import { mat3, mat4, vec3 } from 'gl-matrix';
import * as macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros'; import vtkHelper from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/Helper'; import vtkMapper from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Mapper'; import * as vtkMath from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/Math'; import vtkOpenGLTexture from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/Texture'; import vtkProp from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Prop'; import vtkProperty from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Property'; import vtkShaderProgram from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/ShaderProgram'; import vtkViewNode from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/SceneGraph/ViewNode'; import vtkPolyDataVS from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/glsl/vtkPolyDataVS.glsl'; import vtkPolyDataFS from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/glsl/vtkPolyDataFS.glsl';
import vtkReplacementShaderMapper from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/ReplacementShaderMapper';
import { registerOverride } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/ViewNodeFactory';
import { PassTypes } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/OpenGL/HardwareSelector/Constants'; import vtkDataSet from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/DataSet'; import { Resolve } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/Mapper/CoincidentTopologyHelper';
const { FieldAssociations } = vtkDataSet;
const { primTypes } = vtkHelper; const { Representation, Shading } = vtkProperty; const { ScalarMode } = vtkMapper; const { Filter, Wrap } = vtkOpenGLTexture; const { vtkErrorMacro } = macro; const StartEvent = { type: 'StartEvent' }; const EndEvent = { type: 'EndEvent' }; const { CoordinateSystem } = vtkProp;
function getPickState(renderer) { const selector = renderer.getSelector(); if (selector) { return selector.getCurrentPass(); }
return PassTypes.MIN_KNOWN_PASS - 1; }
function vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper(publicAPI, model) { model.classHierarchy.push('vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper');
publicAPI.buildPass = (prepass) => { if (prepass) { model.currentRenderPass = null; model.openGLActor = publicAPI.getFirstAncestorOfType('vtkOpenGLActor'); model._openGLRenderer = model.openGLActor.getFirstAncestorOfType('vtkOpenGLRenderer'); model._openGLRenderWindow = model._openGLRenderer.getLastAncestorOfType( 'vtkOpenGLRenderWindow' ); model.openGLCamera = model._openGLRenderer.getViewNodeFor( model._openGLRenderer.getRenderable().getActiveCamera() ); } };
publicAPI.translucentPass = (prepass, renderPass) => { if (prepass) { model.currentRenderPass = renderPass; publicAPI.render(); } };
publicAPI.zBufferPass = (prepass) => { if (prepass) { model.haveSeenDepthRequest = true; model.renderDepth = true; publicAPI.render(); model.renderDepth = false; } };
publicAPI.opaqueZBufferPass = (prepass) => publicAPI.zBufferPass(prepass);
publicAPI.opaquePass = (prepass) => { if (prepass) { publicAPI.render(); } };
publicAPI.render = () => { const ctx = model._openGLRenderWindow.getContext(); if (model.context !== ctx) { model.context = ctx; for (let i = primTypes.Start; i < primTypes.End; i++) { model.primitives[i].setOpenGLRenderWindow(model._openGLRenderWindow); } } const actor = model.openGLActor.getRenderable(); const ren = model._openGLRenderer.getRenderable(); publicAPI.renderPiece(ren, actor); };
publicAPI.getShaderTemplate = (shaders, ren, actor) => { shaders.Vertex = vtkPolyDataVS; shaders.Fragment = vtkPolyDataFS; shaders.Geometry = ''; };
publicAPI.replaceShaderColor = (shaders, ren, actor) => { let VSSource = shaders.Vertex; let GSSource = shaders.Geometry; let FSSource = shaders.Fragment;
const lastLightComplexity = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName( 'lastLightComplexity' );
let colorDec = [ 'uniform float ambient;', 'uniform float diffuse;', 'uniform float specular;', 'uniform float opacityUniform; // the fragment opacity', 'uniform vec3 ambientColorUniform;', 'uniform vec3 diffuseColorUniform;', ]; if (lastLightComplexity) { colorDec = colorDec.concat([ 'uniform vec3 specularColorUniform;', 'uniform float specularPowerUniform;', ]); }
let colorImpl = [ 'vec3 ambientColor;', ' vec3 diffuseColor;', ' float opacity;', ]; if (lastLightComplexity) { colorImpl = colorImpl.concat([ ' vec3 specularColor;', ' float specularPower;', ]); } colorImpl = colorImpl.concat([ ' ambientColor = ambientColorUniform;', ' diffuseColor = diffuseColorUniform;', ' opacity = opacityUniform;', ]); if (lastLightComplexity) { colorImpl = colorImpl.concat([ ' specularColor = specularColorUniform;', ' specularPower = specularPowerUniform;', ]); }
if ( model.lastBoundBO.getCABO().getColorComponents() !== 0 && !model.drawingEdges ) { colorDec = colorDec.concat(['varying vec4 vertexColorVSOutput;']); VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Color::Dec', [ 'attribute vec4 scalarColor;', 'varying vec4 vertexColorVSOutput;', ]).result; VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Color::Impl', [ 'vertexColorVSOutput = scalarColor;', ]).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(GSSource, '//VTK::Color::Dec', [ 'in vec4 vertexColorVSOutput[];', 'out vec4 vertexColorGSOutput;', ]).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(GSSource, '//VTK::Color::Impl', [ 'vertexColorGSOutput = vertexColorVSOutput[i];', ]).result; }
if ( model.lastBoundBO.getCABO().getColorComponents() !== 0 && !model.drawingEdges ) { FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Color::Impl', colorImpl.concat([ ' diffuseColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;', ' ambientColor = vertexColorVSOutput.rgb;', ' opacity = opacity*vertexColorVSOutput.a;', ]) ).result; } else { if ( (model.renderable.getAreScalarsMappedFromCells() || model.renderable.getInterpolateScalarsBeforeMapping()) && model.renderable.getColorCoordinates() && !model.drawingEdges ) { FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Color::Impl', colorImpl.concat([ ' vec4 texColor = texture2D(texture1,;', ' diffuseColor = texColor.rgb;', ' ambientColor = texColor.rgb;', ' opacity = opacity*texColor.a;', ]) ).result; } else { if (actor.getBackfaceProperty() && !model.drawingEdges) { colorDec = colorDec.concat([ 'uniform float opacityUniformBF; // the fragment opacity', 'uniform float ambientIntensityBF; // the material ambient', 'uniform float diffuseIntensityBF; // the material diffuse', 'uniform vec3 ambientColorUniformBF; // ambient material color', 'uniform vec3 diffuseColorUniformBF; // diffuse material color', ]);
