

vtkPlane provides methods for various plane computations. These include
projecting points onto a plane, evaluating the plane equation, and returning
plane normal.



Return the distance of a point x to a plane defined by n (x-p0) = 0.
The normal n must be magnitude = 1.

Argument Type Required Description
x Vector3 Yes
origin Vector3 Yes The coordinate of the origin point.
normal Vector3 Yes


Get the distance of a point x to a plane defined by n (x-p0) = 0.
The normal n must be magnitude = 1.

Argument Type Required Description
x Vector3 Yes The point coordiante.


Quick evaluation of plane equation n(x-origin) = 0.

Argument Type Required Description
normal Vector3 Yes
origin Vector3 Yes The coordinate of the origin point.
x Vector3 Yes


Evaluate plane equation for point x.

Accepts both an array point representation and individual xyz arguments.

plane.evaluateFunction([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
plane.evaluateFunction(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Argument Type Required Description
value Vector3 Yes


Evaluate plane equation for point x.

Accepts both an array point representation and individual xyz arguments.

plane.evaluateFunction([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
plane.evaluateFunction(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.


Given the point xyz (three floating values) evaluate the equation for the
plane gradient. Note that the normal and origin must have already been
specified. The method returns an array of three floats.

Argument Type Required Description
xyz Yes


Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkPlane characteristics.

Argument Type Required Description
publicAPI Yes object on which methods will be bounds (public)
model Yes object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
initialValues IPlaneInitialValues No (default: {})


Project a point x onto plane defined by origin and normal. The projected
point is returned in xproj.

!!! note
normal does NOT have to have magnitude 1.

Argument Type Required Description
x Vector3 Yes
origin Vector3 Yes The coordinate of the origin point.
normal Vector3 Yes
xproj Vector3 Yes


Argument Type Required Description
x Vector3 Yes The point coordinate.
xproj Vector3 Yes The projection point’s coordinate.


Get plane normal.
Plane is defined by point and normal.


Get plane normal.
Plane is defined by point and normal.


Get the origin of the plane


Get the origin of the plane


Given a line defined by the two points p1,p2; and a plane defined by the normal n and point p0, compute an intersection.
Return an object:

let obj = {intersection: ..., betweenPoints: ..., t: ..., x: ...};


  • intersection (boolean): indicates if the plane and line intersect.
  • betweenPoints (boolean): indicates if the intersection is between the provided points. True if (0 <= t <= 1), and false otherwise.
  • t (Number): parametric coordinate along the line.
  • x (Array): coordinates of intersection.

If the plane and line are parallel, intersection is false and t is set to

Argument Type Required Description
p1 Vector3 Yes
p2 Vector3 Yes
origin Vector3 Yes The coordinate of the origin point.
normal Vector3 Yes


Given a line defined by the two points p1,p2; and a plane defined by the
normal n and point p0, compute an intersection. Return an object:

let obj = {intersection: ..., betweenPoints: ..., t: ..., x: ...};


  • intersection (boolean): indicates if the plane and line
  • betweenPoints (boolean): indicates if the intersection is between
    the provided points. True if (0 <= t <= 1), and false otherwise.
  • t (Number): parametric coordinate along the line.
  • x (Array): coordinates of intersection.

If the plane and line are parallel, intersection is false and t is set to

Argument Type Required Description
p1 Vector3 Yes The first point coordiante.
p2 Vector3 Yes The second point coordiante.


