import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros'; import { mat4, vec3 } from 'gl-matrix'; import { Filter } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/Texture/Constants'; import { InterpolationType } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/ImageProperty/Constants'; import { ProjectionMode } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/ImageCPRMapper/Constants'; import { Representation } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Property/Constants'; import { VtkDataTypes } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/DataArray/Constants'; import vtkDataArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/DataArray'; import vtkHelper from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/Helper'; import vtkOpenGLTexture from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/Texture'; import vtkReplacementShaderMapper from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/ReplacementShaderMapper'; import vtkShaderProgram from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/ShaderProgram'; import vtkViewNode from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/SceneGraph/ViewNode';
import { getTransferFunctionHash, getImageDataHash, } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/RenderWindow/resourceSharingHelper';
import vtkPolyDataVS from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/glsl/vtkPolyDataVS.glsl'; import vtkPolyDataFS from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/glsl/vtkPolyDataFS.glsl';
import { registerOverride } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/ViewNodeFactory'; import { Resolve } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Mapper/CoincidentTopologyHelper';
const { vtkErrorMacro } = macro;
function vtkOpenGLImageCPRMapper(publicAPI, model) { model.classHierarchy.push('vtkOpenGLImageCPRMapper');
function unregisterGraphicsResources(renderWindow) { [model._scalars, model._colorTransferFunc, model._pwFunc].forEach( (coreObject) => renderWindow.unregisterGraphicsResourceUser(coreObject, publicAPI) ); }
publicAPI.buildPass = (prepass) => { if (prepass) { model.currentRenderPass = null; model.openGLImageSlice = publicAPI.getFirstAncestorOfType( 'vtkOpenGLImageSlice' ); model._openGLRenderer = publicAPI.getFirstAncestorOfType('vtkOpenGLRenderer'); const oldOglRenderWindow = model._openGLRenderWindow; model._openGLRenderWindow = model._openGLRenderer.getLastAncestorOfType( 'vtkOpenGLRenderWindow' ); if ( oldOglRenderWindow && !oldOglRenderWindow.isDeleted() && oldOglRenderWindow !== model._openGLRenderWindow ) { unregisterGraphicsResources(oldOglRenderWindow); } model.context = model._openGLRenderWindow.getContext(); model.openGLCamera = model._openGLRenderer.getViewNodeFor( model._openGLRenderer.getRenderable().getActiveCamera() );
model.tris.setOpenGLRenderWindow(model._openGLRenderWindow); } };
publicAPI.opaquePass = (prepass, renderPass) => { if (prepass) { model.currentRenderPass = renderPass; publicAPI.render(); } };
publicAPI.opaqueZBufferPass = (prepass) => { if (prepass) { model.haveSeenDepthRequest = true; model.renderDepth = true; publicAPI.render(); model.renderDepth = false; } };
publicAPI.getCoincidentParameters = (ren, actor) => { if ( model.renderable.getResolveCoincidentTopology() === Resolve.PolygonOffset ) { return model.renderable.getCoincidentTopologyPolygonOffsetParameters(); } return null; };
publicAPI.render = () => { const prop = model.openGLImageSlice.getRenderable(); const ren = model._openGLRenderer.getRenderable();
publicAPI.renderPiece(ren, prop); };
publicAPI.renderPiece = (ren, prop) => { publicAPI.invokeEvent({ type: 'StartEvent' }); model.renderable.update(); publicAPI.invokeEvent({ type: 'EndEvent' });
if (!model.renderable.preRenderCheck()) { return; }
model.currentImageDataInput = model.renderable.getInputData(0); model.currentCenterlineInput = model.renderable.getOrientedCenterline();
publicAPI.renderPieceStart(ren, prop); publicAPI.renderPieceDraw(ren, prop); publicAPI.renderPieceFinish(ren, prop); };
publicAPI.renderPieceStart = (ren, actor) => { publicAPI.updateBufferObjects(ren, actor); };
publicAPI.renderPieceDraw = (ren, actor) => { const gl = model.context;
model.volumeTexture.activate(); model.colorTexture.activate(); model.pwfTexture.activate();
if (model.tris.getCABO().getElementCount()) { publicAPI.updateShaders(model.tris, ren, actor); gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, model.tris.getCABO().getElementCount()); model.tris.getVAO().release(); }
model.volumeTexture.deactivate(); model.colorTexture.deactivate(); model.pwfTexture.deactivate(); };
publicAPI.renderPieceFinish = (ren, actor) => {};