if (lastLightComplexity) { colorDec = colorDec.concat([ 'uniform float specularIntensityBF; // the material specular intensity', 'uniform vec3 specularColorUniformBF; // intensity weighted color', 'uniform float specularPowerUniformBF;', ]); colorImpl = colorImpl.concat([ 'if (gl_FrontFacing == false) {', ' ambientColor = ambientIntensityBF * ambientColorUniformBF;', ' diffuseColor = diffuseIntensityBF * diffuseColorUniformBF;', ' specularColor = specularIntensityBF * specularColorUniformBF;', ' specularPower = specularPowerUniformBF;', ' opacity = opacityUniformBF; }', ]); } else { colorImpl = colorImpl.concat([ 'if (gl_FrontFacing == false) {', ' ambientColor = ambientIntensityBF * ambientColorUniformBF;', ' diffuseColor = diffuseIntensityBF * diffuseColorUniformBF;', ' opacity = opacityUniformBF; }', ]); } }
if (model.haveCellScalars && !model.drawingEdges) { colorDec = colorDec.concat(['uniform samplerBuffer texture1;']); }
FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Color::Impl', colorImpl ).result; } }
FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Color::Dec', colorDec ).result;
shaders.Vertex = VSSource; shaders.Geometry = GSSource; shaders.Fragment = FSSource; };
publicAPI.replaceShaderLight = (shaders, ren, actor) => { let FSSource = shaders.Fragment;
const shadowFactor = '';
const lastLightComplexity = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName( 'lastLightComplexity' );
const lastLightCount = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName('lastLightCount');
let sstring = [];
switch (lastLightComplexity) { case 0: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Light::Impl', [ ' gl_FragData[0] = vec4(ambientColor * ambient + diffuseColor * diffuse, opacity);', ' //VTK::Light::Impl', ], false ).result; break;
case 1: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Light::Impl', [ ' float df = max(0.0, normalVCVSOutput.z);', ' float sf = pow(df, specularPower);', ' vec3 diffuseL = df * diffuseColor;', ' vec3 specularL = sf * specularColor;', ' gl_FragData[0] = vec4(ambientColor * ambient + diffuseL * diffuse + specularL * specular, opacity);', ' //VTK::Light::Impl', ], false ).result; break;
case 2: for (let lc = 0; lc < lastLightCount; ++lc) { sstring = sstring.concat([ `uniform vec3 lightColor${lc};`, `uniform vec3 lightDirectionVC${lc}; // normalized`, `uniform vec3 lightHalfAngleVC${lc}; // normalized`, ]); } FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Light::Dec', sstring ).result;
sstring = [ 'vec3 diffuseL = vec3(0,0,0);', ' vec3 specularL = vec3(0,0,0);', ' float df;', ]; for (let lc = 0; lc < lastLightCount; ++lc) { sstring = sstring.concat([ ` df = max(0.0, dot(normalVCVSOutput, -lightDirectionVC${lc}));`, ` diffuseL += ((df${shadowFactor}) * lightColor${lc});`, ` if (dot(normalVCVSOutput, lightDirectionVC${lc}) < 0.0)`, ' {', ` float sf = sign(df)*pow(max(1e-5, dot(reflect(lightDirectionVC${lc},normalVCVSOutput), normalize(, specularPower);`, ` specularL += (sf${shadowFactor} * lightColor${lc});`, ' }', ]); } sstring = sstring.concat([ ' diffuseL = diffuseL * diffuseColor;', ' specularL = specularL * specularColor;', ' gl_FragData[0] = vec4(ambientColor * ambient + diffuseL * diffuse + specularL * specular, opacity);', ' //VTK::Light::Impl', ]); FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Light::Impl', sstring, false ).result; break;
case 3: for (let lc = 0; lc < lastLightCount; ++lc) { sstring = sstring.concat([ `uniform vec3 lightColor${lc};`, `uniform vec3 lightDirectionVC${lc}; // normalized`, `uniform vec3 lightHalfAngleVC${lc}; // normalized`, `uniform vec3 lightPositionVC${lc};`, `uniform vec3 lightAttenuation${lc};`, `uniform float lightConeAngle${lc};`, `uniform float lightExponent${lc};`, `uniform int lightPositional${lc};`, ]); } FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Light::Dec', sstring ).result;
sstring = [ 'vec3 diffuseL = vec3(0,0,0);', ' vec3 specularL = vec3(0,0,0);', ' vec3 vertLightDirectionVC;', ' float attenuation;', ' float df;', ]; for (let lc = 0; lc < lastLightCount; ++lc) { sstring = sstring.concat([ ' attenuation = 1.0;', ` if (lightPositional${lc} == 0)`, ' {', ` vertLightDirectionVC = lightDirectionVC${lc};`, ' }', ' else', ' {', ` vertLightDirectionVC = - lightPositionVC${lc};`, ' float distanceVC = length(vertLightDirectionVC);', ' vertLightDirectionVC = normalize(vertLightDirectionVC);', ' attenuation = 1.0 /', ` (lightAttenuation${lc}.x`, ` + lightAttenuation${lc}.y * distanceVC`, ` + lightAttenuation${lc}.z * distanceVC * distanceVC);`, ' // per OpenGL standard cone angle is 90 or less for a spot light', ` if (lightConeAngle${lc} <= 90.0)`, ' {', ` float coneDot = dot(vertLightDirectionVC, lightDirectionVC${lc});`, ' // if inside the cone', ` if (coneDot >= cos(radians(lightConeAngle${lc})))`, ' {', ` attenuation = attenuation * pow(coneDot, lightExponent${lc});`, ' }', ' else', ' {', ' attenuation = 0.0;', ' }', ' }', ' }', ' df = max(0.0, attenuation*dot(normalVCVSOutput, -vertLightDirectionVC));', ` diffuseL += ((df${shadowFactor}) * lightColor${lc});`, ' if (dot(normalVCVSOutput, vertLightDirectionVC) < 0.0)', ' {', ` float sf = sign(df)*attenuation*pow(max(1e-5, dot(reflect(lightDirectionVC${lc}, normalVCVSOutput), normalize(, specularPower);`, ` specularL += ((sf${shadowFactor}) * lightColor${lc});`, ' }', ]); } sstring = sstring.concat([ ' diffuseL = diffuseL * diffuseColor;', ' specularL = specularL * specularColor;', ' gl_FragData[0] = vec4(ambientColor * ambient + diffuseL * diffuse + specularL * specular, opacity);', ' //VTK::Light::Impl', ]); FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Light::Impl', sstring, false ).result; break; default: vtkErrorMacro('bad light complexity'); }
shaders.Fragment = FSSource; };
publicAPI.replaceShaderNormal = (shaders, ren, actor) => { const lastLightComplexity = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName( 'lastLightComplexity' );