Given a planes defined by the normals n0 & n1 and origin points p0 & p1,
compute the line representing the plane intersection. Return an object:

let obj = {intersection: ..., error: ..., l0: ..., l1: ...};


  • intersection (boolean): indicates if the two planes intersect.
    Intersection is true if (0 <= t <= 1), and false otherwise.
  • l0 (Array): coordinates of point 0 of the intersection line.
  • l1 (Array): coordinates of point 1 of the intersection line.
  • error (String|null): Conditional, if the planes do not intersect,
    is it because they are coplanar (COINCIDE) or parallel (DISJOINT).
Argument Type Required Description
plane1Origin Vector3 Yes
plane1Normal Vector3 Yes
plane2Origin Vector3 Yes
plane2Normal Vector3 Yes


Given a planes defined by the normals n0 & n1 and origin points p0 & p1,
compute the line representing the plane intersection. Return an object:

let obj = {intersection: ..., error: ..., l0: ..., l1: ...};


  • intersection (boolean): indicates if the two planes intersect.
    Intersection is true if (0 <= t <= 1), and false otherwise.
  • l0 (Array): coordinates of point 0 of the intersection line.
  • l1 (Array): coordinates of point 1 of the intersection line.
  • error (String|null): Conditional, if the planes do not intersect,
    is it because they are coplanar (COINCIDE) or parallel (DISJOINT).
Argument Type Required Description
planeOrigin Vector3 Yes
planeNormal Vector3 Yes


Method used to create a new instance of vtkPlane.

Argument Type Required Description
initialValues IPlaneInitialValues No for pre-setting some of its content


Project a point x onto plane defined by origin and normal. The projected point
is returned in xproj.
!!! note
normal assumed to have magnitude 1.

Argument Type Required Description
x Vector3 Yes
origin Vector3 Yes The coordinate of the origin point.
normal Vector3 Yes
xproj Vector3 Yes


Argument Type Required Description
x Vector3 Yes The point coordinate.
xproj Vector3 Yes The projection point’s coordinate.


Project a vector v onto a plane defined by a normal. The projected vector is
returned in vproj.

Argument Type Required Description
v Vector3 Yes The vector coordinate.
normal Vector3 Yes
vproj Vector3 Yes The projection vector’s coordinate..


Project a vector v onto plane. The projected vector is returned in vproj.

Argument Type Required Description
v Vector3 Yes The vector coordinate.
vproj Vector3 Yes The projection vector’s coordinate..


Translate the plane in the direction of the normal by the distance
specified. Negative values move the plane in the opposite direction.

Argument Type Required Description
distance Number Yes


Set the normal of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate.
y Number Yes The y coordinate.
z Number Yes The z coordinate.


Set the normal of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
normal Vector3 Yes The normal coordinate.


Set the normal object.

Argument Type Required Description
normal Vector3 Yes The normal coordinate.


Set the origin of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
x Number Yes The x coordinate of the origin point.
y Number Yes The y coordinate of the origin point.
z Number Yes The z coordinate of the origin point.


Set the origin of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
origin Vector3 Yes The coordinate of the origin point.


Set the origin of the plane.

Argument Type Required Description
origin Vector3 Yes The coordinate of the origin point.


import { vtkObject } from '../../../interfaces';
import { Vector3 } from '../../../types';

export interface IPlaneInitialValues {
normal?: Vector3;
origin?: Vector3;

interface IIntersectWithLine {
intersection: boolean;
betweenPoints: boolean;
t: number;
x: Vector3;

export interface vtkPlane extends vtkObject {
* Get the distance of a point x to a plane defined by n (x-p0) = 0.
* The normal n must be magnitude = 1.
* @param {Vector3} x The point coordiante.
distanceToPlane(x: Vector3): number;

* Get plane normal.
* Plane is defined by point and normal.
getNormal(): Vector3;

* Get plane normal.
* Plane is defined by point and normal.
getNormalByReference(): Vector3;

* Get the origin of the plane
getOrigin(): Vector3;

* Get the origin of the plane
getOriginByReference(): Vector3;

* @param {Vector3} x The point coordinate.
* @param {Vector3} xproj The projection point's coordinate.
projectPoint(x: Vector3, xproj: Vector3): void;

* Project a vector v onto plane. The projected vector is returned in vproj.
* @param {Vector3} v The vector coordinate.
* @param {Vector3} vproj The projection vector's coordinate..
projectVector(v: Vector3, vproj: Vector3): void;

