getMatrix(): mat4;

* Get the number of degrees of freedom to constrain the solution to.
getMode(): Mode;

* Get list of 3D points which defines the source points.
getSourceLandmark(): vtkPoints;

* Get list of 3D points which defines the target points.
getTargetLandmark(): vtkPoints;

* Set the number of degrees of freedom to constrain the solution to:
* - `Mode.RIGID_BODY` : Rotation and translation onlu
* - `Mode.SIMILARITY` : rotation, translation and isotropic scaling
* - `Mode.AFFINE` : collinearity is preserved. Ratios of distances along a line are preserved.
* @param {Mode} mode The value of mode.
* @default SIMILARITY
setMode(mode: Mode): boolean;

* Set list of 3D points which defines the source points.
* @param {vtkPoints} sourceLandmark
setSourceLandmark(sourceLandmark: vtkPoints): boolean;

* Set list of 3D points which defines the target points.
* @param {vtkPoints} targetLandmark
setTargetLandmark(targetLandmark: vtkPoints): boolean;

* Launch the computation of the matrix according to target and source
* points.
update(): void;

* Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkLandmarkTransform characteristics.
* @param publicAPI object on which methods will be bounds (public)
* @param model object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
* @param {ILandmarkTransformInitialValues} [initialValues] (default: {})
export function extend(
publicAPI: object,
model: object,
initialValues?: ILandmarkTransformInitialValues
): void;

* Method used to create a new instance of vtkLandmarkTransform.
* @param {ILandmarkTransformInitialValues} [initialValues] for pre-setting some of its content
export function newInstance(
initialValues?: ILandmarkTransformInitialValues
): vtkLandmarkTransform;

* vtkLandmarkTransform is a cell which representant a triangle. It contains static
* method to make some computations directly link to triangle.
* @example
* '''js
* import vtkLandmarkTransform from '@kitware/vtk.js/Common/Transform/LandmarkTransform';
* const transform = LandmarkTransform.New();
* transform.setMode(Mode.RIGID_BODY);
* transform.setSourceLandmark(...); // vtkPoints
* transform.setTargetLandmark(...); // vtkPoints
* transform.update();
* const transformMatrix = transform.getMatrix();
* '''
export declare const vtkLandmarkTransform: {
newInstance: typeof newInstance;
extend: typeof extend;
export default vtkLandmarkTransform;
import { mat3, mat4 } from 'gl-matrix';
import Constants from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Transform/LandmarkTransform/Constants';
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import * as vtkMath from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/Math';

const { Mode } = Constants;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkLandmarkTransform methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkLandmarkTransform(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

function update() {
const N_PTS = model.sourceLandmark.getNumberOfPoints();
if (
model.targetLandmark.getNumberOfPoints() !== N_PTS ||
model.sourceLandmark === null ||
model.targetLandmark === null ||
N_PTS === 0
) {
console.error('Error : Bad inputs of vtkLandmarkTransform');
return model.matrix;

// -- find the centroid of each set --

const sourceCentroid = [0, 0, 0];
const targetCentroid = [0, 0, 0];
const p = [0, 0, 0];
for (let i = 0; i < N_PTS; i++) {
model.sourceLandmark.getPoint(i, p);
sourceCentroid[0] += p[0];
sourceCentroid[1] += p[1];
sourceCentroid[2] += p[2];
model.targetLandmark.getPoint(i, p);
targetCentroid[0] += p[0];
targetCentroid[1] += p[1];
targetCentroid[2] += p[2];
sourceCentroid[0] /= N_PTS;
sourceCentroid[1] /= N_PTS;
sourceCentroid[2] /= N_PTS;
targetCentroid[0] /= N_PTS;
targetCentroid[1] /= N_PTS;
targetCentroid[2] /= N_PTS;

// -- if only one point, stop right here

if (N_PTS === 1) {
model.matrix[12] = targetCentroid[0] - sourceCentroid[0];
model.matrix[13] = targetCentroid[1] - sourceCentroid[1];
model.matrix[14] = targetCentroid[2] - sourceCentroid[2];
return model.matrix;

// -- build the 3x3 matrix M --

const M = new Float64Array(9);
const AAT = new Float64Array(9);

const a = [0, 0, 0];
const b = [0, 0, 0];
let sa = 0.0;
let sb = 0.0;
for (let pt = 0; pt < N_PTS; pt++) {
// get the origin-centred point (a) in the source set
model.sourceLandmark.getPoint(pt, a);
a[0] -= sourceCentroid[0];
a[1] -= sourceCentroid[1];
a[2] -= sourceCentroid[2];

// get the origin-centred point (b) in the target set
model.targetLandmark.getPoint(pt, b);
b[0] -= targetCentroid[0];
b[1] -= targetCentroid[1];
b[2] -= targetCentroid[2];

// accumulate the products a*T(b) into the matrix M
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
M[3 * 0 + i] += a[i] * b[0];
M[3 * 1 + i] += a[i] * b[1];
M[3 * 2 + i] += a[i] * b[2];

// for the affine transform, compute ((a.a^t)^-1 . a.b^t)^t.
// a.b^t is already in M. here we put a.a^t in AAT.
if (model.mode === Mode.AFFINE) {
AAT[3 * 0 + i] += a[i] * a[0];
AAT[3 * 1 + i] += a[i] * a[1];
AAT[3 * 2 + i] += a[i] * a[2];
// accumulate scale factors (if desired)
sa += a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2];
sb += b[0] * b[0] + b[1] * b[1] + b[2] * b[2];

if (model.mode === Mode.AFFINE) {
// AAT = (a.a^t)^-1
mat3.invert(AAT, AAT);

// M = (a.a^t)^-1 . a.b^t
mat3.multiply(M, AAT, M);

