

import registerWebworker from 'webworker-promise/lib/register';

import { SlicingMode } from 'vtk.js/Sources/Rendering/Core/ImageMapper/Constants';
import { vec3 } from 'gl-matrix';

const globals = {
// single-component labelmap
buffer: null,
dimensions: [0, 0, 0],
prevPoint: null,
slicingMode: null, // 2D or 3D painting

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

function handlePaintRectangle({ point1, point2 }) {
const [x1, y1, z1] = point1;
const [x2, y2, z2] = point2;

const xstart = Math.max(Math.min(x1, x2), 0);
const xend = Math.min(Math.max(x1, x2), globals.dimensions[0] - 1);
if (xstart <= xend) {
const ystart = Math.max(Math.min(y1, y2), 0);
const yend = Math.min(Math.max(y1, y2), globals.dimensions[1] - 1);
const zstart = Math.max(Math.min(z1, z2), 0);
const zend = Math.min(Math.max(z1, z2), globals.dimensions[2] - 1);

const jStride = globals.dimensions[0];
const kStride = globals.dimensions[0] * globals.dimensions[1];

for (let k = zstart; k <= zend; k++) {
for (let j = ystart; j <= yend; j++) {
const index = j * jStride + k * kStride;
globals.buffer.fill(1, index + xstart, index + xend + 1);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// center and scale3 are in IJK coordinates
function handlePaintEllipse({ center, scale3 }) {
const radius3 = [...scale3];
const indexCenter = => Math.round(val));

let sliceAxis = -1;
if (globals.slicingMode != null && globals.slicingMode !== SlicingMode.NONE) {
sliceAxis = globals.slicingMode % 3;

const yStride = globals.dimensions[0];
const zStride = globals.dimensions[0] * globals.dimensions[1];

let [xmin, ymin, zmin] = indexCenter;
let [xmax, ymax, zmax] = indexCenter;

if (sliceAxis !== 2) {
zmin = Math.round(Math.max(indexCenter[2] - radius3[2], 0));
zmax = Math.round(
Math.min(indexCenter[2] + radius3[2], globals.dimensions[2] - 1)

for (let z = zmin; z <= zmax; z++) {
let dz = 0;
if (sliceAxis !== 2) {
dz = (indexCenter[2] - z) / radius3[2];

const dzSquared = dz * dz;

if (dzSquared <= 1) {
const ay = radius3[1] * Math.sqrt(1 - dzSquared);
if (sliceAxis !== 1) {
ymin = Math.round(Math.max(indexCenter[1] - ay, 0));
ymax = Math.round(
Math.min(indexCenter[1] + ay, globals.dimensions[1] - 1)

for (let y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
let dy = 0;
if (sliceAxis !== 1) {
dy = (indexCenter[1] - y) / radius3[1];
const dySquared = dy * dy;
if (dySquared + dzSquared <= 1) {
if (sliceAxis !== 0) {
const ax = radius3[0] * Math.sqrt(1 - dySquared - dzSquared);
xmin = Math.round(Math.max(indexCenter[0] - ax, 0));
xmax = Math.round(
Math.min(indexCenter[0] + ax, globals.dimensions[0] - 1)
if (xmin <= xmax) {
const index = y * yStride + z * zStride;
globals.buffer.fill(1, index + xmin, index + xmax + 1);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

function handlePaint({ point, radius }) {
if (!globals.prevPoint) {
globals.prevPoint = point;

// DDA params
const delta = [
point[0] - globals.prevPoint[0],
point[1] - globals.prevPoint[1],
point[2] - globals.prevPoint[2],
const inc = [1, 1, 1];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (delta[i] < 0) {
delta[i] = -delta[i];
inc[i] = -1;
const step = Math.max(;

// DDA
const thresh = [step, step, step];
const pt = [...globals.prevPoint];
for (let s = 0; s <= step; s++) {
handlePaintEllipse({ center: pt, scale3: radius });

for (let ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
thresh[ii] -= delta[ii];
if (thresh[ii] <= 0) {
thresh[ii] += step;
pt[ii] += inc[ii];

globals.prevPoint = point;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

function handlePaintTriangles({ triangleList }) {
// debugger;

const triangleCount = Math.floor(triangleList.length / 9);

for (let i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++) {
const point0 = triangleList.subarray(9 * i + 0, 9 * i + 3);
const point1 = triangleList.subarray(9 * i + 3, 9 * i + 6);
const point2 = triangleList.subarray(9 * i + 6, 9 * i + 9);

const v1 = [0, 0, 0];
const v2 = [0, 0, 0];

vec3.subtract(v1, point1, point0);
vec3.subtract(v2, point2, point0);

const step1 = [0, 0, 0];
const numStep1 =
2 * Math.max(Math.abs(v1[0]), Math.abs(v1[1]), Math.abs(v1[2]));
vec3.scale(step1, v1, 1 / numStep1);

const step2 = [0, 0, 0];
const numStep2 =
2 * Math.max(Math.abs(v2[0]), Math.abs(v2[1]), Math.abs(v2[2]));
vec3.scale(step2, v2, 1 / numStep2);