publicAPI.updateBufferObjects = (ren, actor) => { if (publicAPI.getNeedToRebuildBufferObjects(ren, actor)) { publicAPI.buildBufferObjects(ren, actor); } const actorProperty = actor.getProperty(); if (actorProperty.getInterpolationType() === InterpolationType.NEAREST) { model.volumeTexture.setMinificationFilter(Filter.NEAREST); model.volumeTexture.setMagnificationFilter(Filter.NEAREST); model.colorTexture.setMinificationFilter(Filter.NEAREST); model.colorTexture.setMagnificationFilter(Filter.NEAREST); model.pwfTexture.setMinificationFilter(Filter.NEAREST); model.pwfTexture.setMagnificationFilter(Filter.NEAREST); } else { model.volumeTexture.setMinificationFilter(Filter.LINEAR); model.volumeTexture.setMagnificationFilter(Filter.LINEAR); model.colorTexture.setMinificationFilter(Filter.LINEAR); model.colorTexture.setMagnificationFilter(Filter.LINEAR); model.pwfTexture.setMinificationFilter(Filter.LINEAR); model.pwfTexture.setMagnificationFilter(Filter.LINEAR); } };
publicAPI.getNeedToRebuildBufferObjects = (ren, actor) => { const vmtime = model.VBOBuildTime.getMTime(); return ( vmtime < publicAPI.getMTime() || vmtime < model.renderable.getMTime() || vmtime < actor.getMTime() || vmtime < model.currentImageDataInput.getMTime() || vmtime < model.currentCenterlineInput.getMTime() || !model.volumeTexture?.getHandle() ); };
publicAPI.buildBufferObjects = (ren, actor) => { const image = model.currentImageDataInput; const centerline = model.currentCenterlineInput;
const scalars = image?.getPointData()?.getScalars(); if (!scalars) { return; } const cachedScalarsEntry = model._openGLRenderWindow.getGraphicsResourceForObject(scalars); const volumeTextureHash = getImageDataHash(image, scalars); const reBuildTex = !cachedScalarsEntry?.oglObject?.getHandle() || cachedScalarsEntry?.hash !== volumeTextureHash; const updatedExtents = model.renderable.getUpdatedExtents(); const hasUpdatedExtents = !!updatedExtents.length;
if (reBuildTex) { model.volumeTexture = vtkOpenGLTexture.newInstance(); model.volumeTexture.setOpenGLRenderWindow(model._openGLRenderWindow); const dims = image.getDimensions(); model.volumeTexture.setOglNorm16Ext( model.context.getExtension('EXT_texture_norm16') ); model.volumeTexture.resetFormatAndType(); model.volumeTexture.create3DFilterableFromDataArray( dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], scalars, model.renderable.getPreferSizeOverAccuracy() ); model._openGLRenderWindow.setGraphicsResourceForObject( scalars, model.volumeTexture, volumeTextureHash ); if (scalars !== model._scalars) { model._openGLRenderWindow.registerGraphicsResourceUser( scalars, publicAPI ); model._openGLRenderWindow.unregisterGraphicsResourceUser( model._scalars, publicAPI ); } model._scalars = scalars; } else { model.volumeTexture = cachedScalarsEntry.oglObject; }
if (hasUpdatedExtents) { model.renderable.setUpdatedExtents([]);
const dims = image.getDimensions(); model.volumeTexture.create3DFilterableFromDataArray( dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], scalars, false, updatedExtents ); }
const numComp = scalars.getNumberOfComponents(); const ppty = actor.getProperty(); const iComps = ppty.getIndependentComponents(); const numIComps = iComps ? numComp : 1; const textureHeight = iComps ? 2 * numIComps : 1;
const colorTransferFunc = ppty.getRGBTransferFunction(); const colorTextureHash = getTransferFunctionHash( colorTransferFunc, iComps, numIComps );
const cachedColorEntry = model._openGLRenderWindow.getGraphicsResourceForObject(colorTransferFunc); const reBuildColorTexture = !cachedColorEntry?.oglObject?.getHandle() || cachedColorEntry?.hash !== colorTextureHash; if (reBuildColorTexture) { const cWidth = 1024; const cSize = cWidth * textureHeight * 3; const cTable = new Uint8ClampedArray(cSize); model.colorTexture = vtkOpenGLTexture.newInstance(); model.colorTexture.setOpenGLRenderWindow(model._openGLRenderWindow); if (colorTransferFunc) { const tmpTable = new Float32Array(cWidth * 3);
for (let c = 0; c < numIComps; c++) { const cfun = ppty.getRGBTransferFunction(c); const cRange = cfun.getRange(); cfun.getTable(cRange[0], cRange[1], cWidth, tmpTable, 1); if (iComps) { for (let i = 0; i < cWidth * 3; i++) { cTable[c * cWidth * 6 + i] = 255.0 * tmpTable[i]; cTable[c * cWidth * 6 + i + cWidth * 3] = 255.0 * tmpTable[i]; } } else { for (let i = 0; i < cWidth * 3; i++) { cTable[c * cWidth * 6 + i] = 255.0 * tmpTable[i]; } } } model.colorTexture.resetFormatAndType(); model.colorTexture.create2DFromRaw( cWidth, textureHeight, 3, VtkDataTypes.UNSIGNED_CHAR, cTable ); } else { for (let i = 0; i < cWidth * 3; ++i) { cTable[i] = (255.0 * i) / ((cWidth - 1) * 3); cTable[i + 1] = (255.0 * i) / ((cWidth - 1) * 3); cTable[i + 2] = (255.0 * i) / ((cWidth - 1) * 3); } model.colorTexture.resetFormatAndType(); model.colorTexture.create2DFromRaw( cWidth, 1, 3, VtkDataTypes.UNSIGNED_CHAR, cTable ); }