if (lastLightComplexity > 0) { let VSSource = shaders.Vertex; let GSSource = shaders.Geometry; let FSSource = shaders.Fragment;
if (model.lastBoundBO.getCABO().getNormalOffset()) { VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Dec', [ 'attribute vec3 normalMC;', 'uniform mat3 normalMatrix;', 'varying vec3 normalVCVSOutput;', ]).result; VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Impl', ['normalVCVSOutput = normalMatrix * normalMC;'] ).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(GSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Dec', [ 'in vec3 normalVCVSOutput[];', 'out vec3 normalVCGSOutput;', ]).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( GSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Impl', ['normalVCGSOutput = normalVCVSOutput[i];'] ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Dec', [ 'varying vec3 normalVCVSOutput;', ]).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Impl', [ 'vec3 normalVCVSOutput = normalize(normalVCVSOutput);', ' if (gl_FrontFacing == false) { normalVCVSOutput = -normalVCVSOutput; }', ] ).result; } else { if (model.haveCellNormals) { FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Dec', ['uniform mat3 normalMatrix;', 'uniform samplerBuffer textureN;'] ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Impl', [ 'vec3 normalVCVSOutput = normalize(normalMatrix *', ' texelFetchBuffer(textureN, gl_PrimitiveID + PrimitiveIDOffset).xyz);', ' if (gl_FrontFacing == false) { normalVCVSOutput = -normalVCVSOutput; }', ] ).result; } else { if ( model.lastBoundBO.getOpenGLMode( actor.getProperty().getRepresentation() ) === model.context.LINES ) { FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::UniformFlow::Impl', [ ' vec3 fdx = dFdx(;', ' vec3 fdy = dFdy(;', ' //VTK::UniformFlow::Impl', ] ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Impl', [ 'vec3 normalVCVSOutput;', ' if (abs(fdx.x) > 0.0)', ' { fdx = normalize(fdx); normalVCVSOutput = normalize(cross(vec3(fdx.y, -fdx.x, 0.0), fdx)); }', ' else { fdy = normalize(fdy); normalVCVSOutput = normalize(cross(vec3(fdy.y, -fdy.x, 0.0), fdy));}', ] ).result; } else { FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Dec', ['uniform int cameraParallel;'] ).result;
FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::UniformFlow::Impl', [ ' vec3 fdx = dFdx(;', ' vec3 fdy = dFdy(;', ' //VTK::UniformFlow::Impl', ] ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Normal::Impl', [ ' fdx = normalize(fdx);', ' fdy = normalize(fdy);', ' vec3 normalVCVSOutput = normalize(cross(fdx,fdy));', ' if (cameraParallel == 1 && normalVCVSOutput.z < 0.0) { normalVCVSOutput = -1.0*normalVCVSOutput; }', ' if (cameraParallel == 0 && dot(normalVCVSOutput, > 0.0) { normalVCVSOutput = -1.0*normalVCVSOutput; }', ] ).result; } } } shaders.Vertex = VSSource; shaders.Geometry = GSSource; shaders.Fragment = FSSource; } };
publicAPI.replaceShaderPositionVC = (shaders, ren, actor) => { model.lastBoundBO.replaceShaderPositionVC(shaders, ren, actor);
let VSSource = shaders.Vertex; let GSSource = shaders.Geometry; let FSSource = shaders.Fragment;
const lastLightComplexity = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName( 'lastLightComplexity' ); if (lastLightComplexity > 0) { VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::PositionVC::Dec', ['varying vec4 vertexVCVSOutput;'] ).result; VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::PositionVC::Impl', [ 'vertexVCVSOutput = MCVCMatrix * vertexMC;', ' gl_Position = MCPCMatrix * vertexMC;', ] ).result; VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Camera::Dec', [ 'uniform mat4 MCPCMatrix;', 'uniform mat4 MCVCMatrix;', ]).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( GSSource, '//VTK::PositionVC::Dec', ['in vec4 vertexVCVSOutput[];', 'out vec4 vertexVCGSOutput;'] ).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( GSSource, '//VTK::PositionVC::Impl', ['vertexVCGSOutput = vertexVCVSOutput[i];'] ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::PositionVC::Dec', ['varying vec4 vertexVCVSOutput;'] ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::PositionVC::Impl', ['vec4 vertexVC = vertexVCVSOutput;'] ).result; } else { VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Camera::Dec', [ 'uniform mat4 MCPCMatrix;', ]).result; VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::PositionVC::Impl', [' gl_Position = MCPCMatrix * vertexMC;'] ).result; } shaders.Vertex = VSSource; shaders.Geometry = GSSource; shaders.Fragment = FSSource; };
publicAPI.replaceShaderTCoord = (shaders, ren, actor) => { if (model.lastBoundBO.getCABO().getTCoordOffset()) { let VSSource = shaders.Vertex; let GSSource = shaders.Geometry; let FSSource = shaders.Fragment;
if (model.drawingEdges) { return; }
VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', 'tcoordVCVSOutput = tcoordMC;' ).result;
const tus = model.openGLActor.getActiveTextures(); let tNumComp = 2; let tcdim = 2; if (tus && tus.length > 0) { tNumComp = tus[0].getComponents(); if (tus[0].getTarget() === model.context.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) { tcdim = 3; } } if (model.renderable.getColorTextureMap()) { tNumComp = model.renderable .getColorTextureMap() .getPointData() .getScalars() .getNumberOfComponents(); tcdim = 2; }
if (tcdim === 2) { VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Dec', 'attribute vec2 tcoordMC; varying vec2 tcoordVCVSOutput;' ).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(GSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Dec', [ 'in vec2 tcoordVCVSOutput[];', 'out vec2 tcoordVCGSOutput;', ]).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( GSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', 'tcoordVCGSOutput = tcoordVCVSOutput[i];' ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Dec', [ 'varying vec2 tcoordVCVSOutput;', 'uniform sampler2D texture1;', ]).result; if (tus && tus.length >= 1) { switch (tNumComp) { case 1: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', [ ' vec4 tcolor = texture2D(texture1, tcoordVCVSOutput);', ' ambientColor = ambientColor*tcolor.r;', ' diffuseColor = diffuseColor*tcolor.r;', ] ).result; break; case 2: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', [ ' vec4 tcolor = texture2D(texture1, tcoordVCVSOutput);', ' ambientColor = ambientColor*tcolor.r;', ' diffuseColor = diffuseColor*tcolor.r;', ' opacity = opacity * tcolor.g;', ] ).result; break; default: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', [ ' vec4 tcolor = texture2D(texture1, tcoordVCVSOutput);', ' ambientColor = ambientColor*tcolor.rgb;', ' diffuseColor = diffuseColor*tcolor.rgb;', ' opacity = opacity * tcolor.a;', ] ).result; } } } else { VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Dec', 'attribute vec3 tcoordMC; varying vec3 tcoordVCVSOutput;' ).