* Translate the plane in the direction of the normal by the distance
* specified. Negative values move the plane in the opposite direction.
* @param {Number} distance
push(distance: number): void;

* @param {Vector3} x The point coordinate.
* @param {Vector3} xproj The projection point's coordinate.
generalizedProjectPoint(x: Vector3, xproj: Vector3): void;

* Evaluate plane equation for point x.
* Accepts both an array point representation and individual xyz arguments.
* ```js
* plane.evaluateFunction([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
* plane.evaluateFunction(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
* ```
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
evaluateFunction(x: number, y: number, z: number): number;

* Evaluate plane equation for point x.
* Accepts both an array point representation and individual xyz arguments.
* ```js
* plane.evaluateFunction([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
* plane.evaluateFunction(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
* ```
* @param {Vector3} value
evaluateFunction(value: Vector3): number;

* Given the point xyz (three floating values) evaluate the equation for the
* plane gradient. Note that the normal and origin must have already been
* specified. The method returns an array of three floats.
* @param xyz
evaluateGradient(xyz: any): Vector3;

* Given a line defined by the two points p1,p2; and a plane defined by the
* normal n and point p0, compute an intersection. Return an object:
* ```js
* let obj = {intersection: ..., betweenPoints: ..., t: ..., x: ...};
* ```
* where:
* - **intersection** (_boolean_): indicates if the plane and line
* intersect.
* - **betweenPoints** (_boolean_): indicates if the intersection is between
* the provided points. True if (0 <= t <= 1), and false otherwise.
* - **t** (_Number_): parametric coordinate along the line.
* - **x** (_Array_): coordinates of intersection.
* If the plane and line are parallel, intersection is false and t is set to
* Number.MAX_VALUE.
* @param {Vector3} p1 The first point coordiante.
* @param {Vector3} p2 The second point coordiante.
intersectWithLine(p1: Vector3, p2: Vector3): IIntersectWithLine;

* Given a planes defined by the normals n0 & n1 and origin points p0 & p1,
* compute the line representing the plane intersection. Return an object:
* ```js
* let obj = {intersection: ..., error: ..., l0: ..., l1: ...};
* ```
* where:
* - **intersection** (_boolean_): indicates if the two planes intersect.
* Intersection is true if (0 <= t <= 1), and false otherwise.
* - **l0** (_Array_): coordinates of point 0 of the intersection line.
* - **l1** (_Array_): coordinates of point 1 of the intersection line.
* - **error** (_String|null_): Conditional, if the planes do not intersect,
* is it because they are coplanar (`COINCIDE`) or parallel (`DISJOINT`).
* @param {Vector3} planeOrigin
* @param {Vector3} planeNormal
planeOrigin: Vector3,
planeNormal: Vector3
): IIntersectWithLine;

* Set the normal of the plane.
* @param {Vector3} normal The normal coordinate.
setNormal(normal: Vector3): boolean;

* Set the normal of the plane.
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate.
setNormal(x: number, y: number, z: number): boolean;

* Set the normal object.
* @param {Vector3} normal The normal coordinate.
setNormalFrom(normal: Vector3): boolean;

* Set the origin of the plane.
* @param {Vector3} origin The coordinate of the origin point.
setOrigin(origin: Vector3): boolean;

* Set the origin of the plane.
* @param {Number} x The x coordinate of the origin point.
* @param {Number} y The y coordinate of the origin point.
* @param {Number} z The z coordinate of the origin point.
setOrigin(x: number, y: number, z: number): boolean;

* Set the origin of the plane.
* @param {Vector3} origin The coordinate of the origin point.
setOriginFrom(origin: Vector3): boolean;

* Method used to decorate a given object (publicAPI+model) with vtkPlane characteristics.
* @param publicAPI object on which methods will be bounds (public)
* @param model object on which data structure will be bounds (protected)
* @param {IPlaneInitialValues} [initialValues] (default: {})
export function extend(
publicAPI: object,
model: object,
initialValues?: IPlaneInitialValues
): void;