if (colorTransferFunc) { model._openGLRenderWindow.setGraphicsResourceForObject( colorTransferFunc, model.colorTexture, colorTextureHash ); if (colorTransferFunc !== model._colorTransferFunc) { model._openGLRenderWindow.registerGraphicsResourceUser( colorTransferFunc, publicAPI ); model._openGLRenderWindow.unregisterGraphicsResourceUser( model._colorTransferFunc, publicAPI ); } model._colorTransferFunc = colorTransferFunc; } } else { model.colorTexture = cachedColorEntry.oglObject; }
const pwFunc = ppty.getPiecewiseFunction(); const pwfTextureHash = getTransferFunctionHash(pwFunc, iComps, numIComps); const cachedPwfEntry = model._openGLRenderWindow.getGraphicsResourceForObject(pwFunc); const reBuildPwf = !cachedPwfEntry?.oglObject?.getHandle() || cachedPwfEntry?.hash !== pwfTextureHash; if (reBuildPwf) { const pwfWidth = 1024; const pwfSize = pwfWidth * textureHeight; const pwfTable = new Uint8ClampedArray(pwfSize); model.pwfTexture = vtkOpenGLTexture.newInstance(); model.pwfTexture.setOpenGLRenderWindow(model._openGLRenderWindow); if (pwFunc) { const pwfFloatTable = new Float32Array(pwfSize); const tmpTable = new Float32Array(pwfWidth);
for (let c = 0; c < numIComps; ++c) { const pwfun = ppty.getPiecewiseFunction(c); if (pwfun === null) { pwfFloatTable.fill(1.0); } else { const pwfRange = pwfun.getRange(); pwfun.getTable(pwfRange[0], pwfRange[1], pwfWidth, tmpTable, 1); if (iComps) { for (let i = 0; i < pwfWidth; i++) { pwfFloatTable[c * pwfWidth * 2 + i] = tmpTable[i]; pwfFloatTable[c * pwfWidth * 2 + i + pwfWidth] = tmpTable[i]; } } else { for (let i = 0; i < pwfWidth; i++) { pwfFloatTable[c * pwfWidth * 2 + i] = tmpTable[i]; } } } } model.pwfTexture.resetFormatAndType(); model.pwfTexture.create2DFromRaw( pwfWidth, textureHeight, 1, VtkDataTypes.FLOAT, pwfFloatTable ); } else { pwfTable.fill(255.0); model.pwfTexture.resetFormatAndType(); model.pwfTexture.create2DFromRaw( pwfWidth, 1, 1, VtkDataTypes.UNSIGNED_CHAR, pwfTable ); } if (pwFunc) { model._openGLRenderWindow.setGraphicsResourceForObject( pwFunc, model.pwfTexture, pwfTextureHash ); if (pwFunc !== model._pwFunc) { model._openGLRenderWindow.registerGraphicsResourceUser( pwFunc, publicAPI ); model._openGLRenderWindow.unregisterGraphicsResourceUser( model._pwFunc, publicAPI ); } model._pwFunc = pwFunc; } } else { model.pwfTexture = cachedPwfEntry.oglObject; }
if ( model.VBOBuildTime.getMTime() < model.renderable.getMTime() || model.VBOBuildTime.getMTime() < centerline.getMTime() ) { const nPoints = centerline.getNumberOfPoints(); const nLines = nPoints <= 1 ? 0 : nPoints - 1; const distances = centerline.getDistancesToFirstPoint(); const totalHeight = model.renderable.getHeight(); const nPts = 4 * nLines;
const ptsArray = new Float32Array(3 * nPts); const widthMC = model.renderable.getWidth();
for (let lineIdx = 0, offset = 0; lineIdx < nLines; ++lineIdx) {
ptsArray.set([0, totalHeight - distances[lineIdx], 0], offset); offset += 3; ptsArray.set([widthMC, totalHeight - distances[lineIdx], 0], offset); offset += 3; ptsArray.set( [widthMC, totalHeight - distances[lineIdx + 1], 0], offset ); offset += 3; ptsArray.set([0, totalHeight - distances[lineIdx + 1], 0], offset); offset += 3; }
const points = vtkDataArray.newInstance({ numberOfComponents: 3, values: ptsArray, }); points.setName('points');
const cellArray = new Uint16Array(5 * nLines); for ( let lineIdx = 0, offset = 0, ptIdx = 0; lineIdx < nLines; ++lineIdx ) { cellArray.set([4, ptIdx + 3, ptIdx + 2, ptIdx + 1, ptIdx], offset); offset += 5; ptIdx += 4; } const cells = vtkDataArray.newInstance({ numberOfComponents: 1, values: cellArray, });
const pointsDataArray = centerline.getPoints(); const centerlinePositionArray = new Float32Array(3 * nPts); const pa = new Array(3); const pb = new Array(3); for (let lineIdx = 0, offset = 0; lineIdx < nLines; ++lineIdx) { pointsDataArray.getPoint(lineIdx, pa); pointsDataArray.getPoint(lineIdx + 1, pb);
centerlinePositionArray.set(pa, offset); offset += 3; centerlinePositionArray.set(pa, offset); offset += 3; centerlinePositionArray.set(pb, offset); offset += 3; centerlinePositionArray.set(pb, offset); offset += 3; } const centerlinePosition = vtkDataArray.newInstance({ numberOfComponents: 3, values: centerlinePositionArray, name: 'centerlinePosition', });
const quadIndexArray = new Float32Array(nPts); for (let lineIdx = 0, offset = 0; lineIdx < nLines; ++lineIdx) { quadIndexArray.set( [ 0, 1, 3, 2, ], offset ); offset += 4; } const quadIndex = vtkDataArray.newInstance({ numberOfComponents: 1, values: quadIndexArray, name: 'quadIndex', });
const customAttributes = [centerlinePosition, quadIndex];