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(GSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Dec', [ 'in vec3 tcoordVCVSOutput[];', 'out vec3 tcoordVCGSOutput;', ]).result; GSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( GSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', 'tcoordVCGSOutput = tcoordVCVSOutput[i];' ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Dec', [ 'varying vec3 tcoordVCVSOutput;', 'uniform samplerCube texture1;', ]).result; switch (tNumComp) { case 1: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', [ ' vec4 tcolor = textureCube(texture1, tcoordVCVSOutput);', ' ambientColor = ambientColor*tcolor.r;', ' diffuseColor = diffuseColor*tcolor.r;', ] ).result; break; case 2: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', [ ' vec4 tcolor = textureCube(texture1, tcoordVCVSOutput);', ' ambientColor = ambientColor*tcolor.r;', ' diffuseColor = diffuseColor*tcolor.r;', ' opacity = opacity * tcolor.g;', ] ).result; break; default: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::TCoord::Impl', [ ' vec4 tcolor = textureCube(texture1, tcoordVCVSOutput);', ' ambientColor = ambientColor*tcolor.rgb;', ' diffuseColor = diffuseColor*tcolor.rgb;', ' opacity = opacity * tcolor.a;', ] ).result; } } shaders.Vertex = VSSource; shaders.Geometry = GSSource; shaders.Fragment = FSSource; } };
publicAPI.replaceShaderClip = (shaders, ren, actor) => { let VSSource = shaders.Vertex; let FSSource = shaders.Fragment;
if (model.renderable.getNumberOfClippingPlanes()) { const numClipPlanes = model.renderable.getNumberOfClippingPlanes(); VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Clip::Dec', [ 'uniform int numClipPlanes;', `uniform vec4 clipPlanes[${numClipPlanes}];`, `varying float clipDistancesVSOutput[${numClipPlanes}];`, ]).result;
VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Clip::Impl', [ `for (int planeNum = 0; planeNum < ${numClipPlanes}; planeNum++)`, ' {', ' if (planeNum >= numClipPlanes)', ' {', ' break;', ' }', ' clipDistancesVSOutput[planeNum] = dot(clipPlanes[planeNum], vertexMC);', ' }', ]).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::Clip::Dec', [ 'uniform int numClipPlanes;', `varying float clipDistancesVSOutput[${numClipPlanes}];`, ]).result;
FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::Clip::Impl', [ `for (int planeNum = 0; planeNum < ${numClipPlanes}; planeNum++)`, ' {', ' if (planeNum >= numClipPlanes)', ' {', ' break;', ' }', ' if (clipDistancesVSOutput[planeNum] < 0.0) discard;', ' }', ]).result; } shaders.Vertex = VSSource; shaders.Fragment = FSSource; };
publicAPI.getCoincidentParameters = (ren, actor) => { let cp = { factor: 0.0, offset: 0.0, }; const prop = actor.getProperty(); if ( model.renderable.getResolveCoincidentTopology() == Resolve.PolygonOffset || (prop.getEdgeVisibility() && prop.getRepresentation() === Representation.SURFACE) ) { const primType = model.lastBoundBO.getPrimitiveType(); if ( primType === primTypes.Points || prop.getRepresentation() === Representation.POINTS ) { cp = model.renderable.getCoincidentTopologyPointOffsetParameter(); } else if ( primType === primTypes.Lines || prop.getRepresentation() === Representation.WIREFRAME ) { cp = model.renderable.getCoincidentTopologyLineOffsetParameters(); } else if ( primType === primTypes.Tris || primType === primTypes.TriStrips ) { cp = model.renderable.getCoincidentTopologyPolygonOffsetParameters(); } if ( primType === primTypes.TrisEdges || primType === primTypes.TriStripsEdges ) { cp = model.renderable.getCoincidentTopologyPolygonOffsetParameters(); cp.factor /= 2.0; cp.offset /= 2.0; } }
const selector = model._openGLRenderer.getSelector(); if ( selector && selector.getFieldAssociation() === FieldAssociations.FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS ) { cp.offset -= 2.0; } return cp; };
publicAPI.replaceShaderPicking = (shaders, ren, actor) => { let FSSource = shaders.Fragment; let VSSource = shaders.Vertex; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::Picking::Dec', [ 'uniform int picking;', '//VTK::Picking::Dec', ]).result;
if (!model._openGLRenderer.getSelector()) { return; } if ( model.lastSelectionState === PassTypes.ID_LOW24 || model.lastSelectionState === PassTypes.ID_HIGH24 ) { VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(VSSource, '//VTK::Picking::Dec', [ 'flat out int vertexIDVSOutput;\n', 'uniform int VertexIDOffset;\n', ]).result; VSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( VSSource, '//VTK::Picking::Impl', ' vertexIDVSOutput = gl_VertexID + VertexIDOffset;\n' ).result;
FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Picking::Dec', 'flat in int vertexIDVSOutput;\n' ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::Picking::Impl', [ ' int idx = vertexIDVSOutput;', '//VTK::Picking::Impl', ]).result; }
switch (model.lastSelectionState) { case PassTypes.ID_LOW24: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Picking::Impl', ' gl_FragData[0] = vec4(float(idx%256)/255.0, float((idx/256)%256)/255.0, float((idx/65536)%256)/255.0, 1.0);' ).result; break; case PassTypes.ID_HIGH24: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Picking::Impl', ' gl_FragData[0] = vec4(float((idx/16777216)%256)/255.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);' ).result; break; default: FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Picking::Dec', 'uniform vec3 mapperIndex;' ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::Picking::Impl', ' gl_FragData[0] = picking != 0 ? vec4(mapperIndex,1.0) : gl_FragData[0];' ).result; } shaders.Fragment = FSSource; shaders.Vertex = VSSource; };