* Method used to create a new instance of vtkPlane.
* @param {IPlaneInitialValues} [initialValues] for pre-setting some of its content
export function newInstance(initialValues?: IPlaneInitialValues): vtkPlane;

* Quick evaluation of plane equation n(x-origin) = 0.
* @static
* @param {Vector3} normal
* @param {Vector3} origin The coordinate of the origin point.
* @param {Vector3} x
export function evaluate(normal: Vector3, origin: Vector3, x: Vector3): number;

* Return the distance of a point x to a plane defined by n (x-p0) = 0.
* The normal n must be magnitude = 1.
* @static
* @param {Vector3} x
* @param {Vector3} origin The coordinate of the origin point.
* @param {Vector3} normal
export function distanceToPlane(
x: Vector3,
origin: Vector3,
normal: Vector3
): number;

* Project a point x onto plane defined by origin and normal. The projected point
* is returned in xproj.
* !!! note
* normal assumed to have magnitude 1.
* @static
* @param {Vector3} x
* @param {Vector3} origin The coordinate of the origin point.
* @param {Vector3} normal
* @param {Vector3} xproj
export function projectPoint(
x: any,
origin: Vector3,
normal: Vector3,
xproj: Vector3
): void;

* Project a vector v onto a plane defined by a normal. The projected vector is
* returned in vproj.
* @static
* @param {Vector3} v The vector coordinate.
* @param {Vector3} normal
* @param {Vector3} vproj The projection vector's coordinate..
export function projectVector(
v: Vector3,
normal: Vector3,
vproj: Vector3
): void;

* Project a point x onto plane defined by origin and normal. The projected
point is returned in xproj.
* !!! note
* normal does NOT have to have magnitude 1.
* @static
* @param {Vector3} x
* @param {Vector3} origin The coordinate of the origin point.
* @param {Vector3} normal
* @param {Vector3} xproj
export function generalizedProjectPoint(
x: any,
origin: Vector3,
normal: Vector3,
xproj: Vector3
): void;

* Given a line defined by the two points p1,p2; and a plane defined by the normal n and point p0, compute an intersection.
* Return an object:
* ```js
* let obj = {intersection: ..., betweenPoints: ..., t: ..., x: ...};
* ```
* where:
* - **intersection** (_boolean_): indicates if the plane and line intersect.
* - **betweenPoints** (_boolean_): indicates if the intersection is between the provided points. True if (0 <= t <= 1), and false otherwise.
* - **t** (_Number_): parametric coordinate along the line.
* - **x** (_Array_): coordinates of intersection.
* If the plane and line are parallel, intersection is false and t is set to
* Number.MAX_VALUE.
* @static
* @param {Vector3} p1
* @param {Vector3} p2
* @param {Vector3} origin The coordinate of the origin point.
* @param {Vector3} normal
export function intersectWithLine(
p1: Vector3,
p2: Vector3,
origin: Vector3,
normal: Vector3
): IIntersectWithLine;

* Given a planes defined by the normals n0 & n1 and origin points p0 & p1,
* compute the line representing the plane intersection. Return an object:
* ```js
* let obj = {intersection: ..., error: ..., l0: ..., l1: ...};
* ```
* where:
* - **intersection** (_boolean_): indicates if the two planes intersect.
* Intersection is true if (0 <= t <= 1), and false otherwise.
* - **l0** (_Array_): coordinates of point 0 of the intersection line.
* - **l1** (_Array_): coordinates of point 1 of the intersection line.
* - **error** (_String|null_): Conditional, if the planes do not intersect,
* is it because they are coplanar (`COINCIDE`) or parallel (`DISJOINT`).
* @static
* @param {Vector3} plane1Origin
* @param {Vector3} plane1Normal
* @param {Vector3} plane2Origin
* @param {Vector3} plane2Normal
export function intersectWithPlane(
plane1Origin: Vector3,
plane1Normal: Vector3,
plane2Origin: Vector3,
plane2Normal: Vector3
): IIntersectWithLine;