if (!model.renderable.getUseUniformOrientation()) { const orientationQuats = model.renderable.getOrientedCenterline().getOrientations() ?? []; const centerlineTopOrientationArray = new Float32Array(4 * nPts); const centerlineBotOrientationArray = new Float32Array(4 * nPts); for (let quadIdx = 0; quadIdx < nLines; ++quadIdx) { const topQuat = orientationQuats[quadIdx]; const botQuat = orientationQuats[quadIdx + 1]; for (let pointInQuadIdx = 0; pointInQuadIdx < 4; ++pointInQuadIdx) { const pointIdx = pointInQuadIdx + 4 * quadIdx; const quaternionArrayOffset = 4 * pointIdx; centerlineTopOrientationArray.set(topQuat, quaternionArrayOffset); centerlineBotOrientationArray.set(botQuat, quaternionArrayOffset); } } const centerlineTopOrientation = vtkDataArray.newInstance({ numberOfComponents: 4, values: centerlineTopOrientationArray, name: 'centerlineTopOrientation', }); const centerlineBotOrientation = vtkDataArray.newInstance({ numberOfComponents: 4, values: centerlineBotOrientationArray, name: 'centerlineBotOrientation', }); customAttributes.push( centerlineTopOrientation, centerlineBotOrientation ); }
model.tris.getCABO().createVBO(cells, 'polys', Representation.SURFACE, { points, customAttributes, }); model.VBOBuildTime.modified(); } };
publicAPI.getNeedToRebuildShaders = (cellBO, ren, actor) => {
const tNumComp = model.volumeTexture.getComponents(); const iComp = actor.getProperty().getIndependentComponents(); const useCenterPoint = !!model.renderable.getCenterPoint(); const useUniformOrientation = model.renderable.getUseUniformOrientation(); const projectionMode = model.renderable.isProjectionEnabled() && model.renderable.getProjectionMode();
if ( cellBO.getProgram() === 0 || model.lastUseCenterPoint !== useCenterPoint || model.lastUseUniformOrientation !== useUniformOrientation || model.lastProjectionMode !== projectionMode || model.lastHaveSeenDepthRequest !== model.haveSeenDepthRequest || model.lastTextureComponents !== tNumComp || model.lastIndependentComponents !== iComp ) { model.lastUseCenterPoint = useCenterPoint; model.lastUseUniformOrientation = useUniformOrientation; model.lastProjectionMode = projectionMode; model.lastHaveSeenDepthRequest = model.haveSeenDepthRequest; model.lastTextureComponents = tNumComp; model.lastIndependentComponents = iComp; return true; }
return false; };
publicAPI.buildShaders = (shaders, ren, actor) => { publicAPI.getShaderTemplate(shaders, ren, actor); publicAPI.replaceShaderValues(shaders, ren, actor); };
publicAPI.replaceShaderValues = (shaders, ren, actor) => { let VSSource = shaders.Vertex; let FSSource = shaders.Fragment;
const applyQuaternionToVecShaderFunction = [ 'vec3 applyQuaternionToVec(vec4 q, vec3 v) {', ' float uvx = q.y * v.z - q.z * v.y;', ' float uvy = q.z * v.x - q.x * v.z;', ' float uvz = q.x * v.y - q.y * v.x;', ' float uuvx = q.y * uvz - q.z * uvy;', ' float uuvy = q.z * uvx - q.x * uvz;', ' float uuvz = q.x * uvy - q.y * uvx;', ' float w2 = q.w * 2.0;', ' uvx *= w2;', ' uvy *= w2;', ' uvz *= w2;', ' uuvx *= 2.0;', ' uuvy *= 2.0;', ' uuvz *= 2.0;', ' return vec3(v.x + uvx + uuvx, v.y + uvy + uuvy, v.z + uvz + uuvz);', '}', ];
VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Camera::Dec', [ 'uniform mat4 MCPCMatrix;', ]).result; VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::PositionVC::Impl', [' gl_Position = MCPCMatrix * vertexMC;'] ).result;
const vsColorDec = [ 'attribute vec3 centerlinePosition;', 'attribute float quadIndex;', 'uniform float width;', 'out vec2 quadOffsetVSOutput;', 'out vec3 centerlinePosVSOutput;', ]; const useProjection = model.renderable.isProjectionEnabled(); const isDirectionUniform = model.renderable.getUseUniformOrientation(); if (isDirectionUniform) { vsColorDec.push( 'out vec3 samplingDirVSOutput;', 'uniform vec4 centerlineOrientation;', 'uniform vec3 tangentDirection;', ...applyQuaternionToVecShaderFunction ); if (useProjection) { vsColorDec.push( 'out vec3 projectionDirVSOutput;', 'uniform vec3 bitangentDirection;' ); } } else { vsColorDec.push( 'out vec4 centerlineTopOrientationVSOutput;', 'out vec4 centerlineBotOrientationVSOutput;', 'attribute vec4 centerlineTopOrientation;', 'attribute vec4 centerlineBotOrientation;' ); } VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::Color::Dec', vsColorDec ).result;
const vsColorImpl = [ 'quadOffsetVSOutput = vec2(width * (mod(quadIndex, 2.0) == 0.0 ? -0.5 : 0.5), quadIndex > 1.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0);', 'centerlinePosVSOutput = centerlinePosition;', ]; if (isDirectionUniform) { vsColorImpl.push( 'samplingDirVSOutput = applyQuaternionToVec(centerlineOrientation, tangentDirection);' ); if (useProjection) { vsColorImpl.push( 'projectionDirVSOutput = applyQuaternionToVec(centerlineOrientation, bitangentDirection);' ); } } else { vsColorImpl.push( 'centerlineTopOrientationVSOutput = centerlineTopOrientation;', 'centerlineBotOrientationVSOutput = centerlineBotOrientation;' ); } VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::Color::Impl', vsColorImpl ).result;
const tNumComp = model.volumeTexture.getComponents(); const iComps = actor.getProperty().getIndependentComponents();
let tcoordFSDec = [ 'uniform mat4 MCTCMatrix; // Model coordinates to texture coordinates', 'in vec2 quadOffsetVSOutput;', 'in vec3 centerlinePosVSOutput;', 'uniform highp sampler3D volumeTexture;', 'uniform sampler2D colorTexture1;', 'uniform sampler2D pwfTexture1;', 'uniform float opacity;', 'uniform vec4 backgroundColor;',