publicAPI.replaceShaderValues = (shaders, ren, actor) => { publicAPI.replaceShaderColor(shaders, ren, actor); publicAPI.replaceShaderNormal(shaders, ren, actor); publicAPI.replaceShaderLight(shaders, ren, actor); publicAPI.replaceShaderTCoord(shaders, ren, actor); publicAPI.replaceShaderPicking(shaders, ren, actor); publicAPI.replaceShaderClip(shaders, ren, actor); publicAPI.replaceShaderCoincidentOffset(shaders, ren, actor); publicAPI.replaceShaderPositionVC(shaders, ren, actor);
if (model.haveSeenDepthRequest) { let FSSource = shaders.Fragment; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute( FSSource, '//VTK::ZBuffer::Dec', 'uniform int depthRequest;' ).result; FSSource = vtkShaderProgram.substitute(FSSource, '//VTK::ZBuffer::Impl', [ 'if (depthRequest == 1) {', 'float iz = floor(gl_FragCoord.z*65535.0 + 0.1);', 'float rf = floor(iz/256.0)/255.0;', 'float gf = mod(iz,256.0)/255.0;', 'gl_FragData[0] = vec4(rf, gf, 0.0, 1.0); }', ]).result; shaders.Fragment = FSSource; } };
publicAPI.getNeedToRebuildShaders = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { let lightComplexity = 0; let numberOfLights = 0;
const primType = cellBO.getPrimitiveType(); const poly = model.currentInput;
let needLighting = false; const pointNormals = poly.getPointData().getNormals(); const cellNormals = poly.getCellData().getNormals(); const flat = actor.getProperty().getInterpolation() === Shading.FLAT; const representation = actor.getProperty().getRepresentation(); const mode = cellBO.getOpenGLMode(representation, primType); if (mode === model.context.TRIANGLES) { needLighting = true; } else if (cellNormals && !pointNormals) { needLighting = true; } else if (!flat && pointNormals) { needLighting = true; } else if (!flat && mode === model.context.LINES) { needLighting = true; }
if (actor.getProperty().getLighting() && needLighting) { lightComplexity = 0; const lights = ren.getLightsByReference(); for (let index = 0; index < lights.length; ++index) { const light = lights[index]; const status = light.getSwitch(); if (status > 0) { numberOfLights++; if (lightComplexity === 0) { lightComplexity = 1; } }
if ( lightComplexity === 1 && (numberOfLights > 1 || light.getIntensity() !== 1.0 || !light.lightTypeIsHeadLight()) ) { lightComplexity = 2; } if (lightComplexity < 3 && light.getPositional()) { lightComplexity = 3; } } }
let needRebuild = false; const lastLightComplexity = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName( 'lastLightComplexity' ); const lastLightCount = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName('lastLightCount'); if ( lastLightComplexity !== lightComplexity || lastLightCount !== numberOfLights ) { model.lastBoundBO.set({ lastLightComplexity: lightComplexity }, true); model.lastBoundBO.set({ lastLightCount: numberOfLights }, true); needRebuild = true; }
if ( (!model.currentRenderPass && model.lastRenderPassShaderReplacement) || (model.currentRenderPass && model.currentRenderPass.getShaderReplacement() !== model.lastRenderPassShaderReplacement) ) { needRebuild = true; }
if ( model.lastHaveSeenDepthRequest !== model.haveSeenDepthRequest || cellBO.getShaderSourceTime().getMTime() < model.renderable.getMTime() || cellBO.getShaderSourceTime().getMTime() < model.currentInput.getMTime() || cellBO.getShaderSourceTime().getMTime() < model.selectionStateChanged.getMTime() || needRebuild ) { model.lastHaveSeenDepthRequest = model.haveSeenDepthRequest; return true; }
return false; };
publicAPI.invokeShaderCallbacks = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { const listCallbacks = model.renderable.getViewSpecificProperties().ShadersCallbacks; if (listCallbacks) { listCallbacks.forEach((object) => { object.callback(object.userData, cellBO, ren, actor); }); } };
publicAPI.setMapperShaderParameters = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { if (cellBO.getProgram().isUniformUsed('PrimitiveIDOffset')) { cellBO .getProgram() .setUniformi('PrimitiveIDOffset', model.primitiveIDOffset); } if (cellBO.getProgram().isUniformUsed('VertexIDOffset')) { cellBO.getProgram().setUniformi('VertexIDOffset', model.vertexIDOffset); }
if ( cellBO.getCABO().getElementCount() && (model.VBOBuildTime.getMTime() > cellBO.getAttributeUpdateTime().getMTime() || cellBO.getShaderSourceTime().getMTime() > cellBO.getAttributeUpdateTime().getMTime()) ) { const lastLightComplexity = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName( 'lastLightComplexity' );
if (cellBO.getProgram().isAttributeUsed('vertexMC')) { if ( !cellBO .getVAO() .addAttributeArray( cellBO.getProgram(), cellBO.getCABO(), 'vertexMC', cellBO.getCABO().getVertexOffset(), cellBO.getCABO().getStride(), model.context.FLOAT, 3, false ) ) { vtkErrorMacro('Error setting vertexMC in shader VAO.'); } } if ( cellBO.getProgram().isAttributeUsed('normalMC') && cellBO.getCABO().getNormalOffset() && lastLightComplexity > 0 ) { if ( !cellBO .getVAO() .addAttributeArray( cellBO.getProgram(), cellBO.getCABO(), 'normalMC', cellBO.getCABO().getNormalOffset(), cellBO.getCABO().getStride(), model.context.FLOAT, 3, false ) ) { vtkErrorMacro('Error setting normalMC in shader VAO.'); } } else { cellBO.getVAO().removeAttributeArray('normalMC'); }
model.renderable.getCustomShaderAttributes().forEach((attrName, idx) => { if (cellBO.getProgram().isAttributeUsed(`${attrName}MC`)) { if ( !cellBO .getVAO() .addAttributeArray( cellBO.getProgram(), cellBO.getCABO(), `${attrName}MC`, cellBO.getCABO().getCustomData()[idx].offset, cellBO.getCABO().getStride(), model.context.FLOAT, cellBO.getCABO().getCustomData()[idx].components, false ) ) { vtkErrorMacro(`Error setting ${attrName}MC in shader VAO.`); } } });
if ( cellBO.getProgram().isAttributeUsed('tcoordMC') && cellBO.getCABO().getTCoordOffset() ) { if ( !cellBO .getVAO() .addAttributeArray( cellBO.getProgram(), cellBO.getCABO(), 'tcoordMC', cellBO.getCABO().getTCoordOffset(), cellBO.getCABO().getStride(), model.context.FLOAT, cellBO.getCABO().getTCoordComponents(), false ) ) { vtkErrorMacro('Error setting tcoordMC in shader VAO.'); } } else { cellBO.getVAO().removeAttributeArray('tcoordMC'); } if ( cellBO.getProgram().isAttributeUsed('scalarColor') && cellBO.getCABO().getColorComponents() ) { if ( !cellBO .getVAO() .addAttributeArray( cellBO.getProgram(), cellBO.getCABO().getColorBO(), 'scalarColor', cellBO.getCABO().getColorOffset(), cellBO.getCABO().getColorBOStride(), model.context.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4, true ) ) { vtkErrorMacro('Error setting scalarColor in shader VAO.'); } } else { cellBO.getVAO().removeAttributeArray('scalarColor'); }