const jStride = globals.dimensions[0];
const kStride = globals.dimensions[0] * globals.dimensions[1];

for (let u = 0; u <= numStep1 + 1; u++) {
const maxV = numStep2 - u * (numStep2 / numStep1);
for (let v = 0; v <= maxV + 1; v++) {
const point = [...point0];
vec3.scaleAndAdd(point, point, step1, u);
vec3.scaleAndAdd(point, point, step2, v);

point[0] = Math.round(point[0]);
point[1] = Math.round(point[1]);
point[2] = Math.round(point[2]);

if (
point[0] >= 0 &&
point[0] < globals.dimensions[0] &&
point[1] >= 0 &&
point[1] < globals.dimensions[1] &&
point[2] >= 0 &&
point[2] < globals.dimensions[2]
) {
point[0] + jStride * point[1] + kStride * point[2]
] = 1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

.operation('start', ({ bufferType, dimensions, slicingMode }) => {
if (!globals.buffer) {
const bufferSize = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * dimensions[2];
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
globals.buffer = new self[bufferType](bufferSize);
globals.dimensions = dimensions;
globals.prevPoint = null;
globals.slicingMode = slicingMode;
.operation('paint', handlePaint)
.operation('paintRectangle', handlePaintRectangle)
.operation('paintEllipse', handlePaintEllipse)
.operation('paintTriangles', handlePaintTriangles)
.operation('end', () => {
const response = new registerWebworker.TransferableResponse(
globals.buffer = null;
return response;
import { vec3 } from 'gl-matrix';
import WebworkerPromise from 'webworker-promise';

import macro from 'vtk.js/Sources/macros';
import vtkImageData from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/ImageData';
import vtkDataArray from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/Core/DataArray';
import vtkPolygon from 'vtk.js/Sources/Common/DataModel/Polygon';

import PaintFilterWorker from 'vtk.js/Sources/Filters/General/PaintFilter/PaintFilter.worker';

const { vtkErrorMacro } = macro;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vtkPaintFilter methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function vtkPaintFilter(publicAPI, model) {
// Set our className

let worker = null;
let workerPromise = null;
const history = {};

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

function resetHistory() {
history.index = -1;
history.snapshots = [];
history.labels = [];

function pushToHistory(snapshot, label) {
// Clear any "redo" info
const spliceIndex = history.index + 1;
const spliceLength = history.snapshots.length - history.index;
history.snapshots.splice(spliceIndex, spliceLength);
history.labels.splice(spliceIndex, spliceLength);

// Push new snapshot

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.startStroke = () => {
if (model.labelMap) {
if (!workerPromise) {
worker = new PaintFilterWorker();
workerPromise = new WebworkerPromise(worker);

workerPromise.exec('start', {
bufferType: 'Uint8Array',
dimensions: model.labelMap.getDimensions(),
slicingMode: model.slicingMode,

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.endStroke = () => {
let endStrokePromise;

if (workerPromise) {
endStrokePromise = workerPromise.exec('end');

endStrokePromise.then((strokeBuffer) => {
worker = null;
workerPromise = null;
return endStrokePromise;

publicAPI.applyBinaryMask = (maskBuffer) => {
const scalars = model.labelMap.getPointData().getScalars();
const data = scalars.getData();
const maskLabelMap = new Uint8Array(maskBuffer);

let diffCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < maskLabelMap.length; i++) {
// maskLabelMap is a binary mask
diffCount += maskLabelMap[i];

// Format: [ [index, oldLabel], ...]
// I could use an ArrayBuffer, which would place limits
// on the values of index/old, but will be more efficient.
const snapshot = new Array(diffCount);
const label = model.label;

let diffIdx = 0;
if (model.voxelFunc) {
const bgScalars = model.backgroundImage.getPointData().getScalars();
const voxel = [];
for (let i = 0; i < maskLabelMap.length; i++) {
if (maskLabelMap[i]) {
bgScalars.getTuple(i, voxel);
// might not fill up snapshot
if (model.voxelFunc(voxel, i, label)) {
snapshot[diffIdx++] = [i, data[i]];
data[i] = label;
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < maskLabelMap.length; i++) {
if (maskLabelMap[i]) {
if (data[i] !== label) {
snapshot[diffIdx++] = [i, data[i]];
data[i] = label;
pushToHistory(snapshot, label);


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.addPoint = (point) => {
if (workerPromise) {
const worldPt = [point[0], point[1], point[2]];
const indexPt = [0, 0, 0];
vec3.transformMat4(indexPt, worldPt, model.maskWorldToIndex);
indexPt[0] = Math.round(indexPt[0]);
indexPt[1] = Math.round(indexPt[1]);
indexPt[2] = Math.round(indexPt[2]);

const spacing = model.labelMap.getSpacing();
const radius = => model.radius / s);

workerPromise.exec('paint', { point: indexPt, radius });