// this->Matrix = M^t
for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (let j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
model.matrix[4 * j + i] = M[4 * i + j];
} else {
const scale = Math.sqrt(sb / sa);

// -- build the 4x4 matrix N --

const N = new Float64Array(16);
// on-diagonal elements
N[0] = M[0] + M[4] + M[8];
N[5] = M[0] - M[4] - M[8];
N[10] = -M[0] + M[4] - M[8];
N[15] = -M[0] - M[4] + M[8];
// off-diagonal elements
/* eslint-disable no-multi-assign */
N[4] = N[1] = M[7] - M[5];
N[8] = N[2] = M[2] - M[6];
N[12] = N[3] = M[3] - M[1];

N[9] = N[6] = M[3] + M[1];
N[13] = N[7] = M[2] + M[6];
N[14] = N[11] = M[7] + M[5];
/* eslint-enable no-multi-assign */

// -- eigen-decompose N (is symmetric) --
// prettier-ignore
const eigenVectors = [
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
const eigenValues = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];

vtkMath.jacobiN(N, 4, eigenValues, eigenVectors);

// The eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue is the quaternion we want
// (they are sorted in decreasing order for us by JacobiN)
let w;
let x;
let y;
let z;

// first; if points are collinear, choose the quaternion that
// results in the smallest rotation
if (eigenValues[0] === eigenValues[1] || N_PTS === 2) {
const s0 = [0, 0, 0];
const t0 = [0, 0, 0];
const s1 = [0, 0, 0];
const t1 = [0, 0, 0];
model.sourceLandmark.getPoint(0, s0);
model.targetLandmark.getPoint(0, t0);
model.sourceLandmark.getPoint(1, s1);
model.targetLandmark.getPoint(1, t1);

const ds = [0, 0, 0];
const dt = [0, 0, 0];
let rs = 0;
let rt = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
ds[i] = s1[i] - s0[i]; // vector between points
rs = ds[i] * ds[i] + rs;
dt[i] = t1[i] - t0[i];
rt = dt[i] * dt[i] + rt;

// normalize the two vectors
rs = Math.sqrt(rs);
ds[0] /= rs;
ds[1] /= rs;
ds[2] /= rs;
rt = Math.sqrt(rt);
dt[0] /= rt;
dt[1] /= rt;
dt[2] /= rt;

// take dot & cross product
w = ds[0] * dt[0] + ds[1] * dt[1] + ds[2] * dt[2];
x = ds[1] * dt[2] - ds[2] * dt[1];
y = ds[2] * dt[0] - ds[0] * dt[2];
z = ds[0] * dt[1] - ds[1] * dt[0];

let r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
const theta = Math.atan2(r, w);

// construct quaternion
w = Math.cos(theta / 2);
if (r !== 0) {
r = Math.sin(theta / 2) / r;
x *= r;
y *= r;
z *= r;
} else {
// rotation by 180 degrees : special case
// Rotate around a vector perpendicular to ds
vtkMath.perpendiculars(ds, dt, 0, 0);
r = Math.sin(theta / 2);
x = dt[0] * r;
y = dt[1] * r;
z = dt[2] * r;
} else {
// points are not collinear
w = eigenVectors[0];
x = eigenVectors[4];
y = eigenVectors[8];
z = eigenVectors[12];

// convert quaternion to a rotation matrix

const ww = w * w;
const wx = w * x;
const wy = w * y;
const wz = w * z;

const xx = x * x;
const yy = y * y;
const zz = z * z;

const xy = x * y;
const xz = x * z;
const yz = y * z;

model.matrix[0] = ww + xx - yy - zz;
model.matrix[1] = 2.0 * (wz + xy);
model.matrix[2] = 2.0 * (-wy + xz);

model.matrix[4] = 2.0 * (-wz + xy);
model.matrix[5] = ww - xx + yy - zz;
model.matrix[6] = 2.0 * (wx + yz);

model.matrix[8] = 2.0 * (wy + xz);
model.matrix[9] = 2.0 * (-wx + yz);
model.matrix[10] = ww - xx - yy + zz;

// add in the scale factor (if desired)
if (model.mode !== Mode.RIGID_BODY) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
model.matrix[4 * 0 + i] = model.matrix[4 * 0 + i] * scale;
model.matrix[4 * 1 + i] = model.matrix[4 * 1 + i] * scale;
model.matrix[4 * 2 + i] = model.matrix[4 * 2 + i] * scale;

// the translation is given by the difference in the transformed source
// centroid and the target centroid
const sx =
model.matrix[0] * sourceCentroid[0] +
model.matrix[4] * sourceCentroid[1] +
model.matrix[8] * sourceCentroid[2];
const sy =
model.matrix[1] * sourceCentroid[0] +
model.matrix[5] * sourceCentroid[1] +
model.matrix[9] * sourceCentroid[2];
const sz =
model.matrix[2] * sourceCentroid[0] +
model.matrix[6] * sourceCentroid[1] +
model.matrix[10] * sourceCentroid[2];

model.matrix[12] = targetCentroid[0] - sx;
model.matrix[13] = targetCentroid[1] - sy;
model.matrix[14] = targetCentroid[2] - sz;

// fill the bottom row of the 4x4 matrix
model.matrix[3] = 0.0;
model.matrix[7] = 0.0;
model.matrix[11] = 0.0;
model.matrix[15] = 1.0;

return model.matrix;

// Expose method
publicAPI.update = update;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

mode: Mode.SIMILARITY,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);

// Internal objects initialization
model.matrix = mat4.identity(new Float64Array(16));

macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, ['sourceLandmark', 'targetLandmark', 'mode']);
macro.get(publicAPI, model, ['matrix']);

vtkLandmarkTransform(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkLandmarkTransform');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend, ...Constants };