cellBO.getAttributeUpdateTime().modified(); }
if (model.renderable.getNumberOfClippingPlanes()) { const numClipPlanes = model.renderable.getNumberOfClippingPlanes(); const planeEquations = [];
const shiftScaleEnabled = cellBO.getCABO().getCoordShiftAndScaleEnabled(); const inverseShiftScaleMatrix = shiftScaleEnabled ? cellBO.getCABO().getInverseShiftAndScaleMatrix() : null; const mat = inverseShiftScaleMatrix ? mat4.copy(model.tmpMat4, actor.getMatrix()) : actor.getMatrix(); if (inverseShiftScaleMatrix) { mat4.transpose(mat, mat); mat4.multiply(mat, mat, inverseShiftScaleMatrix); mat4.transpose(mat, mat); }
for (let i = 0; i < numClipPlanes; i++) { const planeEquation = []; model.renderable.getClippingPlaneInDataCoords(mat, i, planeEquation);
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) { planeEquations.push(planeEquation[j]); } } cellBO.getProgram().setUniformi('numClipPlanes', numClipPlanes); cellBO.getProgram().setUniform4fv('clipPlanes', planeEquations); }
if ( model.internalColorTexture && cellBO.getProgram().isUniformUsed('texture1') ) { cellBO .getProgram() .setUniformi('texture1', model.internalColorTexture.getTextureUnit()); } const tus = model.openGLActor.getActiveTextures(); if (tus) { for (let index = 0; index < tus.length; ++index) { const tex = tus[index]; const texUnit = tex.getTextureUnit(); const tname = `texture${texUnit + 1}`; if (cellBO.getProgram().isUniformUsed(tname)) { cellBO.getProgram().setUniformi(tname, texUnit); } } }
if (model.haveSeenDepthRequest) { cellBO .getProgram() .setUniformi('depthRequest', model.renderDepth ? 1 : 0); }
if (cellBO.getProgram().isUniformUsed('coffset')) { const cp = publicAPI.getCoincidentParameters(ren, actor); cellBO.getProgram().setUniformf('coffset', cp.offset); if (cellBO.getProgram().isUniformUsed('cfactor')) { cellBO.getProgram().setUniformf('cfactor', cp.factor); } }
cellBO.setMapperShaderParameters( ren, actor, model._openGLRenderer.getTiledSizeAndOrigin() );
const selector = model._openGLRenderer.getSelector(); cellBO .getProgram() .setUniform3fArray( 'mapperIndex', selector ? selector.getPropColorValue() : [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ); cellBO .getProgram() .setUniformi('picking', selector ? selector.getCurrentPass() + 1 : 0); };
publicAPI.setLightingShaderParameters = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { const lastLightComplexity = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName( 'lastLightComplexity' ); if (lastLightComplexity < 2) { return; }
const program = cellBO.getProgram();
let numberOfLights = 0;
const lights = ren.getLightsByReference(); for (let index = 0; index < lights.length; ++index) { const light = lights[index]; const status = light.getSwitch(); if (status > 0.0) { const dColor = light.getColorByReference(); const intensity = light.getIntensity(); model.lightColor[0] = dColor[0] * intensity; model.lightColor[1] = dColor[1] * intensity; model.lightColor[2] = dColor[2] * intensity; const ld = light.getDirection(); const transform = ren.getActiveCamera().getViewMatrix();
const newLightDirection = [...ld]; if (light.lightTypeIsSceneLight()) { newLightDirection[0] = transform[0] * ld[0] + transform[1] * ld[1] + transform[2] * ld[2]; newLightDirection[1] = transform[4] * ld[0] + transform[5] * ld[1] + transform[6] * ld[2]; newLightDirection[2] = transform[8] * ld[0] + transform[9] * ld[1] + transform[10] * ld[2]; vtkMath.normalize(newLightDirection); }
model.lightDirection[0] = newLightDirection[0]; model.lightDirection[1] = newLightDirection[1]; model.lightDirection[2] = newLightDirection[2]; vtkMath.normalize(model.lightDirection); program.setUniform3fArray( `lightColor${numberOfLights}`, model.lightColor ); program.setUniform3fArray( `lightDirectionVC${numberOfLights}`, model.lightDirection ); numberOfLights++; } }
if (lastLightComplexity < 3) { return; }
const cam = ren.getActiveCamera(); const viewTF = cam.getViewMatrix(); mat4.transpose(viewTF, viewTF);
numberOfLights = 0;
for (let index = 0; index < lights.length; ++index) { const light = lights[index]; const status = light.getSwitch(); if (status > 0.0) { const lp = light.getTransformedPosition(); const np = new Float64Array(3); vec3.transformMat4(np, lp, viewTF); program.setUniform3fArray( `lightAttenuation${numberOfLights}`, light.getAttenuationValuesByReference() ); program.setUniformi( `lightPositional${numberOfLights}`, light.getPositional() ); program.setUniformf( `lightExponent${numberOfLights}`, light.getExponent() ); program.setUniformf( `lightConeAngle${numberOfLights}`, light.getConeAngle() ); program.setUniform3fArray(`lightPositionVC${numberOfLights}`, [ np[0], np[1], np[2], ]); numberOfLights++; } } };
function safeMatrixMultiply(matrixArray, matrixType, tmpMat) { matrixType.identity(tmpMat); return matrixArray.reduce((res, matrix, index) => { if (index === 0) { return matrix ? matrixType.copy(res, matrix) : matrixType.identity(res); } return matrix ? matrixType.multiply(res, res, matrix) : res; }, tmpMat); }
publicAPI.setCameraShaderParameters = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { const program = cellBO.getProgram();
const keyMats = model.openGLCamera.getKeyMatrices(ren); const cam = ren.getActiveCamera();
const camm = model.openGLCamera.getKeyMatrixTime().getMTime(); const progm = program.getLastCameraMTime();
const shiftScaleEnabled = cellBO.getCABO().getCoordShiftAndScaleEnabled(); const inverseShiftScaleMatrix = shiftScaleEnabled ? cellBO.getCABO().getInverseShiftAndScaleMatrix() : null;
const actorIsIdentity = actor.getIsIdentity(); const actMats = actorIsIdentity ? { mcwc: null, normalMatrix: null } : model.openGLActor.getKeyMatrices();
if (actor.getCoordinateSystem() === CoordinateSystem.DISPLAY) { const size = model._openGLRenderer.getTiledSizeAndOrigin(); mat4.identity(model.tmpMat4); model.tmpMat4[0] = 2.0 / size.usize; model.tmpMat4[12] = -1.0; model.tmpMat4[5] = 2.0 / size.vsize; model.tmpMat4[13] = -1.0; mat4.multiply(model.tmpMat4, model.tmpMat4, inverseShiftScaleMatrix); program.setUniformMatrix('MCPCMatrix', model.tmpMat4); } else { program.setUniformMatrix( 'MCPCMatrix', safeMatrixMultiply( [keyMats.wcpc, actMats.mcwc, inverseShiftScaleMatrix], mat4, model.tmpMat4 ) ); } if (program.isUniformUsed('MCVCMatrix')) { program.setUniformMatrix( 'MCVCMatrix', safeMatrixMultiply( [keyMats.wcvc, actMats.mcwc, inverseShiftScaleMatrix], mat4, model.tmpMat4 ) ); } if (program.isUniformUsed('normalMatrix')) { program.setUniformMatrix3x3( 'normalMatrix', safeMatrixMultiply( [keyMats.normalMatrix, actMats.normalMatrix], mat3, model.tmpMat3 ) ); }