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.paintRectangle = (point1, point2) => {
if (workerPromise) {
const index1 = [0, 0, 0];
const index2 = [0, 0, 0];
vec3.transformMat4(index1, point1, model.maskWorldToIndex);
vec3.transformMat4(index2, point2, model.maskWorldToIndex);
index1[0] = Math.round(index1[0]);
index1[1] = Math.round(index1[1]);
index1[2] = Math.round(index1[2]);
index2[0] = Math.round(index2[0]);
index2[1] = Math.round(index2[1]);
index2[2] = Math.round(index2[2]);
workerPromise.exec('paintRectangle', {
point1: index1,
point2: index2,

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.paintEllipse = (center, scale3) => {
if (workerPromise) {
const realCenter = [0, 0, 0];
const origin = [0, 0, 0];
let realScale3 = [0, 0, 0];
vec3.transformMat4(realCenter, center, model.maskWorldToIndex);
vec3.transformMat4(origin, origin, model.maskWorldToIndex);
vec3.transformMat4(realScale3, scale3, model.maskWorldToIndex);
vec3.subtract(realScale3, realScale3, origin);
realScale3 = => (s === 0 ? 0.25 : Math.abs(s)));
workerPromise.exec('paintEllipse', {
center: realCenter,
scale3: realScale3,

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.canUndo = () => history.index > -1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.paintPolygon = (pointList) => {
if (workerPromise && pointList.length > 0) {
const polygon = vtkPolygon.newInstance();
const poly = [];
for (let i = 0; i < pointList.length / 3; i++) {
pointList[3 * i + 0],
pointList[3 * i + 1],
pointList[3 * i + 2],

if (!polygon.triangulate()) {
console.log('triangulation failed!');

const points = polygon.getPointArray();
const triangleList = new Float32Array(points.length);
const numPoints = Math.floor(triangleList.length / 3);
for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
const point = points.slice(3 * i, 3 * i + 3);
const voxel = triangleList.subarray(3 * i, 3 * i + 3);
vec3.transformMat4(voxel, point, model.maskWorldToIndex);

workerPromise.exec('paintTriangles', {

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.applyLabelMap = (labelMap) => {
const currentMapData = model.labelMap.getPointData().getScalars().getData();

const newMapData = labelMap.getPointData().getScalars().getData();

// Compute snapshot
const snapshot = [];
for (let i = 0; i < newMapData.length; ++i) {
if (currentMapData[i] !== newMapData[i]) {
snapshot.push([i, currentMapData[i]]);

pushToHistory(snapshot, model.label);
model.labelMap = labelMap;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.undo = () => {
if (history.index > -1) {
const scalars = model.labelMap.getPointData().getScalars();
const data = scalars.getData();

const snapshot = history.snapshots[history.index];
for (let i = 0; i < snapshot.length; i++) {
if (!snapshot[i]) {

const [index, oldLabel] = snapshot[i];
data[index] = oldLabel;



// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.canRedo = () => history.index < history.labels.length - 1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.redo = () => {
if (history.index < history.labels.length - 1) {
const scalars = model.labelMap.getPointData().getScalars();
const data = scalars.getData();

const redoLabel = history.labels[history.index + 1];
const snapshot = history.snapshots[history.index + 1];

for (let i = 0; i < snapshot.length; i++) {
if (!snapshot[i]) {

const [index] = snapshot[i];
data[index] = redoLabel;



// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

const superSetLabelMap = publicAPI.setLabelMap;
publicAPI.setLabelMap = (lm) => {
if (superSetLabelMap(lm)) {
model.maskWorldToIndex = model.labelMap.getWorldToIndex();
return true;
return false;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

publicAPI.requestData = (inData, outData) => {
if (!model.backgroundImage) {
vtkErrorMacro('No background image');

if (!model.backgroundImage.getPointData().getScalars()) {
vtkErrorMacro('Background image has no scalars');

if (!model.labelMap) {
// clone background image properties
const labelMap = vtkImageData.newInstance(
model.backgroundImage.get('spacing', 'origin', 'direction')

// right now only support 256 labels
const values = new Uint8Array(model.backgroundImage.getNumberOfPoints());
const dataArray = vtkDataArray.newInstance({
numberOfComponents: 1, // labelmap with single component


if (!model.maskWorldToIndex) {
model.maskWorldToIndex = model.labelMap.getWorldToIndex();

const scalars = model.labelMap.getPointData().getScalars();

if (!scalars) {
vtkErrorMacro('Mask image has no scalars');


outData[0] = model.labelMap;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialization
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object factory
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

backgroundImage: null,
labelMap: null,
maskWorldToIndex: null,
voxelFunc: null,
radius: 1,
label: 0,
slicingMode: null,

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

// Make this a VTK object
macro.obj(publicAPI, model);

// Also make it an algorithm with no input and one output
macro.algo(publicAPI, model, 0, 1);

macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, [

// Object specific methods
vtkPaintFilter(publicAPI, model);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export const newInstance = macro.newInstance(extend, 'vtkPaintFilter');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export default { newInstance, extend };