`uniform float cshift0;`, `uniform float cscale0;`, `uniform float pwfshift0;`, `uniform float pwfscale0;`, ]; if (useProjection) { tcoordFSDec.push( 'uniform vec3 volumeSizeMC;', 'uniform int projectionSlabNumberOfSamples;', 'uniform float projectionConstantOffset;', 'uniform float projectionStepLength;' ); } if (isDirectionUniform) { tcoordFSDec.push('in vec3 samplingDirVSOutput;'); if (useProjection) { tcoordFSDec.push('in vec3 projectionDirVSOutput;'); } } else { tcoordFSDec.push( 'uniform vec3 tangentDirection;', 'in vec4 centerlineTopOrientationVSOutput;', 'in vec4 centerlineBotOrientationVSOutput;', ...applyQuaternionToVecShaderFunction ); if (useProjection) { tcoordFSDec.push('uniform vec3 bitangentDirection;'); } } const centerPoint = model.renderable.getCenterPoint(); if (centerPoint) { tcoordFSDec.push('uniform vec3 globalCenterPoint;'); } if (iComps) { for (let comp = 1; comp < tNumComp; comp++) { tcoordFSDec = tcoordFSDec.concat([ `uniform float cshift${comp};`, `uniform float cscale${comp};`, `uniform float pwfshift${comp};`, `uniform float pwfscale${comp};`, ]); } switch (tNumComp) { case 1: tcoordFSDec = tcoordFSDec.concat([ 'uniform float mix0;', '#define height0 0.5', ]); break; case 2: tcoordFSDec = tcoordFSDec.concat([ 'uniform float mix0;', 'uniform float mix1;', '#define height0 0.25', '#define height1 0.75', ]); break; case 3: tcoordFSDec = tcoordFSDec.concat([ 'uniform float mix0;', 'uniform float mix1;', 'uniform float mix2;', '#define height0 0.17', '#define height1 0.5', '#define height2 0.83', ]); break; case 4: tcoordFSDec = tcoordFSDec.concat([ 'uniform float mix0;', 'uniform float mix1;', 'uniform float mix2;', 'uniform float mix3;', '#define height0 0.125', '#define height1 0.375', '#define height2 0.625', '#define height3 0.875', ]); break; default: vtkErrorMacro('Unsupported number of independent coordinates.'); } } FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Dec', tcoordFSDec ).result;
let tcoordFSImpl = []; if (isDirectionUniform) { tcoordFSImpl.push('vec3 samplingDirection = samplingDirVSOutput;'); if (useProjection) { tcoordFSImpl.push('vec3 projectionDirection = projectionDirVSOutput;'); } } else { tcoordFSImpl.push( 'vec4 q0 = centerlineBotOrientationVSOutput;', 'vec4 q1 = centerlineTopOrientationVSOutput;', 'float qCosAngle = dot(q0, q1);', 'vec4 interpolatedOrientation;', 'if (qCosAngle > 0.999 || qCosAngle < -0.999) {', ' // Use LERP instead of SLERP when the two quaternions are close or opposite', ' interpolatedOrientation = normalize(mix(q0, q1, quadOffsetVSOutput.y));', '} else {', ' float omega = acos(qCosAngle);', ' interpolatedOrientation = normalize(sin((1.0 - quadOffsetVSOutput.y) * omega) * q0 + sin(quadOffsetVSOutput.y * omega) * q1);', '}', 'vec3 samplingDirection = applyQuaternionToVec(interpolatedOrientation, tangentDirection);' ); if (useProjection) { tcoordFSImpl.push( 'vec3 projectionDirection = applyQuaternionToVec(interpolatedOrientation, bitangentDirection);' ); } } if (centerPoint) { tcoordFSImpl.push( 'float baseOffset = dot(samplingDirection, globalCenterPoint - centerlinePosVSOutput);', 'float horizontalOffset = quadOffsetVSOutput.x + baseOffset;' ); } else { tcoordFSImpl.push('float horizontalOffset = quadOffsetVSOutput.x;'); } tcoordFSImpl.push( 'vec3 volumePosMC = centerlinePosVSOutput + horizontalOffset * samplingDirection;', 'vec3 volumePosTC = (MCTCMatrix * vec4(volumePosMC, 1.0)).xyz;', 'if (any(lessThan(volumePosTC, vec3(0.0))) || any(greaterThan(volumePosTC, vec3(1.0))))', '{', ' // set the background color and exit', ' gl_FragData[0] = backgroundColor;', ' return;', '}' );
if (useProjection) { const projectionMode = model.renderable.getProjectionMode(); switch (projectionMode) { case ProjectionMode.MIN: tcoordFSImpl.push( 'const vec4 initialProjectionTextureValue = vec4(1.0);' ); break; case ProjectionMode.MAX: case ProjectionMode.AVERAGE: default: tcoordFSImpl.push( 'const vec4 initialProjectionTextureValue = vec4(0.0);' ); break; }
tcoordFSImpl.push( 'vec3 projectionScaledDirection = projectionDirection / volumeSizeMC;', 'vec3 projectionStep = projectionStepLength * projectionScaledDirection;', 'vec3 projectionStartPosition = volumePosTC + projectionConstantOffset * projectionScaledDirection;', 'vec4 tvalue = initialProjectionTextureValue;', 'for (int projectionSampleIdx = 0; projectionSampleIdx < projectionSlabNumberOfSamples; ++projectionSampleIdx) {', ' vec3 projectionSamplePosition = projectionStartPosition + float(projectionSampleIdx) * projectionStep;', ' vec4 sampledTextureValue = texture(volumeTexture, projectionSamplePosition);' ); switch (projectionMode) { case ProjectionMode.MAX: tcoordFSImpl.push(' tvalue = max(tvalue, sampledTextureValue);'); break; case ProjectionMode.MIN: tcoordFSImpl.push(' tvalue = min(tvalue, sampledTextureValue);'); break; case ProjectionMode.AVERAGE: default: tcoordFSImpl.push(' tvalue = tvalue + sampledTextureValue;'); break; } tcoordFSImpl.push('}');