if (progm !== camm) { if (program.isUniformUsed('cameraParallel')) { program.setUniformi('cameraParallel', cam.getParallelProjection()); } program.setLastCameraMTime(camm); }
if (!actorIsIdentity) { program.setLastCameraMTime(0); } };
publicAPI.setPropertyShaderParameters = (cellBO, ren, actor) => { const program = cellBO.getProgram();
let ppty = actor.getProperty();
let opacity = ppty.getOpacity();
let aColor = model.drawingEdges ? ppty.getEdgeColorByReference() : ppty.getAmbientColorByReference(); let dColor = model.drawingEdges ? ppty.getEdgeColorByReference() : ppty.getDiffuseColorByReference();
let aIntensity = model.drawingEdges ? 1.0 : ppty.getAmbient(); let dIntensity = model.drawingEdges ? 0.0 : ppty.getDiffuse(); let sIntensity = model.drawingEdges ? 0.0 : ppty.getSpecular();
const specularPower = ppty.getSpecularPower();
program.setUniformf('opacityUniform', opacity);
program.setUniform3fArray('ambientColorUniform', aColor); program.setUniform3fArray('diffuseColorUniform', dColor);
program.setUniformf('ambient', aIntensity); program.setUniformf('diffuse', dIntensity);
const lastLightComplexity = model.lastBoundBO.getReferenceByName( 'lastLightComplexity' );
if (lastLightComplexity < 1) { return; }
let sColor = ppty.getSpecularColorByReference(); program.setUniform3fArray('specularColorUniform', sColor); program.setUniformf('specularPowerUniform', specularPower); program.setUniformf('specular', sIntensity);
if (program.isUniformUsed('ambientIntensityBF')) { ppty = actor.getBackfaceProperty();
opacity = ppty.getOpacity();
aColor = ppty.getAmbientColor(); aIntensity = ppty.getAmbient();
dColor = ppty.getDiffuseColor(); dIntensity = ppty.getDiffuse();
sColor = ppty.getSpecularColor(); sIntensity = ppty.getSpecular();
program.setUniformf('ambientIntensityBF', aIntensity); program.setUniformf('diffuseIntensityBF', dIntensity); program.setUniformf('opacityUniformBF', opacity); program.setUniform3fArray('ambientColorUniformBF', aColor); program.setUniform3fArray('diffuseColorUniformBF', dColor);
if (lastLightComplexity < 1) { return; }
program.setUniformf('specularIntensityBF', sIntensity); program.setUniform3fArray('specularColorUniformBF', sColor); program.setUniformf('specularPowerUniformBF', specularPower); } };
publicAPI.updateMaximumPointCellIds = (ren, actor) => { const selector = model._openGLRenderer.getSelector(); if (!selector) { return; }
if (model.selectionWebGLIdsToVTKIds?.points?.length) { const length = model.selectionWebGLIdsToVTKIds.points.length; selector.setMaximumPointId(length - 1); }
if (model.selectionWebGLIdsToVTKIds?.cells?.length) { const length = model.selectionWebGLIdsToVTKIds.cells.length; selector.setMaximumCellId(length - 1); }
const fieldAssociation = selector.getFieldAssociation(); if (fieldAssociation === FieldAssociations.FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS) { model.pointPicking = true; } };
publicAPI.renderPieceStart = (ren, actor) => { model.primitiveIDOffset = 0; model.vertexIDOffset = 0;
const picking = getPickState(model._openGLRenderer); if (model.lastSelectionState !== picking) { model.selectionStateChanged.modified(); model.lastSelectionState = picking; }
if (model._openGLRenderer.getSelector()) { switch (picking) { default: model._openGLRenderer.getSelector().renderProp(actor); } }
publicAPI.updateBufferObjects(ren, actor);
if (model.renderable.getColorTextureMap()) { model.internalColorTexture.activate(); }
model.lastBoundBO = null; };
publicAPI.renderPieceDraw = (ren, actor) => { const representation = actor.getProperty().getRepresentation();
const drawSurfaceWithEdges = actor.getProperty().getEdgeVisibility() && representation === Representation.SURFACE;
const selector = model._openGLRenderer.getSelector(); const pointPicking = selector && selector.getFieldAssociation() === FieldAssociations.FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS && (model.lastSelectionState === PassTypes.ID_LOW24 || model.lastSelectionState === PassTypes.ID_HIGH24);
for (let i = primTypes.Start; i < primTypes.End; i++) { model.primitives[i].setPointPicking(pointPicking); const cabo = model.primitives[i].getCABO(); if (cabo.getElementCount()) { model.drawingEdges = drawSurfaceWithEdges && (i === primTypes.TrisEdges || i === primTypes.TriStripsEdges); if ( !model.drawingEdges || !(model.renderDepth || model.lastSelectionState >= 0) ) { model.lastBoundBO = model.primitives[i]; model.primitiveIDOffset += model.primitives[i].drawArrays( ren, actor, representation, publicAPI ); model.vertexIDOffset += model.primitives[i] .getCABO() .getElementCount(); } } } };
publicAPI.renderPieceFinish = (ren, actor) => { if (model.LastBoundBO) { model.LastBoundBO.getVAO().release(); } if (model.renderable.getColorTextureMap()) { model.internalColorTexture.deactivate(); } };
publicAPI.renderPiece = (ren, actor) => {
publicAPI.invokeEvent(StartEvent); if (!model.renderable.getStatic()) { model.renderable.update(); } model.currentInput = model.renderable.getInputData(); publicAPI.invokeEvent(EndEvent);
if (!model.currentInput) { vtkErrorMacro('No input!'); return; }
if ( !model.currentInput.getPoints || !model.currentInput.getPoints().getNumberOfValues() ) { return; }
const gl = model.context; const backfaceCulling = actor.getProperty().getBackfaceCulling(); const frontfaceCulling = actor.getProperty().getFrontfaceCulling(); if (!backfaceCulling && !frontfaceCulling) { model._openGLRenderWindow.disableCullFace(); } else if (frontfaceCulling) { model._openGLRenderWindow.enableCullFace(); gl.cullFace(gl.FRONT); } else { model._openGLRenderWindow.enableCullFace(); gl.cullFace(gl.BACK); }
publicAPI.renderPieceStart(ren, actor); publicAPI.renderPieceDraw(ren, actor); publicAPI.renderPieceFinish(ren, actor); };
publicAPI.computeBounds = (ren, actor) => { if (!publicAPI.getInput()) { vtkMath.uninitializeBounds(model.bounds); return; } model.bounds = publicAPI.getInput().getBounds(); };