* Constants for the `intersectWithPlane` function.
export declare const COINCIDE: string;

* Constants for the `intersectWithPlane` function.
export declare const DISJOINT: string;

* vtkPlane provides methods for various plane computations. These include
* projecting points onto a plane, evaluating the plane equation, and returning
* plane normal.
export declare const vtkPlane: {
newInstance: typeof newInstance;
extend: typeof extend;
evaluate: typeof evaluate;
distanceToPlane: typeof distanceToPlane;
projectPoint: typeof projectPoint;
projectVector: typeof projectVector;
generalizedProjectPoint: typeof generalizedProjectPoint;
intersectWithLine: typeof intersectWithLine;
intersectWithPlane: typeof intersectWithPlane;
export default vtkPlane;
import * as vtkMath from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/Math';
import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';

const PLANE_TOLERANCE = 1.0e-6;
const COINCIDE = 'coincide';
const DISJOINT = 'disjoint';

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function evaluate(normal, origin, x) {
return (
normal[0] * (x[0] - origin[0]) +
normal[1] * (x[1] - origin[1]) +
normal[2] * (x[2] - origin[2])

function distanceToPlane(x, origin, normal) {
const distance =
normal[0] * (x[0] - origin[0]) +
normal[1] * (x[1] - origin[1]) +
normal[2] * (x[2] - origin[2]);

return Math.abs(distance);

function projectPoint(x, origin, normal, xproj) {
const xo = [];
vtkMath.subtract(x, origin, xo);

const t =, xo);

xproj[0] = x[0] - t * normal[0];
xproj[1] = x[1] - t * normal[1];
xproj[2] = x[2] - t * normal[2];

function projectVector(v, normal, vproj) {
const t =, normal);

let n2 =, normal);
if (n2 === 0) {
n2 = 1.0;

vproj[0] = v[0] - (t * normal[0]) / n2;
vproj[1] = v[1] - (t * normal[1]) / n2;
vproj[2] = v[2] - (t * normal[2]) / n2;
return vproj;

function generalizedProjectPoint(x, origin, normal, xproj) {
const xo = [];
vtkMath.subtract(x, origin, xo);

const t =, xo);
const n2 =, normal);

if (n2 !== 0) {
xproj[0] = x[0] - (t * normal[0]) / n2;
xproj[1] = x[1] - (t * normal[1]) / n2;
xproj[2] = x[2] - (t * normal[2]) / n2;
} else {
xproj[0] = x[0];
xproj[1] = x[1];
xproj[2] = x[2];

function intersectWithLine(p1, p2, origin, normal) {
const outObj = {
intersection: false,
betweenPoints: false,
t: Number.MAX_VALUE,
x: [],

const p21 = [];
const p1Origin = [];
// Compute line vector
vtkMath.subtract(p2, p1, p21);
vtkMath.subtract(origin, p1, p1Origin);

// Compute denominator. If ~0, line and plane are parallel.
// const num =, origin) -, p1);
const num =, p1Origin);
const den =, p21);

// If denominator with respect to numerator is "zero", then the line and
// plane are considered parallel.
let fabsden;
let fabstolerance;

// Trying to avoid an expensive call to fabs()
if (den < 0.0) {
fabsden = -den;
} else {
fabsden = den;
if (num < 0.0) {
fabstolerance = -num * PLANE_TOLERANCE;
} else {
fabstolerance = num * PLANE_TOLERANCE;
if (fabsden <= fabstolerance) {
return outObj;

// Where on the line between p1 and p2 is the intersection
// If between 0 and 1, it is between the two points. If < 0 it's before p1, if > 1 it's after p2
outObj.t = num / den;

outObj.x[0] = p1[0] + outObj.t * p21[0];
outObj.x[1] = p1[1] + outObj.t * p21[1];
outObj.x[2] = p1[2] + outObj.t * p21[2];

outObj.intersection = true;
outObj.betweenPoints = outObj.t >= 0.0 && outObj.t <= 1.0;
return outObj;

function intersectWithPlane(
) {
const outObj = {
intersection: false,
l0: [],
l1: [],
error: null,

const cross = [];
vtkMath.cross(plane1Normal, plane2Normal, cross);
const absCross = => Math.abs(n));