if (projectionMode === ProjectionMode.AVERAGE) { tcoordFSImpl.push( 'tvalue = tvalue / float(projectionSlabNumberOfSamples);' ); } } else { tcoordFSImpl.push('vec4 tvalue = texture(volumeTexture, volumePosTC);'); } if (iComps) { const rgba = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'a']; for (let comp = 0; comp < tNumComp; ++comp) { tcoordFSImpl = tcoordFSImpl.concat([ `vec3 tcolor${comp} = mix${comp} * texture2D(colorTexture1, vec2(tvalue.${rgba[comp]} * cscale${comp} + cshift${comp}, height${comp})).rgb;`, `float compWeight${comp} = mix${comp} * texture2D(pwfTexture1, vec2(tvalue.${rgba[comp]} * pwfscale${comp} + pwfshift${comp}, height${comp})).r;`, ]); } switch (tNumComp) { case 1: tcoordFSImpl = tcoordFSImpl.concat([ 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(tcolor0.rgb, compWeight0 * opacity);', ]); break; case 2: tcoordFSImpl = tcoordFSImpl.concat([ 'float weightSum = compWeight0 + compWeight1;', 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(vec3((tcolor0.rgb * (compWeight0 / weightSum)) + (tcolor1.rgb * (compWeight1 / weightSum))), opacity);', ]); break; case 3: tcoordFSImpl = tcoordFSImpl.concat([ 'float weightSum = compWeight0 + compWeight1 + compWeight2;', 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(vec3((tcolor0.rgb * (compWeight0 / weightSum)) + (tcolor1.rgb * (compWeight1 / weightSum)) + (tcolor2.rgb * (compWeight2 / weightSum))), opacity);', ]); break; case 4: tcoordFSImpl = tcoordFSImpl.concat([ 'float weightSum = compWeight0 + compWeight1 + compWeight2 + compWeight3;', 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(vec3((tcolor0.rgb * (compWeight0 / weightSum)) + (tcolor1.rgb * (compWeight1 / weightSum)) + (tcolor2.rgb * (compWeight2 / weightSum)) + (tcolor3.rgb * (compWeight3 / weightSum))), opacity);', ]); break; default: vtkErrorMacro('Unsupported number of independent coordinates.'); } } else { switch (tNumComp) { case 1: tcoordFSImpl = tcoordFSImpl.concat([ '// Dependent components', 'float intensity = tvalue.r;', 'vec3 tcolor = texture2D(colorTexture1, vec2(intensity * cscale0 + cshift0, 0.5)).rgb;', 'float scalarOpacity = texture2D(pwfTexture1, vec2(intensity * pwfscale0 + pwfshift0, 0.5)).r;', 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(tcolor, scalarOpacity * opacity);', ]); break; case 2: tcoordFSImpl = tcoordFSImpl.concat([ 'float intensity = tvalue.r*cscale0 + cshift0;', 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(texture2D(colorTexture1, vec2(intensity, 0.5)).rgb, pwfscale0*tvalue.g + pwfshift0);', ]); break; case 3: tcoordFSImpl = tcoordFSImpl.concat([ 'vec4 tcolor = cscale0*tvalue + cshift0;', 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(texture2D(colorTexture1, vec2(tcolor.r,0.5)).r,', ' texture2D(colorTexture1, vec2(tcolor.g,0.5)).r,', ' texture2D(colorTexture1, vec2(tcolor.b,0.5)).r, opacity);', ]); break; default: tcoordFSImpl = tcoordFSImpl.concat([ 'vec4 tcolor = cscale0*tvalue + cshift0;', 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(texture2D(colorTexture1, vec2(tcolor.r,0.5)).r,', ' texture2D(colorTexture1, vec2(tcolor.g,0.5)).r,', ' texture2D(colorTexture1, vec2(tcolor.b,0.5)).r, tcolor.a);', ]); } } FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', tcoordFSImpl ).result;
if (model.haveSeenDepthRequest) { FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::ZBuffer::Dec', 'uniform int depthRequest;' ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::ZBuffer::Impl', [ 'if (depthRequest == 1) {', 'float iz = floor(gl_FragCoord.z*65535.0 + 0.1);', 'float rf = floor(iz/256.0)/255.0;', 'float gf = mod(iz,256.0)/255.0;', 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(rf, gf, 0.0, 1.0); }', ]).result; }
shaders.Vertex = VSSource; shaders.Fragment = FSSource;
publicAPI.replaceShaderClip(shaders, ren, actor); publicAPI.replaceShaderCoincidentOffset(shaders, ren, actor); };
publicAPI.replaceShaderClip = (shaders, ren, actor) => { let VSSource = shaders.Vertex; let FSSource = shaders.Fragment;
if (model.renderable.getNumberOfClippingPlanes()) { let numClipPlanes = model.renderable.getNumberOfClippingPlanes(); if (numClipPlanes > 6) { macro.vtkErrorMacro('OpenGL has a limit of 6 clipping planes'); numClipPlanes = 6; } VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Clip::Dec', [ 'uniform int numClipPlanes;', 'uniform vec4 clipPlanes[6];', 'varying float clipDistancesVSOutput[6];', ]).result;
VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Clip::Impl', [ 'for (int planeNum = 0; planeNum < 6; planeNum++)', ' {', ' if (planeNum >= numClipPlanes)', ' {', ' break;', ' }', ' clipDistancesVSOutput[planeNum] = dot(clipPlanes[planeNum], vertexMC);', ' }', ]).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::Clip::Dec', [ 'uniform int numClipPlanes;', 'varying float clipDistancesVSOutput[6];', ]).result;
FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::Clip::Impl', [ 'for (int planeNum = 0; planeNum < 6; planeNum++)', ' {', ' if (planeNum >= numClipPlanes)', ' {', ' break;', ' }', ' if (clipDistancesVSOutput[planeNum] < 0.0) discard;', ' }', ]).result; } shaders.Vertex = VSSource; shaders.Fragment = FSSource; };
publicAPI.getShaderTemplate = (shaders, ren, actor) => { shaders.Vertex = vtkPolyDataVS; shaders.Fragment = vtkPolyDataFS; shaders.Geometry = ''; };
publicAPI.setMapperShaderParameters = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { const program = cellBO.getProgram(); const cellArrayBufferObject = cellBO.getCABO(); if ( cellArrayBufferObject.getElementCount() && (model.VBOBuildTime.getMTime() > cellBO.getAttributeUpdateTime().getMTime() || cellBO.getShaderSourceTime().getMTime() > cellBO.getAttributeUpdateTime().getMTime()) ) { if (program.isAttributeUsed('vertexMC')) { if ( !cellBO .getVAO() .addAttributeArray( program, cellArrayBufferObject, 'vertexMC', cellArrayBufferObject.getVertexOffset(), cellArrayBufferObject.getStride(), model.context.FLOAT, 3, model.context.FALSE ) ) { vtkErrorMacro('Error setting vertexMC in shader VAO.'); } } cellBO .getCABO() .getCustomData() .forEach((data) => { if ( data && program.isAttributeUsed( && !cellBO .getVAO() .addAttributeArray( program, cellArrayBufferObject,, data.offset, cellArrayBufferObject.getStride(), model.context.FLOAT, data.components, model.context.FALSE ) ) { vtkErrorMacro(`Error setting ${} in shader VAO.`); } }); cellBO.getAttributeUpdateTime().modified(); }
const texUnit = model.volumeTexture.getTextureUnit(); program.setUniformi('volumeTexture', texUnit); program.setUniformf('width', model.renderable.getWidth()); cellBO .getProgram() .setUniform4fv('backgroundColor', model.renderable.getBackgroundColor());
if (program.isUniformUsed('tangentDirection')) { const tangentDirection = model.renderable.getTangentDirection(); cellBO .getProgram() .setUniform3fArray('tangentDirection', tangentDirection); } if (program.isUniformUsed('bitangentDirection')) { const bitangentDirection = model.renderable.getBitangentDirection(); cellBO .getProgram() .setUniform3fArray('bitangentDirection', bitangentDirection); } if (program.isUniformUsed('centerlineOrientation')) { const uniformOrientation = model.renderable.getUniformOrientation(); cellBO .getProgram() .setUniform4fv('centerlineOrientation', uniformOrientation); } if (program.isUniformUsed('globalCenterPoint')) { const centerPoint = model.renderable.getCenterPoint(); program.setUniform3fArray('globalCenterPoint', centerPoint); } if (model.renderable.isProjectionEnabled()) { const image = model.currentImageDataInput; const spacing = image.getSpacing(); const dimensions = image.getDimensions(); const projectionSlabThickness = model.renderable.getProjectionSlabThickness(); const projectionSlabNumberOfSamples = model.renderable.getProjectionSlabNumberOfSamples();
const volumeSize = vec3.mul([], spacing, dimensions); program.setUniform3fArray('volumeSizeMC', volumeSize); program.setUniformi( 'projectionSlabNumberOfSamples', projectionSlabNumberOfSamples ); const constantOffset = -0.5 * projectionSlabThickness; program.setUniformf('projectionConstantOffset', constantOffset); const stepLength = projectionSlabThickness / (projectionSlabNumberOfSamples - 1); program.setUniformf('projectionStepLength', stepLength); }
const image = model.currentImageDataInput; const MCICMatrix = image.getWorldToIndex(); const ICTCMatrix = mat4.fromScaling( new Float32Array(16), vec3.inverse([], image.getDimensions()) ); const MCTCMatrix = mat4.mul(ICTCMatrix, ICTCMatrix, MCICMatrix); program.setUniformMatrix('MCTCMatrix', MCTCMatrix);
if (model.haveSeenDepthRequest) { cellBO .getProgram() .setUniformi('depthRequest', model.renderDepth ? 1 : 0); }
if (model.renderable.getNumberOfClippingPlanes()) { let numClipPlanes = model.renderable.getNumberOfClippingPlanes(); if (numClipPlanes > 6) { macro.vtkErrorMacro('OpenGL has a limit of 6 clipping planes'); numClipPlanes = 6; }
const shiftScaleEnabled = cellArrayBufferObject.getCoordShiftAndScaleEnabled(); const inverseShiftScaleMatrix = shiftScaleEnabled ? cellArrayBufferObject.getInverseShiftAndScaleMatrix() : null; const mat = inverseShiftScaleMatrix ? mat4.copy(model.imagematinv, actor.getMatrix()) : actor.getMatrix(); if (inverseShiftScaleMatrix) { mat4.transpose(mat, mat); mat4.multiply(mat, mat, inverseShiftScaleMatrix); mat4.transpose(mat, mat); }
mat4.transpose( model.imagemat, model.currentImageDataInput.getIndexToWorld() ); mat4.multiply(model.imagematinv, mat, model.imagemat);
const planeEquations = []; for (let i = 0; i < numClipPlanes; i++) { const planeEquation = []; model.renderable.getClippingPlaneInDataCoords( model.imagematinv, i, planeEquation );