publicAPI.updateBufferObjects = (ren, actor) => { if (publicAPI.getNeedToRebuildBufferObjects(ren, actor)) { publicAPI.buildBufferObjects(ren, actor); } publicAPI.updateMaximumPointCellIds(); };
publicAPI.getNeedToRebuildBufferObjects = (ren, actor) => { const vmtime = model.VBOBuildTime.getMTime(); if ( vmtime < publicAPI.getMTime() || vmtime < model.renderable.getMTime() || vmtime < actor.getMTime() || vmtime < model.currentInput.getMTime() ) { return true; } return false; };
publicAPI.buildBufferObjects = (ren, actor) => { const poly = model.currentInput;
if (poly === null) { return; }
model.renderable.mapScalars(poly, 1.0); const c = model.renderable.getColorMapColors();
model.haveCellScalars = false; const scalarMode = model.renderable.getScalarMode(); if (model.renderable.getScalarVisibility()) { if ( (scalarMode === ScalarMode.USE_CELL_DATA || scalarMode === ScalarMode.USE_CELL_FIELD_DATA || scalarMode === ScalarMode.USE_FIELD_DATA || !poly.getPointData().getScalars()) && scalarMode !== ScalarMode.USE_POINT_FIELD_DATA && c ) { model.haveCellScalars = true; } }
let n = actor.getProperty().getInterpolation() !== Shading.FLAT ? poly.getPointData().getNormals() : null; if (n === null && poly.getCellData().getNormals()) { model.haveCellNormals = true; n = poly.getCellData().getNormals(); }
const representation = actor.getProperty().getRepresentation();
let tcoords = poly.getPointData().getTCoords(); if (!model.openGLActor.getActiveTextures()) { tcoords = null; }
let useTCoordsPerCell = false; if (model.renderable.getColorCoordinates()) { tcoords = model.renderable.getColorCoordinates(); useTCoordsPerCell = model.renderable.getAreScalarsMappedFromCells(); if (!model.internalColorTexture) { model.internalColorTexture = vtkOpenGLTexture.newInstance({ resizable: true, }); } const tex = model.internalColorTexture; tex.setMinificationFilter(Filter.NEAREST); tex.setMagnificationFilter(Filter.NEAREST); tex.setWrapS(Wrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); tex.setWrapT(Wrap.CLAMP_TO_EDGE); tex.setOpenGLRenderWindow(model._openGLRenderWindow);
const input = model.renderable.getColorTextureMap(); const ext = input.getExtent(); const inScalars = input.getPointData().getScalars(); tex.create2DFromRaw( ext[1] - ext[0] + 1, ext[3] - ext[2] + 1, inScalars.getNumberOfComponents(), inScalars.getDataType(), inScalars.getData() ); tex.activate(); tex.sendParameters(); tex.deactivate(); }
const toString = `${poly.getMTime()}A${representation}B${poly.getMTime()}` + `C${n ? n.getMTime() : 1}D${c ? c.getMTime() : 1}` + `E${actor.getProperty().getEdgeVisibility()}` + `F${tcoords ? tcoords.getMTime() : 1}`; if (model.VBOBuildString !== toString) { const points = poly.getPoints(); const options = { points, normals: n, tcoords, colors: c, cellOffset: 0, vertexOffset: 0, useTCoordsPerCell, haveCellScalars: model.haveCellScalars, haveCellNormals: model.haveCellNormals, customAttributes: model.renderable .getCustomShaderAttributes() .map((arrayName) => poly.getPointData().getArrayByName(arrayName)), };
if (model.renderable.getPopulateSelectionSettings()) { model.selectionWebGLIdsToVTKIds = { points: null, cells: null, }; }
const primitives = [ { inRep: 'verts', cells: poly.getVerts() }, { inRep: 'lines', cells: poly.getLines() }, { inRep: 'polys', cells: poly.getPolys() }, { inRep: 'strips', cells: poly.getStrips() }, { inRep: 'polys', cells: poly.getPolys() }, { inRep: 'strips', cells: poly.getStrips() }, ]; const drawSurfaceWithEdges = actor.getProperty().getEdgeVisibility() && representation === Representation.SURFACE;
for (let i = primTypes.Start; i < primTypes.End; i++) { if (i !== primTypes.TrisEdges && i !== primTypes.TriStripsEdges) { options.cellOffset += model.primitives[i] .getCABO() .createVBO( primitives[i].cells, primitives[i].inRep, representation, options, model.selectionWebGLIdsToVTKIds ); options.vertexOffset += model.primitives[i] .getCABO() .getElementCount(); } else { if (drawSurfaceWithEdges) { model.primitives[i] .getCABO() .createVBO( primitives[i].cells, primitives[i].inRep, Representation.WIREFRAME, { ...options, tcoords: null, colors: null, haveCellScalars: false, haveCellNormals: false, } ); } else { model.primitives[i].releaseGraphicsResources(); } } }
if (model.renderable.getPopulateSelectionSettings()) { model.renderable.setSelectionWebGLIdsToVTKIds( model.selectionWebGLIdsToVTKIds ); }
model.VBOBuildString = toString; } model.VBOBuildTime.modified(); };
publicAPI.getAllocatedGPUMemoryInBytes = () => { let memUsed = 0; model.primitives.forEach((prim) => { memUsed += prim.getAllocatedGPUMemoryInBytes(); }); return memUsed; }; }
const DEFAULT_VALUES = { context: null, VBOBuildTime: 0, VBOBuildString: null, primitives: null, primTypes: null, shaderRebuildString: null, tmpMat4: null, ambientColor: [], diffuseColor: [], specularColor: [], lightColor: [], lightDirection: [], lastHaveSeenDepthRequest: false, haveSeenDepthRequest: false, lastSelectionState: PassTypes.MIN_KNOWN_PASS - 1, selectionStateChanged: null, selectionWebGLIdsToVTKIds: null, pointPicking: false, };
export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) { Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);
vtkViewNode.extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues); vtkReplacementShaderMapper.implementReplaceShaderCoincidentOffset( publicAPI, model, initialValues ); vtkReplacementShaderMapper.implementBuildShadersWithReplacements( publicAPI, model, initialValues );
model.primitives = []; model.primTypes = primTypes;
model.tmpMat3 = mat3.identity(new Float64Array(9)); model.tmpMat4 = mat4.identity(new Float64Array(16));
for (let i = primTypes.Start; i < primTypes.End; i++) { model.primitives[i] = vtkHelper.newInstance(); model.primitives[i].setPrimitiveType(i); model.primitives[i].set( { lastLightComplexity: 0, lastLightCount: 0, lastSelectionPass: false }, true ); }
macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, ['context']);
model.VBOBuildTime = {}; macro.obj(model.VBOBuildTime, { mtime: 0 });
model.selectionStateChanged = {}; macro.obj(model.selectionStateChanged, { mtime: 0 });
vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper(publicAPI, model); }
export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper');
export default { newInstance, extend };
registerOverride('vtkMapper', newInstance);