// test if the two planes are parallel
if (absCross[0] + absCross[1] + absCross[2] < PLANE_TOLERANCE) {
// test if disjoint or coincide
const v = [];
vtkMath.subtract(plane1Origin, plane2Origin, v);
if (, v) === 0) {
outObj.error = COINCIDE;
} else {
outObj.error = DISJOINT;
return outObj;

// Plane1 and Plane2 intersect in a line
// first determine max abs coordinate of the cross product
let maxc;
if (absCross[0] > absCross[1] && absCross[0] > absCross[2]) {
maxc = 'x';
} else if (absCross[1] > absCross[2]) {
maxc = 'y';
} else {
maxc = 'z';

// To get a point on the intersect line, zero the max coord, and solve for the other two
const iP = []; // intersectionPoint
// the constants in the 2 plane equations
const d1 =, plane1Origin);
const d2 =, plane2Origin);

// eslint-disable-next-line default-case
switch (maxc) {
case 'x': // intersect with x=0
iP[0] = 0;
iP[1] = (d2 * plane1Normal[2] - d1 * plane2Normal[2]) / cross[0];
iP[2] = (d1 * plane2Normal[1] - d2 * plane1Normal[1]) / cross[0];
case 'y': // intersect with y=0
iP[0] = (d1 * plane2Normal[2] - d2 * plane1Normal[2]) / cross[1];
iP[1] = 0;
iP[2] = (d2 * plane1Normal[0] - d1 * plane2Normal[0]) / cross[1];
case 'z': // intersect with z=0
iP[0] = (d2 * plane1Normal[1] - d1 * plane2Normal[1]) / cross[2];
iP[1] = (d1 * plane2Normal[0] - d2 * plane1Normal[0]) / cross[2];
iP[2] = 0;

outObj.l0 = iP;
vtkMath.add(iP, cross, outObj.l1);
outObj.intersection = true;

return outObj;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static API
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const STATIC = {

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkPlane methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function vtkPlane(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

publicAPI.distanceToPlane = (x) =>
distanceToPlane(x, model.origin, model.normal);

publicAPI.projectPoint = (x, xproj) => {
projectPoint(x, model.origin, model.normal, xproj);

publicAPI.projectVector = (v, vproj) => projectVector(v, model.normal, vproj);

publicAPI.push = (distance) => {
if (distance === 0.0) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
model.origin[i] += distance * model.normal[i];

publicAPI.generalizedProjectPoint = (x, xproj) => {
generalizedProjectPoint(x, model.origin, model.normal, xproj);

publicAPI.evaluateFunction = (x, y, z) => {
if (!Array.isArray(x)) {
return (
model.normal[0] * (x - model.origin[0]) +
model.normal[1] * (y - model.origin[1]) +
model.normal[2] * (z - model.origin[2])
return (
model.normal[0] * (x[0] - model.origin[0]) +
model.normal[1] * (x[1] - model.origin[1]) +
model.normal[2] * (x[2] - model.origin[2])

publicAPI.evaluateGradient = (xyz) => {
const retVal = [model.normal[0], model.normal[1], model.normal[2]];
return retVal;

publicAPI.intersectWithLine = (p1, p2) =>
intersectWithLine(p1, p2, model.origin, model.normal);

publicAPI.intersectWithPlane = (planeOrigin, planeNormal) =>
intersectWithPlane(planeOrigin, planeNormal, model.origin, model.normal);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

normal: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
origin: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Object methods
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);

macro.setGetArray(publicAPI, model, ['normal', 'origin'], 3);

vtkPlane(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkPlane');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend, ...STATIC };