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) { planeEquations.push(planeEquation[j]); } } program.setUniformi('numClipPlanes', numClipPlanes); program.setUniform4fv('clipPlanes', planeEquations); }
if (program.isUniformUsed('coffset')) { const cp = publicAPI.getCoincidentParameters(ren, actor); program.setUniformf('coffset', cp.offset); if (program.isUniformUsed('cfactor')) { program.setUniformf('cfactor', cp.factor); } } };
publicAPI.setCameraShaderParameters = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { const MCWCMatrix = model.openGLImageSlice.getKeyMatrices().mcwc; const WCPCMatrix = model.openGLCamera.getKeyMatrices(ren).wcpc; mat4.multiply(model.imagemat, WCPCMatrix, MCWCMatrix);
if (cellBO.getCABO().getCoordShiftAndScaleEnabled()) { const inverseShiftScaleMat = cellBO .getCABO() .getInverseShiftAndScaleMatrix(); mat4.multiply(model.imagemat, model.imagemat, inverseShiftScaleMat); }
cellBO.getProgram().setUniformMatrix('MCPCMatrix', model.imagemat); };
publicAPI.setPropertyShaderParameters = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { const program = cellBO.getProgram();
const ppty = actor.getProperty();
const opacity = ppty.getOpacity(); program.setUniformf('opacity', opacity);
const numComp = model.volumeTexture.getComponents(); const iComps = ppty.getIndependentComponents(); if (iComps) { for (let i = 0; i < numComp; ++i) { program.setUniformf(`mix${i}`, ppty.getComponentWeight(i)); } }
const volInfo = model.volumeTexture.getVolumeInfo();
for (let i = 0; i < numComp; i++) { let cw = ppty.getColorWindow(); let cl = ppty.getColorLevel(); const target = iComps ? i : 0; const cfun = ppty.getRGBTransferFunction(target); if (cfun && ppty.getUseLookupTableScalarRange()) { const cRange = cfun.getRange(); cw = cRange[1] - cRange[0]; cl = 0.5 * (cRange[1] + cRange[0]); }
const scale = volInfo.scale[i] / cw; const shift = (volInfo.offset[i] - cl) / cw + 0.5; program.setUniformf(`cshift${i}`, shift); program.setUniformf(`cscale${i}`, scale); } const texColorUnit = model.colorTexture.getTextureUnit(); program.setUniformi('colorTexture1', texColorUnit);
for (let i = 0; i < numComp; i++) { let pwfScale = 1.0; let pwfShift = 0.0; const target = iComps ? i : 0; const pwfun = ppty.getPiecewiseFunction(target); if (pwfun) { const pwfRange = pwfun.getRange(); const length = pwfRange[1] - pwfRange[0]; const mid = 0.5 * (pwfRange[0] + pwfRange[1]); pwfScale = volInfo.scale[i] / length; pwfShift = (volInfo.offset[i] - mid) / length + 0.5; } program.setUniformf(`pwfshift${i}`, pwfShift); program.setUniformf(`pwfscale${i}`, pwfScale); } const texOpacityUnit = model.pwfTexture.getTextureUnit(); program.setUniformi('pwfTexture1', texOpacityUnit); };
publicAPI.updateShaders = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { if (publicAPI.getNeedToRebuildShaders(cellBO, ren, actor)) { const shaders = { Vertex: null, Fragment: null, Geometry: null };
publicAPI.buildShaders(shaders, ren, actor);
const newShader = model._openGLRenderWindow .getShaderCache() .readyShaderProgramArray( shaders.Vertex, shaders.Fragment, shaders.Geometry );
if (newShader !== cellBO.getProgram()) { cellBO.setProgram(newShader); cellBO.getVAO().releaseGraphicsResources(); }
cellBO.getShaderSourceTime().modified(); } else { model._openGLRenderWindow .getShaderCache() .readyShaderProgram(cellBO.getProgram()); }
cellBO.getVAO().bind(); publicAPI.setMapperShaderParameters(cellBO, ren, actor); publicAPI.setCameraShaderParameters(cellBO, ren, actor); publicAPI.setPropertyShaderParameters(cellBO, ren, actor); };
publicAPI.delete = macro.chain(() => { if (model._openGLRenderWindow) { unregisterGraphicsResources(model._openGLRenderWindow); } }, publicAPI.delete); }
const DEFAULT_VALUES = { currentRenderPass: null, volumeTexture: null, colorTexture: null, pwfTexture: null, tris: null, lastHaveSeenDepthRequest: false, haveSeenDepthRequest: false, lastTextureComponents: 0, lastIndependentComponents: 0, imagemat: null, imagematinv: null, };
export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) { Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);
vtkViewNode.extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues); vtkReplacementShaderMapper.implementReplaceShaderCoincidentOffset( publicAPI, model, initialValues );
macro.algo(publicAPI, model, 2, 0);
model.tris = vtkHelper.newInstance(); model.volumeTexture = null; model.colorTexture = null; model.pwfTexture = null;
model.imagemat = mat4.identity(new Float64Array(16)); model.imagematinv = mat4.identity(new Float64Array(16));
model.VBOBuildTime = {}; macro.obj(model.VBOBuildTime, { mtime: 0 });
vtkOpenGLImageCPRMapper(publicAPI, model); }
export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkOpenGLImageCPRMapper'); export const STATIC = {};
export default { newInstance, extend, ...STATIC };
registerOverride('vtkImageCPRMapper', newInstance);